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-   vBulletin 3.8 Add-ons (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=235)
-   -   Show Thread Enhancements - Threads Description (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=200259)

metalguy639 01-13-2009 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by TrucLinh (Post 1711282)
All of input fields are working good now, I go back to working on my new Music Mod (25% now) and my news skin for our news years (10%), I will not help any one with problem now on.
I need some input on Music Mods you may help me some idea? or show me some webs with nice idea... then show me the way. Thanks!

Music mod huh? What does it do? I may be able to help you out with some ideas. :D I'll be opening a music forum soon.

sassy1 01-26-2009 01:47 PM

Can some one tell me why i get 2 thread descriptions under the
1 thread title.

For some reason it is double .

Iam running vb 3.8

Thanks in advance

movslow 01-26-2009 04:39 PM

Thanks for the update!!!!

Aadil 01-27-2009 06:11 AM

Hey I installed this.. uploaded the image, and then imported the XML.. and then I added a description for a Post but it doesnt show up under the thread?

Anyone tell me what i did wrong? using latest VB 3.8

TrucLinh 01-28-2009 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by sassy1 (Post 1725205)
Can some one tell me why i get 2 thread descriptions under the
1 thread title.

For some reason it is double .

Iam running vb 3.8

Thanks in advance


Originally Posted by Aadil (Post 1725928)
Hey I installed this.. uploaded the image, and then imported the XML.. and then I added a description for a Post but it doesnt show up under the thread?

Anyone tell me what i did wrong? using latest VB 3.8

. All way check with vBulletin Default Style First!
. All of your customize skin must base on vBulletin Default Style.

liselotte 01-28-2009 12:54 AM

thanks, been looking for this a few days ago

Vaupell 01-28-2009 09:43 AM

wery, nice.. but i installed and went to options it was enabled by default.
pressed save, went to a forum to test it out..

No change, nothing.. :down:

im using 3.8.1 any suggestions ? (EDIT : And yes not on default style either)

DivineMessenger 01-28-2009 02:24 PM

I just installed and there is no option to add description...

Nevermind it is there now... lol odd

DivineMessenger 01-28-2009 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Vaupell (Post 1727033)
wery, nice.. but i installed and went to options it was enabled by default.
pressed save, went to a forum to test it out..

No change, nothing.. :down:

im using 3.8.1 any suggestions ? (EDIT : And yes not on default style either)

Mine just took like an hour then decided to start working lol

Vaupell 01-28-2009 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by DivineMessenger (Post 1727507)
Mine just took like an hour then decided to start working lol

hmm same deal here.. lol wtf.

and i cleared both chache on seo and in my browser.
well it works now, :up: :up: lovely.

TrucLinh 01-29-2009 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by DivineMessenger (Post 1727507)
Mine just took like an hour then decided to start working lol


Originally Posted by Vaupell (Post 1727517)
hmm same deal here.. lol wtf.

and i cleared both chache on seo and in my browser.
well it works now, :up: :up: lovely.

without edit any template you 2 took an hour... for what...

My god!

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/01/14.jpg ghost in your system... hihihi!

very good! :D


Aadil 01-29-2009 07:22 AM

If a old post is edited.. it wont show up but on fresh new posts it will :S

JackFranklin 01-29-2009 05:56 PM

To get mine working I changed the forum's theme from mine to the default and back, seemed to do the trick. Thanks!

BlackJacket 01-29-2009 07:10 PM

seems the showing up part is universal for all 3.8.1. I installed but it didnt show up.

Still waiting for it to show...

BlackJacket 01-30-2009 01:09 PM

finally showed up. Dont ask me how or why but an hour or so later, it started working.

Im running V3.8.1

Vaupell 01-30-2009 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by NittoMOD (Post 1729116)
finally showed up. Dont ask me how or why but an hour or so later, it started working.

Im running V3.8.1

haha No ghosts. its not a bug,, its a FEATURE.. working as intended..

lol.. this is great. :up::D

BlackJacket 01-30-2009 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Vaupell (Post 1729135)
haha No ghosts. its not a bug,, its a FEATURE.. working as intended..

lol.. this is great. :up::D

why is that? The description field didnt show up when installed. Isnt that kinda pointless? To me, i dont see why that would be a feature...

But atleast its working now.

Thanks for the hack.

n.sinha.p 01-31-2009 11:58 AM


nonspin 02-01-2009 03:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
<blockquote>First off - very nice job. Works flawlessly.
I do have some comments though..

The animated arrow is getting old very very fast.
I'm not sure if the "Description" needs more attention than the actual title.
Blinking and/or moving stuff attracts spams - it is the perfect spot ;D

Therefor I made a few modifcations and chained it to "Canned Replies"
to restrict RF's from going nuts with it. - This way, Mods/Admin can set
"emphasis" on certain Threads .. (see attachment) w/out turning the whole
board into a disco.

It might be worth thinking about implenting "restrictions" into a possible
updated version ;D


*RF = regualr folk


nexialys 02-02-2009 03:39 PM

please consider grabbing all your hooks related to "global_start" and make a single plugin with them, because they are ALL THE SAME, do not seperate each element for a plugin, this make the engine too heavy for no reason.

kkeezer 02-02-2009 05:59 PM

Works great, TY!


fly 02-03-2009 01:00 AM


I recently upgraded to 3.8 and simply overwrote this hack with the 3.6 version. Now I have thread descriptions duplicated. What have I done?

edit: Fixed that. I just had to remove my TMS template edits from the 3.6 version. However, I now have this error when trying to enable thread descriptions for a forum.

Invalid SQL:
        title_clean = 'Useless Chatter',
        title = 'Useless Chatter',
        description_clean = 'the intarweb den of sin',
        description = 'the intarweb den of sin',
        link = '',
        displayorder = 1,
        parentid = 3,
        daysprune = -1,
        defaultsortfield = 'lastpost',
        defaultsortorder = 'desc',
        showprivate = 0,
        newpostemail = '',
        newthreademail = '',
        ### Bitfield: forum.options ###
                options = IF(options & 8, options - 8, options),
                options = IF(options & 16, options - 16, options),
                options = IF(options & 32, options - 32, options),
                options = IF(options & 32768, options - 32768, options),
                options = IF(options & 8192, options - 8192, options),
                options = IF(options & 4, options, options + 4),
                options = IF(options & 1, options, options + 1),
                options = IF(options & 2, options, options + 2),
                options = IF(options & 16384, options, options + 16384),
                options = IF(options & 256, options - 256, options),
                options = IF(options & 64, options, options + 64),
                options = IF(options & 128, options, options + 128),
                options = IF(options & 512, options, options + 512),
                options = IF(options & 1024, options, options + 1024),
                options = IF(options & 2048, options, options + 2048),
                options = IF(options & 4096, options, options + 4096),
                options = IF(options & 65536, options, options + 65536),
                options = IF(options & 131072, options - 131072, options),
        styleid = 0,
        imageprefix = '',
        password = '',
        requireicon = 1,
        accessf_nb = 0,
        accesst_nb = 0,
        create_nb = 0,
        reply_nb = 0,
        attach_nb = 0,
        linkview_nb = 0,
        linkpost_nb = 5,
        vbbux_perview = 1,
        vbbux_perthread = 1,
        vbbux_perpost = 1,
        ### Bitfield: forum.vbplaza_forum_options ###
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 16, vbplaza_forum_options - 16, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 32, vbplaza_forum_options - 32, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 64, vbplaza_forum_options - 64, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 128, vbplaza_forum_options - 128, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 256, vbplaza_forum_options - 256, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 512, vbplaza_forum_options - 512, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 1024, vbplaza_forum_options, vbplaza_forum_options + 1024),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 2048, vbplaza_forum_options, vbplaza_forum_options + 2048),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 4096, vbplaza_forum_options, vbplaza_forum_options + 4096),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 8192, vbplaza_forum_options, vbplaza_forum_options + 8192),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 16384, vbplaza_forum_options, vbplaza_forum_options + 16384),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 32768, vbplaza_forum_options, vbplaza_forum_options + 32768),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 65536, vbplaza_forum_options, vbplaza_forum_options + 65536),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 131072, vbplaza_forum_options, vbplaza_forum_options + 131072),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 262144, vbplaza_forum_options, vbplaza_forum_options + 262144),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 524288, vbplaza_forum_options, vbplaza_forum_options + 524288),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 1048576, vbplaza_forum_options - 1048576, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 2097152, vbplaza_forum_options - 2097152, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 4194304, vbplaza_forum_options - 4194304, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 8388608, vbplaza_forum_options - 8388608, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 16777216, vbplaza_forum_options - 16777216, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 1, vbplaza_forum_options - 1, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 2, vbplaza_forum_options - 2, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 4, vbplaza_forum_options - 4, vbplaza_forum_options),
                vbplaza_forum_options = IF(vbplaza_forum_options & 8, vbplaza_forum_options - 8, vbplaza_forum_options),
        vbplaza_cangetaccesscost = 0,
        vbplaza_cangiveaccesscost = 0,
        vbplaza_candenyaccesscost = 0,
        vbplaza_cangetpasswordcost = 0,
        descriptiondefault = '1'
WHERE forumid = 4;

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'descriptiondefault' in 'field list'

TrucLinh 02-03-2009 02:15 AM

Note: If you can use your db utilities you only add this column 'descriptiondefault' into your forum db

Please run the following query to add it:

ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `descriptiondefault` SMALLINT(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
Or ---------------------------------

. Uninstall this mod
. Install news, all way works!


fly 02-03-2009 09:25 AM

The SQL query did it. Thanks!

Mihalis 02-04-2009 06:50 AM

I don't see the description field when i try a new thread. But i do see the description field when i edit a thread. Any ideas? Thanx.

Rashdan 02-04-2009 10:15 AM


more beautiful

Mihalis 02-05-2009 08:52 AM

I am wondering if everybosy else is getting a description field when you create a new topic and i dont. Am i not getting something right?:confused:

rjnsmith 02-05-2009 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mihalis (Post 1734981)
I am wondering if everybosy else is getting a description field when you create a new topic and i dont. Am i not getting something right?:confused:

I am seeing the same problem.

dai-kun 02-05-2009 10:27 PM

I am seeing the same problem also.

Aadil 02-06-2009 10:00 AM

mine dont update when i edit it :(

TrucLinh 02-07-2009 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Mihalis (Post 1734981)
I am wondering if everybosy else is getting a description field when you create a new topic and i dont. Am i not getting something right?:confused:


Originally Posted by rjnsmith (Post 1735321)
I am seeing the same problem.


Originally Posted by dai-kun (Post 1735595)
I am seeing the same problem also.


Originally Posted by Aadil (Post 1735956)
mine dont update when i edit it :(

Alway check with vBulletin Default Style 1st, may be your customize style.


Mecho 02-07-2009 10:11 PM

i cant the Screenshots in this thread , i dunno why .

Would u attach them also ?

Aadil 02-08-2009 08:10 AM

Umm.. it works.. but if i update it and edit it.. it wont update.. it should if it shows it..

TrucLinh 02-08-2009 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Mecho (Post 1737370)
i cant the Screenshots in this thread , i dunno why .

Would u attach them also ?

OK! add Screenshots :) for you.


TrucLinh 02-08-2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Aadil (Post 1737601)
Umm.. it works.. but if i update it and edit it.. it wont update.. it should if it shows it..

It work fine with me and other.
It does not work in your forum, I don't know why?
I want to help you, but you see with out a look in your forum, I can't help you to fix it.


Sweeks 02-11-2009 11:38 AM

Can you get this to work with vbulletin blogs? A blog description?
Asian Teen

Drocr 02-15-2009 01:27 PM

Its doing the same thing to me as it was to everyone else its not showing the box to type the descriptions I hope it shows up in like an hour like everyone said it will..

NVM it works mon; I did a forum and thread rebuild and it worked

drsli 02-15-2009 02:16 PM

I had to exclude this function in one forum and re-allow it again, then it worked in every forum immediately. vb3.81.

Many thanks for this useful enhancement. :)

Myago 02-16-2009 03:28 AM

Thanks, installed ;)

DPtheGod 02-16-2009 04:18 AM

This is definitely an interesting hack, and I plan to play around with it. Thanks! :)

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