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-   -   Forum Display Enhancements - Sorky - SubForum List Control (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=203353)

trotskid 04-28-2009 01:30 AM

Hello. I want to hide/disable the forum itself to only show the sub-forums. Where can I modify that, if exist?

Thanks, nice addon :up:


Sorky 04-28-2009 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by trotskid (Post 1800288)
Hello. I want to hide/disable the forum itself to only show the sub-forums. Where can I modify that, if exist?

Thanks, nice addon :up:

Nothing to do with this plug-in, but I can help anyway...

Change your Forum to a Category : "vBulletin Options" / "Forum manager" / <Chosen Forum> / "Act as Forum" = NO

Alfa1 04-28-2009 09:42 AM

Please add the function to display sub-forum moderators.

trotskid 04-28-2009 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1800303)
Nothing to do with this plug-in, but I can help anyway...

Change your Forum to a Category : "vBulletin Options" / "Forum manager" / <Chosen Forum> / "Act as Forum" = NO

Thank you. With this function not showing properly in forumhome, but with "forum not open" seems better although not absolutely.




Alfa1 04-28-2009 02:20 PM

You raise an interesting point Trotskid.

I would like to be able to have subcategories in a category. This is possible with the settings mentioned. But this will cause the category and sub-categories to become one ugly blue block on forum home, like Trotskid first screenshot shows. When you add several sub-categories this blue block becomes even larger and ugly.

Please add functionality to display sub-categories in a better way on forum home, while displaying the subcategories as normal categories on forumdisplay.

Sorky 04-29-2009 09:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1800555)
You raise an interesting point Trotskid.

I would like to be able to have subcategories in a category. This is possible with the settings mentioned. But this will cause the category and sub-categories to become one ugly blue block on forum home, like Trotskid first screenshot shows. When you add several sub-categories this blue block becomes even larger and ugly.

Please add functionality to display sub-categories in a better way on forum home, while displaying the subcategories as normal categories on forumdisplay.

As far as I am aware, the Plug-In works really well in the ForumHome and in Categories (see image for an example from my test systems Forum Home). There are lots of setting, both in styles and in the options to let you customize the look and feel.


For the example picture, "Forum Listings Display Options" were...
  • "Depth of Forums - Forum Home" = 1
  • "Depth of Forums - Forum Display" = 1 <- Not actually applicable for Forum Home
  • "Depth of Sub-Forums" = 2

Il Pompa 05-01-2009 01:48 PM

Great job!! Can you add the "alt code" on post counts when the mouse is over?

Sorky 05-02-2009 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Il Pompa (Post 1802496)
Great job!! Can you add the "alt code" on post counts when the mouse is over?

To do what?

Alfa1 05-03-2009 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1801407)
As far as I am aware, the Plug-In works really well in the ForumHome and in Categories (see image for an example from my test systems Forum Home). There are lots of setting, both in styles and in the options to let you customize the look and feel.


Your test subcategory and testsubsubcategory show what I mean. They can barely be distinguished from each other. This is something that happens in vb by default. Is there a way to change the way categories are displayed on forum home, while keeping the display the same on forumdisplay?

GamerKeys 05-03-2009 07:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Sorky - amazing addon, thank you for contributing it. Marked as installed.

However, I have a few questions. Firstly, how do I modify the text color of the sub-forum links?

Secondly, is there a way to make the sub-forum area match the style (without the blue background stuff) of the regular forums? I know this doesn't really have anything to do with your addon, but I'm sure it will make the forums look better.

Thanks :)

Sorky 05-04-2009 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by GamerKeys (Post 1803872)
Firstly, how do I modify the text color of the sub-forum links?
Secondly, is there a way to make the sub-forum area match the style (without the blue background stuff) of the regular forums?

vBulletin Options
Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.6.2
SubForum list Formatting (combines with all previous settings)
You can put your HTML formatting here and it will be placed in the final HTML code for the page that is produced. Example...
SubForum Element (td) formatting
<td ... style="font-size:12px;">...SubForum Name...</td>

Sorky 05-04-2009 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1803366)
Your test subcategory and testsubsubcategory show what I mean. They can barely be distinguished from each other. This is something that happens in vb by default. Is there a way to change the way categories are displayed on forum home, while keeping the display the same on forumdisplay?

Not quite sure what you mean...

In regards to different displays on ForumHome, the "forumbit" which displays the list of available Forums, which subsequently displays the included SubForums, is common no matter where you are.

It is possible to know what forum is being displayed and thus chose different behaviors - I do that to allow for different column counts for different forums.

I do not currently modify the style attributes of the existing display outside of the SubForum part - It would be possible to do other changes, but would be more logical in another PlugIn.

If that doesn't answer you, can you sketch what you mean?

M Shaker 05-04-2009 10:02 PM

Thanks ... I like this one :D

wAnBoA 05-05-2009 02:28 PM

Great addon. Thanks!!

Twin-x 05-12-2009 10:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Thanks for this mod.

I have a 3 requests

1st one is the same request as alpha1 has.
We have to make a extra forum to make it look like my picture. (see circle 1) I had to make an extra forum. If i do not my category shows and the forum depth is gone. If i change this the whole forum is altered and i do not want this.

We wish to maintain this look but the 1 category and beneath sub forum

3rd if you cannot fix 1st how can i delete the text : sub category or even better hide the multilanguage text :)

2nd in the second circle is it possible to fill the gap with more last posts from those forums? That would make it look nicer.

Thanks for your support.

Sorky 05-13-2009 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Twin-x (Post 1809268)
1st one is the same request as alpha1 has.
We have to make a extra forum to make it look like my picture. (see circle 1) I had to make an extra forum. If i do not my category shows and the forum depth is gone. If i change this the whole forum is altered and i do not want this.

We wish to maintain this look but the 1 category and beneath sub forum

Only way vBulletin provides to "group" forums is to put them inside one, and this is all about the SubForum display after all ;). Your choice on if it is a Forum or Category. If you make it a Forum, I'd suggest you have it closed for posting.


Originally Posted by Twin-x (Post 1809268)
2nd in the second circle is it possible to fill the gap with more last posts from those forums? That would make it look nicer.

Would require a different hack - Cybernetec has one that may suffice: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=201300


Originally Posted by Twin-x (Post 1809268)
3rd if you cannot fix 1st how can i delete the text : sub category or even better hide the multilanguage text :)

You can get rid of the "Sub-Forums:" by clearing the "Other formatting options (global) / SubForum heading.." in my PlugIns options

Twin-x 05-14-2009 06:15 PM

Thank you Sorky!!!

Sorky 05-21-2009 12:16 PM

Change Log

1. Sort now works with SubForum children, grand-children, etc
2. Extra sort options so you can mix and match the sorting
3. Removed the indent yes/no option
4. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments

More details

1) Now fully supports alphabetic sorting with children, grand-children, etc, etc, etc

SubForum A
SubSubForum A
SubSubForum B
SubSubSubForum A
SubSubSubForum B
SubForum B
SubSubForum A
SubSubForum B
SubSubSubForum A
SubSubSubForum B
SubForum C
2) You can now have a all forums default to alphabetic-vertical sorting, but have a specific forum use forum order sorting

3) This option was not necessary, as you can simply erase the indent text from that option to get the same result ;)

Trek 05-21-2009 04:48 PM

Ok, I think this will do exactly what I want, however it doesn't appear to do anything on my forums.

It could just be the style I am using or something and makes this not work, but changing the config options doesn't appear to affect my forums display. And yes, I did turn the mod on in the config. ;)

maidos 05-21-2009 08:34 PM

can anyone shed somelight here how toadd some curved box

Sorky 05-21-2009 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Trek (Post 1814735)
Ok, I think this will do exactly what I want, however it doesn't appear to do anything on my forums.

It could just be the style I am using or something and makes this not work, but changing the config options doesn't appear to affect my forums display. And yes, I did turn the mod on in the config. ;)

If you'd like to PM me a link, I'll take a look

iBaker 05-23-2009 12:03 AM

Hi Sorky
Firstly thanks for this great mod!

I have just noticed that there isn't any alt text with the collapse/expand images used to display the sub forums on the forums home page - can you advise where I can add this.

Also, I was wanting to add text "Click to expand" and "Click to contract" next to the button and again I am not sure exactly where I can add this - any suggestions?

Thanks Mate!

marshal_ramdev 05-23-2009 12:07 AM

thanks , going to install it within few days :)

Sorky 05-23-2009 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 1815506)
I have just noticed that there isn't any alt text with the collapse/expand images used to display the sub forums on the forums home page - can you advise where I can add this

Good idea - Only one image that gets swapped and alt text does not seem to want to change - Had to modify things a bit and make a new version

Not quite sure about your other request

Sorky 05-23-2009 07:23 AM

Change Log

1. Added 'alt' text for the show/hide images
2. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments

baco84 05-23-2009 09:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)
hi! i have the problem on the screen. the text on 2 column it's not in one line. how can i solved this issue?

Sorky 05-23-2009 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by baco84 (Post 1815688)
hi! i have the problem on the screen. the text on 2 column it's not in one line. how can i solved this issue?

Assuming you have the width in the table, try this option to make the table use the full width available
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.5.2 / Use the full column width for the SubForum table
Otherwise you just have to use less columns as the text simply will not fit in the space available.

iBaker 05-24-2009 12:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1815649)
Good idea - Only one image that gets swapped and alt text does not seem to want to change - Had to modify things a bit and make a new version

Not quite sure about your other request

Thanks Sorky - v1.7.1 worked great

The other thing I was mentioning was not specific to your great mod but more of adding some text next to the collapse/expand button on my own site but I think I need to do it within your code somewhere as I can't seem to find where else to do it. One way is I could add the text in the expand/collapse image but that would lock the text colour with other styles on my site - see att

...and thanks again for a great mod!

Sorky 05-24-2009 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 1816040)
adding some text next to the collapse/expand button on my own site but I think I need to do it within your code somewhere

I guessed that was what you meant but wasn't totally sure. I actually tried it, but I wasn't really impressed with the result so I didn't publish it ;) I believe a much nicer solution would be to simply make an image with the text - that way the hover, click and alt all work the most effectively. It also saves doubling up on the text when images are disabled.

The new & improved implementation does still allow for it - If you really want to try using text, insert code at Line 342 and Line 345 - "$Sorky... = '<span style="...">Your text</span>';"

Try it and let me know - if you really want it, I can put it in to save you having a "hacked" version, but my 2c would go for the image.

Alfa1 05-24-2009 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1815651)
Change Log

1. Added 'alt' text for the show/hide images

What alt text is added? I am afraid that this will hurt SEO, by decreasing keyword density.

Sorky 05-24-2009 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1816210)
What alt text is added? I am afraid that this will hurt SEO, by decreasing keyword density.

It simply allows you to add the text that appears when you hover over the image or if the image is not displayed.

If you don't want the text, don't enter it in the option.

Alfa1 05-25-2009 11:46 PM

Ah great. Is it possible to use a variable? Like the forum name?

Outbackmark 05-26-2009 06:07 AM

Sorky this is a ripper, installed and nominated!!!!

Sorky 05-26-2009 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Outbackmark (Post 1817315)
Sorky this is a ripper, installed and nominated!!!!

I (and obviously many others) wanted more than other Mods did.

Glad you like it ;)


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1817205)
Ah great. Is it possible to use a variable? Like the forum name?

Not currently. I could "eval" the option field, but I'm not crazy about doing that.

Budweiser 05-29-2009 11:17 PM

Sorky, I'm still working on my new site. It's not open yet. I upgraded to 1.7.1 without any problems.

I did load another mod which seems to be in conflict with "Sorky Sub Forum List Control"
The mod is "Forum Minimum Age Restriction"

When this mod is enabled the subforums on forumhome are not collapsible. I diabled it and then they were collapsible again.

I posted a message to IdanB about the conflict too. Any way you can take a look to see if these two mods could be made to work together?

Thnx, Kev

Sorky 05-31-2009 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Budweiser (Post 1819875)
I did load another mod which seems to be in conflict with "Sorky Sub Forum List Control"
The mod is "Forum Minimum Age Restriction"

It certainly stops the show/hide and quite a lot more!!!

His mod will probably conflict with quite a few others as he makes a copy of the templates and then clears them before my Mod has a chance to dynamically modify them. Its a bit hard to modify something that isn't there ;)

The best fix is I believe to make his Mod copy and clear the the templates after we have a chance to modify them ;) Just make the following change...
Plugins & Products
Plugin Manager
Product : Forum Minimum Age / Datastore cache templates
  • Hook Location = parse_templates
  • Execution Order = 9
PS: For some reason I seemed to have to refresh my browser once or twice to get it to kick in.

stamos2003 05-31-2009 12:02 PM

got a problem here though, after installing and setting up:
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in ....../forum/includes/functions_forumlist.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 1

Sorky 05-31-2009 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by stamos2003 (Post 1820613)
got a problem here though, after installing and setting up:
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in ....../forum/includes/functions_forumlist.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 1

If you can send me a URL and access, I'll be happy to take a look.

W!cKeD 05-31-2009 09:17 PM

* Thanks & Installed * :up:

stamos2003 06-02-2009 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1820886)
If you can send me a URL and access, I'll be happy to take a look.

I downgraded to 1.6.2 and it works fine :)

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