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Phalynx 01-09-2009 09:45 AM

Via custom points you can add or substract points from the experience. This is if you want f.e. give a user a bonus of 100 points for good work on a tutorial. Go to AdminCP, vBExperience, Manage Custom Points

MrAbc 01-09-2009 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1706117)
Via custom points you can add or substract points from the experience. This is if you want f.e. give a user a bonus of 100 points for good work on a tutorial. Go to AdminCP, vBExperience, Manage Custom Points

Thanks, it worked. It might be good if the person can show off the item! That is some one else can view the items as well. Or has it been done!

Edit: it has been done...

Great job!

Phalynx 01-09-2009 12:10 PM

vBExperience has been released as 3.8.0 GOLD. The new features are Earn Points (It tells the user where and how he can get points), Give Aways and Sells in Shop and a lot of improvement, minor changes and fixes.

Please upgrade to 3.8.0 as soon as possible. Only vBExperience 3.8.0 is fully compatible with vBulletin 3.8!

3.8.0 GOLD, 9th January 2009
- Now compatible with vBulletin 3.7.x and 3.8.x - support for vBulletin 3.6.x has been dropped
- New Experience: Socialgroup Discussions (Discussions, Posts)
- New Experience: Completing Profile (per editable profile fields, excluded are fields with a default value)
- New feature: Earn Points. It tells the user where and how he can get points. Title and description are pulled from phrases of the settings
- New feature: Shop: User can give away item (gift) to someone
- New feature: Shop: User can sell item back to shop and get 75% points back (amount setable)
- New feature: Shop: User can see own transactions
- Awards: Fixed handling of awards for ignored usergroups (thanks goes to Abe1)
- Awards: You can now define the max awards a user can get (thanks goes to Abe1)
- Awards: Award for activity is beeing set only to one user (more experience points wins), all other users are getting 99%.
- Awards: You can exclude usergroups from getting Awards. Administrators (Group ID 6) are excluded by default.
- Fixed margin of vBExperience tab in profile
- Rankings: Fixed XSS Vulnerability (thanks to snunhuck and Y4I)15)
- Experience: Handling of "Post Thank You" data now via CDP Addon. Support in Experience core has been dropped. You will need to import the addon from extras/addons.
- Shop: Fixed AdminCP Links visible to everyone
- Shop: Fixed AdminCP, Manage Shop, "Transactionlog (Page %1$s/%2$s) | There are %3$s Entries."
- Shop: Fixed missing BBUrl Prefix
- Shop: Give Away is sending PM to receiver (setable)
- Shop: Selling item is sending PM to defined list (setable)
- Shop: Writing a PM upon a purchase can now be deactivated
- Shop: Improved "give away" and display in postbit/profile
- Shop: Set if points from purchased products should be substracted
- Shop: Transactions in AdminCP are now paged
- Shop: Categories have now an icon and a description
- Shop: Description of Costfield in AdminCP with default value if translation is empty
- Fixed unchached templates
- CDP: New revision of CDP to support Earn Points
- CDP: All addons have been upgraded to support "Earn Points"
- Added row breaker for profile shop items
- Minor fixes and changes

Nectro 01-09-2009 12:30 PM

Thanks, updated and working fine :D

redlabour 01-09-2009 12:56 PM

Translation Bug/Missing:

English: Award/Awards

German: Auszeichnung/Auszeichnungen (at this Time it is untranslated!!!)


Is it possible to give us a Option in AdminCP to change the Title from vBExperience to something we like?

No one from the Users knows what "vBExperience" means. At this Time i have to rename it after every Update to "Aktivitätssystem" (Activitysystem) in a lot of Phrases.

Phalynx 01-09-2009 01:03 PM

Maybe "Award" is not 100% correct, it has been used widely on some german sites. Nevertheless will I change it in the next release.

As for the wording vBExperience - Just search and replace it in the file vbulletin-language-deutsch-380.xml and import it. It will not be an option in the ACP, as this needs to be translated on multi language forums.

zelnik 01-09-2009 02:07 PM

Just a minor thing it still says RC2 when you click on vBExperience from the menu!

Vaupell 01-09-2009 02:36 PM

updated!! Good work.

redlabour 01-09-2009 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1706252)
Maybe "Award" is not 100% correct, it has been used widely on some german sites. Nevertheless will I change it in the next release.

Thank you! :)


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1706252)
as this needs to be translated on multi language forums.

This is the Reason why i suggested it! :confused:

Default could be still vBExperience - it is much easier for everyone only to change one Time "vBExperience" in any Language or other Title he wants via a Option in AdminCP. To change all Phrases is much more work for everyone. Maybe you did not understand what i mean?

[german]Genau wegen der Mehrsprachenkompatibilit?t schlage ich es ja vor. So br?uchte doch jeder im AdminCP nur eintragen wie er es gerne h?tte und niemand m?sste jemals wieder die ganzen Phrasen des Titels f?r navbar etc. ?ndern. Ich meine ein simples Textfeld das dann automatisch die Phrase ersetzt. Du verstehst? Gibt es auch in dutzenden anderer gr??erer Hacks wo die ?berschrift sonst missverst?ndlich ist.[/german] ;)

DebtFree 01-09-2009 02:53 PM

Excellent product ... thank you :)

What would be the chance of having a couple of extra awards?
1 based on referrals and 1 based on paid subscriptions where the award goes to the referring member (think of it as a commission)

Phalynx 01-09-2009 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1706379)

Default could be still vBExperience - it is much easier for everyone only to change one Time "vBExperience" in any Language or other Title he wants via a Option in AdminCP. To change all Phrases is much more work for everyone. Maybe you did not understand what i mean?

No, as with multiple languages on ONE board (e.g. eng-ger-pol-rus boards like Inside Earth) you have the problem that Experience-Erfahrung-etc... has a different name.


Originally Posted by DebtFree (Post 1706389)
What would be the chance of having a couple of extra awards?
1 based on referrals and 1 based on paid subscriptions where the award goes to the referring member (think of it as a commission)

Feel free to create it, with the CDP and Manage Awards you can create such things.

DebtFree 01-09-2009 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1706435)
Feel free to create it, with the CDP and Manage Awards you can create such things.

Thanks. How?
I can see that I can create a new award to give points when a member referrers a new member, but how exactly do I create an award that will give that referring member points based on their referrer making an Paid Subscription? And will it be able to repeat those points for every future payment that is made?

anuanu 01-10-2009 11:04 AM

This most recent update has fixed my problem. Thank you!

DanTHEGREAT 01-10-2009 11:15 AM

Would you be able to add the points on postbit for the next award Phalynx?

chrissmith 01-10-2009 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by DebtFree (Post 1706449)
Thanks. How?
I can see that I can create a new award to give points when a member referrers a new member, but how exactly do I create an award that will give that referring member points based on their referrer making an Paid Subscription? And will it be able to repeat those points for every future payment that is made?

I also need some help for creating an CDP for Vbulletin Glossary and Vbulletin Membermap.
Ive read the instructions too but dont see how i can read out and calculate the data.

also i have dupicated images of the awards in postbit (set to max. 2) only with ie7 and tested fine with ff.


Phalynx 01-11-2009 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by DanTHEGREAT (Post 1707161)
Would you be able to add the points on postbit for the next award Phalynx?

Please explain more.


Originally Posted by chrissmith (Post 1707487)
I also need some help for creating an CDP for Vbulletin Glossary and Vbulletin Membermap.
Ive read the instructions too but dont see how i can read out and calculate the data.

You will need to read out the data the mods are producing. Ask the mod creator of Glossary and Membermap if he can provide a CDP for this. Many other authors have already provided a CDP for vBExperience.

ForYou 01-11-2009 02:57 PM

Hello ,

When i need to do update there is error message ,

Update vBExperience points

جاري تنفيذ العملية على: 1

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_xperience.php on line 219
جاري تنفيذ العملية على: 5

I hope there is solution for this ,


Phalynx 01-11-2009 06:49 PM

Sorry, I don't recognize arabic chars.

Vaupell 01-12-2009 01:30 AM

just got myself vbadvanced and installed the modules for it.
works great with

vb 3.8
vba 3.1

Thumbs up ;)

I want to add awards to the post "user cp" on the front page in vba.
but where to i find the awards postbit code in ?

so i can just copy paste it to vba postbit / usercp

Phalynx 01-12-2009 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Vaupell (Post 1709190)
I want to add awards to the post "user cp" on the front page in vba.
but where to i find the awards postbit code in ?

so i can just copy paste it to vba postbit / usercp

Not possible from just pasting some template code. You would need to do programming also. I'll look maybe I do a module for vBExperience 3.8.1

mitch84 01-12-2009 01:14 PM

hi, I've 12 medals in acp/manage awards and only 11 appears in www...xperience.php?go=awards, Fields are filled well.

Phalynx 01-12-2009 01:25 PM

Please PM me a temporary Adminaccount so I can take a look.

mitch84 01-12-2009 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1709696)
Please PM me a temporary Adminaccount so I can take a look.

sorry, it's on local disk for moment

Infopro 01-12-2009 07:03 PM

Version check does not work.

Phalynx 01-12-2009 07:10 PM

Yes, I noticed this already. It has been fixed in 3.8.1

DanTHEGREAT 01-12-2009 09:30 PM

my shop items don't display on postbit every setting is right

5 on postbit
5 on break
display: under rep/under post

still doesn't show up..

Bexter 01-13-2009 08:37 AM

This is a great mod, i had it installed on 3.7.3 with no problems. I upgraded to vb 3.8 yesterday though and now when I post a quick reply i get redirected.
This still happens after every plugin is disabled on my current skin, but with a new skin the problem only occurs once vbexperience is re-enabled.
I don't know how to fix it on my current skin, but I'll be changing the forums skin next week anyway. I'd like to continue using this mod but with quick reply redirecting to the post it takes up more bandwidth. Is anyone experiencing this problem or have a fix?

gtrts 01-14-2009 02:19 PM

There is something I don't understand: it seems the point should be floating,since there are floating numbers such as "Points for attachment views",but the point results in integer.

So, question is: how do these floating numbers work?

Adem GEN? 01-14-2009 06:17 PM

For admincp folder rename users
<phrase 1="$vboptions[bburl]/admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=manshop">

Adem GEN? 01-14-2009 08:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
New updated

Turkish Language file
Mevcut Türkçe dil dosyanızın üzerine yazın

buileminh 01-14-2009 09:04 PM

Is it possible for my user to use points to purchase Paid Subscriptions?

Infopro 01-14-2009 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1710064)
Yes, I noticed this already. It has been fixed in 3.8.1

Where can we get that one at?

gtrts 01-15-2009 05:01 AM

why Helpful Award don't works? I installed thanks addon, and it calculated correctly in user points,but Helpful Award don't works.

Phalynx 01-15-2009 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by DanTHEGREAT (Post 1710221)
my shop items don't display on postbit every setting is right

5 on postbit
5 on break
display: under rep/under post

still doesn't show up..

Do you have a modified postbit template? Check for the template hooks.


Originally Posted by Bexter (Post 1710717)
This is a great mod, i had it installed on 3.7.3 with no problems. I upgraded to vb 3.8 yesterday though and now when I post a quick reply i get redirected.
This still happens after every plugin is disabled on my current skin, but with a new skin the problem only occurs once vbexperience is re-enabled.
I don't know how to fix it on my current skin, but I'll be changing the forums skin next week anyway. I'd like to continue using this mod but with quick reply redirecting to the post it takes up more bandwidth. Is anyone experiencing this problem or have a fix?

Cannot confirm this.


Originally Posted by gtrts (Post 1712145)
There is something I don't understand: it seems the point should be floating,since there are floating numbers such as "Points for attachment views",but the point results in integer.

So, question is: how do these floating numbers work?

there are converted to int by saving to DB.


Originally Posted by AdemGEN? (Post 1712378)
For admincp folder rename users
<phrase 1="$vboptions[bburl]/admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=manshop">

Cannot confirm this. Where is it wrong?


Originally Posted by AdemGEN? (Post 1712553)
Turkish Language file
Mevcut T?rk?e dil dosyanızın ?zerine yazın

Thanks for sharing! But this file contains only a few phrases, fewer than your 3.7.18 translation.
Can I give you the 3.8.1 language too? There are only a few new strings.

Phalynx 01-15-2009 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by buileminh (Post 1712557)
Is it possible for my user to use points to purchase Paid Subscriptions?

Currently not.


Originally Posted by Infopro (Post 1712630)
Where can we get that one at?

It's in a private beta, but will be released today.


Originally Posted by gtrts (Post 1712976)
why Helpful Award don't works? I installed thanks addon, and it calculated correctly in user points,but Helpful Award don't works.

If you install the thank addon, you will need to modify the helpful award to include the fields brought by the addon.

Phalynx 01-15-2009 09:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I've attached language files from spain, french and turkish. Please take a look and repost it fully translated. There are mostly only few strings missing.

Thanks in advance.

phreak79 01-15-2009 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Bexter (Post 1710717)
This is a great mod, i had it installed on 3.7.3 with no problems. I upgraded to vb 3.8 yesterday though and now when I post a quick reply i get redirected.
This still happens after every plugin is disabled on my current skin, but with a new skin the problem only occurs once vbexperience is re-enabled.
I don't know how to fix it on my current skin, but I'll be changing the forums skin next week anyway. I'd like to continue using this mod but with quick reply redirecting to the post it takes up more bandwidth. Is anyone experiencing this problem or have a fix?

This happens to me too.

S P E E D 01-15-2009 12:26 PM

thanks And Wait Lang Arabic

Phalynx 01-15-2009 12:36 PM

There is nobody who will do the arabic language. There is only a version for 3.7.12, which is outdated.

Phalynx 01-15-2009 02:06 PM

vBExperience 3.8.1 has been released.

- French language updated - thanks to mitch84
- Turkish language updated - thanks to AdemGENÇ
- Shop: Fixed error on selling items with "," as delimiter
- AdminCP: Ability to define a User ID where the User recount should start at
- Optimization for large boards: Average Posts per day (forum) is beeing calculated once per night, optionally Admin can set a predefined value and disable the cron
- Optimization for large boards: Average Posts per day (user) is beeing calculated once per night
- Rankings: Displaying reputation points, setable
- AdminCP: Fixed hardcoded AdminCP Path

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