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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Google Admanager Integration (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=195234)

ThorstenA 03-11-2009 01:49 AM

Re-Use: This code may be used in other modifications as long as the original author is credited.

mrtroybaker 03-12-2009 08:01 PM

First let me say I love the idea of this mod. Im am using 3.8.1
when I use the hack it shows up under the "New Post" and "whos online" tab but not on the home page. I ahve changed settings back and forth with no results. I can put the code in my header and it shows on the homepage. When I click eith link that works, mine is there and the one from the hack shows up too.
Note: It works great on my test forum. I am running the default skin. The main board in a custom skin. (maybe thats the problem)

Any suggestions?

ThorstenA 03-13-2009 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by mrtroybaker (Post 1766727)
when I use the hack it shows up under the "New Post" and "whos online" tab but not on the home page.

You can only target special vbulletins sites with custom Targeting key:Script which you can set to index, forumdisplay, showthread. Try to use this custom targeting and report if it works.

KrisP 08-13-2009 01:13 AM

Is it only possible to target criteria for a pageview as a whole, or would it in any way be possible to track the number of the post the ad is shown: $post['postcount'] (if shown inside a post)?

(Works perfectly for 3.7.4)

ThorstenA 08-14-2009 12:42 PM

There's only one way I know to have different targetings on one webpage with Admanager.
  1. On the webpage is one ad slot
  2. You can run a line item on this ad slot. The tag of this line item is another adslot. In this tag you can also include additional targeting values.
  3. Make sure that all data for the adslot are fetched in headinclude.

If you like this mod and use it,click Install :)

KrisP 08-15-2009 04:14 AM


For now I am afraid I have some troubles grasping the fundamentals.

Lets say I upload an adslot to my forum, and create a placement in ADM only containing that adslot, then the Targeting Report will automatically show data for all the criterias for that placement? (browsertype, OS, forum, script, ... , etc.) Or is there anything else that needs to be done?

ThorstenA 08-15-2009 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by KrisP (Post 1867687)
For now I am afraid I have some troubles grasping the fundamentals.

Lets say I upload an adslot to my forum, and create a placement in ADM only containing that adslot, then the Targeting Report will automatically show data for all the criterias for that placement? (browsertype, OS, forum, script, ... , etc.) Or is there anything else that needs to be done?

Your webpage looks always like this:



<script type="text/javascript" src="http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_service.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
GA_googleAddSlot("ca-pub-1234", "adslot_RECTANGLE");
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- END OF TAG FOR head SECTION -->



<p>Sample Text before slot targeting_b_index

<script type="text/javascript">

<!-- END OF TAG FOR SLOT targeting_b_index


Now you run a line item "adslot_RECTANGLE_ADSENSE" which is enabled for Adsense on your adslot_RECTANGLE placement. You can even define a Frequency Capping (fc) for your line items, so this would be a solution to show adsense with a fc. You also give an additional targeting out "Adsense_active_on_this_page". Why that? You can tell all your other line items to only be shown on pages where's no adsense page yet. You do that by setting the targeting criteria for the other line items to "Adsense_active_on_this_page != active". That way you accomplished this:
  1. Show Adsense on your page by Admanager. So you can track browser type and all other additional build in targeting criterias for your Adsense statistics.
  2. You show this Adsense with a Frequency Capping - you can also display Adsense Ads with additional targeting criterias (in the night, to people from New York ...)
  3. Everytime the Adsense is shown, all other campaigns are not shown - all other campaigns have the "do not show on pages where adsense is already shown" targeting criteria.

Insert the targeting criteria "Adsense_active_on_this_page" with the value "active" in Admanager > Inventory > Targeting and make the tag of your new line item look like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
GA_googleAddAttr("Adsense_active_on_this_page", "active");
<script type="text/javascript">
GA_googleAddSlot("ca-pub-1234", "adslot_RECTANGLE_ADSENSE");
and change the header of these pages to include additionally this:

<script type="text/javascript">
GA_googleAddSlot("ca-pub-1234", "adslot_RECTANGLE_ADSENSE");
That would be the way to include a target criteria directly with the additional adslot. There are situations where this is very needed.

Another solution: Say you want to place your Ad after the last post on SHOWTHREAD and you want to check, how the ad is performing when SHOWTHREAD consists of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ... 30 posts on a page.
  1. Then I would write a small plugin that checks how much posts are displayed on showthread.
  2. The result number is given Admanager in the <head></head> section as a targeting criteria:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    GA_googleAddAttr("thispagecontainsthatmuchposts", "12posts");
  3. That way you can measure the ctr of your line item for the targeting "thispagecontaintsthatmuchposts" and can see, if the ctr is higher on larger pages or not.
  4. You could also write a plugin that places the ad on one random posts within SHOWTHREAD and each time give the postnumber and number of all posts to admaanger by both targeting criterias: "thispagecontainsthatmuchposts" and "the_actual_ad_is_on_this_post".

KrisP 08-16-2009 02:55 AM

Wow, great post!

I was wondering, what if you create a .html page with header and each ad slot code together and then show each in an iframe. Wouldn’t then each slot then be considered like a page in itself, then you could collect slot specific attributes? I am not sure you could then collect slot specific vbulletin attributes - perhaps if done in a special vbtemplate with the same conditionals as the script - but at least you could collect AdSense specific attributes like fx. colors.

If you try out different color schemes but with all ads in the same color is it then possible to collect these on page level? If you want to try out 30 color schemes, its a little easier to collect automatically.

ThorstenA 08-16-2009 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by KrisP (Post 1868289)
I was wondering, what if you create a .html page with header and each ad slot code together and then show each in an iframe. Wouldn’t then each slot then be considered like a page in itself, then you could collect slot specific attributes? I am not sure you could then collect slot specific vbulletin attributes - perhaps if done in a special vbtemplate with the same conditionals as the script - but at least you could collect AdSense specific attributes like fx. colors.

If you try out different color schemes but with all ads in the same color is it then possible to collect these on page level? If you want to try out 30 color schemes, its a little easier to collect automatically.

I am not sure about iframe. I just would take the normal way:

Create 30 Adsense enabled adslots ADSLOT_RECTANGLE_ADSENSE_COLOR_BLUE (RED)(YELLOW) ...:
  • each with different colors
  • each with a different placement

Create 1 line item:
  • placement: Your normal RECTANGLE placement
  • creative rotation: even
  • tags: put each of your 30 created adsense enable adslots as one tag. Then you have 30 tags.
  • Remember to have changed the <head></head> to include all 30 adsense ADSLOT_RECTANGLE_ADSENSE_COLOR_X adslots and the one normal RECTANGLE adslots.

That's all. The easy thing is here, that the adsense enabled adslots themself are running adsense. If you instead of adsense want do show 30 different colors of a third party banner, you would take another step

Create 1 line item
  • placement: all 30 created adslots - NOT the normal rectangle
  • creative rotation: even
  • change each adslots that it has in addition a different width and size: from 1-1 (height - width) to 1-30.
  • you make 30 tags each from 1-1 to 1-30 so that they are targeted to 1-created adslot

That's advanced admanager :D That way ou can also do a true 5 lifetime frequency capping on different placements with different tags.

KrisP 09-05-2009 09:20 PM


Here are a few extra conditions ...


GA_googleAddAttr("forumdisplay_id", "<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT =='forumdisplay'">$GLOBALS[forumid]</if>");

GA_googleAddAttr("totalposts", "<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT =='showthread'">$totalposts</if>");

GA_googleAddAttr("pagnumber", "<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT =='showthread'">$pagenumber</if>");
Forumdisplay: To see how forumdisplay converts in the different subforums.

Totalposts: Number of posts in the thread viewed. CTR seems not to be corellated with number of posts in thread.

Pagenumber: The number of the page of a thread is viewed. So far it seems CTR on page 2 is half the CTR on page one. Dont know if the guests clicking those ads came from page 1 and therefore where affected from viewing ads on page 1 or if they came directly from google.

Lastely if you rename forums underway its nice to have forumid (unchanged) for "unbroken stats":


GA_googleAddAttr("forumid", "<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT =='showthread'">$GLOBALS[forumid]</if>");

duditas 09-06-2009 09:40 AM

Does it work with Vidvertiser too? Thanks

ThorstenA 09-06-2009 09:55 AM

It works with any tags. You can put any tag (html code) in Google Admanager Line Item Tags.

positiverep 09-17-2009 06:59 PM

Can you use it along with ad manager by redtyger?

KrisP 09-17-2009 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by positiverep (Post 1886577)
Can you use it along with ad manager by redtyger?


mangandini 10-02-2009 06:19 PM

Hi, this is a great plugin and Im using it, but I have a problem :(

My forum is in Spanish so when I created the Targeting key forum i got things like

_Grfico insted _Gr?fico
__Administracin instead __Administraci?n or Administracion

So GAM is not running properly when I choose _Grfico it seems like doesnt recognize that forum and is not targeting ads.

Coud you help me please ? :)

ThorstenA 10-21-2009 12:01 PM

I tried to delete all characters that are not a-z A-Z 0-9, as it seems it does not work as I wanted it to work. The forum title is cleaned this way:


$adtitle = $prependchars . "$forum[title_clean]"; // $prependchars are the spaces
$adtitle = str_replace(" ","_",$adtitle); // spaces " "are rewritten as "_"
$adtitle = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9\\-\\_]/i", "", $adtitle); // everything is deleted instead of a-z / A-Z characters and numbers.
$adtitle = substr($adtitle,0,40);  // limit title length to a maximum of 40.

The red line is the regexp (regular expression) code which fails in your situation. Unfortunately I am no regexp expert and it would take hours if not days to work out your bug. Maybe some more experienced programmer could take a short look into that situation? I'd then take the new regular expression and publish an updated version of this product here.

ThorstenA 11-16-2009 09:09 PM

Some good news:

I am going to release the Admanager vb 4 version after vbulletin 4 goes gold (maybe even before that). It definitely will have the forum targeting feature. I am unsure about the misc.php view that you have to copy to Google Admanager in the targeting section as it is of most importance for new installing of this mod. For upgraders that is of minor importance.

ThorstenA 11-16-2009 09:34 PM

I am sorry, could you translate your post into english? I then may help you.

ThorstenA 11-17-2009 10:38 PM

Notice: This mod uses Re-usable Code, so please feel free to port it to vbulletin 4 under your username. Thanks.

Paul M 11-17-2009 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by d_n_a (Post 1915530)
Ellerine sağlık ileride lazım olabilir...

Please post in English, otherwise you posts are liable to be deleted.

RobFerrari 04-23-2010 12:31 AM

I installed Google Admanager to 3.8.5. I'm not seeing any Admin CP area for it after install. I confirmed it installed in Manage Products.

I guess Google just switched over from Admanager to Double Click, everything should work the same in Double Click?

Thank you,

ThorstenA 04-23-2010 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by RobFerrari (Post 2025677)
I installed Google Admanager to 3.8.5. I'm not seeing any Admin CP area for it after install. I confirmed it installed in Manage Products.

I guess Google just switched over from Admanager to Double Click, everything should work the same in Double Click?

Yes, everything works the same on Doubleclick now.

There's no admincp area for this product, a how to install is here:

RobFerrari 04-23-2010 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by ThorstenA (Post 2025811)
Yes, everything works the same on Doubleclick now.

There's no admincp area for this product, a how to install is here:

so all that targeting key stuff is on the Google side? thanks, I'm looking forward to using this, but having problems with Double Click still.

ThorstenA 04-23-2010 04:06 PM

It's both.

The vbulletin forum says "This page is the [forum]='announcement forum' page. Doubleclick for publishers needs to have this pre-entered into their user area. You need to ask Google how to set this up. I wrote a small how to in this post:

losasso 10-21-2010 02:57 PM


We used you plugin for some time and it was working great until Tuesday morning.

We use Ad Manager and Ad Froum form RedTyger and your plugin to integrate Google AdSence...

No changes on the forum or on any of the plugis and the forum targeting stopped 2 days ago... Are you aware of some changes or anything that can affect that? The forum page is:


Thank you very much for you help!

ThorstenA 10-21-2010 03:20 PM

I use the admanager for vbulletin 4 product and did not notice any changes on tuesday. It works great on my site.

I think if you did not change vbulletin or my product, maybe there are changes in your dfp account in the targeting section?

But I can not help you there, sorry!

losasso 10-25-2010 07:53 PM

We did change (Add reverse DNS) record on the server that Tuesday. Do you think that can affect the system? and the targeting from Double Click side?

I read somewhere that changes in DNS can change targeting...


ThorstenA 10-26-2010 02:06 PM

Sorry, I do not know about this.

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