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-   -   Profile Enhancements - Xbox Live Recent Games in Profile Tab (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=196843)

OcR Envy 04-09-2009 01:17 PM

For some reason when I install your Bungie.net recent games tab this one stops working. Any help?

Gamelobby 04-09-2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 1785429)
Is there anyway for the "TAB" to NOT show up for profiles that dont have xbox.?
PS3 people will not be happy to have this tab on thier profile.!?

I might have to disable this, until i get that figured out. Dont want to piss off PS3 members.

Any ideas..?

zombietom 04-11-2009 01:37 AM

This mod is not working due to http://www.duncanmackenzie.net/ site being down..this is where the stats come from...at least that is what the developer told me and sure enough that site is down.

zombietom 04-11-2009 01:40 AM

as for disabling this mod so the ps3 gamers don't get upset..you should be able to write in the <if condition> code to not show it unless they have a gamertag in the field.

Gamelobby 04-11-2009 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by zombietom (Post 1788598)
as for disabling this mod so the ps3 gamers don't get upset..you should be able to write in the <if condition> code to not show it unless they have a gamertag in the field.

That is exactly what i want, but i dont know how to write such a code. :)

zombietom 04-11-2009 01:59 AM

There should be some post on here on how to do it if you want to try yourself, if not there is a section to request help

let me know -- i might be able to help

TigerC10 04-13-2009 12:51 AM

To disable the tab from displaying for people that don't have the XBox Live service, you just need to change some of the plugin code.

For the simple fix, change the first line of your plugin Xbox Live Info Tab (it's at the member_build_blocks_start hook) code to:


if ( $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_enable_product'] AND $userinfo[ $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_fieldid'] ] )

Altered code is in red. It's not the most efficient code, but it should work fine.

Gamelobby 04-13-2009 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by TigerC10 (Post 1789912)
To disable the tab from displaying for people that don't have the XBox Live service, you just need to change some of the plugin code.

For the simple fix, change the first line of your plugin Xbox Live Info Tab (it's at the member_build_blocks_start hook) code to:

if ( $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_enable_product'] AND $this->profile->userinfo[ $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_fieldid'] ] )

Altered code is in red. It's not the most efficient code, but it should work fine.

It screwed up my profile.. and still no tab. (it made all the font on the site much bigger.)
It actually screwed up my profile worse than others because of my photobucket slide show mod, but it still screwed up other profile too.

Also there is this error code across the top of the site now..

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting '(' in /home/content/m/i/l/milo327/html/Forum/member.php(463) : eval()'d code on line 1
Any other thoughts..?

Here is the full xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<product productid="xblinfo_tab" active="1">        <title>Xbox Live Info tab in Profile</title>        <description>Adds Xbox Live recent games list in user profile tab.</description>        <version>1.2</version>        <url>https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=196843</url>        <versioncheckurl />        <dependencies>                <dependency dependencytype="php" minversion="5" maxversion="" />        </dependencies>        <codes>        </codes>        <templates>                <template name="memberinfo_block_xblinfo" templatetype="template" date="1227759456" username="Dudditz" version="1.2"><![CDATA[<div class="alt1 block_row">
        <ul class="list_no_decoration">
</div>]]></template>        </templates>        <plugins>                <plugin active="0" executionorder="5">                        <title>Templates Cache</title>                        <hookname>cache_templates</hookname>                        <phpcode><![CDATA[$globaltemplates[] = 'memberinfo_block_xblinfo';]]></phpcode>                </plugin>                <plugin active="1" executionorder="5">                        <title>Xbox Live Info Tab</title>                        <hookname>member_build_blocks_start</hookname>                        <phpcode><![CDATA[if ($vbulletin->options['xblinfo_enable_product'])
                $xblinfo_tabtitle = 'Xbox Live Games';
                $xblinfo_tabtitle = $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_tabtitle'];
$blocklist = array_merge($blocklist, array(
                'xblinfo' => array(
                        'class' => 'xblinfo',
                        'title' => $xblinfo_tabtitle,
                        'hook_location' => ($vbulletin->options['xblinfo_tab_location']==0) ? 'profile_left_first' : 'profile_left_last'

        class vB_ProfileBlock_xblinfo extends vB_ProfileBlock
                var $template_name = 'memberinfo_block_xblinfo';
                function confirm_empty_wrap()
                        return false;

                function confirm_display()
                        return ($this->block_data['xblinfo'] != '');

                function prepare_output($id = '', $options = array())
                {  global $vbulletin;
                        $pmgc_gamertag = '';
                        $xblupf = $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_fieldid'];
                        $pmgc_gamertag = $this->profile->userinfo[$xblupf];
                        if ($pmgc_gamertag=='') {
                        $pmgc_xbl_content='No Gamertag on file.<br /><a href="profile.php?do=editprofile">Add your gamertag here</a>';
                        $this->block_data['xblinfo'] = $pmgc_xbl_content;
                        $getnew = true;
                        $pmgc_newtag = strtolower($pmgc_gamertag);
                        $pmgc_newtag = ereg_replace(" ", "+", $pmgc_newtag);
                        $gamerxml = ereg_replace(" ", "%20", $pmgc_gamertag);
                        $url = "http://duncanmackenzie.net/services/GetXboxInfo.aspx?GamerTag=" . $gamerxml;
                        $file = "".$pmgc_newtag."_xbox.xml";
                        $path = $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_cache_dir']."/";
                        if (!is_dir($path)) {  return; }else{

                        $filetime = @filemtime($path.$file);
                        $time = time();
                        $difference = ($time - $filetime);
                        if (file_exists($path.$file))
                                $filetime = @filemtime($path.$file);
                                $time = time();
                                $difference = ($time - $filetime);
                                if ($difference < 60)
                                        $getnew = false;
                        $pmgc_xbl_content = '';
                        //update temp file with live xml data
                        if ($getnew === true)
                        $fp = fopen($path.$file, "w+");
                        $ch = curl_init();
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);               
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)");
                        curl_exec($ch);        // get data from url and dump to file
                        if (file_exists($path.$file))
                        $xml = simplexml_load_file($path.$file);

                        $pmgc_xbl_content = '<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="border: 1px solid"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="' . $xml->TileUrl . '"></td><td align="left" valign="top" nowrap><b>' . $xml->Gamertag . '</b><br> <br>Reputation:<br><img src="' . $xml->ReputationImageUrl . '"></td><td align="left" valign="top" width="100%">Gamer Score: ' . $xml->GamerScore . '<br> <br>Zone: ' . $xml->Zone . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . $xml->PresenceInfo->StatusText . '</b></td><td colspan=2><b>' . $xml->PresenceInfo->Info . '</b></td></tr></table>';
                        if ($xml->State == "Valid") {
                    foreach ($xml->RecentGames->XboxUserGameInfo as $games)
                                $pmgc_xbl_content .= '<br><table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="border: 1px solid"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="' . $games->Game->Image64Url . '"></td><td align="left" valign="top" width="100%"><b>' . $games->Game->Name . '</b><br> <br>Achievements: ' . $games->Achievements . ' of ' . $games->Game->TotalAchievements . ' possible.<br> <br>Gamer Score: ' . $games->GamerScore . ' of ' . $games->Game->TotalGamerScore . ' possible.</td></tr></table>';
                        $pmgc_xbl_content .= "<br><div align=\"center\" class=\"smallfont\">provided by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.pimpmygamercard.com\"><b>PimpMyGamercard</b></a></div>";
                                    $this->block_data['xblinfo'] = $pmgc_xbl_content;
}]]></phpcode>                </plugin>        </plugins>        <phrases>                <phrasetype name="GLOBAL" fieldname="global">                        <phrase name="xblinfo_xblinfo" date="0" username="" version=""><![CDATA[Xbox Live Info]]></phrase>                </phrasetype>                <phrasetype name="vBulletin Settings" fieldname="vbsettings">                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_cache_dir_desc" date="1227758607" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Please enter a folder, to which the xml files should be stored <br />(Please no slash (/) at the begining or the end)]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_cache_dir_title" date="1227758607" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Cache Folder]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_enable_product_desc" date="1227758504" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Select Yes to turn enable product]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_enable_product_title" date="1227758504" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Enable Product]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_fieldid_desc" date="0" username="Dudditz" version="1.0"><![CDATA[If you have my <a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=196587" target="_blank">Gamefields Icons Userfields</a> Product installed, leave this setting at <b>gf_xbox</b><br />OR you may use your own user profile field<br />Example: If your gamertag field id is 5, enter <b>field5</b> ]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_fieldid_title" date="0" username="Dudditz" version="1.0"><![CDATA[User Field]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_tab_location_desc" date="1227758487" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Please select hook location]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_tab_location_title" date="1227758487" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Profile Tab Hook location]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_tabtitle_desc" date="1227758579" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[You can set your own title for the profile tab here.]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_tabtitle_title" date="1227758579" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Change the profile tab title]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="settinggroup_xblinfo_group" date="0" username="Dudditz" version="1.0"><![CDATA[Xbox Live Info Tab]]></phrase>                </phrasetype>        </phrases>        <options>                <settinggroup name="xblinfo_group" displayorder="65535">                        <setting varname="xblinfo_enable_product" displayorder="5">                                <datatype>boolean</datatype>                                <optioncode>yesno</optioncode>                                <defaultvalue>0</defaultvalue>                        </setting>                        <setting varname="xblinfo_tab_location" displayorder="10">                                <datatype>free</datatype>                                <optioncode><![CDATA[select:piped
1|$template_hook[profile_left_last]]]></optioncode>                                <defaultvalue>0</defaultvalue>                        </setting>                        <setting varname="xblinfo_tabtitle" displayorder="15">                                <datatype>free</datatype>                                <defaultvalue>Xbox Live Games</defaultvalue>                        </setting>                        <setting varname="xblinfo_cache_dir" displayorder="30">                                <datatype>free</datatype>                                <validationcode><![CDATA[return (is_dir(DIR . '/' . $data . '/'));]]></validationcode>                                <defaultvalue>xblcache</defaultvalue>                        </setting>                        <setting varname="xblinfo_fieldid" displayorder="40">                                <datatype>free</datatype>                                <defaultvalue>gf_xbox</defaultvalue>                        </setting>                </settinggroup>        </options>        <helptopics>        </helptopics>        <cronentries>        </cronentries>        <faqentries>        </faqentries>        <templateedits>        </templateedits></product>

TigerC10 04-13-2009 02:37 AM

[s]Eh? Well the only reason that would happen is if the template code is still trying to display something.

Try changing your memberinfo_block_xblinfo template to this (in addition to the plugin change):

<if condition="$block_data[xblinfo]">
<div class="alt1 block_row">
        <ul class="list_no_decoration">

See if that clears things up. :) Template caching could be affecting the output.[/s]

Shouldn't be necessary anymore, figured out the original modification to this mod used the wrong variable name. :p

Gamelobby 04-13-2009 03:54 AM

Nope same thing.. error code on top, photobucket slideshow is super wide, & youtube, mp3 player are not showing on profile.
Still no tab.

TigerC10 04-13-2009 05:15 AM

My bad, dude. I used the wrong variable name in the plugin.

Change the first line in Plugin Xbox Live Info Tab:

if ( $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_enable_product'] AND $userinfo[ $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_fieldid'] ] )

That should resolve it. You shouldn't need to alter the template.

Gamelobby 04-13-2009 06:22 AM

Yup that did it.!
Thanks man

Out of curiousity what/how would this work in a block on the side.?

TigerC10 04-13-2009 03:34 PM

Well, I don't use this mod so I'm not sure how it would look in a profile block on the right side instead of on the left. In order to do that you'll have to change the XML file and re-import the product. Here's what you'll use.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<product productid="xblinfo_tab" active="1">        <title>Xbox Live Info tab in Profile</title>        <description>Adds Xbox Live recent games list in user profile tab.</description>        <version>1.2</version>        <url>https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=196843</url>        <versioncheckurl />        <dependencies>                <dependency dependencytype="php" minversion="5" maxversion="" />        </dependencies>        <codes>        </codes>        <templates>                <template name="memberinfo_block_xblinfo" templatetype="template" date="1227759456" username="Dudditz" version="1.2"><![CDATA[<div class="alt1 block_row">
        <ul class="list_no_decoration">
</div>]]></template>        </templates>        <plugins>                <plugin active="0" executionorder="5">                        <title>Templates Cache</title>                        <hookname>cache_templates</hookname>                        <phpcode><![CDATA[$globaltemplates[] = 'memberinfo_block_xblinfo';]]></phpcode>                </plugin>                <plugin active="1" executionorder="5">                        <title>Xbox Live Info Tab</title>                        <hookname>member_build_blocks_start</hookname>                        <phpcode><![CDATA[if (
        $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_enable_product'] ]
        AND $userinfo[ $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_fieldid'] ]        /* Hide tab for members without XBox Live by TigerC10 */
) {
                $xblinfo_tabtitle = 'Xbox Live Games';
                $xblinfo_tabtitle = $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_tabtitle'];
$blocklist = array_merge($blocklist, array(
                //Extended template hook location by TigerC10
                        case 0:
                                $blocklocation = 'profile_left_first';
                        case 1:
                                $blocklocation = 'profile_left_last';
                        case 2:
                                $blocklocation = 'profile_right_first';
                        case 3:
                                $blocklocation = 'profile_right_mini';
                        case 4:
                                $blocklocation = 'profile_right_album';
                        case 5:
                                $blocklocation = 'profile_right_last';
                'xblinfo' => array(
                        'class' => 'xblinfo',
                        'title' => $xblinfo_tabtitle,
                        'hook_location' => $blocklocation
                //End extended template hook location by TigerC10

        class vB_ProfileBlock_xblinfo extends vB_ProfileBlock
                var $template_name = 'memberinfo_block_xblinfo';
                function confirm_empty_wrap()
                        return false;

                function confirm_display()
                        return ($this->block_data['xblinfo'] != '');

                function prepare_output($id = '', $options = array())
                {  global $vbulletin;
                        $pmgc_gamertag = '';
                        $xblupf = $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_fieldid'];
                        $pmgc_gamertag = $this->profile->userinfo[$xblupf];
                        if ($pmgc_gamertag=='') {
                        $pmgc_xbl_content='No Gamertag on file.<br /><a href="profile.php?do=editprofile">Add your gamertag here</a>';
                        $this->block_data['xblinfo'] = $pmgc_xbl_content;
                        $getnew = true;
                        $pmgc_newtag = strtolower($pmgc_gamertag);
                        $pmgc_newtag = ereg_replace(" ", "+", $pmgc_newtag);
                        $gamerxml = ereg_replace(" ", "%20", $pmgc_gamertag);
                        $url = "http://duncanmackenzie.net/services/GetXboxInfo.aspx?GamerTag=" . $gamerxml;
                        $file = "".$pmgc_newtag."_xbox.xml";
                        $path = $vbulletin->options['xblinfo_cache_dir']."/";
                        if (!is_dir($path)) {  return; }else{

                        $filetime = @filemtime($path.$file);
                        $time = time();
                        $difference = ($time - $filetime);
                        if (file_exists($path.$file))
                                $filetime = @filemtime($path.$file);
                                $time = time();
                                $difference = ($time - $filetime);
                                if ($difference < 60)
                                        $getnew = false;
                        $pmgc_xbl_content = '';
                        //update temp file with live xml data
                        if ($getnew === true)
                        $fp = fopen($path.$file, "w+");
                        $ch = curl_init();
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);               
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)");
                        curl_exec($ch);        // get data from url and dump to file
                        if (file_exists($path.$file))
                        $xml = simplexml_load_file($path.$file);

                        $pmgc_xbl_content = '<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="border: 1px solid"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="' . $xml->TileUrl . '"></td><td align="left" valign="top" nowrap><b>' . $xml->Gamertag . '</b><br> <br>Reputation:<br><img src="' . $xml->ReputationImageUrl . '"></td><td align="left" valign="top" width="100%">Gamer Score: ' . $xml->GamerScore . '<br> <br>Zone: ' . $xml->Zone . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . $xml->PresenceInfo->StatusText . '</b></td><td colspan=2><b>' . $xml->PresenceInfo->Info . '</b></td></tr></table>';
                        if ($xml->State == "Valid") {
                    foreach ($xml->RecentGames->XboxUserGameInfo as $games)
                                $pmgc_xbl_content .= '<br><table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="border: 1px solid"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="' . $games->Game->Image64Url . '"></td><td align="left" valign="top" width="100%"><b>' . $games->Game->Name . '</b><br> <br>Achievements: ' . $games->Achievements . ' of ' . $games->Game->TotalAchievements . ' possible.<br> <br>Gamer Score: ' . $games->GamerScore . ' of ' . $games->Game->TotalGamerScore . ' possible.</td></tr></table>';
                        $pmgc_xbl_content .= "<br><div align=\"center\" class=\"smallfont\">provided by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.pimpmygamercard.com\"><b>PimpMyGamercard</b></a></div>";
                                    $this->block_data['xblinfo'] = $pmgc_xbl_content;
}]]></phpcode>                </plugin>        </plugins>        <phrases>                <phrasetype name="GLOBAL" fieldname="global">                        <phrase name="xblinfo_xblinfo" date="0" username="" version=""><![CDATA[Xbox Live Info]]></phrase>                </phrasetype>                <phrasetype name="vBulletin Settings" fieldname="vbsettings">                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_cache_dir_desc" date="1227758607" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Please enter a folder, to which the xml files should be stored <br />(Please no slash (/) at the begining or the end)]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_cache_dir_title" date="1227758607" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Cache Folder]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_enable_product_desc" date="1227758504" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Select Yes to turn enable product]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_enable_product_title" date="1227758504" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Enable Product]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_fieldid_desc" date="0" username="Dudditz" version="1.0"><![CDATA[If you have my <a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=196587" target="_blank">Gamefields Icons Userfields</a> Product installed, leave this setting at <b>gf_xbox</b><br />OR you may use your own user profile field<br />Example: If your gamertag field id is 5, enter <b>field5</b> ]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_fieldid_title" date="0" username="Dudditz" version="1.0"><![CDATA[User Field]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_tab_location_desc" date="1227758487" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Please select hook location]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_tab_location_title" date="1227758487" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Profile Tab Hook location]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_tabtitle_desc" date="1227758579" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[You can set your own title for the profile tab here.]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="setting_xblinfo_tabtitle_title" date="1227758579" username="Administrator" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Change the profile tab title]]></phrase>                        <phrase name="settinggroup_xblinfo_group" date="0" username="Dudditz" version="1.0"><![CDATA[Xbox Live Info Tab]]></phrase>                </phrasetype>        </phrases>        <options>                <settinggroup name="xblinfo_group" displayorder="65535">                        <setting varname="xblinfo_enable_product" displayorder="5">                                <datatype>boolean</datatype>                                <optioncode>yesno</optioncode>                                <defaultvalue>0</defaultvalue>                        </setting>                        <setting varname="xblinfo_tab_location" displayorder="10">                                <datatype>free</datatype>                                <optioncode><![CDATA[select:piped
5|$template_hook[profile_right_last]]]></optioncode>                                <defaultvalue>0</defaultvalue>                        </setting>                        <setting varname="xblinfo_tabtitle" displayorder="15">                                <datatype>free</datatype>                                <defaultvalue>Xbox Live Games</defaultvalue>                        </setting>                        <setting varname="xblinfo_cache_dir" displayorder="30">                                <datatype>free</datatype>                                <validationcode><![CDATA[return (is_dir(DIR . '/' . $data . '/'));]]></validationcode>                                <defaultvalue>xblcache</defaultvalue>                        </setting>                        <setting varname="xblinfo_fieldid" displayorder="40">                                <datatype>free</datatype>                                <defaultvalue>gf_xbox</defaultvalue>                        </setting>                </settinggroup>        </options>        <helptopics>        </helptopics>        <cronentries>        </cronentries>        <faqentries>        </faqentries>        <templateedits>        </templateedits></product>

Bilderback, sorry if it steps on your toes as the developer. I don't mean to offend.

Bilderback 04-14-2009 11:38 PM

No, go ahead. I have stopped development on all my game modifications as another developer is discussing integration to one of his own mods. Feel free to take what you want and hack it away.

Gamelobby 04-22-2009 09:42 PM

Is there a way to edit this so it doesn't pull from or though "pimp my gamercard"
This mod seems to be temporarily not working much more often that it is working.!!??

Can it pull the info from Xboxlive or Mygamercard.net or ANY other way so that it actually works more than 35% of the time.?
I think the main url that needs to switch is this:

Can it be switched to just another simple url, or does the code need to be rewritten, or...?
Mygamercard.net is hardly ever down, but obviously Xboxlive would be even better. :)

demo7up 04-22-2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 1797009)
Is there a way to edit this so it doesn't pull from or though "pimp my gamercard"
This mod seems to be temporarily not working much more often that it is working.!!??

Can it pull the info from Xboxlive or Mygamercard.net or ANY other way so that it actually works more than 35% of the time.?
I think the main url that needs to switch is this:

Can it be switched to just another simple url, or does the code need to be rewritten, or...?
Mygamercard.net is hardly ever down, but obviously Xboxlive would be even better. :)

Yea mine stopped working as well is there any other website that we can pull data from?

http://duncanmackenzie.net/services/...op=GetXboxInfo sorta explains the query ...... Maybe someone can come up with something to fix this :)

zombietom 04-23-2009 03:48 AM

the site where it pulls from has been going on and off line ... hopefully it will stay online and the good mod will continue to work.

Gamelobby 04-24-2009 10:09 PM

It's just offline all the time now.. bummer. :erm: :confused:

BlueNinjaGo 04-24-2009 10:17 PM

Is there no way to pull from xbox.com? Isn't that what sites do when they create updateable sigs?

Gamelobby 04-25-2009 02:17 AM

I thought so too.
Maybe the Duncan site has all the "other" images to form the mod correctly.??
I wish i knew how to make these mods, I would re-make this one.

On a positive note, it is working again. lol
hopefully it will keep working, cross your fingers.

Bilderback 04-26-2009 05:18 PM

This doesnt pull any data from pimpmygamercard.com
All data is derived direct from Duncan MacKenzie Live feed which has been going up and down lately.
There has been alot of changes in the Live service lately and could be partly the problem.
I suppose one way to prevent things from going down would be to check the file
and if it returns empty from duncanmackenzie, to cancel update and use old data from local xml.

Its easy actually if you know simplexml()
This mod pulls the data using curl() which creates a local xml file.
Then uses simplexml() to output any needed data.
$xml = simplexml_load_file(THE-LOCAL-XML);

$parent = $xml->parent;
$child = $xml->parent->child;

Playa82 05-05-2009 07:33 PM

Nice hack, but it doesn't work...

see here:


Gamelobby 05-07-2009 06:25 PM

Yea great mod, but unfortunately had to uninstall. uptime is way too low.!! :(

OcR Envy 05-08-2009 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 1806525)
Yea great mod, but unfortunately had to uninstall. uptime is way too low.!! :(

It's not the authors fault. The XBL stream has been having problems. They have migrated to a new server.


Need to be:


Playa82 05-08-2009 06:20 PM

Nice, it works now.

here is the new product file. i changed it.

Gamelobby 05-10-2009 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by OcR Envy (Post 1806895)
It's not the authors fault. The XBL stream has been having problems. They have migrated to a new server.

I wasn't blaming the author.. it just wasn't working. lol

zombietom 05-11-2009 01:03 AM

Thanks for the update Playa82

TheInsaneManiac 05-12-2009 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Bilderback (Post 1799430)
This doesnt pull any data from pimpmygamercard.com
All data is derived direct from Duncan MacKenzie Live feed which has been going up and down lately.
There has been alot of changes in the Live service lately and could be partly the problem.
I suppose one way to prevent things from going down would be to check the file
and if it returns empty from duncanmackenzie, to cancel update and use old data from local xml.

Its easy actually if you know simplexml()
This mod pulls the data using curl() which creates a local xml file.
Then uses simplexml() to output any needed data.
$xml = simplexml_load_file(THE-LOCAL-XML);

$parent = $xml->parent;
$child = $xml->parent->child;

I like that idea cause it's showing up blank right now. Sometimes it isn't blank and other times it is. The cache should server other purposes besides just saving server load times. Uninstalled till fix is out.

Bilderback 05-12-2009 04:09 PM

It may be showing blank because the API location had changed. Are you running v1.3 ?

Gamelobby 05-13-2009 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Playa82 (Post 1807098)
Nice, it works now.

here is the new product file. i changed it.

So this 1.2 version is what we need to use instead of 1.3???
I uploaded it & dont see any changes.!?

I'm lost.. uninstalled. again. :confused:

Sugoi na 05-25-2009 10:10 PM

All mine says is:


Gamer Score: Zone:

Posted exactly how it looks...

Anyone else have an idea?

Sugoi na 06-04-2009 04:22 PM

Got love those mods marked with the "unsupported" icon >.<

Such a good mod to just let it die.

Bilderback 06-05-2009 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Sugoi na (Post 1823403)
Got love those mods marked with the "unsupported" icon >.<

Such a good mod to just let it die.

Update to v1.3 - the API changed.
Anyone is free to take over development of this Mod.

Sugoi na 06-09-2009 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Bilderback (Post 1824107)
Update to v1.3 - the API changed.
Anyone is free to take over development of this Mod.

Unfortunatly I am on the 1.3 modification. Still receive the same errors.

DNG 06-12-2009 11:16 AM

great mod,, i hope it works on 3.8.3

<< installing

DNG 06-12-2009 12:00 PM

when u plan 4 the next release ?

DNG 06-18-2009 08:35 AM

installed but not working with v3.8.3 :s

it shows blank page !

any tips!???

zombietom 06-18-2009 02:17 PM

could be due to xbox live being down...

DNG 06-18-2009 08:18 PM

thanks zombietom 4 ur kind reply :)

now files is written on xblcache folder but 0 bytes!!!!!!!

like this: {membername}_bungie.xml 0 bytes

whats the problem!!!?!?!?

Kottonmouth801 06-30-2009 07:09 PM


Nice Mod.... :up::up:

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