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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Patch to vbWikiStandard for vb 3.7 & mediaWiki 1.12 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=184903)

domaino 08-13-2008 10:14 AM

Thanks Rein, but problem unresolved.

Here is everything I have done that may I feel have caused a problem:

vbWiki was installed inside the forum directory e.g. forum/vbWiki/vbWiki_Init.php - is this correct?

I moved localsettings.php to the parent directory (as requested) but then I crossed back over my steps and found this wasn't the problem.

I have changed my paths again and again, they must be correct. Currently it is set as: /public_html/forum/vbWiki/vbWiki_Init.php - I have even tried directing the path straight to the root e.g. home/domaino/public_html/vbWiki/vbWiki_Init.php and still no luck

I tried changing the require once to be included between php blocks:
<?php require_once "/public_html/forum/vbWiki/vbWiki_Init.php"; ?>
and instead of being presented with the aforementioned message, I was provided with this: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/domaino/public_html/wiki/LocalSettings.php on line 126

I'm running vb 3.7.2 and the latest release of MediaWiki, would this cause compatibility issues?

Also, I downloaded the RC5 version of the previous release for 3.6.

I have been tinkering with this all last night and this morning and still no success. Does anyone have any ideas?


domaino 08-13-2008 02:43 PM

Anyone have any ideas on this one?

I really NEED this fixed up, so any help greatly appreciated.


GoodOmens 08-14-2008 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by domaino (Post 1597649)
Thanks Rein, but problem unresolved.

Here is everything I have done that may I feel have caused a problem:

vbWiki was installed inside the forum directory e.g. forum/vbWiki/vbWiki_Init.php - is this correct?

I moved localsettings.php to the parent directory (as requested) but then I crossed back over my steps and found this wasn't the problem.

I have changed my paths again and again, they must be correct. Currently it is set as: /public_html/forum/vbWiki/vbWiki_Init.php - I have even tried directing the path straight to the root e.g. home/domaino/public_html/vbWiki/vbWiki_Init.php and still no luck


That should be /home/domaino/public_html/forum/vbWiki/vbWiki_Init.php you need the "/" in front of home and it seems your vbWiki folder is in your forum folder (And yes this is the correct location of vbWiki). You also don't need the php blocks so it should just be :


require_once "/home/domaino/public_html/forum/vbWiki/vbWiki_Init.php";

Jaxel 08-15-2008 01:05 AM

Does not work with WikiMedia 1.13... required files are missing.

Jaxel 08-15-2008 03:04 AM

Okay... I am having a few problems with this and WM 1.12...

1) if I am not logged into vBulletin and I go to the Wiki... I dont see a link to login...
2) often when I am logged into VB and go to the Wiki... it logs me out...

And how do I set it up so that people cant edit pages unless they are logged in?
Can I turn off personal talk pages? Since we have VB, we wont be needing them.
Would there be a way to rap the Wiki in the VB templates?

Also... would anyone mind helping me configure this Wiki of mine? I am brand new to Wikis and this thing is CONFUSING!

Jaxel 08-16-2008 12:55 PM

Has anyone found a solution to this "Cookies Cleared" problem?

g00gl3r 08-18-2008 10:19 AM

Anymore solutions?

ericdesmontagne 08-19-2008 03:54 AM

Hello, i'd like to use vbwikiskin skin as defalut skin... but is doesn't work very well :(
In localsetting.php :
I have : $wgDefaultSkin = 'vbwikiskin';
In my file VbWikiSkin.php :
I have : $this->skinname = 'vbwikiskin';
But still the old skin you can see here : http://www.baldursgateworld.com/wiki/
An idee ? Thanks
(media wiki 1.11 and vb 3.7.2 PL3)

GoodOmens 08-21-2008 04:56 AM

I've found a bug ... seems if a user logs out of the forum visiting the wiki will give him the "cookies cleared" until he logs back into the forum.

Rein Masamuri 08-26-2008 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1599989)
Has anyone found a solution to this "Cookies Cleared" problem?

I was wondering this as well :/

Found the solution on the nuhit website:

Think I got it, edit the file "/vbWiki/vbWiki_Auth.php"

Put // infront of the following lines

global $wgEnableParserCache, $wgParser, $wgOut, $wgCachePages;

So it should be

//global $wgEnableParserCache, $wgParser, $wgOut, $wgCachePages;

Let me know if this works for you. I also made one other change but I don't think it's related. If this does not work then I'll post the other change I made.

I have cleared my cookies, restarted my browsers (both IE and Firefox) and it's working for me everytime now.

ericdesmontagne 08-27-2008 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by ericdesmontagne (Post 1602041)
Hello, i'd like to use vbwikiskin skin as defalut skin... but is doesn't work very well :(
In localsetting.php :
I have : $wgDefaultSkin = 'vbwikiskin';
In my file VbWikiSkin.php :
I have : $this->skinname = 'vbwikiskin';
But still the old skin you can see here : http://www.baldursgateworld.com/wiki/
An idee ? Thanks
(media wiki 1.11 and vb 3.7.2 PL3)

Nobody as any idea or information about this ? Do you know a good forum about mediawiki ? I can't find it :'(

chris1979 08-31-2008 04:55 PM

Does MediaWiki and Vbulletin need to be in the same database for this to work? I am getting a database error message:

MySQL Error : SELECT command denied to user 'nlpc'@'localhost' for table 'wiki_user'

chris1979 09-07-2008 10:46 AM

Can anyone help?

Lord Doys 11-16-2008 07:05 PM


i got it to work with vbWikiPro on vb 3.7.4 vbwiki_pro 1.3 with MW 1.13.2

used your solution replacing the text in arcane_vbulletin_core.php.

When you put $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; at the bottom of your localsettings.php it gives a stacktrace on what is wrong.

MediaWiki internal error.
Original exception: exception 'MWException' with message 'Detected bug in an extension! Hook vbWiki_GetLocalURL_Hook failed to return a value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort.' in /srv/www/birthright.net/brwiki/includes/Hooks.php:137

so all i did was give the functions vbWiki_GetLocalURL_Hook and vbWiki_PersonalUrls_Hook which are both in vbwiki_hooks.php

and voila.. that did the job for me

see it working are http://www.birthright.net/brwiki/ind...pecial:Version


hollosch 11-16-2008 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Doys (Post 1667000)

i got it to work with vbWikiPro on vb 3.7.4 vbwiki_pro 1.3 with MW 1.13.2

used your solution replacing the text in arcane_vbulletin_core.php.

When you put $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; at the bottom of your localsettings.php it gives a stacktrace on what is wrong.

MediaWiki internal error.
Original exception: exception 'MWException' with message 'Detected bug in an extension! Hook vbWiki_GetLocalURL_Hook failed to return a value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort.' in /srv/www/birthright.net/brwiki/includes/Hooks.php:137

so all i did was give the functions vbWiki_GetLocalURL_Hook and vbWiki_PersonalUrls_Hook which are both in vbwiki_hooks.php

and voila.. that did the job for me

see it working are http://www.birthright.net/brwiki/ind...pecial:Version


Can you tell us how you got it to work for non-experts, step-by-step?

Lord Doys 11-16-2008 07:27 PM


open vbWiki_hooks.php


PHP Code:

    //vbWikiDebug("vbWiki_PersonalUrls_Hook() userinfo['username'] = '" . $userinfo['username'] . "'");
if ($userinfo)
        if (
$userinfo['userid'] != 0)        // only for registered users
$personal_urls['userpage']['text'] = $userinfo['username'];

vbWiki_GetLocalURL_Hook( &$title, &$url$query 

and replace by:

PHP Code:

    //vbWikiDebug("vbWiki_PersonalUrls_Hook() userinfo['username'] = '" . $userinfo['username'] . "'");
if ($userinfo)
        if (
$userinfo['userid'] != 0)        // only for registered users
$personal_urls['userpage']['text'] = $userinfo['username'];

vbWiki_GetLocalURL_Hook( &$title, &$url$query 

and find:

PHP Code:

        $talkurl vbWiki_Get_Talk_Page$title->getText(), 'user' );
        if (
$talkurl && ($talkurl != ""))
$url $talkurl;

replace by:

PHP Code:

        $talkurl vbWiki_Get_Talk_Page$title->getText(), 'user' );
        if (
$talkurl && ($talkurl != ""))
$url $talkurl;

so basically i only added return true; at the end of the two functions vbWiki_GetLocalURL_Hook and vbWiki_PersonalUrls_Hook just before their closing tag } (approx line number 54 an 121)

hope this helps


hollosch 11-16-2008 07:58 PM

i will test this. it means, that you don't use the patch ??? (i think the patch is only for vbwiki standard???)


Lord Doys 11-16-2008 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by hollosch (Post 1667041)
i will test this. it means, that you don't use the patch ??? (i think the patch is only for vbwiki standard???)


indeed, i didnt use it (thought i did.. but had no effect, do removed it later)

hollosch 11-16-2008 09:34 PM

What about the cookie problem? It is still alive...
Did you solve the Go To Forum - problem? (Create thread in a forum instead of a discussion page in the wiki) - You use this in your wiki.

Lord Doys 11-16-2008 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by hollosch (Post 1667087)
What about the cookie problem? It is still alive...
Did you solve the Go To Forum - problem? (Create thread in a forum instead of a discussion page in the wiki) - You use this in your wiki.

there are still some minor flaws.. but it as workable is it is now.. ill look into it later this week, off to bed now

hollosch 11-16-2008 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Doys (Post 1667106)
there are still some minor flaws.. but it as workable is it is now.. ill look into it later this week, off to bed now

I tested it, but it seems it doesn't work to me:

vBulletin 3.7.4
MW 1.13.2
vbWikiPro 1.3 RC5

same as you...

Hope you can help me - cu

Lord Doys 11-18-2008 07:04 PM

i have fixed the vbWiki Pro: Go To Forum issue

open vbWikiPro_GoToForum.php


PHP Code:

$wgOut->addHTML("Redirecting to: <a href=\"$url\">$url</a><br/>"); 

(~line 102)

and replace with

PHP Code:

$wgOut->redirect$url ); 


hollosch 11-18-2008 10:02 PM

This is the code i have:

PHP Code:

ln101            if (!$g_Arcane_Debug_GoToForum)
ln102                $wgOut->addHTML("Redirecting to: <a href=\"$url\">$url</a><br/>");
ln103               else
ln104                $wgOut->redirect$url );
ln105              return; 

It doesn't work, when I replace the code in line 102.


Shamil. 12-11-2008 08:23 PM

I'm running 3.8 (vB), and 1.13.x (MW) hand MW gives me a blank page :| even if debugging is on in vbWiki-init.php

Blank page occurs in wiki when I add the require_once to the end of the localsettings file.

Skyrider 12-15-2008 09:21 AM

Getting error:


Warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/LocalSettings.php on line 126

Warning: require_once(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/vbWiki_Init.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/LocalSettings.php on line 126

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/vbWiki_Init.php' (include_path='/home/ffesf/public_html/wiki:/home/xxxx/public_html/wiki/includes:/home/xxxxx/public_html/wiki/languages:.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/xxxx/public_html/wiki/LocalSettings.php on line 126
This is when I installed the previous version first before this patch. (the link given in the first post)

ericdesmontagne 01-09-2009 09:10 AM

And about vbWikiPro ? It does not work with vB 3.8... :'(

Smitty 01-09-2009 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by ericdesmontagne (Post 1706083)
And about vbWikiPro ? It does not work with vB 3.8... :'(

I can verify the Pro version works on 3.7.x and Mediawiki 1.11.0

Was it working for you on 3.7.x? Are you verifying it breaks when you installed vB 3.8?

ericdesmontagne 02-09-2009 06:13 AM

Yes it was working with 3.7.X, but on 3.8 i have always white page on the wiki :'(

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