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KW802 03-17-2009 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Cybershaolin (Post 1770638)
Does this version (2.4.2) works with 3.6.8 or we must download the specific version for 3.6.8 (2.3.0) here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=133365 ?

It *should* work fine with it, with the possible exception of the plugin to add the link to the Quick Links menu (I can't remember when that template hook was added).

star88 03-27-2009 11:00 AM

works great
thank you :up:
* installed *

Wrams 03-27-2009 11:32 AM

Right i'm very new to all this sort of stuff. Lol I have it all installed and checked to make sure its all correct. But, when i click on a RSS feed to google its says oops link apears to be broken. Please check back in a few seconds. or something simular to that. I have enabled the vBSEO and done everything you have suggested. Like i said i have NO experience in this what so ever.

Forgive me if i'm creating you problems...Looks like the Fish will be used on me...:)

Actaully its saying in Google homepage that the feed being requested cannot be found. Its all the feeds...Ooops I've gone wrong somewhere and can't figure out where. Duh

P.S I clicked Installed

KW802 03-27-2009 04:18 PM

Wrams, mind posting a link to where you have it installed so I can get a better feel for the problem?

EagleNick 03-27-2009 06:45 PM

I have realized that this modification is pulling the page title and table head from the "Homepage Name" (specified in the ACP) rather than the forum name.

This needs to be fixed :)

intelgio2 03-28-2009 04:27 PM

This is great - thanks! I have installed it at my photo site.

One question I have is in regard to social forums... Even though these forums are viewable by guests and are on the RSS index, they do not appear to have data pulled. I have checked to see if there is an automated task that runs, but it does not appear that there is...

Any ideas?


NeverBored 03-30-2009 05:09 PM

I have one idea that would be a great addition... Add a custom feed tool. Put a check box by each feed to combine any feeds they choose into one url.

shervin_dvb 03-31-2009 07:16 PM

i have this problem
how this problem the remove???

http://www.My forum/%3C!--%20BEGIN%20TEMPLATE:%20cv_ffl_forum_feed_link%20--%3Ehttp://www.My forum/external.php?forumids=16<!-- END TEMPLATE: cv_ffl_forum_feed_link -->

EagleNick 03-31-2009 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by NeverBored (Post 1780466)
I have one idea that would be a great addition... Add a custom feed tool. Put a check box by each feed to combine any feeds they choose into one url.

I've already suggested this :)


Originally Posted by EagleNick (Post 1741699)
I have a suggestion: It would be neat if users could tick a checkbox next to the forums they want to subscribe to (in the event that they want to subscribe to multiple forums in one feed) and then at the bottom (below the list of feeds) a feed URL is generated that they can access.
This is similar to MyBB's feed choices.


Originally Posted by shervin_dvb (Post 1781254)
i have this problem
how this problem the remove???

http://www.My forum/%3C!--%20BEGIN%20TEMPLATE:%20cv_ffl_forum_feed_link%20--%3Ehttp://www.My forum/external.php?forumids=16<!-- END TEMPLATE: cv_ffl_forum_feed_link -->


shervin_dvb 04-01-2009 04:54 AM

thanks for Answer To Me

nikosb 04-21-2009 10:11 PM



irantk 04-26-2009 02:42 PM



jrap 04-26-2009 08:58 PM


mykkal 05-27-2009 02:53 AM

It seems like the feeds aren't supported everywhere.

When I try to view them in google chrome I see HTML code in text format.

When I try to import the feeds into phplist for the auto-generated newsletter they also fail.

I could really use some help fixing this. Please...

the feed link i'm using is: http://www.mymodeltalk.com/jobs/exte...hp?forumids=17

It shows fine in firefox for me but folks with older versions of firefox say it doesn't work for them. There must be something wrong. If anyone could help that would be great.

Leo Brazil 05-27-2009 10:59 AM


As far as I know Google Chrome doesn't support directly feeds at any kind. I'm was checking this point yesterday because GC was getting more popular everyday between my members because it's so much faster than IE. Even after upgrading GC to 2.0 version still doens't support feeds. If you check GC help for feeds there's nothing there about.
Try to Google "RSS Feed on Google Chrome", you'll find some interesting pages on web about it. There are even some good mods available for free to make GC work with RSS but none of them I tried worked so good as Fire Fox for example.

mykkal 05-27-2009 11:40 AM

It does support it. Just not all the extra stuff included in the Vbulletin feeds.

Again... Not every newsreader support my VB feeds and people with macs and firefox can't view them while firefox on PCs can.

Can I get some help please? Everywhere I go people want to have a discussion which is fine. But I really need support.

This isn't about google chrome either. I need the feed to actually work. It's not working with phplist anylonger and I can see where the feed is trying to include javascript popups and HTML.

Why isn't it just text?

mykkal 05-28-2009 07:21 PM

Can i get some help? Is this still supported?

NeverBored 05-28-2009 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by mykkal (Post 1819006)
Can i get some help? Is this still supported?

The stuff you're talking about has nothing to do with this mod. Your feed looks normal to me.

mykkal 05-28-2009 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by NeverBored (Post 1819013)
The stuff you're talking about has nothing to do with this mod. Your feed looks normal to me.

again its not about looks. Its about the RSS having too much extra garbage in it and not being supported by a lot of news readers.

I really want help from someone that will troubleshoot after reading my entire statement.
I've been going in circles for ages.

Try a feed validator on it and you will see. Problems...Problems...Problems...

KW802 05-28-2009 07:57 PM

Mykkal, as NeverBored said, your problem description does not seem to have anything to do at all with this mod. If you have a problem with actual output of your external.php file that comes with vBulletin, you'll need to ask over at vB.com for support.

mykkal 05-28-2009 08:05 PM

didn't have the problem until i installed the mod.
i'll go over there again so they can send me back to you and you can send me back to them.

thank you.

KW802 05-28-2009 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by mykkal (Post 1819025)
didn't have the problem until i installed the mod.
i'll go over there again so they can send me back to you and you can send me back to them.

thank you.

This mod does *not* modify your feeds nor does it even create them; that is all done with your external.php file that comes with vBulletin. If you are having problems with your feeds, then it has *nothing* to do with this mod.

viper357 06-09-2009 06:29 AM

Hi there

I am getting an error when I click on the RSS button on the feeds page, but only for some of the forums, some of them are fine, here is an example of the error


Here is the feeds page

Edit - nevermind, seems to be working fine all of a sudden, strange.

viper357 06-09-2009 06:51 AM

Ok, the error is back again, it seems to be an occasional error, doesn't happen all the time


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/class_postbit_alt.php(459) : eval()'d code on line 131

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/class_postbit_alt.php(459) : eval()'d code on line 131

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/class_postbit_alt.php(459) : eval()'d code on line 131

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/class_core.php:3097) in /external.php on line 858

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/class_core.php:3097) in /external.php on line 858

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/class_core.php:3097) in /external.php on line 858

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/class_core.php:3097) in /external.php on line 858

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/class_core.php:3097) in /external.php on line 858

KW802 06-09-2009 03:33 PM

Viper357, sorry, but if the error is with the actual "external.php" script then I can not point you in the right direction since that is the stock vBulletin file. :o This script, that displays the list of available feeds, just links to the stock "external.php" file but it does not modify or affect it in any way.

wtrk 06-10-2009 02:30 PM

no matter what i do the zip file seems to be corrupted, it wont unzip.

saadessa 06-10-2009 03:55 PM

thank you

accludetuner 06-14-2009 09:49 PM

Awesome mod! Works Great! *installed*

Is there a way to specifically list other feeds to be displayed that are not part of the VB default feeds? They don't even have to be dynamic....just a place to list the static URLs of additional feeds so they also get displayed. The point of the mod is to display ALL of the RSS feeds in one place, but it's not taking into account other possible feeds besides the VB defaults. I looked at the templates to see if I could just manually add a few lines of feeds but they are all kinda split up into sections so I didn't see a way to do that easily. Perhaps create a separate template for the static links that gets attached at the end of the VB feeds? If this is not possible currently, that's my suggestion for the next release.

Thanks for the great work :)

KW802 06-14-2009 10:26 PM

Accludetuner, what types of other feeds do you have in mind?

Something I've been toying with in my head is a new option that'd be a list of the most common vB add-ons so that somebody could turn the check box so that a link to (just for example) vBGallery would be included as well.

accludetuner 06-14-2009 10:46 PM

Found a really quick and dirty way around this for now and figured I'd post it here in case anyone else was impatient and really wanted to get this done like me :)

In template >cv_ffl_forumlist



Directly after it add:


  <td class="alt1">
    <a href="ACTUAL PAGE URL" title="TITLE FOR YOUR PAGE"><strong>DISPLAYED TITLE</strong></a>
  <td class="alt1" align="center">
    <a href="FEED URL" title="TITLE FOR FEED"><img src="$vboptions[bburl]/images/cinvin_forum_feed_listing/rss.gif" border="0" alt="ALT TEXT" /></a>
  <td class="alt1" align="center">
    <a href="http://add.my.yahoo.com/rss?url=FEED URL" title="TITLE FOR FEED"><img src="$vboptions[bburl]/images/cinvin_forum_feed_listing/addtomyyahoo4.gif" border="0" alt="ALT TEXT" /></a>
  <td class="alt1" align="center">
    <a href="http://www.bloglines.com/sub/FEED URL" title="TITLE FOR FEED"><img src="$vboptions[bburl]/images/cinvin_forum_feed_listing/addtobloglines.gif" border="0" alt="ALT TEXT" /></a>
  <td class="alt1" align="center">
    <a href="http://fusion.google.com/add?feedurl=FEED URL" title="TITLE FOR FEED"><img src="$vboptions[bburl]/images/cinvin_forum_feed_listing/add-to-google-plus.gif" border="0" alt="ALT TEXT" /></a>

You need to do this for EACH additional feed you want to be displayed and update the parts in RED with the appropriate information.

and to add the space to separate categories or feed types, use the following code:

<tr><td class="alt1" colspan="$vboptions[cv_ffl_colspan]"><br /></td></tr>

And to list a category heading (without any RSS feeds) use the following code:

<tr><td class="alt1" colspan="$vboptions[cv_ffl_colspan]">
    <strong><a href="URL TO PAGE" title="PAGE TITLE">DISPLAY TITLE</a></strong>

accludetuner 06-14-2009 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 1829811)
Accludetuner, what types of other feeds do you have in mind?

Something I've been toying with in my head is a new option that'd be a list of the most common vB add-ons so that somebody could turn the check box so that a link to (just for example) vBGallery would be included as well.

I have vbadvanced Links directory with RSS feeds - http://www.vbadvanced.com/products.p...fo&productid=2

and a few home made RSS feeds that pull content from static pages that get updated about once a month or so.

KW802 06-17-2009 12:37 AM

Slight update.... 2.4.3 is a fix for those who have "Show Private Forums" turned on in their ACP.

Bob_R 06-19-2009 10:51 AM

It's not working for me. Can someone give me a hand?



Thanks!! :)

Bob_R 06-19-2009 12:09 PM

The RSS I had in there before installing this mod still appears to be working though. :confused:


Bob_R 06-19-2009 01:30 PM


Nothing's working right with this utility which is a bummer because I'd really, really, like to have but it's just not working.

I'll wait a few more hours for help and then I'll go another route.


viper357 06-19-2009 02:06 PM

Bob - one thing I noticed was the link next to your Contact Us link looks like this -



viper357 06-19-2009 02:10 PM

Did you upload the cv_rss_feeds.php file to your server?

Bob_R 06-19-2009 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by viper357 (Post 1832674)
Did you upload the cv_rss_feeds.php file to your server?


Bob_R 06-19-2009 03:14 PM

Do I have to add a new forum link (at the bottom) for the RSS feeds page?

Bob_R 06-19-2009 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by viper357 (Post 1832671)
Bob - one thing I noticed was the link next to your Contact Us link looks like this -



How do I fix that?


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