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-   -   Chat software comparison. Your opinion please. (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=186457)

Bilderback 01-27-2009 03:51 AM

Do not go with v3chat right now.
I found a serious exploit which can allow anyone to compromise your site.
Also searched Google for users and see alot of Index of/ links so someone
else apparently has found the same exploit who isnt as friendly as I.

For v3chat owners, I would advise disabling it until the exploit is resolved.
Please dont PM me for the exploit. I have already notified v3chat.

niteflyer32 03-01-2009 06:52 PM

We've used the Addonchat free version for a couple years and it's worked good. Not much control in the free version though. Their customer support was quick to answer when we had an issue. We are about to integrate a paid chat into our new vb forum.

As for the question about a chat the allows sharing of images. 123Flashchat has that option module for $99 more.

How is the customer service with 123Flashchat? So 123Flashchat is run on our server? We have a dedicated server with 28,000 members and maybe 15 to 20 in chat at one time now. The load issue is important to us.

theque 03-02-2009 12:18 AM

i had flashchat but kept on getting hacked !! and yes it got laggy after 15 chatters..

vbchat looks good but not supported in 3.8.1 yet so i'm still looking for something what is very low or resources for around 50 chatters at a time but don't want to get kicked off shared hosting is it possible? im using pjirc atm its very good but am getting lots of people moaning about the java to run many not getting in

MindTrix 04-01-2009 09:29 PM

I just paid around £70 for blab! chat software and think it is amazing. Integrated perfectly and they have guides to help you along the way, and to integrate it with your forum properly.

Thanks to their guides, i now have a chatroom that opens inside my forums design, shows how many people is online inside it, has passworded rooms and non passworded rooms, a VERY clean and easy to use Admin CP, and members can upload photos/videos etc whilst chatting. Very happy customer!

Videx 04-01-2009 11:42 PM

Not cheap at $100, but I'd like to hear more. Their website just goes in circles but never actually tells us how to integrate blab! with vb. Where are the instructions?

KevinL 04-01-2009 11:48 PM

<a href="http://hot-things.net/index.php?q=3rds" target="_blank">http://hot-things.net/index.php?q=3rds</a>

In that blue box it says

Videx 04-02-2009 12:00 AM

Mine doesn't. And I don't even see a "blue box" on that page. I've even tried disabling AdBlock. There's a link to a screenshot, a blue screenshot, and a link to vbulletin.com.

KevinL 04-02-2009 12:04 AM

hrm...weird...thats what it says. I've seen this running on a board and it was really cool...can't for the life of me remember the board though! haha


Please note that BlaB! is NOT a module, NOR Add-on. It does NOT touch your bulletin board or CMS installation so that you can upgrade it easily and even switch BlaB! to work with another, e.g. you can remove phpBB and install vBulletin and by replacing 2 variables in blab/config.php, BlaB will recognize your vBulletin users the same way it did it with phpBB.

Videx 04-02-2009 12:13 AM

Okay, clearly you've misunderstood my question. I was wondering HOW it installs into vbulletin. The installation instructions. The quote you just gave is a teaser, but says nothing about how to install.

KevinL 04-02-2009 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Videx (Post 1782117)
Okay, clearly you've misunderstood my question. I was wondering HOW it installs into vbulletin. The installation instructions. The quote you just gave is a teaser, but says nothing about how to install.

ahhh hahah

this is a little more complete ;)


Installation + [phpBB, IPB, vBulletin]BlaB! + phpBB, Invision Board, vBulletin, Simple Machines, e107, exoops,
Mambo, phpNuke, postNuke, WBB2, PunBB

[target_script] - read this as phpBB, Invision Board, vBulletin,
Simple Machines, e107, exoops, Mambo, phpNuke, postNuke, WBB2 ,
PunBB depending on the script you are going to integrate BlaB! with...

1. Unzip the files from the ZIP archive in an empty directory keeping the
directory structure.

2. Open config.php by a text editor and set the following variables:
$db_user, $db_pass and $db_name.

Please make sure that $db_name is the database where [target_script] is installed!

3. Upload the whole directory (and all files/subdirectories in it) to your server
by an FTP program.

It is a good idea to upload BlaB! under the directory where [target_script] resides!

4. Load install.php in your web browser:
http://yoursite.com/target_script/blab/install.php and follow the instructions.

Remember to choose [target_script] from the drop-down menu...

5. Get your license key here and enter it in the provided input box.

6. Remove install.php and enter the chat.

Videx 04-02-2009 12:33 AM

Those sound like the instructions for their free Lite version. With no vbulletin integration, it's just a standalone app.

Unless their installer is smart enough to actually edit vbulletin files itself, which seems unlikely.

KevinL 04-02-2009 12:39 AM

Well it pretty much is a stand alone app. It just reads off your database...

edit..then I'm sure they have your forum wrap around it..

MindTrix 04-02-2009 06:17 AM

The instructions are in a members only area which you get access too once you have brought the software. The integration is very very simple and the guides are very helpful.

vwdforum 04-18-2009 07:25 AM

addonchat was just installed on my forum, cost me $120 but only took about 3 minutes to install, very impressed so far, best thing is its hosted elsewhere so not eating my bandwidth either!

Videx 04-18-2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by vwdforum (Post 1793781)
addonchat was just installed on my forum, cost me $120 ...

Let's not mislead. That's a yearly charge, not a one time charge.

iadmirevb 09-04-2009 05:58 PM

i agree with the folks who are suggesting "Blab Chat"... in my opinion, it's the best PHP chat script out there... i've been using this script for the last 3 years.

They just released "Blab IM" and it's simply amazing script! i'm seriously thinking of upgrading to Blab IM Pro... it's just a nice piece of script!

You guys should try it! There's a demo and +


Alfa1 09-05-2009 09:16 PM

blabim seems interesting, but can it cope with 300 concurrent chatters?

iadmirevb 09-06-2009 05:07 PM

i don't think any PHP/MYSQL script can cope with 300 concurrent users on a shared host...it's just too much.

If you have 300 users, then i suggest you go with either a JAVA chat application or ,even better, a hosting company that is managing all the server load for you, something like http://www.123flashchat.com/ ... be prepared to spend some money... this stuff is expensive.

Alfa1 09-06-2009 07:06 PM

Im not willing to use hosted chat. I would like to host it myself. Suggestions are more than welcome.

Alfa1 10-10-2009 03:26 PM

I posted a more elaborate comparison on Wayne Luke's vbcodex: A comparison of Dedicated Chat Solutions

jkcerda 10-10-2009 06:29 PM

I didnrt see Cybschatbox in the list, did I miss why?

Alfa1 10-11-2009 07:43 PM

Because that's not full chat software, but a chat box. See the link to that poll in my signature.

iadmirevb 11-19-2009 11:08 PM

I would love to vote for BlaB! 4.7. I'm a big fan of this nice clean piece of software. Too bad it isn't in the poll list.

Alfa1 11-19-2009 11:19 PM

A comparison of Dedicated Chat Solutions

wolfyman 12-04-2009 01:27 PM

Do NOT use 123flashchat. I spent almost 2 grand with them trying to upgrade, sidegrade, or just plain get support for what they offered...

The coding is buggy, you can't get a response, and they delete any post off their forum if it's not 100% supportive - good luck finding out what other customers had problems with.

Buyer BEWARE when it comes to 123flashchat!!!!!

vividbreeze 01-26-2010 02:04 PM

I agree with Wolfyman, I spent $1,200 with them and the support was not good at all, the software was extremely buggy and over half the people that came in chat couldnt access it anymore and they even had all the latest flash updates and etc. I am going for AddonChat!

mmackinnon 09-08-2010 03:13 PM

AVchat 3 is excellent, spendy but the nicest video integration ive seen yet.

hqarrse 11-28-2010 08:23 AM

q 3rd to 'do not use 123flashchat'. I found a significant security hole in their VB/other forum integration, then my chat was hacked (they may not be at fault there) so I looked up exploits and found this:


Given the weak coding of the plugins, the hack and the severity of those exploits I have stopped using 123FC and will be trying parachat instead.

Alfa1 11-28-2010 03:43 PM

Since vbcodex is gone, I have posted my comparison of chat applications to vb-commercial:

I'd appreciate feedback!

Konstantinos 11-28-2010 05:06 PM

cometchat ~

yotsume 11-29-2010 09:01 PM

Yep by far the best is CometChat v2x

Alfa1 11-30-2010 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 2127321)
Yep by far the best is CometChat v2x

What do you think about the coding quality of cometchat? Has it improved since many people reported issues with it last year?

yotsume 11-30-2010 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2127585)
What do you think about the coding quality? Has it improved since many people reported issues with it last year?

I have been using Cometchat on my sites for about a year now. It allows me to tech support my members in real time.

  • The main coding issue I have seen in pre 2x versions of the chat will break and show a white box if a user has as in their member name special characters accent marks such as a tilda above a letter. The chat will break!
  • The second issue is the chat log is stored inside the vb database and not in its own database. So those with a limited database size need to use a cron to delete the chat logs to prevent their database from being maxed out if your site has many users.
  • The chatroom plugin was a bug altogether in previous versions which is fixed in 2x. (I use Flashchat for a chatroom and Cometchat for individual members only chat).
  • By far the best chat that matches exactly the system on Facebook. No matter where you are on your site the chat is always right there with you!
  • Can set the chat to show all online users.
  • Great admin panel with ajax spy and logs of all activity.
  • new version 2x is a vast improvement over previous versions.
  • The site translation plugin is awesome! Does make mistakes but not bad.
This style of chat system that follows users no matter what page you are on your site is the best system for my needs. It runs in the footer of your site so no matter where your footer shows so will the chat.

The chat has never given my site any problems running vb 3.7x or 3.8x. The only main problem I have come across is again the use of special characters accent marks above letters in members names. Examples: ũ or δ
Accent Marks and Diacriticals
(These are used in many foreign languages. So as mods grow to be used in other countries coders need to make sure their mods work with these accent marks.)
I am not sure if the current version has corrected this issue...

Alfa1 11-30-2010 08:33 PM

Thanks for your explanation. Its very useful. I have checked out their site again and see that the price and the feature set have both gone up substantially. The price is up to $499 now. The features look good.

The Facebook like footer bar is offered by several other chat software as well, with the same or more functionality. Im wondering about the chat room application. Do you know what the login to the demo is?

hqarrse 12-03-2010 08:05 AM

Parachat so far:

OK, but uses a java applet. Why is this a problem? Because they are a +++++ in page design and you can't lay anything over the top - eg pull down menus.

Second you have VB4 you need to convert the integration from VB3 to 4. OK, but time consuming.

Then two real negative points - it has the same security hole as 123FlashChat had - the authorization file for their system to check user logins is a lightweight and totally unprotected username/password pair testing tool. Want the passwords of any user of a VB site using Parachat? Yours easily and quickly with brute force / dictionary attacks on the chat_auth file. Worse than 123Flashchat because I am not hosting the chat server, I can;t protect this file to a single (my own) IP address.

Second I have had a support ticket in for this now for 5 days and still no response.

Despite another expense I am tempted to try cometchat and then write a blog on my VB chat system experiences.

If I get a satisfactory response from Parachat and a fix for the gaping security hole I will post it here. In the mean time, I would not recommend the VB integration of parachat, and if you are using it, then stop until they sort the problem.

hqarrse 12-06-2010 07:48 AM

Eventually got this.


Thank you for contacting ParaChat Support. I apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry. The vBulletin module to which you refer is not available for download from our web site at this time. Please note that all of our third-party integration modules are currently being re-developed, including the vBulletin integration module. The new modules will include a method to recognize calls where applicable, and will be available for download from our web site when they are completed. But utilization of the HTTP Authentication file itself is optional.

The HTTP authentication file is deployed on installations external to the ParaChat system, so its level of exposure from a security standpoint will vary from installation to installation. The Auto Log-in feature could be utilized exclusive of HTTP authentication. Also, if the HTTP authentication feature is used, your ParaChat service could be configured to limit the number of simultaneous connections allowed per IP address. However, the remedy for the issue as you describe it will be the utilization of the new module when released. We understand your concern, and genuinely appreciate your feedback on this topic.

tdev1 12-19-2010 07:01 PM

use qwebirc simply: http://www.qwebirc.org/

tutorial there: http://thomasfischer.biz/?p=441

yotsume 12-20-2010 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by tdev1 (Post 2136492)
use qwebirc simply: http://www.qwebirc.org/

tutorial there: http://thomasfischer.biz/?p=441

IRC chatroom... okay.... but a popup chat like Facebooks that follows you no matter where you are on the site. Hmmm I still say Cometchat!

|Jordan| 12-20-2010 08:18 AM

You forgot about one chat software. First off its free, the source code is free and there is no limitation to how many users can chat at same time (server hardware would limit this). It's called Visual Chat and it uses a java server. The graphics are really bad (it looks like that 3D maze screensaver from Windows 95). On top of it, it hasnt been updated in years so its probably full of security holes. Still, there's a site that hosts it and you can remotely display it.



Ramsesx 12-20-2010 11:12 AM

Addonchat, support staff is fantastic.

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