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HolyKiller 02-22-2009 06:21 PM

2 Mosh: Yes, after disabling Banned Members Log (3) the indexpage loads correctly.

EDIT: I tested something and i am rly confused about this...

- Installed FRESH vBulletin 3.8.0 on my localhost. Don't make any changes, just install. Then used this MOD and it works perfectly. No errors on index page, ban_log.php works OK.
- Saved (exported) vBulletin options

- Backuped whole DB and all files from my "life" forum and copied it on my localhost.
- Installed this MOD
- Disabled AdSense integration
- Disabled and UnInstalled ALL products and ALL plugins
- Reverted ALL template changes and ALL CSS definitions
- UnInstalled ALL nondefault templates. (So only Default skin remained without any customizations)
- Deleted ALL forums and child forums and created only one new category and one new forum
- Deleted ALL nondefault usergroups
- Deleted ALL notifications
- Deleted ALL thread prefixes
- Imported vBulletin options from fresh vB instalation
- In Maintenance used "Repair / Optimize Tables" on all tables
- In Maintenance used all of the "Update Counters"
- Again used "Repair / Optimize Tables"
- So now i should have forum equal to fresh instalation, but the problem still remains
- Unsintalled MOD, again used "Repair / Optimize Tables", browser cache deleted and Apache restarted
- Problem is still here :(

So now i rly don't know what to do

Mosh 02-22-2009 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by HolyKiller (Post 1751655)
2 Mosh: Yes, after disabling Banned Members Log (3) the indexpage loads correctly.

I suspected that. But there is not actually a parse error, it is something to do with your installation, but I don't know what is causing it.

All that plugin does is to add a link to the navbar or quick links menu on the navbar. So, all you need to do, is leave that plugin disabled and if you want to add the link manually added to the navbar template, paste the following where you want the link to display:

HTML Code:

<!-- $vbphrase[banned_members_log] v3.8.002 ? Mosh Shigdar 2008 - 2009 --><td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="$vbulletin->options[bburl]/ban_log.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[banned_members_link]</a></td><!-- end of Banned Members Log -->

HolyKiller 02-22-2009 08:11 PM

2 Mosh: Ok, thanks, i will try it.

BTW: Edited my previous post


Now i rlly DON'T KNOW WHY, but if now i'm looking in code of Banned Members Log (3) of my copy of life forum i see uncomplete code!!

PHP Code:

// version information
$bml_version 'v3.8.002'

// set display link flag to false
$show_bml_nav_link false;

// if allow show to all usergroups, then set display link flag to true
if ($vbulletin->options['bml_all_grps'] == 0)
$show_bml_nav_link true;

// if user in allowed usergroup, then set display link flag to true
$banned_allowed_groups explode(',',$vbulletin->options['bml_grps']); 
if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_all_grps'] == && (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo,$banned_allowed_groups)))
$show_bml_nav_link true;

// if the display link flag is true, then add the link to the navbar or quicklinks
if ($show_bml_nav_link)
    if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_nav_link'] == 1)
$template_hook['navbar_buttons_left'] .= '<!-- '.$vbphrase['banned_members_log'].' '.$bml_version.'. 

BTW: The lastest row missing one ' here in PHP tag ... accualy i see this:
$template_hook['navbar_buttons_left'] .= '<!-- '.$vbphrase['banned_members_log'].' '.$bml_version.'.

And if i look into fresh vBull instalation with this MOD i see this (correct code). And ofcourse, after i copy&pasted full code to my forum, problem solved, everything is FINE ... so, there is some &ł@$&!!! mistake in plugin importation.

PHP Code:

Plugin PHP Code
// version information
$bml_version 'v3.8.002'

// set display link flag to false
$show_bml_nav_link false;

// if allow show to all usergroups, then set display link flag to true
if ($vbulletin->options['bml_all_grps'] == 0)
$show_bml_nav_link true;

// if user in allowed usergroup, then set display link flag to true
$banned_allowed_groups explode(',',$vbulletin->options['bml_grps']); 
if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_all_grps'] == && (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo,$banned_allowed_groups)))
$show_bml_nav_link true;

// if the display link flag is true, then add the link to the navbar or quicklinks
if ($show_bml_nav_link)
    if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_nav_link'] == 1)
$template_hook['navbar_buttons_left'] .= '<!-- '.$vbphrase['banned_members_log'].' '.$bml_version.'. ? Mosh Shigdar 2008 - 2009 --><td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="'.$vbulletin->options['bburl'].'/ban_log.php?'.$session['sessionurl'].'">'.$vbphrase['banned_members_link'].'</a></td><!-- end of Banned Members Log -->';
    if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_nav_link'] == 2)
$template_hook['navbar_quick_links_menu_pos1'] .= '<!-- '.$vbphrase['banned_members_log'].' '.$bml_version.'. ? Mosh Shigdar 2008 - 2009 --><tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="'.$vbulletin->options['bburl'].'/ban_log.php?'.$session['sessionurl'].'">'.$vbphrase['banned_members_link'].'</a></td></tr><!-- end of Banned Members Log -->';

HolyKiller 02-22-2009 08:57 PM

Okay, i find the problem ... the problem is in the symbol "?" in XML file on line 230 and 234.


        $template_hook['navbar_quick_links_menu_pos1'] .= '<!-- '.$vbphrase['banned_members_log'].' '.$bml_version.'. ? Mosh Shigdar 2008 - 2009 --><tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="'.$vbulletin->options['bburl'].'/ban_log.php?'.$session['sessionurl'].'">'.$vbphrase['banned_members_link'].'</a></td></tr><!-- end of Banned Members Log -->';
Exactly here:
? Mosh Shigdar 2008 - 2009

The plugin import system just don't go thru this and does NOT import the whole code.

After i deleted the ? symbol 230 and 234 in XML file and imported the plugin again, everything is fine.

Now all works fine and i'm so happy. Thanks again for great hack :)


Mosh 02-23-2009 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by HolyKiller (Post 1751784)
Okay, i find the problem ... the problem is in the symbol "?" in XML file on line 230 and 234.


        $template_hook['navbar_quick_links_menu_pos1'] .= '<!-- '.$vbphrase['banned_members_log'].' '.$bml_version.'. ? Mosh Shigdar 2008 - 2009 --><tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="'.$vbulletin->options['bburl'].'/ban_log.php?'.$session['sessionurl'].'">'.$vbphrase['banned_members_link'].'</a></td></tr><!-- end of Banned Members Log -->';
Exactly here:
? Mosh Shigdar 2008 - 2009

The plugin import system just don't go thru this and does NOT import the whole code.

After i deleted the ? symbol 230 and 234 in XML file and imported the plugin again, everything is fine.

Now all works fine and i'm so happy. Thanks again for great hack :)


No wonder I could not replicate it :eek:

Oh well, I will just have to change it for the next version, as I am assuming that will only happen in very limited cases, as apart from yours I have not come across a case where it would not parse the copyright symbol (just me trying to be fancy).

Thanks for tracking it down :)

Mosh 02-24-2009 10:28 PM

Update: v3.8.003 - Wednesday 25th February 2009
-- Fixed: Banned Members Log (3) plugin - replaced 2 x © with (c) to prevent parse errors (rare cases)
-- Changed: Files - ban_log.php (streamlined a couple of SQL queries)
-- Changed: banned_log template (column display order)
-- Changed: banned_perm_row template (column display order)
-- Changed: banned_temp_row template (column display order)
-- Updated: Files - ban_log_cron.php, hooks_ban_log.xml
-- Updated: Installation Instructions
-- Updated: Screenshots

Sunka 03-01-2009 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sunka (Post 1684811)
Installed, but disabled untill this errors gone :D

When this MOD is enable this errors shows on top of the page:

On portal page:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/pijanitv/public_html/forum/global.php(614) : eval()'d code on line 1445

Warning: array_diff() [function.array-diff]: Argument #2 is not an array in [path]/modules/currentpoll.php on line 39

Warning: array_diff() [function.array-diff]: Argument #2 is not an array in [path]/modules/news.php on line 127

On forum index page:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/pijanitv/public_html/forum/global.php(614) : eval()'d code on line 1445
What to do? :confused:


Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 1686282)
One of your other hacks seems to be conflicting with the Banned Members Log (3) plugin which displays the banned members on the forumhome page.

You need to check any other hacks that are using the parse_templates hook to see if they are the cause of the issue. If you can not track it down, you can always disable the Banned Members Log (3) plugin and live without the banned member count on the forumhome page.


Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 1753729)
Update: v3.8.003 - Wednesday 25th February 2009
-- Fixed: Banned Members Log (3) plugin - replaced 2 x ? with (c) to prevent parse errors (rare cases)
-- Changed: Files - ban_log.php (streamlined a couple of SQL queries)
-- Changed: banned_log template (column display order)
-- Changed: banned_perm_row template (column display order)
-- Changed: banned_temp_row template (column display order)
-- Updated: Files - ban_log_cron.php, hooks_ban_log.xml
-- Updated: Installation Instructions
-- Updated: Screenshots


Originally Posted by HolyKiller (Post 1751784)
Okay, i find the problem ... the problem is in the symbol "?" in XML file on line 230 and 234.


        $template_hook['navbar_quick_links_menu_pos1'] .= '<!-- '.$vbphrase['banned_members_log'].' '.$bml_version.'. ? Mosh Shigdar 2008 - 2009 --><tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="'.$vbulletin->options['bburl'].'/ban_log.php?'.$session['sessionurl'].'">'.$vbphrase['banned_members_link'].'</a></td></tr><!-- end of Banned Members Log -->';
Exactly here:
? Mosh Shigdar 2008 - 2009

The plugin import system just don't go thru this and does NOT import the whole code.

After i deleted the ? symbol 230 and 234 in XML file and imported the plugin again, everything is fine.

Now all works fine and i'm so happy. Thanks again for great hack :)



Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 1752044)
No wonder I could not replicate it :eek:

Oh well, I will just have to change it for the next version, as I am assuming that will only happen in very limited cases, as apart from yours I have not come across a case where it would not parse the copyright symbol (just me trying to be fancy).

Thanks for tracking it down :)

Now is working OK Mosh...

Jon1422 06-11-2009 04:34 PM

Excellent Hack - thank you Mosh :) ...and good luck with the exams :)

One thing I would like to change is to remove the 'banned by' column - it doesn't really fit in on our forum. If anyone could advise how to go about that I'd appreciate it :)

Jon1422 06-15-2009 07:04 AM

Quick word of advice... when installed, the "ban time remaining" and "lift ban" column headers for temp bans are over the wrong columns ;)

To correct, edit the .xml file prior to installing and locate the code lines:

<td class='thead' align='center'>$vbphrase[ban_time_remaining]</td>
<td class='thead' align='center'>$vbphrase[lift_ban]</td>

and swap these around so they read...

<td class='thead' align='center'>$vbphrase[lift_ban]</td>
<td class='thead' align='center'>$vbphrase[ban_time_remaining]</td>

Done ;)

Mosh 06-23-2009 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Jon1422 (Post 1827696)
Excellent Hack - thank you Mosh :) ...and good luck with the exams :)

One thing I would like to change is to remove the 'banned by' column - it doesn't really fit in on our forum. If anyone could advise how to go about that I'd appreciate it :)

In the banned_log template, find and delete the two instances of:
HTML Code:

<td class='thead' align='center'>$vbphrase[banned_by]</td>
In the banned_perm_row and banned_temp_row templates, find and delete:
HTML Code:

<td><div class='smallfont'><a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$user[adminid]">$user[adminname]</a></div></td>
That is all that is needed :)

Mosh 06-23-2009 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Jon1422 (Post 1829951)
Quick word of advice... when installed, the "ban time remaining" and "lift ban" column headers for temp bans are over the wrong columns ;)

To correct, edit the .xml file prior to installing and locate the code lines:

<td class='thead' align='center'>$vbphrase[ban_time_remaining]</td>
<td class='thead' align='center'>$vbphrase[lift_ban]</td>

and swap these around so they read...

<td class='thead' align='center'>$vbphrase[lift_ban]</td>
<td class='thead' align='center'>$vbphrase[ban_time_remaining]</td>

Done ;)

Thanks for pointing that out :)

I have been able to replicate this. I will release an updated version that fixes this in the next couple of days.

Mosh 06-24-2009 07:18 AM

Update: v3.8.004 - Wednesday 24th June 2009
-- Fixed: banned_log template (column mismatch)

ragarcia87 08-12-2009 01:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
After I upgraded to vBulletin 3.8.4 the number of banned users at the bottom shows 0 instead of 33 which it should be. Any help would be awesome :D

toonysnn 08-12-2009 04:33 PM

For anyone who has the issue that ragarcia87 has, I've made a temporary fix, adding a SQL query.

Replace plugin "Banned Members Log (2)" contents with:
PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->options['bml_display_banned_membercount'] != 0)
$qqqqqq $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" TABLE_PREFIX "user` WHERE usergroupid='8'");
$qqqqqq $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($qqqqqq);
// assign the member counts from the datastore to some variables
$bannedmembercount intval(($vbulletin->ms_datastore['bml_counter'] > $vbulletin->ms_datastore['bml_counter'] : $qqqqqq['COUNT(*)']));
$unconfirmedmembercount intval($vbulletin->ms_datastore['bml_unconfirmed']);
$propermembercount $vbulletin->userstats['numbermembers'];

// set all display flags to true
$show['banned_count_url'] = true;
$show['banned_count'] = true;
$show['unconfirmed_count'] = true;

// work out if the user is in a usergroup that has permissions to get the banned member link
    // if the user does not have permission, then set the display flag are set to false
$banned_allowed_groups explode(',',$vbulletin->options['bml_grps']); 
    if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_all_grps'] == 1)
$show['banned_count_url'] = false;

// change flags to false, depending on what counts we want to display
    // also calculate the altered member count, based on selection
if ($vbulletin->options['bml_display_banned_membercount'] == 1)
$show['banned_count'] = false;
$show['unconfirmed_count'] = false;
$newmembercount $propermembercount $bannedmembercount;
    if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_display_banned_membercount'] == 2)
$show['banned_count'] = false;
$newmembercount $propermembercount $unconfirmedmembercount $bannedmembercount;
    if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_display_banned_membercount'] == 3)
$show['unconfirmed_count'] = false;
$newmembercount $propermembercount $bannedmembercount;
    if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_display_banned_membercount'] == 4)
$newmembercount $propermembercount $unconfirmedmembercount $bannedmembercount;

// here is the correct members count
$numbermembers vb_number_format($newmembercount);

// spit out the resulting template
eval('$numbermembers .= "' fetch_template('banned_count') . '";');

ragarcia87: I've applied this to our board.

Mosh 08-13-2009 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by ragarcia87 (Post 1865828)
After I upgraded to vBulletin 3.8.4 the number of banned users at the bottom shows 0 instead of 33 which it should be. Any help would be awesome :D

I will look into it and get back to you.


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1865969)
For anyone who has the issue that ragarcia87 has, I've made a temporary fix, adding a SQL query.

Replace plugin "Banned Members Log (2)" contents with:
PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->options['bml_display_banned_membercount'] != 0)
$qqqqqq $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" TABLE_PREFIX "user` WHERE usergroupid='8'");
$qqqqqq $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($qqqqqq);
// assign the member counts from the datastore to some variables
$bannedmembercount intval(($vbulletin->ms_datastore['bml_counter'] > $vbulletin->ms_datastore['bml_counter'] : $qqqqqq['COUNT(*)']));
$unconfirmedmembercount intval($vbulletin->ms_datastore['bml_unconfirmed']);
$propermembercount $vbulletin->userstats['numbermembers'];

// set all display flags to true
$show['banned_count_url'] = true;
$show['banned_count'] = true;
$show['unconfirmed_count'] = true;

// work out if the user is in a usergroup that has permissions to get the banned member link
    // if the user does not have permission, then set the display flag are set to false
$banned_allowed_groups explode(',',$vbulletin->options['bml_grps']); 
    if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_all_grps'] == 1)
$show['banned_count_url'] = false;

// change flags to false, depending on what counts we want to display
    // also calculate the altered member count, based on selection
if ($vbulletin->options['bml_display_banned_membercount'] == 1)
$show['banned_count'] = false;
$show['unconfirmed_count'] = false;
$newmembercount $propermembercount $bannedmembercount;
    if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_display_banned_membercount'] == 2)
$show['banned_count'] = false;
$newmembercount $propermembercount $unconfirmedmembercount $bannedmembercount;
    if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_display_banned_membercount'] == 3)
$show['unconfirmed_count'] = false;
$newmembercount $propermembercount $bannedmembercount;
    if (
$vbulletin->options['bml_display_banned_membercount'] == 4)
$newmembercount $propermembercount $unconfirmedmembercount $bannedmembercount;

// here is the correct members count
$numbermembers vb_number_format($newmembercount);

// spit out the resulting template
eval('$numbermembers .= "' fetch_template('banned_count') . '";');

ragarcia87: I've applied this to our board.

Thanks for the temp fix ;)

But it introduces two problems:
  1. It adds an extra query per page
  2. It does not take into account all ban groups, just usergroupid 8

As I said above for ragarcia87, I will look into it and get back to you asap (hopefully with a solution).

Mosh 08-13-2009 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by ragarcia87 (Post 1865828)
After I upgraded to vBulletin 3.8.4 the number of banned users at the bottom shows 0 instead of 33 which it should be. Any help would be awesome :D

I can not replicate your issue.

I just upgraded a forum to vBulletin v3.8.4 and the number of banned users still shows up fine and correct.

As the number of banned members shown on the homepage is stored in the datastore and as far as I know vBulletin v3.8.4 has not altered how the datastore works, upgrading your forum should not affect this hack at all.

OK, from the installation instructions, can you ensure that you have done step 4 (i.e. file edit has not been accidentally been removed), then follow it by step 6.

Let me know if this fixes your issue.

dothanhtrung 08-16-2009 07:08 AM

In Automatic Link Creation (ACP ===> Banned Members Log), can you add "Create Link in Community" ?


Mosh 08-16-2009 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by dothanhtrung (Post 1868350)
In Automatic Link Creation (ACP ===> Banned Members Log), can you add "Create Link in Community" ?


I thought about that before I released v3.8.004 of this hack, but as the Community menu was not added until vBulletin v3.8, the option would not work with v3.7.x nor v3.6.x, I would definitely get unnecessary posts asking this was not working on 3.x.x and how to get it working with it.

So, to maintain full compatibility over all 3 versions of vBulletin this hack is supported on, I will not be adding your request to the hack, sorry :(

Mosh 11-25-2009 02:08 AM

The vBulletin v4.0.x version of this hack is available here.

Mosh 01-02-2010 01:36 AM

Hi all,

It is with regret that after over 4 years (and thousands of hours) spent providing free support for my free hacks released here, as of today I will no longer be able to provide support for free.

This is due to being unemployed for a while, being strapped for cash and unable to rely on the virtually non-existent donations from here to help to pay the bills or put food on the table for my family. I am now providing all support for my free hacks released here over at Wolfshead Solutions via an annual support subscription (for a small fee).

It does not mean I will be no longer release free hacks, I will, but I will just no longer be supporting them for free.

My free hacks have and always will remain free to download and use. And so will updates/bug fixes.

I will be releasing more free hacks, but if you require any support at all for those free hacks, you will need to purchase an annual support subscription over at Wolfshead Solutions to receive support.

I am really sorry I have to do this, but revenue generated by my programming gigs are now my only source of income, and I can no longer afford the luxury of providing free support here, when that time can be spent creating new commercial products, doing paid work requests or providing paid support to pay the bills.

Thank you for the understanding.



bigcurt 03-15-2010 09:10 PM

Thanks for all the help through the years Mosh and your wonderful mods. I will definitely be visiting your site.

Mosh 01-08-2011 02:19 AM

Hi all,

Free support has now been moved back to vBulletin.org.

Please see the first post for more information (and also this thread at Wolfshead Solutions).

Enjoy :)


Mosh Shigdar - Wolfshead Solutions.

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