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McCain: 203 Obama: 9115 |
is that most of the world will disagree with him, is natural... and I don't remember a person on history who had that 'consensus' that you are defending... he hasn't worked a single day on the White House and we may not live trough that day. how about that for reality Uh? |
p.s. again is not about McCain that finished already! |
It will be interesting to revisit this conversation in about a year or two after the democrats have thoroughly trashed the place ;)
want some numbers? Quote:
and I found a picture of him and you on your website :D https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/11/40.jpg |
so ppl sickens you because don't kiss the floor like *** where Obama pass? :confused:
p.s. Quote:
BTW, can't attack your sig, you have no content. |
I prefer 'George' Now I have to dedicate at least 2 hours to revise and double check documents, good night...:up: |
everything about Obama is 'Magical' :p |
It's clear u r NOT from around here........ |
if I say something wrong the 'believers' could attack me for be a 'non-believer' ;) |
I love how either people are either one of two stereotypes. If you support Obama, then you must think he's messianic. If you don't, then he'll destroy the country.
Anyone ever stop to think that maybe Obama is just an intelligent individual with a deep seated concern for his country, even if you don't agree with him. Why must we always go to the extreme that he's either Jesus or a Socialist? |
Well, I was trying to establish that since the beginning...
He's intelligent? yeah... but he's more 'poetic' than realistic... He can resolve problems? I really hope so!, but not all and he will have disastrous blunders... He's a good person? YES! In fact too good to hold that position... there's a book written by Machiavelli called 'The Prince' Quote:
Well, I don't see Obama as poetic, so much as I see him as sensible, but with very positive overtones. Like when he says things like government can't solve all your problems, that it's the parent's job to turn off the TV and the radio and to teach them positive values, I see that as a very pragmatic thing to say. Then he goes a step further as to set the example with his own children.
I also look closely at the chosen slogans of the campaign. Yes "we" can, as opposed to the usual trumpets that boast what the candidate can do. His entire platform has been to involve his supporters. And it's real hard to garner a lot of support if you can't inspire. Two things he's done successfully. The other thing I look at is his organization skills. Now this I personally admire because I'm a wannabe organizer. I love organization, but I often fall short of keeping it up. Obama's campaign has been insanely well organized and drama-free. That's notable, because keeping a large organization of people on message is a difficult thing. I don't think there will be any disasters as a direct result of his actions. Certainly, we've already learned what a disastrous presidency looks like, and this just isn't a president with the same skill set or focus. If anything, this will be an extremely well organized presidency and any "disasters" will be from outside forces. What will matter is how me meets the coming problems. From everything I've seen it will no doubt be even handed, firm, but with an open ear to his advisers. In all the elections I've observed, I've never seen a candidate show any kind of behavior that he didn't continue show once elected into Office. I've not seen anything, and I watch these campaigns closer then most, that would suggest that Obama would just blunder through his first term like a kid on his first bicycle. He'll make mistakes, I'm sure. They all do, because they're all just imperfect humans like the rest of us. But on the important issues, while not everyone will agree with his choices, I don't think we're going to see anything like the last 8 years, which has been one disastrous blunder after another. |
cant believe all the praise this guy is getting and he aint actually done anything yet.
Wait till he is in power and then congratulate him when he actually does something that Helps other people.You all in to much of a rush to get rid of one president that u are willing to have anyone to replace him. The last 8 yrs may of been hard with bush in power but who is to say they are going to get any better - you will simply say obama is doing a good job because he inherited all the faults of the bush presidency (which is true to a fact) but remember a man is judged by his actions and in obama`s case ive yet to see any action. He can talk the talk and he told you what u wanted to hear and had supporters who where willing to back him in his race to the whitehouse,but as ive said before he has to return these favours in one way or another, as no one gives away millions of dollors for nothing and you are so naive if u believe that people gave this money away to his support group for free. Remember we talking about america here - the land of Freedom (so long as u can afford it) |
If folks just wanted anyone to take over for Bush, they would have voted in just anyone. But they didn't. They voted in the guy who by all previous standards, didn't have a shot. Now I understand not to judge the guy on stuff he hasn't done yet. But it's not egregious to expect him to run his presidency with the same temperament he's already shown. But as far as him having to return favors. He took no Lobbyist money whatsoever, and the bulk of his campaign donations was from private donors. He has to return favors alright. The favors he promised the millions of ordinary citizens who donated to him. I understand why people would be cynical about that. But even cynicism can cross the line of incredulity at some point. |
It's normal...
Obama's staff picks cause critics to question his call for change Quote:
You know, this is something that confuses me. What did people think "change" meant? Because when Obama talked about change, did folks think he was talking about the people in Washington or was he talking about the manner and attitude of Washington? I for one never heard him even intimate that he was going to bring in a whole new staff that had never worked in Washington in their lives.
After all, the number one criticism, and really the only legitimate one, of Obama was his lack of experience. And he never ran on that. It was his judgment that he ran on. Wouldn't you rather he surround himself with sensible, experienced individuals that filled in any gaps he lacked, rather then put in a bunch of people who no one knows or ever heard of before? Change never meant new people, other then Obama. It meant a new way of thinking. A new way of doing things. You likely will only be successful at that if you bring in people who are already very good at what they do, and giving them a new vision of leadership. |
He has a strange way of showing his concern for the country! You mean he Isn't a socialist........damm and all this time I thought....... --------------- Added [DATE]1227533544[/DATE] at [TIME]1227533544[/TIME] --------------- Quote:
"If you look at my post closely, you'll see I complimented Obama for what he has done: raise a beautiful family, run one of the most well organized campaigns in history and his ability to involve and inspire people. I don't see why he shouldn't be judged, or complimented, on those standards." Hummm, so that is what makes a good president? Nice to know. SO - what has he done besides raise taxes...? Sheepeople voted for him because they belive this administration is the worst thing since sliced bread. How do you know? Actually you will never know whats going on at the top level of govt. There might have been a "really"good reason for the war and other items. Most people go by what they have caught from their neighbors and friends. So who says they are right? People are sheep. At least they showed there colors in this election. We really don't know anything about this guy. His campaign silenced all the people who wanted to bring out the gray questions. The media has lost all creditability with me since all the talked about was him. Talk about lopsided! So now they want to silence free speach with the fairness doctrin. Whats next........Spreading the wealth?:mad: |
Just a friendly reminder that the guy isn't even president yet. It is fun to chuckle at the bitter republicans who can't get over the fact that he won though. :)
Also, that notion that Obama's campaign silenced anyone is equally ridiculous. The reason none of these so called "grey" questions where pursued is because they where all debunked ages ago. Only the fringe groups wanted to rehash this stuff, and what credible arguments they couldn't find, they made up. (i.e Obama is an Arab, Obama is a Muslim, Obama is a Space Alien, Obama was born three tenths of a second before Hawaii became a state.) What's sad is no one criticises the media for not pursuing the questionable alliances McCain has made over the years. Granted, they were no more insidious then any of Obama's so called ties, but still, there were no massive outcries to the media to dredge those up. |
You all want so much from one man - its a certainty that you are going to be disapointed.
Iv been told America will crumble n go down soon in comming years as Israel is going to become the next super power and will rule the world for some years b 4 they elect their fake ....... who will be around only for a short while until the real ....... will come down and wipe out the evil ones ;)
we are all going to suffer big time until this day :) so wake up ! You getz me bro :D |
Great, we have a preacher boring us to death. You were told. who by exactly? the voice in your head? ;)
Sorry for the bad english, I'm english. :up: |
YEA OK right.....I didn't hear him say that....... "Stop saying things you have no idea what you're talking about :erm:[/QUOTE]" GOOD idea!! --------------- Added [DATE]1227580822[/DATE] at [TIME]1227580822[/TIME] --------------- Quote:
Don't get me wrong, I can't stand either of them. As a matter of fact, any of them! So if the Bush tax cuts are "rolled back" those making 45k/yr will pay an extra 3k in taxes, those making 25k/yr will pay 700. in extra taxes. Now if he cuts taxes on the middle class then we will be at the same level or more then we are at now. Hummmm, can you say play on words? PS - He raised taxes on those making over 45k a few years ago in the senate. Wealthy is over a million/yr. I guess its all where you sit in the poop. So why should the person making more than you pay more by an unequal sliding scale? Chances are he hired you. Chances are people will loose there jobs.......... There were two people that I can think of that started out this way, one in germany and one in cuba! Time will tell, we'll see, although it might be too late by then. Sheepeople vote because they are infactuated with the person. Reagan, Swartzeneger(sp), Hogan, Obama........ Lets face it, if McCain were younger and acted like he was alive, he would have won. I don't care if you agree or disagree, people are sheep, not all, but most. They follow, they don't leed. If you really think they voted on the issues.....ok....once again, most had no idea of the issues. Gray questions debunked my butt. Bury the questions is more like it. Your buddy pelosi wants to cut free speech as I had mentioned. Who runs the media? I wanted to write in "NONE OF THE ABOVE". Unfortunatly, we would have needed 51% to get rid of both!! Time will tell..!!! |
I find it funny that so many people have so many opinions of either side when all we are just conduits(some easily manipulated) for opinion based rhetoric, spun as far is it can be spun, and then some.
I did not vote for either and I'm so glad about this. Although I do lean Republican, I would have voted for Obama if I didn't see Clinton coming(again) and he wasn't so green. I also find it funny that Republicans are often called war machines yet wasn't it a Democrat who dropped not one but TWO atomic bombs on hundreds of thousands of innocent people incinerating them where they stood, leaving just their shadows on the pavement? "The Buck Stops Here." Yeah right Harry, tell that to the millions of Japanese still suffering from the consequences of a Democrat who used the worst judgment in U.S. history to date. We think Bush is bad? Good god, search Hiroshima-such an evil abuse of power. And if I remember correctly, didn't Clinton spread his war wings while in office as well? Humm and why didn't Truman step in sooner with Hitler? Are Democrates suppoed to be the better humanitarians? Bull sheet! Not at that time in our history tjat's for darn sure. Humm.. do I feel more safe with a Democrat in office? Ah no! Do I feel safe with Republican in the white house? Ah no! Do I feel safe with an inexperienced unknown man in the whitehouse? Ah no! Were we safe with Kennedy in the white house? ah no! Cuba Missile Crisis. Where we safe with LBJ in the whitehouse? Ah no! He thought the Russian were about to attack after Kennedy was gone and ordered our troops to full alert. What would that be in our alert system today? Code whatever? MY long point was... It doesn't matter what party is in office. What matters is time, fate, quest of power and stupid humans. <presidents that is. So pardon me if I don't subscribe to Camelot-ish post Obama win mentality. I can't be manipulated by the media unlike most of the world. I hope Obama does well. P.S. My father a staunch Southern Democrat, my mother a staunch Northern Repubican. They taught me to look beyond ideology for the greater good. We haven't done this in decades. I guess we've been to busy wonder how Britney is doing, who's Paris's next BFF or who's the next top model? :o |
You know, we've actually had a few decent Presidents over the course of our history. I expect Obama to do just a little bit better then they did. Wow, what a stretch. :eek: Quote:
Now, you can disagree with that philosophy, but Obama and his surrogates stated and restated this ad nauseum for over a year. To suggest he said or has done anything different would just be a fabrication (or not paying attention). By the way, those taxes that Obama raised? I was wondering if you would actually site the number, and better yet the reasons. The truth is he voted to raise taxes 94 times while in the senate. But you know what, reasons matter. Some of those votes were raising taxes on millionaires to fund groups like veterans programs and Head Start. Others raised taxes on corporations of the wealthy while cutting taxes on the middle class. But predominantly, he raised taxes on the affluent and cut taxes on the middle class. Pretty much directly in line with the philosophy of his campaign tax plan. Now like I said, you can disagree with that. But to suggest he's stated anything different is beyond spin, it's a fabrication. Quote:
Okay, which issue was buried? His birth certificate? His heritage (as if it mattered)? His association with William Ayres? What? All of these have been debunked over and over again. Quote:
I'm a stay-at-home dad and I would string all the major news networks playlists each day as I went about my day. I heard as much harsh criticism of Obama as I did positive feedback. And I don't lump opinion shows like Olbermann and O'Riley as part of the media, as so many do. Of course opinion shows are going to be biased. That's why their opinion shows. The regular news networks asked all the same questions over and over again and put Obama through the ringer. Most people only saw the little news snippets at the end of the day. And if they said anything remotely positive about Obama, suddenly the other side would scream bias. Truth is, a non-partisan fact check group tallied up the number of times reporters had said something negative about Obama as it did about McCain. But that's a story that didn't get much coverage because the opposite of what you say is true: folks were already sold on the story that the media loved Obama that it didn't matter if the facts said otherwise. I also resent the suggestion that because one admires the man that they think he's going to bring about Camelot. For goodness sake, are we as a nation so cynical that the idea that someone might do a good job running the country is so fableish means you got your head in the clouds? There are some sensible people out there, and every so often in our history, they get put into a position to make some real positive changes. It happens. You've got to temper your cautiousness just enough so you don't miss it when it does. |
Man! I admired George Stephanopoulos for years! but he kissed ass from Chicago to DC all the way!
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