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mrpaint 09-20-2009 10:19 AM

I forgot to mention this little tweak: if you are going to post thread in an area which can not be viewed by guest, the checkboxes will be turned off automatically. You can turn them on manually to get the new thread published :-? Hmm, this is a small test, hope you like it :D

mrpaint 09-20-2009 10:22 AM

I don't know if you realized or not but if you test posting thread with some images in [img] tag, the first 4 images will be displayed in the news feed in Facebook ;) Sorry for these triple posts... I gotta go now :P

principino1984 09-20-2009 10:42 AM

it works great...I'm just lookin out at che comment cause the looks like this in my fb:



mrpaint 09-20-2009 11:06 AM

From my point of view, your screenshot has no problem. What do you expect it to be?

Veer 09-20-2009 11:43 AM

Just installed right now.
When I click on "Edit Settings" link I get these errors:

Warning: fopen(fbb.log) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/fbb/functions.php on line 609

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/fbb/functions.php on line 610

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/fbb/functions.php on line 611

I followed all instructions, and also chmod 777 fbb folder, so what is wrong?

After adding API and other details error gone.

mrpaint 09-20-2009 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Veer (Post 1887971)
Just installed right now.
When I click on "Edit Settings" link I get these errors:

Warning: fopen(fbb.log) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/fbb/functions.php on line 609

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/fbb/functions.php on line 610

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/fbb/functions.php on line 611

I followed all instructions, and also chmod 777 fbb folder, so what is wrong?

After adding API and other details error gone.

Well, this product has a fall-back log function that store all error code in a file (not in database). The file is located in your forum root named "fbb.log". Please create that file and chmod to 777. The reason for this file is to log everything independently from vBulletin database system. In the future release, I think I will remove the needs for this file but... not now :D

PS: Even the error are gone, you should create that file and chmod. We may need the debug information in it later.

principino1984 09-20-2009 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1887966)
From my point of view, your screenshot has no problem. What do you expect it to be?

those number shouldn't be number but some kind of written comments :D


bahrainonline 09-20-2009 01:43 PM


i followed the installation procedure and i installed it smoothly

but my site went so slow and i can't access my webserver now

mrpaint 09-20-2009 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by principino1984 (Post 1887992)
those number shouldn't be number but some kind of written comments :D


You mean they are text but when published to Facebook, they become numbers???


Originally Posted by bahrainonline (Post 1888011)

i followed the installation procedure and i installed it smoothly

but my site went so slow and i can't access my webserver now

Well, the auto-login can sometime slow down the page loading time but after the first check, it won't check again in the next 6 hours. If you are not sure about the product, you can try to go to Product Manager page and disable/uninstall it. If you can't do that, try to make change to config files and turn off hook systems (do a search in Google and you will find out what you need to do). Good luck, mate

Veer 09-20-2009 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1887975)
Well, this product has a fall-back log function that store all error code in a file (not in database). The file is located in your forum root named "fbb.log". Please create that file and chmod to 777. The reason for this file is to log everything independently from vBulletin database system. In the future release, I think I will remove the needs for this file but... not now :D

PS: Even the error are gone, you should create that file and chmod. We may need the debug information in it later.

Thank you :)

Another problem.

1) I tried to turn off "Auto Register", If I do that I can not see Facebook Connect button to Login, I also checked $template_hook[navbar_buttons_right] it is there.

2) I tried also with both (login+register) option turned on, Now I can see Facebook Connect button but I can not register with or without email address, I think this is because of vMail - Verify Mail before registration.

Sorry, your e-mail address is incorrect (does not match the verification code).

BBR-APBT 09-20-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1887879)
The idea of Facebook Connect is the user already done human verification and has a valid email address so it's not necessary to require email validation. And it's impossible also because we need the sending email permission in order to send email but if user can't log in, they won't be able to grant that email permission

When you log out of vBulletin, it's a required to log out of Facebook also to prevent a loop of logging in and logging out

Well, I use some hooks in the standard registration process to support other mods/hacks/products but sometimes, the other mod get conflicted with the Facebook registration. So, if you give me the name of the Introducing Thread, I will check it out and prevent future conficts

PS: FYI, the checkboxes are done :>

Since I validate email addresses the email and password box shows up for registration with facebook. The user inputs a email and they go strait to registered users. They can put in any email they want. So when I send my monthly news letter I will get email returns. Thus could cause my ip to be listed as spam. Just cause they login with facebook does not mean they will put a valid email.

I can deal with when they log out of vbulletin they are also logged out of facebook.

Here is the intro on register I use.

Thanks so much for all your help man.

principino1984 09-20-2009 03:39 PM

I thinks it was a fb problem cause now the comments are correct! I installed on my big forum...do you think it's possible to choose wheter the checkbox are checked by default or not?


principino1984 09-20-2009 04:17 PM

sorry for the second post... two little bugs:

first one...the template "fbb_navbar_button" don't show up in the navbar even if I have the line "$template_hook[navbar_buttons_right]" written correctly in the navbar template.

second one.. about the coding... now the a,è,ù,ì etc don't mess up in the notification but they are not displayed at all. But at lease there's no wierd symbols for them.


mrpaint 09-20-2009 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Veer (Post 1888020)
Thank you :)

Another problem.

1) I tried to turn off "Auto Register", If I do that I can not see Facebook Connect button to Login, I also checked $template_hook[navbar_buttons_right] it is there.

2) I tried also with both (login+register) option turned on, Now I can see Facebook Connect button but I can not register with or without email address, I think this is because of vMail - Verify Mail before registration.

Sorry, your e-mail address is incorrect (does not match the verification code).

I changed the code to display the Facebook Connect button correctly even if you disable the auto register function. It will be include in the next version
About vMail. I have checked that product. They use hard-coded template edit so from outside I can't make it work this time. You have 2 options (in case you want to use this Facebook Bridge and it's registration process):
  1. Stop using vMail
  2. I will alther the code and temporary disable vMail in Facebook Bridge registration process.


Originally Posted by BBR-APBT (Post 1888061)
Since I validate email addresses the email and password box shows up for registration with facebook. The user inputs a email and they go strait to registered users. They can put in any email they want. So when I send my monthly news letter I will get email returns. Thus could cause my ip to be listed as spam. Just cause they login with facebook does not mean they will put a valid email.

I can deal with when they log out of vbulletin they are also logged out of facebook.

Here is the intro on register I use.

Thanks so much for all your help man.

Well, I changed the code to meet your requirement. The new files will be included in the next release.
About Force Intro On Register. I looked at their code and it seems to be fine. You talked something about the error only happens on the index list. Can you describe more about it or take a screenshot (which is better). Thanks


Originally Posted by principino1984 (Post 1888071)
I thinks it was a fb problem cause now the comments are correct! I installed on my big forum...do you think it's possible to choose wheter the checkbox are checked by default or not?


If the user disable the function in UserCP, no checkbox will be display ;)


Originally Posted by principino1984 (Post 1888084)
sorry for the second post... two little bugs:

first one...the template "fbb_navbar_button" don't show up in the navbar even if I have the line "$template_hook[navbar_buttons_right]" written correctly in the navbar template.

second one.. about the coding... now the a,?,?,? etc don't mess up in the notification but they are not displayed at all. But at lease there's no wierd symbols for them.


Which template contain the template_hook? Is it navbar or header?

Hmm, the encoding issue is a tough one. I currently have no idea though :(

Ohiosweetheart 09-20-2009 08:03 PM

I'll have to give this one a try, since the other didn't work.

principino1984 09-20-2009 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1888144)

If the user disable the function in UserCP, no checkbox will be display ;)

Yup I know that... but do you think you can make that the checkbox even if displayed are not checked by default? Or implement an option in the usercp?


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1888144)

Which template contain the template_hook? Is it navbar or header?

the template_hook is in the navbar


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1888144)

Hmm, the encoding issue is a tough one. I currently have no idea though :(

Ok... if you find the problem it'll be great...right now I think this is the best bridge around! You're damn great!

I'll be waiting nex release for more features ;)

I'm translating the whole thing in Italian..I will send you the italian xml language file as soon as I'm finished ok?


webrats 09-20-2009 08:55 PM


is my problem

Veer 09-20-2009 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1888144)
I changed the code to display the Facebook Connect button correctly even if you disable the auto register function. It will be include in the next version
About vMail. I have checked that product. They use hard-coded template edit so from outside I can't make it work this time. You have 2 options (in case you want to use this Facebook Bridge and it's registration process):
  1. Stop using vMail
  2. I will alther the code and temporary disable vMail in Facebook Bridge registration process.

ok, that will be good.
can not stop vMail or FB cause both are damn good :D I think 2nd option is better If possible, Thanks.

Veer 09-20-2009 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by principino1984 (Post 1888187)
Yup I know that... but do you think you can make that the checkbox even if displayed are not checked by default? Or implement an option in the usercp?

Good suggestion, check box feature is really good but it is better not checked by default in anyway.


Originally Posted by principino1984 (Post 1888187)
Ok... if you find the problem it'll be great...right now I think this is the best bridge around! You're damn great!

I agree, this one is superb :up:

redlabour 09-20-2009 09:42 PM

Awesome work!

redlabour 09-20-2009 09:57 PM

Fan List only opens a blank new Window.

Navbarbutton does not shown up.

Sorry - absolutely unusable in this state.

webrats 09-20-2009 10:00 PM

~Supplied template data does not cover the following tokens [threadurl, threadtitle] needed for template '{*actor*} posted a reply in <a href="{*threadurl*}">{*threadtitle*}</a>.


Warning: file_put_contents(fbb_showthread_complete.txt) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/fbb/hook_showthread_complete.php on line 52

redlabour 09-20-2009 10:01 PM

And BTW - a IM Card and a Sidebar for Profilepage is missing too. :confused:

TNCclubman 09-20-2009 10:27 PM

My website has photo tagging (user can tag themselves or their friends on any pic in any album uploaded to vbulletin. Is it possible for your mod to then make a wall post on facebook saying they got tagged, and a thumbnail of the photo from my vbulletin?

mrpaint 09-20-2009 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Veer (Post 1888203)
[/list]ok, that will be good.
can not stop vMail or FB cause both are damn good :D I think 2nd option is better If possible, Thanks.

I think I will make the changes in the next version ;)


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1888216)
Fan List only opens a blank new Window.

Navbarbutton does not shown up.

Sorry - absolutely unusable in this state.

Can you give me more detail about your setup? If the Edit Settings (with templates) page is going well, you may need to send me the file named fbb.log in your forum root. It's the debugging one and maybe I can help


Originally Posted by webrats (Post 1888218)
~Supplied template data does not cover the following tokens [threadurl, threadtitle] needed for template '{*actor*} posted a reply in <a href="{*threadurl*}">{*threadtitle*}</a>.


Warning: file_put_contents(fbb_showthread_complete.txt) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/fbb/hook_showthread_complete.php on line 52

Did you modify the default templates?

Well, your server doesn't allow file writing permission in the forum root but it's okie since that behavior is just a debugging effort. I will remove the debugging code in showthread in the next release


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1888220)
And BTW - a IM Card and a Sidebar for Profilepage is missing too. :confused:

I didn't get your idea of IM Card and Sidebar? What are they? What is profilepage also? You mean ./member.php huh?


Originally Posted by TNCclubman (Post 1888230)
My website has photo tagging (user can tag themselves or their friends on any pic in any album uploaded to vbulletin. Is it possible for your mod to then make a wall post on facebook saying they got tagged, and a thumbnail of the photo from my vbulletin?

I assume you used another plugin/product to provide tagging function, right? Yes, it's possible but you need to give me the link to that plugin/product so I can check it out

webrats 09-20-2009 11:44 PM

no i havnt changed the temlates it does have multiple options from me to choose from

BBR-APBT 09-21-2009 12:31 AM

When I test the new version when you release it I will test it again to try and get the error and then take screen shots it may work for some odd reason with the simple changes you made already.

RWerksman 09-21-2009 02:00 AM

This doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm getting the following in fbb.log

22:51 20092009|/forum/register.php?do=signup&fbb|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method
22:51 20092009|/forum/ajax.php?do=fbb_fetch_userinfo|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method
22:53 20092009|/forum/ajax.php?do=fbb_fetch_userinfo|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method
22:53 20092009|/forum/register.php?do=signup&fbb|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method
22:54 20092009|/forum/ajax.php?do=fbb_fetch_userinfo|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method

mrpaint 09-21-2009 03:04 AM

I hope you guys won't get tired of the uploading/importing tasks everyday because I have just released the YAFB version 1.7 :D

mrpaint 09-21-2009 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by webrats (Post 1888249)
no i havnt changed the temlates it does have multiple options from me to choose from

It's very strange since the showthread's script is one of the most important script and I checked it carefully. Why don't you send me your forum URL via PM and I will come by and do some tests?


Originally Posted by RWerksman (Post 1888278)
This doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm getting the following in fbb.log

22:51 20092009|/forum/register.php?do=signup&fbb|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method
22:51 20092009|/forum/ajax.php?do=fbb_fetch_userinfo|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method
22:53 20092009|/forum/ajax.php?do=fbb_fetch_userinfo|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method
22:53 20092009|/forum/register.php?do=signup&fbb|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method
22:54 20092009|/forum/ajax.php?do=fbb_fetch_userinfo|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method

The log looks normal (because most of the time the ajax and register script will get the error message of invalid session key). Can you provide me more info such as a screenshot of your settings page in AdminCP. Another screenshot of options page in UserCP. Can you connect Facebook Account with one of your existing vBulletin Account? So on...

Veer 09-21-2009 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1888290)
I hope you guys won't get tired of the uploading/importing tasks everyday because I have just released the YAFB version 1.7 :D

Sounds Good, Keep it up man :)
Please also include upgrade guidance, thanks.

mrpaint 09-21-2009 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Veer (Post 1888295)
Sounds Good, Keep it up man :)
Please also include upgrade guidance, thanks.

Err, just upload all files but you can skip files inside /fbb/fbplatform they are untouched (these files are from Facebook and they have large size, hmm)
Then reimport the xml
Yay, you are done

Veer 09-21-2009 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1888297)
Err, just upload all files but you can skip files inside /fbb/fbplatform they are untouched (these files are from Facebook and they have large size, hmm)
Then reimport the xml
Yay, you are done

Thanks :)

I updated to the latest version, but still I can not see facebook connect button If I disable "Auto Register", I checked this on default vB style too.

mrpaint 09-21-2009 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Veer (Post 1888298)
Thanks :)

I updated to the latest version, but still I can not see facebook connect button If I disable "Auto Register", I checked this on default vB style too.

Oops, it's really my mistake. Please do this file edit manually (I'm really sorry, honestly)

Open ./fbb/hook_global_start.php
PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->fbb['runtime']['enabled']
    AND !
$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
'$template_hook["navbar_buttons_right"] .= "' fetch_template('fbb_navbar_button') . '";');

Change it into

PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->fbb['runtime']['enabled']
    AND (
$vbulletin->fbb['config']['auto_register'] OR $vbulletin->fbb['config']['auto_login'])
    AND !
$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
'$template_hook["navbar_buttons_right"] .= "' fetch_template('fbb_navbar_button') . '";');


Veer 09-21-2009 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1888300)
Oops, it's really my mistake. Please do this file edit manually (I'm really sorry, honestly)

Open ./fbb/hook_global_start.php
PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->fbb['runtime']['enabled']
    AND !
$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
'$template_hook["navbar_buttons_right"] .= "' fetch_template('fbb_navbar_button') . '";');

Change it into

PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->fbb['runtime']['enabled']
    AND (
$vbulletin->fbb['config']['auto_register'] OR $vbulletin->fbb['config']['auto_login'])
    AND !
$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
'$template_hook["navbar_buttons_right"] .= "' fetch_template('fbb_navbar_button') . '";');


Yay! now I can see that button, but this button still going to "/register.php?do=signup&fbb" location, Can not let me login.

BBR-APBT 09-21-2009 04:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Bug Report:
When I send a PM it sends a notification to facebook even though I have it off. How ever I do have it turned on to notify me when I receive a PM.

Here is the notification:
has just sent you a new Private Message with the title "Re: can you send me a pm back".

This is when I send a PM the username is blank and it says someone sent me the PM.
Incoming works fine.

Now back to the intro post:

See the double user name in the red square. It is supposed to be single user name like the arrow points to.
This is only on the intro thread.

Also when you hover over the Test2 Intro It will show this in my browser:
But it really goes to this link /showthread.php?p=0#post0
It only does this on the intro thread as well.

And the last one it still bypasses the auth email check for me.

Thanks again for all your hard work and fast updates.

mrpaint 09-21-2009 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by BBR-APBT (Post 1888303)
Bug Report:
When I send a PM it sends a notification to facebook even though I have it off. How ever I do have it turned on to notify me when I receive a PM.

Here is the notification:
has just sent you a new Private Message with the title "Re: can you send me a pm back".

This is when I send a PM the username is blank and it says someone sent me the PM.
Incoming works fine.

Now back to the intro post:

See the double user name in the red square. It is supposed to be single user name like the arrow points to.
This is only on the intro thread.

Also when you hover over the Test2 Intro It will show this in my browser:
But it really goes to this link /showthread.php?p=0#post0
It only does this on the intro thread as well.

And the last one it still bypasses the auth email check for me.

Thanks again for all your hard work and fast updates.

I don't understand the part you talked about PM notification. Can you describe again? :confused:

About the Intro Thread, it's really weird! I will take a deeper look later :(

About the email, it only send email validation to normal email addresses, Facebook email addresses will be bypassed. I tested with my forum, can you test again?

@Veer: Click that link will let you login with your Facebook session :-?

Veer 09-21-2009 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1888316)
@Veer: Click that link will let you login with your Facebook session :-?

Nope, It is going to regular forum registration page.
And vMail error is still there during Facebook registration:

Sorry, your e-mail address is incorrect (does not match the verification code).

redlabour 09-21-2009 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1888246)
I didn't get your idea of IM Card and Sidebar? What are they? What is profilepage also? You mean ./member.php huh?

Take a look at the Screenshots of this Mod for Example:

Engage Twitter

these are the minimum Features that should appear in a Bridge.


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1888246)
Can you give me more detail about your setup? If the Edit Settings (with templates) page is going well, you may need to send me the file named fbb.log in your forum root. It's the debugging one and maybe I can help

00:50 21092009|/forum/admincp/options.php?do=options&dogroup=fbb|userid=1~Invali d API key

API Key is absolutely correct. :(

principino1984 09-21-2009 12:42 PM

where should be this options?

1.7.2 Added options for user to choose if he/she wants to display checkboxes all the time


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