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-   -   [RELEASE newsfader for all vb version.(11* to 2.0*)] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=22419)

KarateKid[WBC] 08-29-2001 12:22 PM

In my Board -> www.kampfkunst-board.de.vu there is no newest user shown!?!?? Only the variable

Please help me there :(

bitbender 09-02-2001 03:57 AM

I applied this hack and all is working well, with the exception of the newest member line display. The special characters in the code line of index.php in the main VB folder:

$newsfadebits = "\"Welcome our new member??$newusername\",\"\",\n";

My version of VB is having a real problem with the '??' characters.

What are these ?

BabyU 09-02-2001 12:09 PM

I assumed it was just extra "garbage". I took those characters out of the code and it worked fine.

bitbender 09-03-2001 08:24 PM

I did too, and it worked well, I just wanted that "newest member $unewusername' display...:)

BabyU 09-03-2001 08:34 PM

Mine did until I took it out of the script :)

web 09-08-2001 04:15 AM

Just install this hack and customized the background and font colors to match the board. Dropped the table heading so that the fader just comes in and out of the background by itself. Works like a charm. Thanks much.



almighty one 09-10-2001 01:01 AM

this hack seems to work for me it shows welcome our newest memeber then goes on to a test post but it is posting all my posts in html hyper links how do i stop this?

web 09-10-2001 01:12 AM

If you do not want the news posts to be hyperlinks, make sure the URL field is blank, including the default "http://".



almighty one 09-10-2001 01:14 AM

yes i removed the http but it still shows as a hyper link do i need to edit soemhting soemwhere else in the install part to stop this

almighty one 09-10-2001 01:25 AM

also can soemone tell me how to center the text dead center top to bottom if i wanted my box taller then the text is like say i went 1 inch high on box with 1/2 inch text how would it be in the middle of the box?

web 09-10-2001 01:41 AM

I tested it before I replied to you. When the URL field is blank, the news post does not appear as a hyperlink. When the URL field contains "http://" even without the remaining portion of the URL, the news post appears as a hyperlink.



almighty one 09-10-2001 01:44 AM

ok thanx i got it fixed now the center middle issue is at hand also i seen ona board soemwhere that the news fader had various settings like 1st post typed in <i assume using java script DHTML> next post rolled in from top then one did another transition is there a way to add transitions to this or make it look at a list of transitions or soemthing i tried to add a java script in but it is to long text to do so any help is appriciated

Generics 09-11-2001 07:24 PM

is hter a way to change the background color of the newsfader ??

mfg Generics

almighty one 09-12-2001 12:15 AM


Originally posted by Generics
is hter a way to change the background color of the newsfader ??

mfg Generics

yeah right click the fader js file and select edit then look here

FDRboxWid = 820;
FDRboxHgt = 25;
FDRborWid = 2;
FDRborCol = "#336699";
FDRborSty = "solid";
FDRbackCol = "#336699"; <~~~~ bg color
FDRboxPad = 4;

squawell 09-12-2001 06:41 AM

it's a great hack!!


and how to make it display the forum new post??

Generics 09-12-2001 07:50 AM

kewl thx you helped me a lot ;)

mfg Generics

bitbender 09-12-2001 10:35 PM

Is great hack. I like having it on my board.

One thing I've noticed, however, and I've seen at least ONE other in this thread has seen this.

Occasionally, when a new member registers, all the newsfader entries 'leave' the database!

This has happened to me three times in the previous week! I have about 10 news items in the fader table, and they are scrolling along, just fine.

Next thing I know is I get PM's from my membership saying they are gone! I look in CP, and WOW, none of my 10 news entries are there any more....Ok, so I add em back!

Two days later, same thing! I check logs to see whose deleted them, because, surely that's what has happened, but, no log entries!!

Ok, so what was the only other activity at the time??

New user registered themselves to board.

??????? ANybody else see this, or am I blind, and missed the fix in an earlier post?

ColdFusion 10-17-2001 04:13 PM

people dont like to sit in 1 place too long so is there a way to speed it up?
I am assuming it is a setting in the .js file but i cannot find anything!

bbensen 10-22-2001 10:48 PM

Thanks for the great hack! If you want to see my modification of it, you can check here ... www.DIYAW.com

Cyb0rg 11-07-2001 06:54 PM

This fader does not work on *** 2.2.0 anymore. As soon as I up the INDEX.PHP , the board give me a SQL Error like:

Invalid SQL: SELECT title,pagetext FROM announcement WHERE enddate>= AND forumid=0 ORDER BY startdate DESC
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'AND forumid=0 ORDER BY startdate DESC' at line 1

But when I look at the News in my Admin-CP (I had to change some Code to make it implemented there), the News are there and ready to edit.

Whats wrong ?!?!

xug 11-07-2001 11:59 PM

Dear ztsky

Could you update this newsfader for vb2.2.0 !

Many thanks in advance !!

toLTcaboLT 11-15-2001 07:18 PM

Can anyone do it for vbb 2.2.0? Please?!

THank you !

snyx 11-16-2001 12:06 AM

tried the 2.20 install, didn't work
once you edit the $bburl/index.php
you get DB errors when you try to acsess it
sorry, I never caught the errors :p

Renegade 11-17-2001 03:54 AM

Yea I get the same error too.

PBC 11-18-2001 02:18 PM

My guess as to why it's not working in 2.2.0 is the fact that they are now using command lines like:

PHP Code:


instead of embedding the HTML code directly into the file.

Psychdrone 11-19-2001 08:45 PM

yes please please please please someone redue this hack for us 2.2.1 owners!!

xware 11-21-2001 02:15 AM

It's a great hack.
just a little edit for vb2.2*:
in index.php's added code:
PHP Code:


with this:
PHP Code:


if you want the new backgroud color integratedntegtate with your board:
in fader.js:
replace :
FDRbackCol = "#f7f7f7";
FDRbackCol = "";

PBC 11-21-2001 02:25 AM

Perhaps someone can update this hack for 2.2.*, since the original programmer doesnt seem to be around anymore...?

Psychdrone 11-21-2001 02:49 AM

yes that would be great guys!

Psychdrone 11-21-2001 03:00 AM

actually this is wheremy problem is at, where it says

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr bgcolor="#3F3849"><td><font color="#BCB6CD">
<a href="announcement.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=add">add</a> |
<a href="announcement.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=modify">edit</a>

I can't find that in my admin/index? Could some one tell me what line its on?

PBC 11-21-2001 03:04 AM

See my earlier post regarding that...they are no longer using straight HTML anymore, they are using arrays.

They've replaced all that code with the following line:

PHP Code:


bitbender 02-04-2002 11:24 AM

See my reply in the thread here

It's working(this time), too!

Cheers, all.

igowoofwoof 02-05-2002 04:49 AM

how do I add this line into the news fader?

The $bbtitle member of the day is <a href="member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$memberoftheday[userid]">$memberoftheday[username]</a>

please tell me thanks...

Warlord 03-22-2002 02:27 AM

Ok, I re-wrote the hack to work on 2.2.4 with code from the posts of BitBender and PBC.

Just thought I'd make it a bit easier for some of the newer php hackers to install this. :)

vBulletin Newsfader Hack for 2.2.4

Files to edit:

Template to edit:

**1)open ADMIN/INDEX.PHP and find**

makenavoption("Add","announcement.php?action=add", "|");
makenavoption("Modify","announcement.php?action=mo dify");
// ***

**just below it,add this**

// start of newsfader hack
makenavoption("Add","newsfade.php?&action=add","|" );
makenavoption("Edit","newsfade.php?&action=modify" ,"|");
makenavselect("Forum News");
// end of newsfader hack

**save and upload**

**2)open vb/index.php and find**

if ($birthdays) {
eval("\$birthdaybits = \"".gettemplate("forumhome_birthdaybit")."\";") ;

**just below it add this**

// Hack newsfade
$newsfadebits = "\"<b><i>Welcome to $bbtitle</b></i>\",\"\",\n";
$newsfades=$DB_site->query("SELECT title,pagetext FROM announcement WHERE enddate>=$today AND forumid=0 ORDER BY startdate DESC");
while ($newsfade=$DB_site->fetch_array($newsfades)) {
$newsfadebits = substr($newsfadebits,0,-2);
// End Hack newsfade

**3)edit template forumhome and find:**

<meta name="description" content="$bbtitle is a discussion forum powered by vBulletin. To visit the forum, go to $bburl/ . To find out about vBulletin, go to http://www.vbulletin.com/ .">
<title>$bbtitle - powered by vBulletin</title>

**Just below it,add**

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.2' TYPE='text/javascript'>
arNews = [
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.2' SRC='fader.js' TYPE='text/javascript'></script>

**************note: this should be added before "$header"**************

**then find**

<!-- /text -->


<!-- main -->

**just below it,add this code**

<table bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="100%" border="0">
<TR bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" id=cat><TD colspan=6>
<normalfont color="{categoryfontcolor}">Forum News</normalfont></td>
<tr><td colspan=6 bgcolor="#f7f7f7" height=30 valign="top" align="center">
<div id="elFader" style="position:relative;visibility:hidden;width:5 00"><div align="center">Forum news</div></div>

<table cellpadding="{tableouterborderwidth}" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" {tableouterextra} width="{contenttablewidth}" align="center"><tr><td>

**********upload NEWSFADER.PHP to you vb/ADMIN
**********upload FADER.JS to your vb/
**********go to you vb/ADMIN modify or post a news!

You're done.

hypedave 07-02-2002 11:27 AM

okay I have this installed on vb 2.2.6 but for some reason, my news only last one day , anyone have a fix to this problem

Bugz 07-02-2002 08:50 PM


Originally posted by rmusic
theres acouple problems

1. Doesnt match sites colors
2. The last Member isnt working

i can fix the colors but i dont know about the last member to post :(

god i was such a newb back then.

its also nice to know that ppl were hacking there boards on september 11 last year

hypedave i might install this again but at the moment i dunno so i cant really help you. this hack might be out of date.

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