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y2ksw 09-06-2008 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Automaton (Post 1615452)
Please keep me posted. I am very interested in this type of product

I believe at the current state of brain storming, best is to go by steps and use thus the inbuilt subscription feature. I'm not sure yet how to upload the banner and make sure it will be only one at a single time - maybe using the user profile.

kingmotox 09-07-2008 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 1615971)
I would suggest to replace the @vbbanners@ placeholder (vBulletin Options, bottom) with something like <!-- @banner@ --> (HTML Comment) in order to hide advertising in scripts which eventually don't call the vBulletin standard page closure, and thus jump over the global_complete hook.

i tried that but then it didnt work at all. did i miss something for the code?

y2ksw 09-07-2008 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by kingmotox (Post 1616322)
i tried that but then it didnt work at all. did i miss something for the code?

After changing the placeholder, also the styles' placeholders must be edited accordingly, else it won't find any to replace and thus would not show anything.

kingmotox 09-07-2008 11:28 PM

ok i changed the place holders so it still works in the forum but i still dont have anything on the classifieds?

y2ksw 09-08-2008 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by kingmotox (Post 1617009)
ok i changed the place holders so it still works in the forum but i still dont have anything on the classifieds?

If the classifieds script does not use the standard closure of vbulletin, you will not see ads on those pages. With the suggested changes, you will not see the placeholder though, and still show ads on your forums.

There is nothing I can do about scripts which hook only partially into vBulletin - it is a choice of the developers how far their products integrate. If the product calls the vBulletin hook global_complete and does not exit prematurely, the ads are rendered ;)

jlew24asu 09-08-2008 12:58 PM

is their anything different I need to do since I have CMPS?

acast 09-08-2008 02:39 PM

Hi, i have the enlighten style, this is the code in the CSS (the logo is there, not in header):


#logo {
background: url(enlighten/misc/header_logo.gif);
width: 470px;
height: 102px;
float: left;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;

/* ***** sets background for header area - No need to change this ***** */
#hdr {
background: #F7632F url(enlighten/misc/header_back.gif) ;
width: 100%;
height: 102px;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;

#hdr_rs {
background: url(enlighten/misc/header_rs.gif);
width: 34px;
height: 102px;
float: right;
padding: 0;

#hdr_rs {
background: url(enlighten/misc/header_rs.gif);
width: 34px;
height: 102px;
float: right;
padding: 0;

What i have to do to have the banners where is the header_logo?. Thanks if someone can help me.

y2ksw 09-08-2008 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by acast (Post 1617446)
Hi, i have the enlighten style, this is the code in the CSS (the logo is there, not in header):


What i have to do to have the banners where is the header_logo?. Thanks if someone can help me.

Sorry, the rotating banners won't work with CSS. For use with CSS, you could use only static banners or a script made specificly for CSS image replacements, which is however not supported by all browsers.

A script replacement in CSS would read like:


#logo {
background: url(anywhere/script.php);
width: 470px;
height: 102px;
float: left;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;

y2ksw 09-08-2008 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by jlew24asu (Post 1617363)
is their anything different I need to do since I have CMPS?

With vbAdvanced there is no additional work to do. Other CMPS may or may not work, depending whether they load the vBulletin engine or not. All non-vBulletin pages must load the vBulletin engine and call the global_complete hook in order to render the rotating banners.

kingmotox 09-08-2008 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 1617218)
If the classifieds script does not use the standard closure of vbulletin, you will not see ads on those pages. With the suggested changes, you will not see the placeholder though, and still show ads on your forums.

There is nothing I can do about scripts which hook only partially into vBulletin - it is a choice of the developers how far their products integrate. If the product calls the vBulletin hook global_complete and does not exit prematurely, the ads are rendered ;)

they said the banners need to exsist in the photopost folders the same way as the banner program uses them. Would i put a folder like /www/photopost/images/ ?

y2ksw 09-08-2008 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by kingmotox (Post 1617647)
they said the banners need to exsist in the photopost folders the same way as the banner program uses them. Would i put a folder like /www/photopost/images/ ?

If the banners are recorded with the full URL, it makes no difference where they are.

You may try to create the suggested folder and duplicate the banner images, but I believe it really doesn't matter.

acast 09-08-2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 1617520)
Sorry, the rotating banners won't work with CSS. For use with CSS, you could use only static banners or a script made specificly for CSS image replacements, which is however not supported by all browsers.

A script replacement in CSS would read like:


#logo {
background: url(anywhere/script.php);
width: 470px;
height: 102px;
float: left;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;

Ok, and how can i put the code of the css in the header so i can use this addon with my design? Do you know how can i do it looking that code?

Thanks for your answer friend.

jlew24asu 09-09-2008 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 1617525)
With vbAdvanced there is no additional work to do. Other CMPS may or may not work, depending whether they load the vBulletin engine or not. All non-vBulletin pages must load the vBulletin engine and call the global_complete hook in order to render the rotating banners.

ok thanks I'll give it a try.

Automaton 09-09-2008 12:06 AM

I just had my guy install the rotator it it is great!The idea I had about mixing it with the subscription seems to bee too much.
I am wondering however if you would be willing to make a couple of changes to the mod.

1. It would be nice to have a common page banner manager where all the banners were listed. Rather than scrolling through each of them, if we could see all the banners and the peramiters of the variables entered it would be awesome. So basically the one page would display:
Banner name
Start date
End Date
then all the other click boxes. This way we could make mass changes to the banners right in one spot if we want to.

2. Email notice for ending campaign
I would be nice if we could enter and email address or 2 that would get a notification when the subscription is almost up. This way it will automatically send an email to the email addresses we want. Maybe site admin, maybe the advertiser. Perhaps both

3. Email notice for stats
Perhaps have a setting where every so often (weekly, monthly - time frame selected by admin) the stats of that banner get emailed to the email address that we list.

4. Move Save-scroll-new-delete feature.
Add another scroll, save contol to the top of the page, just like it is on the bottom of the page

5. Scroll and Save
Ad an option so that we can scroll and save at the same time, with one click. So every time you hit forward, or revers it save the current settings. Or at least asks if you want them saved.

Sorry if this is a ton of stuff but I think it would improve the rotator..

Thanks so much!

jlew24asu 09-09-2008 01:14 PM

it works. great mod thank you!

y2ksw 09-09-2008 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Automaton (Post 1617794)
1. It would be nice to have a common page banner manager where all the banners were listed. Rather than scrolling through each of them, if we could see all the banners and the peramiters of the variables entered it would be awesome. So basically the one page would display:
Banner name
Start date
End Date
then all the other click boxes. This way we could make mass changes to the banners right in one spot if we want to.

2. Email notice for ending campaign
I would be nice if we could enter and email address or 2 that would get a notification when the subscription is almost up. This way it will automatically send an email to the email addresses we want. Maybe site admin, maybe the advertiser. Perhaps both

3. Email notice for stats
Perhaps have a setting where every so often (weekly, monthly - time frame selected by admin) the stats of that banner get emailed to the email address that we list.

4. Move Save-scroll-new-delete feature.
Add another scroll, save contol to the top of the page, just like it is on the bottom of the page

5. Scroll and Save
Ad an option so that we can scroll and save at the same time, with one click. So every time you hit forward, or revers it save the current settings. Or at least asks if you want them saved.

I scheduled these and other suggestions for the next release.

Automaton 09-09-2008 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 1618221)
I scheduled these and other suggestions for the next release.

Any idea how long befor the next release comes out?

y2ksw 09-09-2008 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Automaton (Post 1618403)
Any idea how long befor the next release comes out?

I have only time in the weekends, and occasionally a few minutes during the week. But I have seen, many of you have left at least one demo banner, and this of course frees up a few extra hours monthly to upgrade and add your requests. So thanks to all of you, too :)

kingmotox 09-12-2008 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 1617722)
If the banners are recorded with the full URL, it makes no difference where they are.

You may try to create the suggested folder and duplicate the banner images, but I believe it really doesn't matter.

That did not work. How can i get this to work in the header when it needs to use a full url. Can you give me an example of the code i should use.


inbrissy 09-15-2008 11:50 PM

I'm probably missing something, but in the options it says about Scheduled Tasks.. What filename do I put in for scheduling the emails to go out about the banner events?

I'm not sure what to put in the scheduled event for that.


abouahmed 09-16-2008 12:01 AM

nice job...

y2ksw 09-16-2008 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by inbrissy (Post 1622981)
I'm probably missing something, but in the options it says about Scheduled Tasks.. What filename do I put in for scheduling the emails to go out about the banner events?

I'm not sure what to put in the scheduled event for that.


The product was predisposed to send email. It is a feature which has been asked, but is currently not implemented.

When it will be ready to use, the upgrade of a future release will add the task during installation.

inbrissy 09-17-2008 11:37 PM

ok cool..

thanks for that.. I thought i read something like that but then saw the email option and got confused (which isn't hard to do these days for me)

very nice Mod btw. Runs like a charm. I did accidentally delete the Google Ad that was there that would help you.. Can you send it to me to add back in?

Thanks again.

Apolo. 09-23-2008 03:23 AM


I'm sorry to ask this, but how could you actually make the banners to rotate?

For instance, we have a place for a banner on the right side, and want to share that place among 8 advertisers, each one to be shown on a random basis.

Is this possible to do with this Rotating Banner System?

Thank you!

Videx 09-23-2008 03:48 AM

This one does rotate. But only with page refreshes, not automatically via AJAX.

Apolo. 09-23-2008 04:00 AM

Hi Videx,

Thanks for your reply.


Originally Posted by Videx (Post 1628212)
This one does rotate. But only with page refreshes, not automatically via AJAX.

Nop, it is not rotating. I've uploaded 2 banners and it is showing up always the first one, every time I refresh the page or load a different page.

Or perhaps am I doing anything wrong?

For the first banner, I did this:

Rotating Banner System - Manage Banners - New

then I enter the details and Save. The ID is 4

Then I go to the template and place this, where I want the banner to show up:


Then for the second banner I do exactly the same and the ID is 5, but this time I do not place the "@vbbanners_vertical@" because one is already there. Or should I put "@vbbanners_vertical@" twice on that template?

Thanks again!

Videx 09-23-2008 06:18 AM

Are you sure you uploaded all the files? Maybe try uploading them again.

y2ksw 09-23-2008 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Apolo. (Post 1628194)

I'm sorry to ask this, but how could you actually make the banners to rotate?

For instance, we have a place for a banner on the right side, and want to share that place among 8 advertisers, each one to be shown on a random basis.

Is this possible to do with this Rotating Banner System?

Thank you!

They do rotate. The most common error is not to check the "vertical" option for vertical banners. So if you have 1 banner with the "vertical" option checked and 7 not, only one banner will show at the @vbbanners_vertical@ placeholder.

Apolo. 09-24-2008 01:36 AM

Thanks for your reply.

It seems that uploading the files again did the trick and it's finally rotating the banners.

By the way, there is only one Horizontal Placeholder: @vbbanners@

And one Vertical Placeholder: @vbbanners_vertical@

And I have 4 places to put banners: 2 at the top (horizontal), one side banner (vertical) and one at the bottom (horizontal).

If someone wants to have his banner to be shown only at the bottom, how can I configure RBS for this purpose? Because otherwise the banner might be displayed at both the top and the bottom randomly.

Thanks again!

y2ksw 09-24-2008 07:07 AM

It may be a future decision to add more placeholder types, but at the very moment there are only two available. If you have only banners of one kind (e.g. horizontal), you may use the vertical placeholder for banners at specific locations.

Stu @ Evolution 09-24-2008 08:45 AM

Sorry guys newbie here:
I have uploaded V2.0.3 toa new VBull 3.7.3 installation

Gone to ACP/ Plugins / Add new plugin

Browsed to the xml file in teh includes folder, its called "cpnav_rbs"
When i click on Import i get:


vBulletin Message
Invalid File Specified

Can anyone shed any light please?

Videx 09-24-2008 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Stu @ Evolution (Post 1629109)
Sorry guys newbie here:
I have uploaded V2.0.3 toa new VBull 3.7.3 installation

Gone to ACP/ Plugins / Add new plugin

Browsed to the xml file in teh includes folder, its called "cpnav_rbs"

No need to apologize for being a noob, but there's no excuse for not reading and following the instructions very carefully. You were told to upload that file, not import it. After you upload files to the correct place, it's the product-rbs.xml file you want to import.

Be very careful. You can completely screw your board by not following mod instructions.

y2ksw 09-24-2008 02:19 PM

I have scheduled for this weekend some upgrades. Any small wishes please? :)

eternal_ 09-24-2008 03:02 PM

Banners were not rotating, but I fixed the problem. It was simply an oversight... The date was off by mistake :(

Jaxel 09-24-2008 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 1629268)
I have scheduled for this weekend some upgrades. Any small wishes please? :)

In the banner list section on the admin control panel... when listing all the banners, could we get it so that not only does it list the banners, but the number of impressions and clicks as well?

B_Pages 10-02-2008 02:50 AM

can someone show an example on their site?
i have like 60 banners and want to make sure this will work as GAB limits to 50

bulldog71169 10-02-2008 04:59 AM

Installed and they rotate correctly, but the test banners I added are not directing to the correct URL.

my banners are located here:

when I click onthe banner it opens a new window taking me to:

I double checked that the files were uploaded to the correct location. and the xml file was imported correctly.

Is there a specific location the banners need to be?

I am not familiar with adsense, so I dont undestand what the text box would be used for. I am specifying the banner location and entered the URL destination.

Any advice would be appreciated.

bulldog71169 10-02-2008 06:33 AM

ok I moved it to the text box... simply:

<a href="url"><img src="url"></a>

and this works fine.

can you give me an example of how I would use the url and image fields?

and how would I code this to open a new window?

y2ksw 10-02-2008 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by B_Pages (Post 1635281)
can someone show an example on their site?
i have like 60 banners and want to make sure this will work as GAB limits to 50

I think this limit is thought of 50 banners shown on a single page ;)

y2ksw 10-02-2008 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by bulldog71169 (Post 1635348)
Installed and they rotate correctly, but the test banners I added are not directing to the correct URL.

my banners are located here:

when I click onthe banner it opens a new window taking me to:

I double checked that the files were uploaded to the correct location. and the xml file was imported correctly.

Is there a specific location the banners need to be?

I am not familiar with adsense, so I dont undestand what the text box would be used for. I am specifying the banner location and entered the URL destination.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Right. That one applies for a bug, which will be fixed in the next release. If you switch click tracking off, and a full URL is specified, it should work though.

The Text field simply hold any kind of HTML, including adsense or similar scripts.

If you have a simple image banner, such as the purple banner on your site, you place in the Name field a message which shows as a tooltip, URL field the destination (e.g.: http://www.purple.com/), and in the Image field the banner image URL (e.g.: http://www.norcalaircooledgroup.org/...ers/purple.jpg), which will be then inserted into the <img src ...> tag, and leave the Text field empty.

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