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Dakota 06-07-2001 06:24 AM

I had that same problem, so I just put my backup copy back up, and it has worked fine ever since.

SSJ4 Saiya-jin 06-07-2001 03:05 PM


Originally posted by Dakota
I had that same problem, so I just put my backup copy back up, and it has worked fine ever since.
Thankds Dakota :), it works GREAT NOW.

Jyaki 06-07-2001 04:59 PM

Everything went smoothly. One question though. How can I get the stars to show up in the user's profile, similar to their avatars?

maverick1236 06-08-2001 03:21 PM

<a href="http://happyhome1.homestead.com/files/usergroup.txt" target="_blank">here is my usergroup php file</a>

the error im getting when i click on modify user groups and permissions is this :

Parse error: parse error in e:\program files\nusphere\apache\htdocs\forums\admin\usergrou p.php on line 84

By looking at the modified file i cant see any errors-do you?

im using vbulletin 2.0.0

thanks for any help-this looks like a great hack!

SSJ4 Saiya-jin 06-08-2001 03:53 PM

I know this is off topic, but how did you install php and mysql on apache? I need to know.

On the other side, I think maby you installd the hack wrong. Check over it again.

maverick1236 06-08-2001 03:54 PM

If i didnt know that i wouldnt be posting here

can anyone SEE anything wrong in the file?
tx 4 checking

tubedogg 06-08-2001 04:17 PM

First off take that file off the web. You are violating the license agreement by posting it.

Second your line 84 ends in

$maxforwardpm)"); ###################### Start edit #######################
Change that to

// ###################### Start edit #######################

kicks 06-08-2001 04:40 PM

Good hack tube and excellent instructions :)
I was able to hack it right into my vb 2.0.1 install with vbportal on top of it without too many modifications, only a few of the queries had to be changed :D

Great job!

maverick1236 06-08-2001 04:48 PM

I 4got
ill take it off now!

maverick1236 06-08-2001 04:57 PM

now the errors just on line 85 :(

smacwill 06-09-2001 05:17 AM

I installed your Star Hack and it works, but, the different colors for different levels don't. I do have the alternate image setup under the User groups.

If I set a number in the "Stars shown" then the alternate color will show. However, I would like the different levels to work up the ladder.

I removed everything and re-installed again to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Any idea what I screwed up when I installed it?

Thanks for your valuable time.


tubedogg 06-09-2001 05:23 AM

I'm not sure I completely understand the problem. Using the ladder, you can assign a different color and/or a different number of stars to each "rung". Using a usergroup default overrides this ladder, and always displays the same image no matter what.

So basically I'm not sure what you're saying not works. Can you clarify it a little more? Maybe list some examples groups and how you want them to work?

smacwill 06-09-2001 05:34 AM


I want the normal "ladder" to work for all groups. Earn Stars by making more posts.

Admin - Red Stars
Moderators - Green Stars
Members - Yellow Stars

The Yellow stars are set as the default under CP - User Stars

In the Admin Group, I have nothing in "Stars shown" and I have "red" in the star image shown.

In the Moderators Group, I have nothing in "Stars shown" and I have "green" in the star image shown.

In the Members Group, I have nothing in "Stars shown" and I have "yellow" in the star image shown.

In the Forums, the Yellow Stars show for everyone. If I put a number, say 5, in the "Stars Shown" field in the Admin Group, it will then show 5 red stars when by #posts, he should only have 1.

Hope that helps. See http://forums3.overclockers.ws.

tubedogg 06-09-2001 05:41 AM

Oh I see. That's not possible with my current hack. It's a good idea though...I'll probably look into it for a future version.

Sorry :(

smacwill 06-09-2001 05:51 AM

At least I know I'm not nuts :)

Should be pretty easy, just query the image from the user record, if it's there, display it, if not, use the default.

We use that type of system on our regular Forums http://forums.overclockers.ws and the users love it. Can't wait for the import scripts so we can start using vBulletin.

Thanks for you time and sorry for the pm earlier.


SSJ4 Saiya-jin 06-09-2001 02:47 PM

Ill post my stars

http://www.guyverout.f2s.com/forum/i...tars/admin.gif = Admin
http://www.guyverout.f2s.com/forum/images/stars/mod.gif = Moderator
http://www.guyverout.f2s.com/forum/i...stars/star.gif = Member

Jyaki 06-09-2001 03:30 PM

So, is it possible to get the stars to show in the profile too?


maverick1236 06-09-2001 05:01 PM

my usergroup php file still has an error-after i i did what tube dog suggested -everything else is fine-what do i do?

SS2 Dan 06-19-2001 12:35 AM

I installed the hack and there were no errors, but the stars won't show, but I did update the counters

SSJ4 Saiya-jin 06-20-2001 01:18 AM

Worked fine for me.

kdog316 06-21-2001 11:22 PM


Originally posted by AnnaFan

There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

This error is shown nearly on everything in the cp
:confused: :confused:

i am getting that same erorr and here is whats in the view sorce.


Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO stars (starid,starlevel,minposts,starimg) VALUES (NULL,'1','1','stars90')
mysql error: Table 'allarou_tmbps.stars' doesn't exist
mysql error number: 1146
Date: Thursday 21st of June 2001 08:16:18 PM
Script: /forum/admin/stars.php
Referer: http://tmbps.allaroundsite.com/forum...php?action=add

tubedogg 06-22-2001 05:58 AM

Did you upload and run the mysql.php file from the zip?

MApI 06-23-2001 02:59 PM

Works well with my 2.0.1 :D

Thanx, Tubedogg; great hack !!!



maverick1236 06-23-2001 03:33 PM


peteqlee 06-26-2001 09:41 AM

Is this work with php3?

First-Man 06-26-2001 10:16 AM

When ever some one tries to register.....


<!-- Database error in vBulletin: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO user (userid,username,password,email,styleid,parentemai l,coppauser,homepage,icq,aim,yahoo,signature,admin email,showemail,invisible,usertitle,joindate,cooki euser,daysprune,lastvisit,lastactivity,usergroupid ,timezoneoffset,emailnotification,receivepm,emailo npm,showsignatures,birthday,maxposts,startofweek,i paddress,pmpopup,referrerid,nosessionhash,starleve l,starimg) VALUES (NULL,'dddd','ddd','sach@ich.nicht','1','','0','ht tp://','','','','','1','1','0','Junior Member','993553514','1','-1','993553514','993553514','2','0','1','1','0','ye s','0','-1','1','','0','0','1','','')
mysql error: Unknown column 'showsignatures' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Date: Tuesday 26th of June 2001 01:05:14 PM
Script: /vbb/register.php
Referer: http://localhost/vbb/register.php
This is my register.php

tubedogg 06-26-2001 11:35 AM

Did you download the zip file from the first post in this thread? Nowhere in there does it contain the text showsignatures - did you download v0.1.0 (from the other thread) maybe by accident?

First-Man 06-26-2001 11:50 AM

No i download the file after your update. (this Thread)
After this. 06-03-2001 04:18 PM

tubedogg 06-26-2001 12:01 PM

The last update was on 6-06-01 - try downloading the zip file again.

First-Man 06-26-2001 12:56 PM

*goil*:cool: thx
I?ve update my files (register.php). It works fine.

Eternal_Dragon 06-28-2001 05:25 PM

You MUST upload your star images to a new directory called "stars" inside your "images" directory. If your images directory is not called "images" and is not directly inside your forums directory, you must change this in where it appears below (it only appears once, under the showthread.php section):
Then you must change it in the stars.php file, towards the bottom. This time, though, you must preceed your path with .. because you are going up one directory (stars.php goes in your admin directory!)
Example: ../path/to/images/

First, make changes to all the files mentioned in this file. They are: newthread.php, newreply.php, admin/misc.php, admin/index.php, admin/usergroup.php, register.php, and the postbit template. Once you have completed this, upload those files (obviously you can't upload the template <grin> ) to your site, and then upload mysql.php and stars.php to your admin directory.

i am trying to install the star hack on to my board

what does that mean????? like i have no clue

tubedogg 06-30-2001 04:03 AM

Which part don't you understand?

Dolamite 07-02-2001 05:38 PM

In admin/usergroup.php

it says to replace this

if ($action=="insert") {

$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO usergroup (usergroupid,title,usertitle,cancontrolpanel,canmo difyprofile,canviewmembers,canview,cansearch,canem
ail,canpostnew,canmove,canopenclose,candeletethrea d,canreplyown,canreplyothers,canviewothers,canedit
post,candeletepost,canusepm,canpostpoll,canvote,ca npostattachment,ismoderator,canpublicevent,canpubl
icedit,canthreadrate) VALUES (NULL,'".addslashes($title)."','".addslashes($user title)." ',$cancontrolpanel,$canmodifyprofile,$canviewmembe rs,$canview,$cansearch,$canemail,$canpostnew,$canm
ove,$canopenclose,$candeletethread,$canreplyown,$c anreplyothers,$canviewothers,$caneditpost,$candele
tepost,$canusepm,$canpostpoll,$canvote,$canpostatt achment,$ismoderator,$canpublicevent,$canpublicedi

I have some different code in my file though

if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']=="insert") {

$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO usergroup (usergroupid,title,usertitle,cancontrolpanel,canmo difyprofile,canviewmembers,canview,cansearch,canem
ail,canpostnew,canmove,canopenclose,candeletethrea d,canreplyown,canreplyothers,canviewothers,canedit
post,candeletepost,canusepm,canpostpoll,canvote,ca npostattachment,ismoderator,canpublicevent,canpubl
icedit,canthreadrate,cantrackpm,candenypmreceipts, maxbuddypm,maxforwardpm)
VALUES (NULL,'".addslashes($title)."','".addslashes($user title)." ',$cancontrolpanel,$canmodifyprofile,$canviewmembe rs,$canview,$cansearch,$canemail,$canpostnew,$canm
ove,$canopenclose,$candeletethread,$canreplyown,$c anreplyothers,$canviewothers,$caneditpost,$candele
tepost,$canusepm,$canpostpoll,$canvote,$canpostatt achment,$ismoderator,$canpublicevent,$canpublicedi
t,$canthreadrate,$cantrackpm,$candenypmreceipts,$m axbuddypm,$maxforwardpm)");


echo "<p>Record added</p>";


I'm a little stuck here.... so I just kinda stopped midway thru the process till i can get some expert help as this is my first vB hack......

(i am however upgrading my board to 2.0.1 today.... if you think that will change anything let me know :)

tubedogg 07-03-2001 03:20 AM

Make sure you have downloaded the latest file from the first post in this thread.

You should probably wait until you've successfully upgraded to 2.0.1 to install the hack - it will mean less work for you in the end.

Dolamite 07-04-2001 04:58 PM

yeah good call turbo..... i just sent you a PM.... hope ya get it soon :)

i could use a little help


Dolamite 07-06-2001 10:46 PM

ok i finally got 2.0.1 installed and it fixed THAT problem... but presented another one.....in the MISC.PHP file

my originl file:


What it tells me to change i do NOT have for some reason.... and by using the ORIGINAL one from the 2.0.1 version... and editing it..... i got a database error....

EVERYTHING ELSE WAS DONE EXACTLY as it should have been...... i used to do hacks on UBB..... so I'm not (totally :) incompetant... but i may not be able to speel that word :)

anyhow....... anyideas as to why... that 1 file would be different.....and not have the variables i need to change (my baord is working great by the way....) I just wanted to add stars.

Well... if anyone can help.... I would appreciate it

snyx 07-06-2001 11:39 PM

like a charm ;)

we78 07-07-2001 04:34 PM

installed and all is fine got no errors but still see no starts
btw: i have seen them on win2k server but not on linux
any ideas?:confused: :confused:
vbb: 2.0.1

tubedogg 07-07-2001 05:36 PM

Dolemite: Two things - first please edit the code out of your post as it against the license to post it like that. Second you are editing the wrong misc.php file - you need to edit the one in the admin folder, not the main forums folder.

Dolamite 07-08-2001 12:57 AM

sorry i didnt realize i could not post the code

i apploagize

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