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Jaxel 03-20-2009 08:23 PM

Hmm... this new version created some new errors... give me a moment, as I am fixing them.

Jaxel 03-20-2009 08:37 PM

Okay... all errors should be fixed now.

Jaxel 03-21-2009 02:45 PM

By request from HoLyMeN... Ranks are now listed in the postbit!

================================================== =========
Version 1.3.0
================================================== =========
  • Added support for displaying a user's linked rank within the postbit.
    • Linked ranks are controlled by the pExt (Forum ID) value of a player.
    • Linked ranks are updated during the existing "rebuild ranks" function.
  • More small and minor MYSQL warnings; they should all be gone now!
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.0: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/ranking.php
    • upload/ranking/functions_rank.php
    • upload/ranking/functions_rank_pro.php

EWGF 03-21-2009 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1771381)
You can add timezones in your control panel. Only timezones found HERE: http://us.php.net/timezones will function with this mod. You cant use something like "EST", you must use "US/Eastern"; as it will automatically take daylight savings into consideration. BTW... I hate Electric Wind God Fist... but I LOVE Bloodline Rebellion. Whats your name on TZ?

Ah okay, Europe/Amsterdam will be enough then.

EWGF 03-21-2009 10:43 PM

How can I add categories and games? I think the lack of it is preventing me from uploading an xml :confused:

And I saw something about recounting stuff. Can't find anything about it... Almost as if I'm missing a lot of files, yet they're all uploaded

Jaxel 03-21-2009 10:59 PM

EWGF, define an admin group in your user settings... you will see new options on the ladder then.

EWGF 03-21-2009 11:05 PM

Thanks, overlooked that :P

EWGF 03-21-2009 11:17 PM

Adding players to a tournament gives this error:


Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT *, COUNT(playerID) as count FROM rank_events AS rank_events
                LEFT JOIN rank_categories AS rank_categories USING(categoryID)
                LEFT JOIN rank_scores AS rank_scores USING(eventID)
                WHERE rank_events.eventID = '1';

MySQL Error  : Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause
Error Number  : 1140
Request Date  : Sunday, March 22nd 2009 @ 01:13:31 AM
Error Date    : Sunday, March 22nd 2009 @ 01:13:31 AM
Script        : http://*/forum/ranking.php?do=event&eid=1
Referrer      : http://*/forum/ranking.php?do=event&eid=1
IP Address    :
Username      :
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3.3-log

XML uploading btw still gives me error, lol lite version

Jaxel 03-21-2009 11:19 PM

EWGF, please download the new version... I replaced all USING JOINS with ON JOINS...

People with older versions of MYSQL were having problems with USING JOINS.

EWGF 03-21-2009 11:25 PM

The error persists.


Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT *, COUNT(playerID) as count FROM rank_events AS rank_events
                LEFT JOIN rank_categories AS rank_categories USING(categoryID)
                LEFT JOIN rank_scores AS rank_scores USING(eventID)
                WHERE rank_events.eventID = '1';

MySQL Error  : Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause
Error Number  : 1140
Request Date  : Sunday, March 22nd 2009 @ 01:24:19 AM
Error Date    : Sunday, March 22nd 2009 @ 01:24:19 AM
Script        : http://*/forum/ranking.php?do=event&eid=1
Referrer      : http://*/forum/ranking.php?do=event&eid=1
IP Address    :
Username      :
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3.3-log

Jaxel 03-21-2009 11:32 PM

Hmm... okay, I just uploaded version 1.3.1... please try it out and tell me if it works...

I dunno, the version of MySQL I have on my server doesnt give problems for these issues.

EWGF 03-21-2009 11:57 PM

It worked :)

But I have noticed another problem, when I choose any rebuilt-option; it rebuilds and keeps refreshing the page infinitely

Jaxel 03-22-2009 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by EWGF (Post 1773788)
It worked :)

But I have noticed another problem, when I choose any rebuilt-option; it rebuilds and keeps refreshing the page infinitely

put at least 1 player, in 1 event into your system... and tell me if it still does that. I think its a simple divide by 0 error since you dont have any events or players in yet.

EWGF 03-22-2009 12:17 AM

I have set 2 events with both 4 players. Keeps hanging on:


Jaxel 03-22-2009 12:21 AM

can you send me a link?

EWGF 03-22-2009 12:30 AM

Needs login, so i'll pm a needed pass

Edit: Can you also check the ranking.php?do=players page, while you're at it? It says 3 members share the second place, although they don't have the same amount of points

Jaxel 03-22-2009 01:39 AM

Okay EWGF, I just tested it on your website (you sent me an admin account)... and it doesn't infinite loop for me...

Jaxel 03-22-2009 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by EWGF (Post 1773812)
Needs login, so i'll pm a needed pass

Edit: Can you also check the ranking.php?do=players page, while you're at it? It says 3 members share the second place, although they don't have the same amount of points

It said that because you didn't rebuild the ranks yet; thats why you need to rebuild ranks immediately after rebuilding players.

I just rebuild events > rebuild players > rebuild ranks on your website and didnt get any infinite loops.

Jaxel 03-22-2009 05:05 AM

tommorow's new version will include... PROFILE BLOCKS!

preview: http://www.8wayrun.com/member.php?u=316

EWGF 03-22-2009 11:35 AM

Strangely enough I get that infinite loop on other computers too :confused:

@ profile blocks: NICE!

Jaxel 03-22-2009 04:17 PM

Are you sure its infinite looping? Its supposed to refresh a few times as it calculates.

EWGF 03-22-2009 04:21 PM

I'm sure about it, after 15 minutes it was still refreshing the page while the text "All events have been successfully rebuilt" was displayed

TheLastSuperman 03-22-2009 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1771381)

This system works with ANY tournament structure for any type of event; doesn't have to be games. Doesn't even have to be single/double elimination; you can do round robin or swiss pairings as well. This system gives scores based on the OUTCOME of an event, not what happens during the event.

Please click the "Mark as Installed" link.

GREAT to hear! Downloaded only but marking as installed since I'll be using this for something else but need time to tweak it ;)

Also it seems your busy but when you have a free moment can you look into my post regarding your video directory? Found here --> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...200819&page=42 becuase that could save me some frustration ;)

Thanks for these great mods imo... I love em' :D


Jaxel 03-22-2009 04:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
EWGF... try the attached file... if it works for you, I'll include it in today's build.

Superman... I answered that question in a previous post, I'm not answering it again.

EWGF 03-22-2009 04:56 PM

Yes sir, it worked! :D

EWGF 03-22-2009 08:04 PM

If you have added a player which isn't registered and his ranking account is reasonably filled. If that person later decides to register on the forum, it's just a matter of editing the ranking account by adding his vB-id number?

Jaxel 03-22-2009 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by EWGF (Post 1774531)
If you have added a player which isn't registered and his ranking account is reasonably filled. If that person later decides to register on the forum, it's just a matter of editing the ranking account by adding his vB-id number?

Yep. I made sure you could do that.

TheLastSuperman 03-22-2009 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1774329)
EWGF... try the attached file... if it works for you, I'll include it in today's build.

Superman... I answered that question in a previous post, I'm not answering it again.

Sorry bud, simply did not see the info and I did read through the posts - 41+ pages so forgive the overlook but I did not see it... little more tact next time though, a link eh or a simple reply.. anything other than just ignoring the questions presented leaving us to wonder :D *sigh, now let's go read all the posts again for another 30 mins to an hour when like I said, you could have saved some time as you know this whereas I do not.

EWGF 03-23-2009 01:29 AM

I noticed tournaments played in 2007 can't be added. Why's that?

It would give people a more complete view of one's accomplishments. Especially for oldskool players who rarely play anymore.

Jaxel 03-23-2009 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by EWGF (Post 1774743)
I noticed tournaments played in 2007 can't be added. Why's that?

It would give people a more complete view of one's accomplishments. Especially for oldskool players who rarely play anymore.

You can edit the template and add 2007 in if you want, but I didn't see the point

The default settings are that a player is ranked by their best 10 scores in the course of 12 months. 2007 is outside that spectrum; so I didn't see the need to include it.

Jaxel 03-23-2009 03:27 AM

================================================== =========
Version 1.4.0
================================================== =========
  • Added support for displaying a user's linked rank within the profile blocks.
    • The profile block lists a player's top 10 ranked performances in order.
  • Fixed broken profile link in the postbit and the postbit plugin.
  • Fixed infinite loop problems while rebuilding event, player and rank data.
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.3.0: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/ranking.php
  • TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.3.0: (make sure you revert these templates!)
    • rankings_postbit
    • rankings_profile
    • rankings_profile_bit

EWGF 03-23-2009 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1774787)
You can edit the template and add 2007 in if you want, but I didn't see the point.

How do I edit $selectYEA?
Edit: file edit did the job.

1.4 working nicely here

Edit2: Another question to bug you with: why do numbers 6-10 get even points? In brackets you mostly end somewhere with 8 players, meaning 2 players advanced less but get equal points here

Jaxel 03-23-2009 07:19 PM

Our tournaments usually get 16+, so 6-10 get more points that 11+...

If you wish, you can easily set it so that 6-10 dont get points.

Jaxel 03-24-2009 03:10 PM

================================================== =========
Version 1.5.0
================================================== =========
  • Changes made to the PRO functions to be compatible with the new version of TIO.
  • Changed the copyright and license notice to make it less obstrusive.
  • Added seperate bracket icons for bracket images and bracket TIO-XML files.
  • Added ladder-ids in event result and player listings for reference.
  • Event scores are no longer rebuilt when you edit the details for the event.
    • This fixes a MYSQL error for updating details for events with no scores.
    • If you change the event category, you will need to "Rebuild All Events".
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.4.0: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/ranking.php
    • upload/ranking/functions_rank.php
    • upload/ranking/functions_rank_pro.php
  • TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.4.0: (make sure you revert these templates!)
    • rankings_category
    • rankings_category_bit
    • rankings_event
    • rankings_events
    • rankings_events_bit
    • rankings_event_bit
    • rankings_game
    • rankings_game_bit
    • rankings_players
    • rankings_players_bit
    • rankings_submit
    • rankings_SHELL

EWGF 03-25-2009 09:27 PM

Next question: I've edited functions_rank to change (for example) 1st to 1e; to match it with my own language. But I have noticed those changes aren't applied to the postbit. How can this be done?

Jaxel 03-25-2009 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by EWGF (Post 1777031)
Next question: I've edited functions_rank to change (for example) 1st to 1e; to match it with my own language. But I have noticed those changes aren't applied to the postbit. How can this be done?

Rebuild your ranks. While the ranking system runs the fetch_ordinal everytime, the postbit doesnt, as it would add too much overhead to the server. I did this so that it doesnt affect performance.

EWGF 03-31-2009 03:36 PM


Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(eventID) AS count FROM vbrank_events
                        LEFT JOIN vbrank_categories AS rank_categories ON rank_events.categoryID = rank_categories.categoryID
                        WHERE rank_categories.categoryID = 1;

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'rank_events.categoryID' in 'on clause'

Script: /forum/ranking.php?do=category&cid=1

Is this a bug that rarely shows up or a crappy error on the server?

AzzidReign 03-31-2009 07:06 PM

Where do you purchase the PRO version and for how much? I tried searching the thread and couldn't find anything.

Nevermind, found it at the bottom of the original post...not sure how I didn't see it last time:

For more information on how to purchase the PRO version ($100), feel free to send me a message.
The PRO version makes this mod easier to manage by integrating this mod directly with your TIO files.

Jaxel 04-12-2009 09:09 AM

================================================== =========
Version 1.6.0
================================================== =========
  • Added a MERGE PLAYERS function so you can now merge linked events.
    • Event history of source player will be merged into destination player.
    • If duplicate event scores exist, the destination's score will be retained.
  • Added the ability to SEARCH for Players by Names, Regions and Teams.
  • Added the ability to SEARCH for Events by Names, Organizers and Venues.
  • Renamed some phrases in the system for administrative functions.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed bug where category browsing for those with table prefixes.
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.5.0: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/ranking.php
    • upload/ranking/functions_rank.php
  • TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.5.0: (make sure you revert these templates!)
    • rankings_category_add
    • rankings_events
    • rankings_event_add
    • rankings_game_add
    • rankings_players
    • rankings_players_bit
    • rankings_player
    • rankings_player_add
    • rankings_postbit
    • rankings_scores_merge
    • rankings_SHELL

Jaxel 04-15-2009 07:43 PM

Hey, I'm curious how people are using this mod at all... Would anyone mind sending me links showing examples of how they are using this system?

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