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dancue 05-31-2009 01:20 AM

Can you make it where the author of the thread is directed to edit thread when he clicks on the "no thumbnail" image?

dancue 05-31-2009 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Null Parameter (Post 1820359)
So if the URL doesn't specify a Thumbnail URL then automatically use the first one in their post? Interesting idea as well.

It's amazing what people can come up with that I never would have thought of.

And back on the thought of adding this to the RSS2 Feed, I actually have another mod I wrote (not posted, yet) that creates a Media RSS Feed using the thumbnail, which also allows your website to be enabled for cooliris. Think that is sufficient, or do you think I should still try to inject it into the RSS2 feed?

Or 1st attached thumbnail...

That feature is one that is offered in the mod "Article Forums". :D

And I love it!!

kalisekj 06-01-2009 12:20 AM

:( I made all the edits and made the no thumbnail image and put it on the server, but now all the threads show the no thumbnail image, I go into thread and on first post I put the url IE: http://i44.tinypic.com/293zoz6.jpg and I save, but I still get the No thumbnail image , i edit again and it has nothing in the url field. So it appears the system is not saving the url I give it. Help Please!

kalisekj 06-01-2009 12:22 AM

BTW I am at 3.8.2

aztecboi2003 06-01-2009 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by kalisekj (Post 1821008)
:( I made all the edits and made the no thumbnail image and put it on the server, but now all the threads show the no thumbnail image, I go into thread and on first post I put the url IE: http://i44.tinypic.com/293zoz6.jpg and I save, but I still get the No thumbnail image , i edit again and it has nothing in the url field. So it appears the system is not saving the url I give it. Help Please!

Did you try removing the no thumbnail image? And then seeing if that would work? I'm using it without the thumbnail image and it works fine. I'm on 3.8.2 also.

kalisekj 06-01-2009 12:41 AM

Update : Making a New Thread it works , but editing a thread and putting in a url does not work. It will not save the URL. :(

kalisekj 06-01-2009 12:41 AM

No Image shows up when I remove the No thumbnail Image. Not even the selected Smiley

kalisekj 06-01-2009 12:52 AM

I even tried using the code for newthread and still no good, the url is not being saved. I checked to see if it was because I was not owner of the thread and that was not the problem either. I'm running out of ideas of why it will not save the url info.

kalisekj 06-01-2009 12:58 AM

This is very important since there are 6,000 movies already posted I would like to show the Thumbnail for the movie.
Also Stickied Threads are not showing anything but the post icon.
Sure would be nice if I had the option to pull in the first attachment.??

aztecboi2003 06-01-2009 01:01 AM

Sorry I can't help you. My smilies don't show either, but I don't mind. I can edit an post and add a smilie but it doesn't save. But on my board i don't mind. But if I edit a post and add a url it works for me.

Null Parameter 06-01-2009 01:17 AM

Posting 6 times in under an hour isn't going to get me to reply any quicker, I can't be sitting at my computer every minute of every day.

I don't know what to tell you about the edit not working, because it has been working for everybody else. You could try uninstalling and reinstalling it, but besides that I can't really tell you anything else.

You can also try this version, it includes a little change to add the URL differently, more similar to the New Thread way. But besides that, I wouldn't even know where to start.

kalisekj 06-01-2009 01:31 AM

Sorry about the multiple posts, Dawned on me kinda late to just edit my thread and add in new info. More info on the problem though, if I create a thread and put in a thumbnail url (which works fine), then decide to edit the thread and change the url, it lets me edit the url and saves it fine. Example of how things are going, http://freeonlinemoviesforum.com/2009-movies-f126.html.

I appreciate any and all help you can give on this. I will try the new file you gave and let you know. :D
Ok I installed new file and allowed overwrite but appears nothing happened and no difference, also if new thread is moved to another forum i lose the ability to change the url or even add one. :(

Are there any different template edits I need to make with that new file?

Null Parameter 06-01-2009 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by kalisekj (Post 1821055)
Ok I installed new file and allowed overwrite but appears nothing happened and no difference, also if new thread is moved to another forum i lose the ability to change the url or even add one. :(

Moving the thread to a different forum will remove the ability to change the URL because that second forum probably isn't in the list of forums in the ACP.

As far as not saving the information, I'm not sure what's going on. I'll keep looking into it, but at this time I don't have a clue.

kalisekj 06-01-2009 02:50 AM

I have enabled like 50 forums for the thumbnail, could that be causing the problem? Having too many forums enabled? This mod you made is truly AWESOME and exactly what I have been looking for on my site and works good on new threads made. I appreciate any and all help on this and any upgrades you may make, like if it will bring in the first attached image that will automatically bring in all posters for my site on activated forums. If you can do that then you can surely expect a donation from me for that solves all my problems and will make the site Look so much better. WooHoo!

Null Parameter 06-01-2009 02:58 AM

You could try just enabling it on one and see if that fixes the issue, but I don't think that will do it.

I'll be working on the attachment thing in the very near future, that's been requested a few times, so it's high on the priority list.

kalisekj 06-01-2009 01:35 PM

I did a little more digging into this, as I see it you are creating a db table "$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread ADD thumbnailurl varchar(250) NOT NULL");"
I checked my DB and there is not a Table_Prefix , nor a threadinfo, nor a thumbnailurl field

<td><input type="text" class="bginput" name="thumbnailurl" value="$threadinfo[thumbnailurl]

I think the problem is that the table was never created nor the field for the table so the info is not getting saved properly. Can you help me figure this out?

I manually created the Table "threadinfo" and put in the field "thumbnailurl" but it did not seem to make a difference.

Null Parameter 06-01-2009 02:14 PM

You may or may not have a Table Prefix, that depends upon the database, but vBulletin should take care of that, this is how all of the vBulletin code works.

The db code you mentioned above adds the thumbnailurl column to the thread table, which I can see from the image does already exist. The $threadinfo doesn't reference the table itself, but a PHP variable that's defined to hold information retrieved from the thread table.

kalisekj 06-01-2009 05:35 PM

Hey Null where can I go to see if the url values are being written to the db?
I also had to manually add in thumbnailurl field to the Thread Table, still made no difference. :(
I manually inserted data into the thumbnailurl field for a particular thread and still the system is not bringing in the poster. So I am obviously looking in the wrong place for the db info on these thumbnails.
I also searched the entire db for one of the url's from a new post in which the thumbnail is working and see no results in the DB for that thumbnail, where is the system hiding this info?
Thanks for all your help on this.

MySQL client version: 4.1.22
MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

Null Parameter 06-01-2009 06:02 PM

From that screenshot you sent earlier, you'll have to search in the thread table using a threadid that you have attempted to set the thumbnail on. Then look for the thumbnail url field, there will either be a url there or there will be nothing.

kalisekj 06-01-2009 07:21 PM

Hi Null,
First off the thumbnailurl was not even a field in the Thread Table, I created the field manually in the Thread Table, input a image url on a particular thread and it did not show up when I edited that thread. I then took the url for the thread thumbnail that does work and did a complete search of the entire VB DB and it did not find the url. Although it did find the url I did put in manually. So I am missing something, mostly curious where is it writing the info to if not the Site's DB? Also shouldn't it pull the one thumbnailurl I manually put in the db?

I appreciate you helping me with this, :D
Maybe you could help me tell it to write and retrieve the url from the Table and field I created, I have created Table = Threadinfo with Field = thumbnailurl, I also put in Table = Thread the Field = thumbnailurl, with the same parameters I believe you intended to use.
I am sorry to be such a bother but this is very important to my website and its users and you would earn the gratitude of me and thousands of people all around the world for your help on this matter. :D

Null Parameter 06-01-2009 07:47 PM

I guarantee that the field is in the thread table, otherwise it wouldn't work when you create a new thread either, but you said that it does work in that case.

Null Parameter 06-01-2009 08:09 PM


make sure to use the original product file, the second one that I sent you isn't thoroughly tested and I think it might have a bug in it. While the first one is highly tested and I know it works for several people.

Chadi 06-04-2009 12:18 AM

Not sure what's going on, did the 3 manual template edits and
although I see the field to insert a thumbnail link, the actual
forum I chose (id 75) shows no thumbnail column at all.

I am using a custom skin.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Null Parameter 06-04-2009 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Chadi (Post 1823047)
Not sure what's going on, did the 3 manual template edits and
although I see the field to insert a thumbnail link, the actual
forum I chose (id 75) shows no thumbnail column at all.

I am using a custom skin.

Thanks in advance for any help.

It's probably something to do with the template edit in threadbit, if you want you can PM me your template and I'll take a look.

Chadi 06-04-2009 12:51 AM

Thanks, pm sent.

Chadi 06-05-2009 04:08 AM

Thanks Null for your help. Got it working.

Just one thing, please have this also apply to sticky threads as well.


Null Parameter 06-05-2009 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Chadi (Post 1823727)
Thanks Null for your help. Got it working.

Just one thing, please have this also apply to sticky threads as well.


I'll definitely put that in as an option.

dancue 06-05-2009 02:58 PM

Will the next update include getting the thumbnail from the first post of the thread automatically? I've had this installed for a few days now and no one seems to be using this. Would be nice for it to automatically search for it's thumbnail.

Null Parameter 06-05-2009 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by dancue (Post 1823956)
Will the next update include getting the thumbnail from the first post of the thread automatically? I've had this installed for a few days now and no one seems to be using this. Would be nice for it to automatically search for it's thumbnail.

It will definitely have the attachment option, where it will automatically use the first attachment. I'm not sure about using the first image in the post, I haven't looked into how difficult that will be. I'll have to get back to you on that.

DNG 06-09-2009 06:59 PM

looks nice, thanks :)

WebCraker 06-12-2009 12:38 PM


Making a New Thread it works , but editing a thread and putting in a url does not work. It will not save the URL.
same problem with me and with some other users here got the same issue, so i came back to you to find a solution if there's away we can figure out a fix for this problem

I tried to edit the field thumbnailurl on the thread table and the thumbnail changed perfecto but not a good solution for users who can't deal with db's or phpmyadmin :(


Just one thing, please have this also apply to sticky threads as well.
Yeah it will be good


It will definitely have the attachment option, where it will automatically use the first attachment. I'm not sure about using the first image in the post, I haven't looked into how difficult that will be. I'll have to get back to you on that.
what about if there's an option or a check box behind the attachments to choose a thmbnail for the thread .. this is my idea about attachment

will be back to you if there's any new

erictitan 06-13-2009 01:03 AM


is this the best solution to for attaching an icon to the left of a thread just below a post catagory?

I dont want users to be able to post thumbnails but would like to add a set of icons to the threads I created.


ricardoNJ 06-14-2009 06:48 AM

Installed... Thanks!!! :)

steve71 06-15-2009 10:02 PM

Possible Future Features (With Request)
Display Thumbnail in Search
•Options for Display Locations
•Additional column instead of replacing Thread Icon
•Displaying Thumbnail within thread
•Edit thumbnail through Thread Edit
•Thumbnail Preview in Edit Window
•Automatic Template Edits

Any luck with the update for displaying thumbnails with the search or new/today's posts pages?

spmatrix 07-21-2009 03:04 AM

I made it and it's ok for some threads, but some other threads still sawing the nothumb image.

And what about to have and for stikys too ?

stevetank 07-21-2009 03:41 PM

This works a treat...

Well done,


Sayid 07-29-2009 05:12 AM

waiting for Future Features

and I hope you solve the bug of sticky threads

vktechnology 07-30-2009 08:57 PM

I use this plug in with this thumbnail

it will display thumbnail from attacement automaticly

both are working togetther

Dribbles 08-18-2009 03:24 PM


doileloi 08-21-2009 04:23 PM

thank you work verry good [install] . any ideas how to show at Potal vBadvanced CMPS thanks

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