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Sweeks 08-15-2009 12:44 AM

Some text in the sidebar that is there but missing is Don't Diss The...

My mistake it is fine for guests, logged in is a mess with missing texts etc,

Where do I add the guest IF condition within your templates? I tried earlier but it stopped it showing for both members and guests :)


Konstantinos 08-15-2009 12:47 AM

doesnt work for me. images for flags show broken and translations mess up the templates

Sweeks 08-15-2009 12:49 AM

Figured it out NLP-ER, cyb top statistics mod I wrapped with your no translate tags and everything is perfect :)

Thanks for this fine release ;)

NLP-er 08-15-2009 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Sweeks (Post 1867592)
On teen forums, click a translator flag and look at our footer, all of the copyright text is gone.

Also how can I show to guests only? :)

I did it for Polish flag (and smoe other) and everything is fine... Wht browser are you using I will try in yours (I use Opera).

About guests only use $show['guest'] in if as condition, or wait for next release, when it will be configurable :)

Sweeks 08-15-2009 12:57 AM

Actually this is messing up templates for example here:



Theyre going awfully weird.

I am using firefox latest.

I also notice this, when a flag is first clicked it wont load the templates perfect but once the flags been clicked again it loads the templates as normal.

NLP-er 08-15-2009 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Neutral Singh (Post 1867604)
my only reason for apprehension against installing this module is the url contention it may cause to google... once this mod generated urls like this one

.... /lang/link.html

I am good to go...

I understand :) BTW. Google is indexing pages with attributes very fine. I have 2 sites which base on go attribute - and I'm very high in results for which those was positioned.

So I respect that Google wish that parameters disappear from links, but it is only wish - those will not disappear and Google is and will handle it well.

As fast as I will have good solution links will look like Google wishes, but right now I'm not expert of .htaccess and there is a key... So if someone want to help me in answering some of my questions about it (by giving me samples of what I want to do) I will be very happy :)

NLP-er 08-15-2009 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Sweeks (Post 1867608)
Some text in the sidebar that is there but missing is Don't Diss The...

My mistake it is fine for guests, logged in is a mess with missing texts etc,

Where do I add the guest IF condition within your templates? I tried earlier but it stopped it showing for both members and guests :)


Tempates are listed in mod description. You have to ouse it for whole test of eahc of 3 templates.

Can you give me some test acount - even without any rights - I want to see what you are talking about.

NLP-er 08-15-2009 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Konstantinos (Post 1867609)
doesnt work for me. images for flags show broken and translations mess up the templates


Link please :) I will gladly help. Beta stage means - some trobules can occure ;)

Sweeks 08-15-2009 01:11 AM

Please look for me :)


NLP-er 08-15-2009 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Sweeks (Post 1867611)
Figured it out NLP-ER, cyb top statistics mod I wrapped with your no translate tags and everything is perfect :)

Thanks for this fine release ;)

Great. BTW - I also have this mod and it's fine on my side. When in vB every one can change look like he wants it becomes really interesting to not mess with translation ;)

I still would be happy if could see this problem - it could help for future. So I will be very happy if you at least PM me html for broken page (before you set not translation section). You can delete it, take translation result (best in polish) and set it back :)

NLP-er 08-15-2009 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Sweeks (Post 1867624)

I switch to Polish ;) Looks fine (like for automatic translation :D).
I see that you have topic about OOBE - I have sub forum about it ;) In polish :D

yahoooh 08-15-2009 01:41 AM

perfect work
i still have the vbseo issue for threads but the best thing that this product work for all vbulletin addons including: vba dyna ,vbgallery and others

there are needing to change of the:
<html dir="rtl" lang="ar" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
so it will be lang=en for english and so on
that was work in the other work

nlp- plz read your pm i will support u

NLP-er 08-15-2009 02:01 AM


Big bug fixed ;) Mod doesn't mess in template anymore (it did in some specific cases)

Google has batch translation limit which I didn't realize. Thats why pages where was many texts to translate was messed up.

It is already fixed :)

yahoooh 08-15-2009 02:03 AM

i see that when i use: REQUEST_URI
it will rewrite all addons but the links in vbulletin for language link not rewrite

when i use: VBSEO_URI
all vbulletin pages has rewrite lnaguge link but the addons will not
is there any way to make the product work for vbulletin and any thing has rewrite roles to use VBSEO_URI
and if not it will use

NLP-er 08-15-2009 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Sweeks (Post 1867616)
Actually this is messing up templates for example here:



Theyre going awfully weird.

I am using firefox latest.

I also notice this, when a flag is first clicked it wont load the templates perfect but once the flags been clicked again it loads the templates as normal.


NLP-er 08-15-2009 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by yahoooh (Post 1867636)
perfect work
i still have the vbseo issue for threads but the best thing that this product work for all vbulletin addons including: vba dyna ,vbgallery and others

there are needing to change of the:
<html dir="rtl" lang="ar" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
so it will be lang=en for english and so on
that was work in the other work

nlp- plz read your pm i will support u

Ok. Going to PM ;)

NLP-er 08-15-2009 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by yahoooh (Post 1867646)
i see that when i use: REQUEST_URI
it will rewrite all addons but the links in vbulletin for language link not rewrite

when i use: VBSEO_URI
all vbulletin pages has rewrite lnaguge link but the addons will not
is there any way to make the product work for vbulletin and any thing has rewrite roles to use VBSEO_URI
and if not it will use


NOt really sure that understood it fully, but yes - why not ;)

Seriously - need more info. Best if I can see what you writing about. If you will give me acess to forum which has such bechawior (can be test instance) I can made necessary changes in my mod :)

yahoooh 08-15-2009 02:48 AM

still :
there are needing to change of the:
<html dir="rtl" lang="ar" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
so it will be lang=en for english and so on
that was work in the other work

NLP-er 08-15-2009 04:56 AM


Bug fixed with translation of '0' string.

Also added little feature - if some parts of your forum uses vbSEO and some are not then now flags will have appropriate URL's everywhere :)

NLP-er 08-15-2009 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by yahoooh (Post 1867662)
still :
there are needing to change of the:
<html dir="rtl" lang="ar" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
so it will be lang=en for english and so on
that was work in the other work

What is the difference? What is using this lang attribute? And what for?

bollie 08-15-2009 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1867267)
This is FAQ :)

1. Can I add translated pages to sitemap?
Yes - very easy :) install vbSEO Sitemap Generator (it is free) and edit one file: vbseo_sitemap_functions.php in vbseo_sitemap directory.


$vbseo_stat[$archived?'at':'t'] += vbseo_add_2urls(
And place under it:

//additional code
$alanguages = array ('sq', 'ar','bg', 'ca', 'zh-CN', 'hr', 'cs', 'da', 'nl', 'en', 'et', 'tl', 'fi', 'fr', 'gl', 'de', 'el', 'iw', 'hi', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'lv', 'lt', 'mt', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sr', 'sk', 'sl', 'es', 'sv', 'zh-TW', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi', 'sq', 'ca', 'et', 'tl', 'gl', 'hi', 'id', 'lv', 'lt', 'mt', 'sl', 'uk', 'vi');
  foreach($alanguages as $language) {
    vbseo_add_url(vbseo_url_thread($threadrow, $p, $archived).'?language='.$language, $prior, $threadrow['lastpost'], $freq);
//end additional code

Also if you disabled some languages in option panel you have to delete it codes.

So to be sure whole code with some lines under and bellow will look like:

                            for($p=1; $p<=$totalpages; $p++)
                                //additional code
$alanguages = array ('sq', 'ar','bg', 'ca', 'zh-CN', 'hr', 'cs', 'da', 'nl', 'en', 'et', 'tl', 'fi', 'fr', 'gl', 'de', 'el', 'iw', 'hi', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'lv', 'lt', 'mt', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sr', 'sk', 'sl', 'es', 'sv', 'zh-TW', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi', 'sq', 'ca', 'et', 'tl', 'gl', 'hi', 'id', 'lv', 'lt', 'mt', 'sl', 'uk', 'vi');
  foreach($alanguages as $language) {
    vbseo_add_url(vbseo_url_thread($threadrow, $p, $archived).'?language='.$language, $prior, $threadrow['lastpost'], $freq);
//end additional code
                            $vbseo_stat[$archived?'at':'t'] += vbseo_add_2urls(
                                    vbseo_url_thread($threadrow, $p, $archived),
                                    vbseo_url_thread($threadrow, $p, $archived, true),

Pice of cake :)

2. I have warnings in safe mode - what to do?
Just turn off save mode - it is DEPRECATED in php and not supported in future versions. See here for details:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /home/xxxxx/domains/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_sitemap_functions.php on line 310

NLP-er 08-15-2009 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by bollie (Post 1867699)
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /home/xxxxx/domains/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_sitemap_functions.php on line 310

Sorry - I wrote under - should be above ;) See in example.

Thanks for letting me know :) Already fixed in first post :)

yahoooh 08-15-2009 05:14 AM

for example :

show the source:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="pl">

it should also replace pl to be:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en">

this was work in your modified version which is graved now

bollie 08-15-2009 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1867702)
Sorry - I wrote under - should be above ;) See in example.

Thanks for letting me know :) Already fixed in first post :)

you use paypal ?

yahoooh 08-15-2009 05:38 AM

also i want to prevent translation of the users name
can i use groupuser
and but code before and after user name
so it will prevent translations

crazymilk 08-15-2009 10:04 AM

loaded up but flags images not shown?

chick 08-15-2009 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by crazymilk (Post 1867781)
loaded up but flags images not shown?

Same here on the flags, I have them in the proper location according to mouse over on the flag, using 3.8.4 vbulletin and they do not show.

jaconi 08-15-2009 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1867489)
Thanks for note :)

1) Can you give me link to your forum? On my side it is ok and I want to see what happens. I need to reproduce error to be able to work with it and it's working fine on my forum.
See PM , but already working , thanks to your update
ALREADY CORRECTED IN 1.0.2 - I think - I cannot reproduce, but found typo in variable name so it should solve the problem of error :) Tell me what with those translations on your board (link would be helpful).

2) About flags - I must to mess smoesthing after testing - It don't works on my side too. I will corect this fast.
Is working fine now !

3) About going back after translation - click on flag for your language and you will go back or just dissable tracking
That did it ! , when i disable url tracking everything is fine ;)

So here everything is fine and working :)

still one question , because i'm not a coder or something :eek:

if i want no border around the flags , wich code ( no border ....) must i have , and were to place it ?

Best regards a happy guy :)

Ps : i use version 3.8.4 & 1.4zip
(i did clean install !)

elenh 08-15-2009 11:14 AM

Flags are not showing.. but very nice addon!

basilrath 08-15-2009 11:22 AM

same here ..... flags not showing

paths are incorrect

Sweeks 08-15-2009 11:23 AM

Thanks for the update, I dont seem to be getting messed up templates now :D

One slight problem, with URL tracking on I have a small problem where once translated I cant get back to the primary language as it translates to a different language.

jaconi 08-15-2009 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by elenh (Post 1867800)
Flags are not showing.. but very nice addon!

Can you edit in CP
EP translator flags
$path = your directory where you uploaded flags ;)

Sweeks 08-15-2009 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by jaconi (Post 1867792)
So here everything is fine and working :)

still one question , because i'm not a coder or something :eek:

if i want no border around the flags , wich code ( no border ....) must i have , and were to place it ?

Best regards a happy guy :)

Ps : i use version 3.8.4 & 1.4zip
(i did clean install !)

Try adding this to your styles additional CSS at the bottom:


img {border:0;}

jaconi 08-15-2009 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Sweeks (Post 1867811)
Try adding this to your styles additional CSS at the bottom:


img {border:0;}

Thanks !!
is working !

elenh 08-15-2009 11:56 AM

The path is correct but the images are not showing...
PHP Code:

        $path '/vbenterprisetranslator_flags/'

The root folder of my forum is 'forum' i have try with that too but still not showing..

jaconi 08-15-2009 12:05 PM


$path = '/yourforum/vbenterprisetranslator_flags/';
        if ('/' != DIR) {
          $path = yourforum.$path;

that should be working
it's working here

elenh 08-15-2009 12:10 PM

PHP Code:

        $path '/forum/vbenterprisetranslator_flags/';
        if (
'/' != DIR) {
$path forum.$path;

still not showing the flags.. :(

basilrath 08-15-2009 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by jaconi (Post 1867828)

$path = '/yourforum/vbenterprisetranslator_flags/';
        if ('/' != DIR) {
          $path = yourforum.$path;

that should be working
it's working here

no flags here either ...... wheres the php code to change the $path

chick 08-15-2009 12:29 PM

My path is /home/name/public_html

I have them there and additionally inserted the folder elsewhere too on the hope they would show..... and still not showing.

basilrath 08-15-2009 12:30 PM

the problem is within the product xml

the paths need changing

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