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simmer1974 09-16-2009 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by yilmaz (Post 1885527)
img tag and paste images to the top of the message
image url link into the address should not
up the number of images showing the images from admin settings reduce

Sorry i don't understand.. Are you replying to my question?

Manoel J?nior 09-17-2009 01:02 AM

Not see pictures for me! I would also center.

Help-me yilmaz.. See:


PS: Already put the ID's of Forums

yilmaz 09-17-2009 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 1886110)
Not see pictures for me! I would also center.

Help-me yilmaz.. See:

PS: Already put the ID's of Forums

upload pictures to topic (Manage Attachments)

Manoel J?nior 09-17-2009 01:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank You!

But Error Image:

Attachment 104487


The correct would be:


I went to this address and the following error appears:


Warning: fopen(/home/gcert/www/forum/anexos/1/30.thumb) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/attachment.php on line 284

yilmaz 09-17-2009 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 1886115)
Warning: fopen(/home/gcert/www/forum/anexos/1/30.thumb) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/attachment.php on line 284

(chmod)777 the right to print folder anexos

Manoel J?nior 09-17-2009 01:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yes, yes, yes...

I edit #44 post, please see.

Attachment 104488

yilmaz 09-17-2009 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by simmer1974 (Post 1885675)
Sorry i don't understand.. Are you replying to my question?


simmer1974 09-17-2009 08:24 AM

When i upload an image to an imagehost, the bb-code i recieve is like this:

PHP Code:


When i use this in my post it shows no picture but pieces of the code above instead of the thumbnail.. Is there a way to filter the code and it uses only the thumbnail?

yilmaz 09-17-2009 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by simmer1974 (Post 1886223)
When i upload an image to an imagehost, the bb-code i recieve is like this:

PHP Code:


When i use this in my post it shows no picture but pieces of the code above instead of the thumbnail.. Is there a way to filter the code and it uses only the thumbnail?

Add this part only:

HTML Code:


dvbusuario 09-18-2009 04:16 AM

The thumbnails are stored in your page
How to ask to be placed on self-control?




Change to:



P.S. Could you share the file resim.php

Because if your domain expires or you close your web site, the hack unusable

Sorry for my english :( (Google Traslator) xD

Thank You!

atmaca 09-18-2009 05:11 AM

Installed. Nice add-on.

yilmaz 09-18-2009 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by dvbusuario (Post 1886796)
The thumbnails are stored in your page
How to ask to be placed on self-control?
Change to:
P.S. Could you share the file resim.php
Because if your domain expires or you close your web site, the hack unusable
Sorry for my english :( (Google Traslator) xD
Thank You!

Since 1998 was not any problem...

I sent you a private message...

dvbusuario 09-18-2009 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by yilmaz (Post 1887102)
Since 1998 was not any problem...

I sent you a private message...

Thank You very much!

I need asign permissions chmod 777 to the file or the folder?

Thanks Again.

Edit: Works perfectly add chmod 777 to the folder "h" ;)

dvbusuario 09-21-2009 03:09 AM

How can I do if I want to add 2 separate and distinct categories?

1 with Movies and the other with music for example?

Thank you.

mp3u 09-21-2009 09:43 AM

Hi there,
Do I need to upload each one of those xml files? I tried but got a emssage saying the product was already installed. Also, there is something about a javascript at the bottom of the mod cp... I don't really understand what I'm supposed to do with it.
One other thing, where do I upload the images/urls?

This is a very nice looking mod but I can't understand any of the instructions. You might want to have someone put an English help file together plus tidy up the English in the Admin CP. I've got it installed and would really like to switch it on - can anyone tell me how to use this?

yilmaz 09-21-2009 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by mp3u (Post 1888368)
Hi there,
Do I need to upload each one of those xml files? I tried but got a emssage saying the product was already installed. Also, there is something about a javascript at the bottom of the mod cp... I don't really understand what I'm supposed to do with it.
One other thing, where do I upload the images/urls?

This is a very nice looking mod but I can't understand any of the instructions. You might want to have someone put an English help file together plus tidy up the English in the Admin CP. I've got it installed and would really like to switch it on - can anyone tell me how to use this?

1) Unfortunately, you know to add only 1 times
2) to establish more than one need to change settings
3) We have explained above how to add pictures and url
4) If you want javascript to your own site at me, but not mandatory

marianoblesa 09-22-2009 12:17 AM

Hi there any way that they mark the new thread.


mp3u 09-22-2009 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by yilmaz (Post 1888622)
3) We have explained above how to add pictures and url

Hi Yilamez, thank you for the quick reply - you are the first coder to answer any of my newbie questions!:up:

I've read through the thread but I still can't understand how to add the images (most of the posts in this thread are not from native English speakers and everyone seems to have a very good grasp of code). There doesn't seem to be anywhere in the Mod CP to point towards the images...

It would be great if you could put up a very basic step by step guide for newbies to make this work. The translation software is making things difficult to understand.

yilmaz 09-22-2009 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by mp3u (Post 1888836)
Hi Yilamez, thank you for the quick reply - you are the first coder to answer any of my newbie questions!:up:

I've read through the thread but I still can't understand how to add the images (most of the posts in this thread are not from native English speakers and everyone seems to have a very good grasp of code). There doesn't seem to be anywhere in the Mod CP to point towards the images...

It would be great if you could put up a very basic step by step guide for newbies to make this work. The translation software is making things difficult to understand.

Properly written in English by Mr Guitarlogan (I hereby thank you for the wonderful help to Guitarlogan)

Bugs have been fixed.


Another friend also had 2 separate posters

is yes

vendor needs to do only
product-otofilmseriti_6_yilmaz_oto_kayan_en_auto_thumbnail .xml to download and install.

mp3u 09-23-2009 01:52 PM

Great, the Mod CP is much better to read now:)

I still can't work out where I upload the images to though? How do I use the mod?

1320Nation 09-23-2009 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by mp3u (Post 1889392)
Great, the Mod CP is much better to read now:)

I still can't work out where I upload the images to though? How do I use the mod?

Yes I agree the Mod CP is much better. But the image adding instructions are needed, in english.

simmer1974 09-23-2009 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by yilmaz (Post 1886263)
Add this part only:

HTML Code:


I know what you mean, but when i remove the url from the image, people can only view the thumbnail in the post and not full size because the url is missing.

Is it possible that you code it, that only the [img] part is taken from the link?
Almost every post contains external images with thumbnail on my site...


RobbieZ 09-23-2009 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by mp3u (Post 1889392)
Great, the Mod CP is much better to read now:)

I still can't work out where I upload the images to though? How do I use the mod?

Ok. You need to grab a picture you want use and upload it to tinypic.com you will then be given your image code that looks like this > http://i31.tinypic.com/xxxxx.jpg

Now make a new post in your forum. that will look like this >


[IMG ]http://i31.tinypic.com/xxxxx.jpg[/ IMG]

<Film quote>

<Film link etc>
Now post this

Note the number of the forum you are using for your post eg. 94

and type that into the adminCP


The mod will now thumbnail your picture from your post into the filmstrip and display it.

tipu sulthan 09-25-2009 12:28 AM

i'm confused
i installed XMl what i have to do next??

RobbieZ 09-25-2009 02:38 PM

Change the forum ID to your forum that shows pictures.


Your posts must have picture tags ie [IMG ][/ IMG] in the first part of your post of this will not work.

mp3u 09-25-2009 03:47 PM

I can't get it to work... i set up a private admin only forum with a unique id eg 100, then I uploaded the BB coded image links, set the forum number in the mod Admin CP but all I get is a header for where the marquee should display - no content. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

OZeLBiRi 09-25-2009 06:15 PM

emeğine sağlık yılmaz abi teşekkürler...

marianoblesa 09-25-2009 07:48 PM

Hello yilmaz, it might add a 2nd film

yilmaz 09-25-2009 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by marianoblesa (Post 1890591)
Hello yilmaz, it might add a 2nd film

Yes separate film strip will be 2 separate
See the first message,
Download install them separately:
product-otofilmseriti_5_yilmaz_oto_kayan_en_auto_thumbnail .xml
product-otofilmseriti_6_yilmaz_oto_kayan_en_auto_thumbnail .xml


Originally Posted by mp3u (Post 1890491)
I can't get it to work... i set up a private admin only forum with a unique id eg 100, then I uploaded the BB coded image links, set the forum number in the mod Admin CP but all I get is a header for where the marquee should display - no content. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

I sent the site address will help.

marianoblesa 09-27-2009 07:40 PM

[QUOTE = Yilmaz; 1890616] Sí tira de película por separado será de 2 por separado
Véase el primer mensaje,
Descargar instalar por separado:
producto otofilmseriti_5_yilmaz_oto_kayan_en_auto_thumbnail .xml
producto otofilmseriti_6_yilmaz_oto_kayan_en_auto_thumbnail .xml [/ QUOTE]

Thanks, you could do one for expecificar topics to show?

jskoh 09-28-2009 06:56 AM

hi, this is great mod. however. image seem to be blur

yilmaz 09-29-2009 05:12 AM

php file which pictures smaller download if you add to your own site


jskoh 09-29-2009 10:23 AM

hi, dont get you... you mean upload the php file to my server?

mitch84 09-29-2009 12:36 PM

Hi, I can't see pictures but only text "[URL=http://www.casimages.com]XXX" why? thx

jskoh 09-29-2009 12:46 PM

using [img] image url [/img] at the first line of post

mitch84 09-29-2009 12:50 PM

it's only for bbcode img? ok, thank, I understand now, but files attachments don't works too? desinstalled, not for me

jskoh 09-29-2009 01:02 PM

as far as i know, it doesnt work for attachment.

DePReM11 09-29-2009 01:12 PM

yılmaz abi film şeridi türkçe hatalı ekledigimde ya forum görünmüyor ya da silmeye kalktıgımda bir konu başka yere yönlendiriyor bi bakarsan sevinirim

yilmaz 09-30-2009 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by DePReM11 (Post 1892291)
yılmaz abi film şeridi t?rk?e hatalı ekledigimde ya forum g?r?nm?yor ya da silmeye kalktıgımda bir konu başka yere y?nlendiriyor bi bakarsan sevinirim

Merhaba DePReM Bey dediğin sorunla hi? karılaşmadım, ingilizce olanı dendinizmi ? aynı sorun devam ediyorsa yerinde incelemek lazım.

DePReM11 09-30-2009 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by yilmaz (Post 1892602)
Merhaba DePReM Bey dediğin sorunla hi? karılaşmadım, ingilizce olanı dendinizmi ? aynı sorun devam ediyorsa yerinde incelemek lazım.

abi default temada sorun ?ıkarmıyor ama başka temada olsun sayfanın geri kalanı yok yanlış olmasın abi t?rk?e olanı kurdum bide ingilizce olanı denicem şu sorunlar ?ıktı abi

konu silmeye kalktıgımda beni başka bi b?l?me y?nlendiriyor

sonra mozillada ?ıkıyor sorun yok ama explorer ile a?ınca siteyi film seridi var gerisi yok
abi yardımcı olursan ?ok sevinirim

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