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smacklan 04-14-2009 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Se?or Ramos (Post 1791001)
EDIT: And I've always had a genuine curiosity of the idea that God is like our unconditionally loving father. My uconditionally loving father didn't send me to hell for fornicating before marriage and not apologizing to him... do you see where my quandry is? I just don't see why the punishment has be as swift and important as the reward? Should the reward be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (heaven) or the rainbow itself (life)?

God is indeed like that however He tells us the difference is His holy nature that prevents Him from having anything to do with sin. Mistakes and errors are made by us all and God isn't just hovering, awaiting an opportunity to punish. There is a very real punishment waiting for those who He will judge deserving of "punishment" but I firmly believe God does not want any to face His wrath and has said so. A way was made by Him to obtain cleansing from those sins enabling His spirit to dwell within us while on this earth to help, comfort and guide us until the time comes to be with Him for an eternity. It's a great promise and very real. God knows what hearts are open to Him and those that are closed forever...He will answer if sincerely sought out! :)

Red Blaze 04-14-2009 04:13 PM

Smacklan's right. He doesn't want anyone to die, but live for eternity. However, one has to work for it and meet God's requirements. What are they? They're in the Bible. Jesus said two main rules that create all of God's Laws. "Love God with all your Strength, Mind and Soul." and the second, "Love thy neighbor."

The "Laws" that God gave Moses are not laws today, but are principles. Guides, if you will, that help us in our every day lives.

KevinL 04-14-2009 04:18 PM

"Love thy neighbor." -----as long as they're not different then you or don't follow a different religion...

Which is whack...

smacklan 04-14-2009 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Red Blaze (Post 1791118)
Smacklan's right. He doesn't want anyone to die, but live for eternity. However, one has to work for it and meet God's requirements. What are they? They're in the Bible. Jesus said two main rules that create all of God's Laws. "Love God with all your Strength, Mind and Soul." and the second, "Love thy neighbor."

The "Laws" that God gave Moses are not laws today, but are principles. Guides, if you will, that help us in our every day lives.

Very well put my friend and spot on!


Originally Posted by KevinL (Post 1791124)
"Love thy neighbor." -----as long as they're not different then you or don't follow a different religion...

Which is whack...

That last part was added by...? It's not in any bible I ever read ;)

Red Blaze 04-14-2009 05:31 PM

God isn't partial. When Jesus said "Love Thy Neighbor", he doesn't include a conditional. The "KKK" take the whole thing to a whole 'nother level. They "twisted" it to their convenience. Jesus wasn't a white or "American". He was a Jew. Which that alone collapses their belief.

I'm not trying to attack them, but seriously. Jesus did not say "Hate thy black people." That would completely contradict not only what Jesus says, but what God himself says.

Se?or Ramos 04-14-2009 07:20 PM

I kind of wish I hadn't added that second part, because the first part of my post is what I really wanted noticed. I did have a question, but I'm not here to prove or disprove God. I am a mere mortal and do not have the power to do that. Thus, we have the ability to believe. I have spent much time trying to grow my spiritual side, and it just so happens to not include God. I have found happiness my own way. Why would God ignore a good deed if it was not done in his name?

smacklan 04-14-2009 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Se?or Ramos (Post 1791263)
I kind of wish I hadn't added that second part, because the first part of my post is what I really wanted noticed. I did have a question, but I'm not here to prove or disprove God. I am a mere mortal and do not have the power to do that. Thus, we have the ability to believe. I have spent much time trying to grow my spiritual side, and it just so happens to not include God. I have found happiness my own way. Why would God ignore a good deed if it was not done in his name?

I'm glad you did...and I accept that you are content where you are, I won't try and rain on that! I appreciate you sharing your beliefs in a way that doesn't belittle mine and I hope I did the same in kind towards you with my reply :)

Se?or Ramos 04-14-2009 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by GSeybold (Post 1780742)
I wonder what the world would be like if the entire planet did away with organized religion. People would only be allowed to pray and worship at home, no religious based organizations were allowed. No churches, no synagogues, no mosques, no public religious halls, monuments anywhere. We all just worshiped in our homes, when we wanted and how we wanted. Oh and preaching in public banned as well.

I wonder what our world would be like then?.... :)

The world would be angrier than it is now. The number of non-religious people that want that are a very small minority compared to the people that like things the way they are. Now, if it were made illegal to reference God or anything religious in government or politics, we might all get along a bit more. I know God is the tenant of many peoples' beliefs and morals, but it's not for everyone, and since we are all created equally, we all deserve to compromise a little for each other. It's not hard to do. Just look the other way if it's disagreeable to your beliefs.

Yes, smacklan, I did. Why can't we all just agree to disagree so happily?

tldagent 04-14-2009 09:19 PM

Amen Senor Ramos!


Originally Posted by Red Blaze (Post 1791183)
That would completely contradict not only what Jesus says, but what God himself says.

Sure red but the only proof we have is what was written by men who thought the world ended in Ireland. Your placing your stock in what you've read in the Bible and learned in church. While it's all good, is that what God says? Do you know that beyond a reasonable doubt? What about Sikhism and Buddhism and all the other religions out there that have different books... are they all wrong?

My point is, man has divided each other with our perceptions of a god. It's not which god you worship that matters, all the matters is that you worship MY GOD or this god or that god. Man created the idea of a god and then claimed that God spoke to him and these were the words he wrote. What about the scriptures that didn't make it into the bible? What about the political agendas and pressures during the formation of it? What about the life of Christ prior to the age of 34? What happened to all this. Not to mention the fact that Christ spoke in a language of Science... Aramaic. What about all these things?

Shall we just turn a blind eye say... my parents and their parents and their parents were taught to believe in one thing and that is what I shall believe in? What about upsetting the ancestors by questioning whether or not this is truth?

Man, in the beginning worshiped the sun. That thing in the sky that sets every evening and rises every day. Eventually humankind evolved into worshiping a different kind of god or Gods... many gods. Is everyone wrong? Who's right?

Next, which version of the bible do you believe? The one that looks the best on your night stand or the one that resonates with you the most? They all say something slightly different and are open to interpretation. Times change, people change and evolve and it amazes me that we cannot see past our noses when it comes to all these different religions.

Religions cause wars. Christians slaughtered the Muslims during the crusades and we sit here and wonder why the Muslims don't like our Christina nation. Are we that stupid of a society? We go around telling everyone else how they should live and if they don't live according to our rules we become warriors? This isn't at all like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Muhammad... None of them.

One day, one day people will realize that the God they have built edifices of separation from is the divine light that shines within every man. One day people will realize that hell is something we create for each other in our own blind ambitions and one day we'll realize that the only sin in this world is the sins we commit against each other. One day one day we'll wake up to see the light of Jesus Christ within every man. The second coming of Christ isn't a man falling out of the sky people it's the Christ consciousness awakening within..... GEESH! :D

Ok, I'm done. Peace!

ADDED: I had to screen shot the image because member changed avatar right away.

KevinL 04-14-2009 09:53 PM

@tldagent the last part of that was well said...

smacklan 04-14-2009 10:03 PM

Obviously tldagent I have struck a nerve with you...good. In regards to the other garbage you've posted, good for you on that too. Those that know me, and there are many in this community, know who I am and what I'm about so your snide insinuations are of no consequence but bravo to you for taking the low road. I'll repeat something I said earlier just for you, I respect your right to your opinion but I'm really not swayed or impressed by it.
I will give you this, my avatar, although meant to be funny, is not representative of who I am nor very appropriate so thanks for at least opening my eyes to giving an impression I don't want to. Peace! :rolleyes:

pspcrazy 04-14-2009 10:06 PM

I'm sorry to say this but your making it seem like religion is the root of all evil. If you took your faces out of your behinds you might notice that religion has little to do with any modern warfare, which has killed more people then any religious battles have. Stalin was a purely secular leader, with a secular nation, and you saw what happened when they took morals out of the picture, massive slave camps just to build factories. If they had religion and morals none of that would have happened. The problem is today most of you have confused corruption within the catholic church and conflict in the middle east as a religious thing. They aren't. almost all religions have peaceful roots. Islam is also a peaceful religion, sadly though today there is no such thing as a religious state, as most of their leaders are corrupt dogs placed there by the U.S.

If you want to blame something for wars blame your in ability to protect and riot when there is one. When people don't step out and protest the government will keep on jacking our money and placing it behind more weapons research and consistently have to start new wars to use those weapons they've made with that research.

tldagent 04-14-2009 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by pspcrazy (Post 1791357)
I'm sorry to say this but your making it seem like religion is the root of all evil. If you took your faces out of your behinds you might notice that religion has little to do with any modern warfare, which has killed more people then any religious battles have. Stalin was a purely secular leader, with a secular nation, and you saw what happened when they took morals out of the picture, massive slave camps just to build factories. If they had religion and morals none of that would have happened. The problem is today most of you have confused corruption within the catholic church and conflict in the middle east as a religious thing. They aren't. almost all religions have peaceful roots. Islam is also a peaceful religion, sadly though today there is no such thing as a religious state, as most of their leaders are corrupt dogs placed there by the U.S.

If you want to blame something for wars blame your in ability to protect and riot when there is one. When people don't step out and protest the government will keep on jacking our money and placing it behind more weapons research and consistently have to start new wars to use those weapons they've made with that research.

You get me wrong, I'm not blaming religion. I'm saying that humankind has more responsibility that we give ourselves credit for. We create our heaven and we create our hell and we create it for each other. The blame is not the religions the blame is our own separation from, "GOD" of Islam or creation.

One thing to note though, balance is in all of creation. When things become unbalanced the results are no good. Whether it be the weather, your check book, your tires on your car, the ph in the soil of your garden... everything. If there is a God then God's law is balance as shown in everything... all things. If anyone wish dispute that ONE universal truth if there is any at all, that truth is balance. All else is mythology.

smacklan 04-14-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by tldagent (Post 1791360)
Those who know you? Yeah, like i said, I could be wrong and hope so but I have great instinct and you didn't strike a nerve at all, you gave me the creeps.

I can assure you that you've successfully fooled yourself about the quality of your instincts lol. They are apparently as accurate as your take on the cosmos :D

tldagent 04-14-2009 10:44 PM

Mr. Simpson, I trust my instincts and have never been fooled by them.

smacklan 04-14-2009 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by tldagent (Post 1791373)
Mr. Simpson, I trust my instincts and have never been fooled by them.

Good for you, welcome to "the first time" lol

Se?or Ramos 04-15-2009 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by pspcrazy (Post 1791357)
I'm sorry to say this but your making it seem like religion is the root of all evil. If you took your faces out of your behinds you might notice that religion has little to do with any modern warfare, which has killed more people then any religious battles have. Stalin was a purely secular leader, with a secular nation, and you saw what happened when they took morals out of the picture, massive slave camps just to build factories. If they had religion and morals none of that would have happened. The problem is today most of you have confused corruption within the catholic church and conflict in the middle east as a religious thing. They aren't. almost all religions have peaceful roots. Islam is also a peaceful religion, sadly though today there is no such thing as a religious state, as most of their leaders are corrupt dogs placed there by the U.S.

If you want to blame something for wars blame your in ability to protect and riot when there is one. When people don't step out and protest the government will keep on jacking our money and placing it behind more weapons research and consistently have to start new wars to use those weapons they've made with that research.

Religion is not the root of all evil at all. It seems easier to call it that because man, not God, uses the thing that a person usually holds the highest, their faith, to defend their fears, misunderstandings, and violence. Blaming religion for wars is like religious people blaming atheists for lost morals. It's an unfair association based on misunderstandings of an unsettled sect of either subculture. We need to all take responsibility for our actions. Every action from the time we get up to the time we go to bed.

RedeemedWarrior 04-16-2009 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by tldagent (Post 1791373)
Mr. Simpson, I trust my instincts and have never been fooled by them.

my instincts are spot on too, i'm getting this strong cosmic vibe that you're really spongebob squarepants and you live in a pineapple under the sea.

honestly its just a spongy aura i get from your posts *rolls eyes*

Openly accusing someone like you did is a gross violation of manners and debating protocol

I was a Debate supervisor on a huge forum for years, i saw kids debate with more decorum than you have shown in your posts to smacklan.

davidw 04-16-2009 01:15 PM

Please keep on topic or this thread will be closed.
Also, please refrain from any personal attacks as that might warrant intervention and/or infractions.
This is a warning.

iogames 04-16-2009 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by RedeemedWarrior (Post 1792274)
I was a Debate supervisor on a huge forum for years, i saw kids debate with more decorum than you have shown in your posts to smacklan.

when I was young I loved debates, with the time I saw my interest fade on them... but can I ask you: does something good comes from them?

pspcrazy 04-17-2009 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by tldagent (Post 1791360)
One thing to note though, balance is in all of creation. When things become unbalanced the results are no good. Whether it be the weather, your check book, your tires on your car, the ph in the soil of your garden... everything. If there is a God then God's law is balance as shown in everything... all things. If anyone wish dispute that ONE universal truth if there is any at all, that truth is balance. All else is mythology.

Ahh I see where your going with it. In a sense your totally right God's creation of everything we have come to know was created with perfection and balance, one that humans are still trying to mimick today in the science world.

Offtopic Just a quick note for your knowledge: Shia muslims believe that after god has placed us here on earth we are given the freedom to do what ever we want, but we will judged on our actions. Some people then say has he abandoned you, and some take it to the other extreme that he's put us on a string called fate where we end up doing what he wanted. Shia's believe that allah essentially placed each person here with some things that you had no control of like status your born with, your looks, color, place your born, etc, and then when the person is here on earth they can do anything that they want (with judgement like i said above).

Then allah allows the things to occur like for instance I want to throw a ball, allah will use the "laws" he created like gravity and motion to move it from point a to point b. At the end I thought it up, threw the ball, and the ball was received by the other person. So essentially we believe allah allows us to do the things we do, but we are the controller of those actions. We could also use the thing for sin, like I was to shoot someone. I fire a bullet and kill someone. At the end allah didn't help with the sin because simply all he did was move an object using air to object b. The sin itself was placed upon the carrier of the action, as his intention after it was carried out become a sin.

Well I was going to delete this since i think i may have dragged my paragraphs on. But hope it helps someone understand the idea of freewill with gods coexistance within it.

lasto 04-17-2009 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by pspcrazy (Post 1793047)
Ahh I see where your going with it. In a sense your totally right God's creation of everything we have come to know was created with perfection and balance, one that humans are still trying to mimick today in the science world.

Offtopic Just a quick note for your knowledge: Shia muslims believe that after god has placed us here on earth we are given the freedom to do what ever we want, but we will judged on our actions. Some people then say has he abandoned you, and some take it to the other extreme that he's put us on a string called fate where we end up doing what he wanted. Shia's believe that allah essentially placed each person here with some things that you had no control of like status your born with, your looks, color, place your born, etc, and then when the person is here on earth they can do anything that they want (with judgement like i said above).

Then allah allows the things to occur like for instance I want to throw a ball, allah will use the "laws" he created like gravity and motion to move it from point a to point b. At the end I thought it up, threw the ball, and the ball was received by the other person. So essentially we believe allah allows us to do the things we do, but we are the controller of those actions. We could also use the thing for sin, like I was to shoot someone. I fire a bullet and kill someone. At the end allah didn't help with the sin because simply all he did was move an object using air to object b. The sin itself was placed upon the carrier of the action, as his intention after it was carried out become a sin.

Well I was going to delete this since i think i may have dragged my paragraphs on. But hope it helps someone understand the idea of freewill with gods coexistance within it.


seriously whats this about moving something from A to point B

Got nothing to do with gods at all.If i throw a ball its because i used force to allow it go in what ever direction i wanted.There is no God directing it.

nexialys 04-17-2009 01:14 PM

actually it would be more like God make you decide to throw the ball, lasto... lol

lasto 04-17-2009 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1793287)
actually it would be more like God make you decide to throw the ball, lasto... lol

actually if i decided to waste my energy and throw the ball then it would be more like my personal choice.Nothing to do with the intervention of God.
If that was the case then we would all need a seperate god assigned to us.
I suppose god is guiding my hands while im typing this message..................

Oh look what God made me do :)

nexialys 04-17-2009 01:38 PM

sure he is guiding you, this is the base of all religions... IT is supposed to guide you to write proper english *(compared to my crap which is not guided at all, i'm french)...

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