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-   -   Moderators Functions - Pedro!'s Post Report Manager 0.93 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=205087)

samuelss 02-14-2009 07:51 PM

I have just done a download of the Mod and its seems that the product xml. is missing.


joe1989 02-14-2009 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by samuelss (Post 1744166)
I have just done a download of the Mod and its seems that the product xml. is missing.


Nope. Read the installation instructions, paying special attention to step 9.

samuelss 02-14-2009 08:37 PM

Thanks. I only have 1 folder (upload) plus three txt files - changelog, credits and Upgrade Instructions.

The only file I can see with an .xml extension is the file inside the upload folder ie. upload/includes/xml/product-pprm. Is this the same file to import?


Pedro! 02-14-2009 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by samuelss (Post 1744196)
Thanks. I only have 1 folder (upload) plus three txt files - changelog, credits and Upgrade Instructions.

The only file I can see with an .xml extension is the file inside the upload folder ie. upload/includes/xml/product-pprm. Is this the same file to import?


Yep, that's the same file to import. You can browse to it and install that way it's just doing from your server is just easier.

You should also have the .xml file cpnav_pprm.xml which puts the navigation in the admin control panel. If you do not have this file then you should try redownloading the archive. The file is most definitely in there.

samuelss 02-15-2009 05:41 AM

Got it Many Thanks.


Pedro! 02-16-2009 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by samuelss (Post 1744584)
Got it Many Thanks.


No worries :)

alehawk 02-16-2009 06:08 PM

What does this do?

Acknowledge moderator permissions when displaying reports?
Recommended for forums with a large flow of reports


Pedro! 02-16-2009 08:39 PM

Well, it means that when a mod goes to open/closed reports in the CP it will only show the reported posts in the forums they can moderate. It also checks moderator permissions with pictures, picture comments and visitor messages.

These are the permissions checked:

PHP Code:

    switch($report_type) {
                    if (
can_moderate($irow['forumid'])) {$can_view 1;}
                    if (
can_moderate(0'caneditgroupmessages') OR can_moderate(0'candeletegroupmessages') OR can_moderate(0'canmoderategroupmessages') OR can_moderate(0'canremovegroupmessages')) {$can_view 1;}
                    if (
can_moderate(0'caneditalbumpicture') OR can_moderate(0'candeletealbumpicture')) {$can_view 1;}
                    if (
can_moderate(0'caneditalbumpicture') OR can_moderate(0'candeletealbumpicture')) {$can_view 1;}
                    if (
can_moderate(0'caneditpicturecomments') OR can_moderate(0'candeletepicturecomments') OR can_moderate(0'canmoderatepicturecomments') OR can_moderate(0'canremovepicturecomments')) {$can_view 1;}
                    if (
can_moderate(0'caneditpicturecomments') OR can_moderate(0'candeletepicturecomments') OR can_moderate(0'canmoderatepicturecomments') OR can_moderate(0'canremovepicturecomments')) {$can_view 1;}
$can_view 1;
                    if (
can_moderate(0'caneditvisitormessages') OR can_moderate(0'candeletevisitormessages') OR can_moderate(0'canmoderatevisitormessages') OR can_moderate(0'canremovevisitormessages')) {$can_view 1;}

alehawk 02-17-2009 01:38 AM

thank you very much for your explanation!

EcoCav 02-19-2009 01:12 AM

Great work man! I have been waiting for this to come out.

itsheinz 02-19-2009 04:32 AM

i dont understand was it needed to import the xml file in the include folder? i just thought i just have to upload only.

BozzaJos 02-19-2009 10:15 AM

Such a quality hack Pedro, I really like the looks of it. This hack just needs to be installed on my Forums!

Question which I hope you could answer: I need to use it near the end of the month. Could you give me an ETA on when you think the beta phase is over? I am running a Forum with 80,000+ members so I try to avoid installed beta hacks since they are called beta for a reason hehe. In a week or so, this hack could be very important for my site.

Thank you in advance mate and keep up the good work!


Pedro! 02-19-2009 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by itsheinz (Post 1748721)
i dont understand was it needed to import the xml file in the include folder? i just thought i just have to upload only.

the reason the xml file needs to be imported is to add the templates and plug-ins which do not have their own files but are stored in vBulletin's database it also makes the product exist in the products menu. It doesn't matter whether you browse to the xml file on your pc, upload it and import it or whether you upload all the files in the /upload/ directory and then import it from your server - it just matters that you import it.


Originally Posted by BozzaJos (Post 1748877)
Such a quality hack Pedro, I really like the looks of it. This hack just needs to be installed on my Forums!

Question which I hope you could answer: I need to use it near the end of the month. Could you give me an ETA on when you think the beta phase is over? I am running a Forum with 80,000+ members so I try to avoid installed beta hacks since they are called beta for a reason hehe. In a week or so, this hack could be very important for my site.

Thank you in advance mate and keep up the good work!


Glad you like the look of it :) There's 33 installs and 43 downloads of v0.92 which has been out 5 days without any bug reports. I want to introduce the option to ignore reports that are Under Investigation when making the notification count so will probably do that and if there aren't any bug reports for this current version will go gold (v1.00), say, 7 days from now. That would give it a couple of weeks out in the wild which seems long enough for a mod of this size. It's only really in beta cos it's new and there might be error's I've overlooked. There isn't any crazy experimental code in there or anything so it should stable.

jambo_1969 02-19-2009 05:01 PM

Pedro - if you can introduce a feature to stop members from abusing the reporting system (ban a user from accessing report.php) you would make my Mods VERY happy...

I currently hard code an amend to report.php as...


if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] OR
$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == XX
but maybe there's a way of integrating into your excellent mod ?

Pedro! 02-19-2009 07:29 PM

Yep Jambo, I'll have a look at the hook locations and see if I can sort something out in time for the gold release :)

joe1989 02-20-2009 07:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I do not know if this bug has been fixed already, but I just noticed it... sorry if someone else has already mentioned...

After the post has been reported, and a moderator updated its status in the ModCP, the user can view the report status by going quick links -> your post reports ... which is good.

However, the post link leads to a page not found. I am referring to the word "post" right above the status updates. If you are confused, I have inserted this screenshot.

Currently, it links to this: http://www.supportingteens.net/showt...=1276#post1276

Lists the post number twice, and leads to an error page!

Thanks again!!

joe1989 02-20-2009 07:14 AM

Is there any way to implement a pruning option? It'd be nice to remove old post reports without having to go into the database table to remove them... that's a lot of work!

I know, it would be a lot of work to create a pruning tool, but I just thought I'd ask! Otherwise, my 'Closed Reports' window fills up REALLY fast, and becomes clogged...

itsheinz 02-22-2009 03:51 AM

What xml file should we import from the plugins?
Kindly help pedro.Thanks

M Shaker 02-22-2009 07:04 AM


joe1989 02-22-2009 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by itsheinz
What xml file should we import from the plugins?
Kindly help pedro.Thanks

read the installation instructions, paying special attention to step 9.


Originally Posted by Install Instructions Step 9
In the 'OR import the XML file from your server' text box change 'product.xml' to 'product-pprm.xml'

RedeemedWarrior 02-26-2009 11:11 AM

works fantastic :D

kud0gfx 03-02-2009 09:58 AM

Have a really nice look, you think you could implement in the future report signatures, avatars or nicks? thyou

itsheinz 03-08-2009 07:05 AM

Finally i made it..Thanks Pedro!

maxicep 03-13-2009 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Pedro! (Post 1746246)
Well, it means that when a mod goes to open/closed reports in the CP it will only show the reported posts in the forums they can moderate. It also checks moderator permissions with pictures, picture comments and visitor messages.

We have a problem.
Category Moderators see all reported posts from all forums.

Category Moderators should only show the reported posts in the forums they can moderate.

How can fix that ?

When i enable the "Acknowledge moderator permissions when displaying reports?" option

if Moderators clicks the open or closed reports links then:

    Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:
  Invalid SQL:
                          SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
                          FROM pprmReports AS reports
                          WHERE reports.status != 'closed' AND reports.type != gm AND reports.type != gp AND reports.type != pap AND reports.type != papc AND reports.type != gpc AND reports.type != vm ORDER BY reports.prID DESC;
  MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'gm' in 'where clause'
  Error Number  : 1054

I fixed that with edit the modcp/pprm.php file

if (pprm_ack_perms() == true) {

    //Do crazy ANDs for permissions
    $z = 0;
    $reporttype = array('post','gm','gp','pap','papc','gpc','pm','vm');

    while ($z < 8) {
        if (pprm_check_perms($reporttype[$z]) == false) {
            $where .= "AND reports.type != " . $reporttype[$z] . " ";



if (pprm_ack_perms() == true) {

    //Do crazy ANDs for permissions
    $z = 0;
    $reporttype = array('post','gm','gp','pap','papc','gpc','pm','vm');

    while ($z < 8) {
        if (pprm_check_perms($reporttype[$z]) == false) {
            $where .= "AND reports.type != '" . $reporttype[$z] . "' ";

What is wrong ?

andyh2 03-20-2009 01:13 PM

After I install this mod on 3.8.1, none of the reports show up. It looks like this. Can anyone help?

joe1989 03-21-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by andyh2
After I install this mod on 3.8.1, none of the reports show up. It looks like this. Can anyone help?

I think the problem you're running into is it only adds reports to the system that were reported AFTER you installed the mod. Make sense? So if you installed the mod on Mar 20, a report from Mar 19 will not show up. This is not a bug; that's just how it works.

To verify this, do a "test report" (after the mod is installed) and make sure it shows up in the system.

Make sense?

andyh2 03-21-2009 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by joe1989 (Post 1773484)
I think the problem you're running into is it only adds reports to the system that were reported AFTER you installed the mod. Make sense? So if you installed the mod on Mar 20, a report from Mar 19 will not show up. This is not a bug; that's just how it works.

To verify this, do a "test report" (after the mod is installed) and make sure it shows up in the system.

Make sense?

We've gotten many, many reports after I installed it, but none of them showed up.

joe1989 03-22-2009 06:52 PM

Are you getting any errors? Try uninstalling, and re-doing everything. I don't know why it wouldn't be working at all; it works fine for me. Let me know of any error messages you receive...

Pedro! 03-23-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by andyh2 (Post 1772551)
After I install this mod on 3.8.1, none of the reports show up. It looks like this. Can anyone help?

I'm not sure what's going on as everyone elses seems to be working okay... can you look in your database and see if anything exists in the pprmReports table? Are you running any other report hacks/mods? If so try and disable those and see if it makes a difference...

Oh, also sorry I haven't brought out any updates, I've been rather busy lately! Will be giving this hack some attention and hopefully be implementing some of the suggested features soon (including an ImpEx tool)

Pedro! 03-23-2009 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by maxicep (Post 1767103)
We have a problem.
Category Moderators see all reported posts from all forums.

Category Moderators should only show the reported posts in the forums they can moderate.

How can fix that ?

Ah, I think I forgot to make it check the forum ID so it just checking if they can moderate any forum. I'll fix this in the next release. I'll also fix the SQL error.

andyh2 03-23-2009 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pedro! (Post 1775252)
I'm not sure what's going on as everyone elses seems to be working okay... can you look in your database and see if anything exists in the pprmReports table? Are you running any other report hacks/mods? If so try and disable those and see if it makes a difference...

Oh, also sorry I haven't brought out any updates, I've been rather busy lately! Will be giving this hack some attention and hopefully be implementing some of the suggested features soon (including an ImpEx tool)

There aren't any rows in the pprmReports table. I don't have any other report plugins/products installed. Here's what I do have installed: http://www.grabup.com/uploads/035e3d...12a68d9ecf.png

I've reinstalled this many times but I still get the same blank page. I have no idea what's wrong :S

Pedro! 03-23-2009 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by kud0gfx (Post 1758369)
Have a really nice look, you think you could implement in the future report signatures, avatars or nicks? thyou

Maybe in a future release but I'm focusing on getting it working for existing report functions at the moment.

Pedro! 03-26-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by andyh2 (Post 1775261)
There aren't any rows in the pprmReports table. I don't have any other report plugins/products installed. Here's what I do have installed: http://www.grabup.com/uploads/035e3d...12a68d9ecf.png

I've reinstalled this many times but I still get the same blank page. I have no idea what's wrong :S

Oh I forgot to ask... you followed step 12 of the installation instructions, right?

maxicep 03-26-2009 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Pedro! (Post 1775259)
Ah, I think I forgot to make it check the forum ID so it just checking if they can moderate any forum. I'll fix this in the next release. I'll also fix the SQL error.

Thanks pedro

Can u tell me for now that small code modifies because our forum is very active about post reports and Category Moderators should only show the reported posts in the forums they can moderate. :( Also SQL Error too

Have a nice days :)

Alfa1 03-27-2009 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Pedro! (Post 1775259)
Ah, I think I forgot to make it check the forum ID so it just checking if they can moderate any forum. I'll fix this in the next release. I'll also fix the SQL error.

Please make this an option. I think it is good if other mods can see what reports have been filed.

vidan 03-28-2009 06:49 AM

yes pedro please fix it, i want to install it too, release new version pls ^^

joe1989 03-28-2009 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by andyh2 (Post 1775261)
There aren't any rows in the pprmReports table. I don't have any other report plugins/products installed. Here's what I do have installed: http://www.grabup.com/uploads/035e3d...12a68d9ecf.png

I've reinstalled this many times but I still get the same blank page. I have no idea what's wrong :S

I would suggest disabling all other mods you are running via the plugins/products area of the AdminCP. After all others are disabled, do a test report to see if it works. If so, then go back and enable the products one by one, doing test reports in between. That way, you'll be able to tell which mod is interfering with this one. Make sense?

jawatkin 04-05-2009 10:59 AM

Hey Pedro, quick bug report... When looking at "Closed" post reports in the CP, if you click on any of the following pages, it goes to


Line 392 of pprm.php : $pagenav .= " <a href=\"pprm.php?$session[sessionurl]show=open&amp;page=$thispage\" class=\"normal\">$thispage</a> ";

is incorrect.. I fixed it in the interim by creating an "area" variable that is set by the case statement....

maxicep 04-05-2009 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by jawatkin (Post 1784210)
Hey Pedro, quick bug report... When looking at "Closed" post reports in the CP, if you click on any of the following pages, it goes to


Line 392 of pprm.php : $pagenav .= " <a href=\"pprm.php?$session[sessionurl]show=open&amp;page=$thispage\" class=\"normal\">$thispage</a> ";

is incorrect.. I fixed it in the interim by creating an "area" variable that is set by the case statement....

Yes right i fixed it too .

Open modcp/pprm.php


$pagenav .= " <a href=\"pprm.php?$session[sessionurl]show=open&amp;page=$thispage\" class=\"normal\">$thispage</a> ";
Change to:

$pagenav .= " <a href=\"pprm.php?$session[sessionurl]show=closed&amp;page=$thispage\" class=\"normal\">$thispage</a> ";

And also, we are waiting a fixed realase ( especially, about moderator permissions )

joe1989 04-07-2009 06:08 PM

Hopefully Pedro can include this newly reported bug in the fix!

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