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-   -   PB-WoW 1.06 World of Warcraft Skin For VB 3.7.x (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=182914)

zero_ZX 07-03-2008 07:32 PM

is there any way to copy all the featuers.. like the blizzard at staff posts, the little images behind a topic when staff posts in it etc...?

tuaguild 07-03-2008 09:37 PM

yeah i am working on that i am a coder for another site so development is a little slow on all my mods/skins

Kalam 07-04-2008 07:38 PM


Everything in the footer seems to jump up when you try to make a poll for a thread. Any way to easily fix this?

tuaguild 07-04-2008 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by tuaguild (Post 1563258)
Here is a small tutorial on custom vb pages from mods or the like:

If you are using something like vbadvanced and want it to just be the header and navbar without the forum jump menu and user box find $navbar in that specific template and delete the $navbar line.

If you want the forum jump menu on the page along with the user login/loggedin box find the $navbar line and after it add

<!-- Navbar TBC Styling closer -->
<!-- / Navbar TBC Styling closer -->

that will close out the navbar and keep the footer from mixing with your page

this was earlier in the thread it is a brief explanation of how to fix the footer line
it is in the new posting templates in the newpoll template add

<!-- Navbar TBC Styling closer -->
<!-- / Navbar TBC Styling closer -->

after the $navbar line

Kalam 07-05-2008 03:43 AM

Opps, thanks for the help, worked like a charm.

TruthElixirX 07-07-2008 08:56 PM

The image for the WOTLK Theme is missing, the little icon at the top. Or maybe it is called the Wrath theme, I'm not sure.

EDIT:: Also in Firefox 3 the WYSIWYG editor is completely messed up:

Attachment 83687

tuaguild 07-07-2008 10:10 PM

well there is not much i can do about the firefox problem as i dont use firefox and well i dont have the slightest idea how to code for firefox. and all the images should be there if not go to my site www.descendantshq.org/downloads.php and download the newest version it has some updates and includes all the images i am not sure exactly if i forgot to add the wotlk image to the image files for the switcher

Ryjan 07-08-2008 06:56 PM

Is' there a Portal-Mod wich is' prefered with this style ?

tuaguild 07-08-2008 08:08 PM

i use vbadvanced but you can pretty much use anything you just have to do the template edit yourself to fix the broken footer issue

christicehurst 07-09-2008 04:58 AM

I wish there was graphic intense theme like this that wasn't WOW

mmerced 07-09-2008 11:23 PM

Where do I, and what template must I edit to edit the header/announcement area:

Welcome to the New Descendants/PB-WoW forums. If you are not in Descendants Guild or an Allied guild on Gilneas please do not post in the descendants forums or you will be banned. If you need support for PB-WoW skin feel free to post in the appropriate forum. If you need to download it go to the downloads forum. Please feel free to Donate This skin took alot of time to update and that time was being constantly told to get off the computer by the wife LOL but seriously i did take alot of time and effort to update to 3.7.1 and it takes even more time to find small style issues and all the other stuff so please donate and help support this skin.

apokphp 07-10-2008 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by zero_ZX (Post 1555897)
How to customize the forum icons:

Go to your /public_html/images/w_forumbullets/
Now you see the images starting with

<number> = id on the forum

simply just change the numbers to fit into your forums
Same applies for the wow-base-<number>
you use f and the index
and you use wow-base when you are browsing the forums

Please reply if you need further explanation, this is just a short writting guide.

What template is this found in?

Tuaguild, first off...what a terrific skin! By far, the best out there for WoW. I'm very impressed and plan to use this skin for my guild. That being said, what about .psd files for certain graphics so the site can be customized with the clan's name vs having to look identical to Blizzard's site? It's a great skin...but a site should represent the clan/guild...not the software company IMO.

rarehabbo 07-10-2008 03:44 PM

This skin is very buggy also could you make the missing images in the packages thanks.

mick4lou 07-10-2008 06:39 PM

Looks good :)

tuaguild 07-10-2008 08:09 PM

Sorry guys i did not make this skin i just updated it at rarehabbo

How to customize the forum icons:

Go to your /public_html/images/w_forumbullets/
Now you see the images starting with

<number> = id on the forum

simply just change the numbers to fit into your forums
Same applies for the wow-base-<number>
you use f and the index
and you use wow-base when you are browsing the forums

Please reply if you need further explanation, this is just a short writting guide.
also here are the missing style switcher images and please before you post support here please post it in the official pb-wow for vbulletin support forums at descendantshq.org

murdoc 07-17-2008 05:02 PM

is there a way, just to have the skins and not the plug ins as my forums accommodate other games as well

tuaguild 07-17-2008 07:25 PM

the plugins are well required for the skin to operate properly sorry

apokphp 07-19-2008 02:29 AM

Great style for what it is, a Blizzard WoW forum clone...but for guild board...one that wants to have their own customization that represents their guild...it doesn't work IMO. Without the .psd files, customization (eg...header, replacing the "Blizz" blue graphic for admins with the guild's graphic) can't happen unless you have some serious graphic design skill and some time. Thus, it renders this style unusable for my guild unfortunately.

Awesome looking skin...the best I've seen for any vb site with a wow theme...just not appropriate for an actual wow guild.

DJRavine 07-27-2008 04:11 AM

hey all...

here is a quick fix to stop that annoying navbar resize for FireFox...
mind you it will set the width of the div on load...
so it will have a small bug when u resize it..
but then when u load a new page it will resize it to the new browser width..

Open your AdminCP and go here...

Styles & Templates > Style Manager > PB-WoW > Edit Templates > header
Now you have to add 2 sections of code...
This will make a new div to be just under the width of the browser window...
Kinda flooding the rest of the space..
To fake it to look like the table is the complete width of the screen...

use the following to help you...


<!--[if IE]>
                            <span style="position: relative; z-index: 20000; background: none;">
                            <small class="subnavfix" style="color:#808080; letter-spacing:normal;">


        <script language="JavaScript"><!--
        //change DIV tag width dynamically

        var viewportwidth;
        var viewportheight;
        // the more standards compliant browsers (mozilla/netscape/opera/IE7) use window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight
        if (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined')
              viewportwidth = window.innerWidth,
              viewportheight = window.innerHeight
        // IE6 in standards compliant mode (i.e. with a valid doctype as the first line in the document)

        else if (typeof document.documentElement != 'undefined'
            && typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth !=
            'undefined' && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
              viewportwidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth,
              viewportheight = document.documentElement.clientHeight
        // older versions of IE
              viewportwidth = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth,
              viewportheight = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientHeight

        var current_URL = location.href;
        var current_Page = current_URL.substring(39,46);
        if (
            (current_Page === "forumdisplay.p") ||
            (current_Page === "search.php") ||
            (current_Page === "search.php?do=") ||
            (current_Page === "search.php?sea") ||
            (current_Page === "showgroups.php") ||
            (current_Page === "online.php?do=") ||
            (current_Page === "faq.php") ) { 

            divWidth = viewportwidth - 165;
        } else {
            divWidth = viewportwidth - 180;

        document.write ('<div id="NavbarFixer" style="width: ' + divWidth + 'px;">');


        <if condition="$show['member']">
            | <a href="login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&amp;logouthash=$bbuserinfo[logouthash]" onclick="return log_out()">$vbphrase[log_out]</a>



i hope this is useful to you...
as it was annoying me for a while...
seeing im an avid firefox 3 supporter...
took me a day to track down the right info to code it...

if you need any help with this fix..
xFire - theDJRavine
MSN - DJRavine@WoWps.org

Have fun all and dont work too hard...
Ciao all, DJRavine...

DJRavine 07-27-2008 11:41 AM

has any one found a fix for the poll voting..


Invalid Action Specified
you can post a poll fine..
but when u try to vote on it..
you get the error message above..

peterska2 08-02-2008 07:50 PM

I like the looks of this style - it's just what I am out shopping for at the moment - but as the site it is for is heavily customized already in terms of custom coding, I don't want to have to start recoding the majority of my site to use it. Any chance of a version that doesn't require all the hacks you have included in your info?

Also..... You should not be redistributing vBulletin files. Please remove any vBulletin files and include instructions for performing any edits yourself. Thank you.

Marco van Herwaarden 08-02-2008 08:25 PM

Several attachments removed.

Please note that it is not allowed to distribute vBulletin files, not on vB.org and not on your own website.

OblivionMage 08-12-2008 11:45 PM

Looks unbelievable

rarehabbo 08-30-2008 01:40 AM

Quick Reply doesen't work, Various images missing, Also is it possible to make a new version with the Quick Reply working in IE and with the various images such as W'LK theme button followed by showwing posts in the forum index?

tuaguild 09-05-2008 01:11 AM

I have been gone for a while but i thought the forum home file was a totally recoded file for the skin to change the look of the home to add the support of colums for forums but i am still trying to get this working perfect i have to get my internet back andbring my site editing computer back online. If anyone wants to help with it please let me know and i will certainly allow you to do the project also you just have to include me in the credits or you can be added to the current credits and have access to edit the files in the subject. Thanks for allyour support guys

Insanity.TM 09-09-2008 12:11 AM

i have a little problem,...show on my page backdoorcrew.extra.hu/forum

janpetterdale 09-25-2008 05:21 PM

Heya, the link to pbunderground.net does not work, making unable to do some of the changes. Any site where I can read up on that?

Awesome style btw :)

Souli 09-27-2008 01:19 PM

I canĀ“t download your functions_forumlist.php - so can anyone explain the changes so we all can hack the file ?

Vindictive 09-28-2008 05:41 PM

I'll use this when you update it.

Pixel-Peeps 09-29-2008 09:12 PM

looks GREAT , Looks Hard, Ill give it a go.

Jaiibee 09-30-2008 06:44 AM

I found a reason to use this.
Thank you sooo much :)

tuaguild 10-03-2008 09:07 PM

pbunderground is no longer active you can link to pbwow.com if you want

LT Mote 10-04-2008 07:26 AM

Any chance of gettin a modification to the system to allow vB 3.6 ?

tuaguild 10-04-2008 12:36 PM

well honestly it should be able to if not you can do a google search for pb-wow skin v0.59 i upgraded that to work with 3.7 this project is kinda on hold right now

tuaguild 10-07-2008 09:50 PM

I am looking at the differances in the stock funtions_forumhome and the modified one when i find out how to do it without any hacking i will let you guys know and post a new product
until then you can edit your funtions_forumlist.php file:

#######################################  File changes  ############################################

+++++++++++++++++++++  editing file includes/functions_forumlist.php +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                if ($subsonly)
                        $childforumbits = construct_forum_bit($forum['forumid'], 1, $subsonly);
                else if ($depth < MAXFORUMDEPTH)
                        $childforumbits = construct_forum_bit($forum['forumid'], $depth, $subsonly);
                        $childforumbits = '';

change it into:
                if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index' AND $forum['subforumcolumns'] != 1 AND ($subsonly OR $depth < MAXFORUMDEPTH))
                        $childforumbits = construct_forum_columns($forum['forumid'], $forum['subforumcolumns']);
                else if ($subsonly)
                        $childforumbits = construct_forum_bit($forum['forumid'], 1, $subsonly);
                else if ($depth < MAXFORUMDEPTH)
                        $childforumbits = construct_forum_bit($forum['forumid'], $depth, $subsonly);
                        $childforumbits = '';

then add this new function to the file:
// ###################### Start construct_forum_columns #######################
function construct_forum_columns($parentid, $columncount)
        global $vbulletin, $stylevar, $vbphrase, $show;
        global $imodcache, $lastpostarray, $counters, $inforum;

        // this function takes the constant MAXFORUMDEPTH as its guide for how
        // deep to recurse down forum lists. if MAXFORUMDEPTH is not defined,
        // it will assume a depth of 2.

        if ($columncount == 0)
                // 0 Columns means don't show subforums at all
                return '';

        // call fetch_last_post_array() first to get last post info for forums
        if (!is_array($lastpostarray))

        if (empty($vbulletin->iforumcache["$parentid"]))

        if (!defined(MAXFORUMDEPTH))
                define('MAXFORUMDEPTH', 1);

        $forumbits = '';

        $counter = 0;
        foreach ($vbulletin->iforumcache["$parentid"] AS $forumid)
                // grab the appropriate forum from the $vbulletin->forumcache
                $forum = $vbulletin->forumcache["$forumid"];
                $lastpostforum = $vbulletin->forumcache["$lastpostarray[$forumid]"];
                if (!$forum['displayorder'] OR !($forum['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['active']))

                $forumperms = $vbulletin->userinfo['forumpermissions']["$forumid"];
                $lastpostforumperms = $vbulletin->userinfo['forumpermissions']["$lastpostarray[$forumid]"];
                if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) AND !$vbulletin->options['showprivateforums'])
                { // no permission to view current forum

                if ($subsonly)
                        $childforumbits = construct_forum_bit($forum['forumid'], 1, $subsonly);
                else if ($depth < MAXFORUMDEPTH)
                        $childforumbits = construct_forum_bit($forum['forumid'], $depth, $subsonly);
                        $childforumbits = '';

                // do stuff if we are not doing subscriptions only, or if we ARE doing subscriptions,
                // and the forum has a subscribedforumid
                if (!$subsonly OR ($subsonly AND !empty($forum['subscribeforumid'])))

                        $GLOBALS['forumshown'] = true; // say that we have shown at least one forum

                        if (($forum['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['cancontainthreads']))
                        { // get appropriate suffix for template name
                                $tempext = '_post';

                                $tempext = '_nopost';

                        if (!$vbulletin->options['showforumdescription'])
                        { // blank forum description if set to not show
                                $forum['description'] = '';

                        // dates & thread title
                        $lastpostinfo = $vbulletin->forumcache["$lastpostarray[$forumid]"];

                        // compare last post time for this forum with the last post time specified by
                        // the $lastpostarray, and if it's less, use the last post info from the forum
                        // specified by $lastpostarray
                        if ($vbulletin->forumcache["$lastpostarray[$forumid]"]['lastpost'] > 0)
                                if (!($lastpostforumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) OR (!($lastpostforumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewothers']) AND $lastpostinfo['lastposter'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['username']))
                                        $forum['lastpostinfo'] = $vbphrase['private'];
                                        $lastpostinfo['lastpostdate'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $lastpostinfo['lastpost'], 1);
                                        $lastpostinfo['lastposttime'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $lastpostinfo['lastpost']);
                                        $lastpostinfo['trimthread'] = fetch_trimmed_title($lastpostinfo['lastthread']);

                                        if ($icon = fetch_iconinfo($lastpostinfo['lasticonid']))
                                                $show['icon'] = true;
                                                $show['icon'] = false;

                                        $show['lastpostinfo'] = (!$lastpostforum['password'] OR verify_forum_password($lastpostforum['forumid'], $lastpostforum['password'], false));

                                        eval('$forum[\'lastpostinfo\'] = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_lastpostby') . '";');
                        else if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']))
                                $forum['lastpostinfo'] = $vbphrase['private'];
                                $forum['lastpostinfo'] = $vbphrase['never'];

                        // do light bulb
                        $forum['statusicon'] = fetch_forum_lightbulb($forumid, $lastpostinfo, $forum);

                        // add lock to lightbulb if necessary
                        if ((!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canpostnew']) OR !($forum['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['allowposting'])) AND $vbulletin->options['showlocks'] AND !$forum['link'])
                                $forum['statusicon'] .= '_lock';

                        // get counters from the counters cache ( prepared by fetch_last_post_array() )
                        $forum['threadcount'] = $counters["$forum[forumid]"]['threadcount'];
                        $forum['replycount'] = $counters["$forum[forumid]"]['replycount'];

                        // get moderators ( this is why we needed cache_moderators() )
                        if ($vbulletin->options['showmoderatorcolumn'])
                                $showmods = array();
                                $listexploded = explode(',', $forum['parentlist']);
                                foreach ($listexploded AS $parentforumid)
                                        if (!isset($imodcache["$parentforumid"]))
                                        foreach($imodcache["$parentforumid"] AS $moderator)
                                                if (isset($showmods["$moderator[userid]"]))

                                                ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('forumbit_moderator')) ? eval($hook) : false;

                                                $showmods["$moderator[userid]"] = true;
                                                if (!isset($forum['moderators']))
                                                        eval('$forum[\'moderators\'] = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_moderator') . '";');
                                                        eval('$forum[\'moderators\'] .= ", ' . fetch_template('forumhome_moderator') . '";');
                                if (!isset($forum['moderators']))
                                        $forum['moderators'] = '';

                        if ($forum['link'])
                                $forum['replycount'] = '-';
                                $forum['threadcount'] = '-';
                                $forum['lastpostinfo'] = '-';
                                $forum['replycount'] = vb_number_format($forum['replycount']);
                                $forum['threadcount'] = vb_number_format($forum['threadcount']);

                        if (($subsonly OR $depth == MAXFORUMDEPTH) AND $vbulletin->options['subforumdepth'] > 0)
                                $forum['subforums'] = construct_subforum_bit($forumid, ($forum['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['cancontainthreads'] ) );
                                $forum['subforums'] = '';

                        $children = explode(',', $forum['childlist']);
                        foreach($children AS $childid)
                                $forum['browsers'] += ($inforum["$childid"] ? $inforum["$childid"] : 0);

                        if ($depth == 1 AND $tempext == '_nopost')
                                global $vbcollapse;
                                $collapseobj_forumid =& $vbcollapse["collapseobj_forumbit_$forumid"];
                                $collapseimg_forumid =& $vbcollapse["collapseimg_forumbit_$forumid"];
                                $show['collapsebutton'] = true;
                                $show['collapsebutton'] = false;

                        $show['forumsubscription'] = ($subsonly ? true : false);
                        $show['forumdescription'] = ($forum['description'] != '' ? true : false);
                        $show['subforums'] = ($forum['subforums'] != '' ? true : false);
                        $show['browsers'] = ($vbulletin->options['displayloggedin'] AND !$forum['link'] AND $forum['browsers'] ? true : false);

                        // build the template for the current forum
                        $column_width = intval(100 / $columncount) . '%';
                        eval('$column = "' . fetch_template("forumhome_forumbit_columncell") . '";');
                        // do the columnstuff
                        if ($counter % $columncount == 0)
                                // Begin a new row
                                $forumbits .= "\t<tr>\n";
                        $forumbits .= $column;
                        if ($counter % $columncount == $columncount - 1)
                                // End row
                                $forumbits .= "\t</tr>\n";

        // prevent unclosed <tr> tags
        if ($counter % $columncount != 0)
                $forumbits .= "\t</tr>\n";
        return $forumbits;

tuaguild 10-09-2008 12:00 AM

posted update to functions_forumlist.php for your editing plesure i didnt know which hook to use to keep from having to edit the actual file

Jaiibee 10-09-2008 08:36 AM

Some of your images are requested from your server, which is down.
This wouldn't have been noticed previously, however it is now considering it cannot locate these images.

Maybe post a fix or maybe tell us how to edit our code to point at our directory?
(Images for the post new thread thing)

Edit: actually, a decent amount of the images the skin uses are being searched for on your server..
Edit: Fully completed the .pdf, sorry, only the editor images.

Go to vBulletin ACP -> Style Manager -> In PBWOW go to StyleVars
You'll find it all there.

Styles looking extremely good on the test forum btw =]

tuaguild 10-09-2008 08:35 PM

yeah i figured it was something simple i forgot to clear. I am working on a new version of the style will post the xml when completed i am trying to get the search page to work like the blizz forums but there is a java error idk if someone wants to work on it let me know

tuaguild 10-10-2008 01:17 AM

also i am going to add a Diablo 3 theme to this and another Burning Crusade Style and the WoW China forum theme also so please be patient i am not going to release a new version until i work out all bugs i can find i want to release a semi perfect product if anyone wants to help pm me

got3n 10-10-2008 08:09 AM

your decendants site is not working for me, i get a godaddy page, so i cant see what it looks like. :-(

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