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Digital Jedi 06-25-2008 04:12 AM

Got another interesting error here, when the shop is viewed in FireFox:


wickedstangs 06-25-2008 05:04 AM

This is how I changed the code is this correct? I get the error below.


$test = '<!-- SHOP CATEGORIES -->';
$test1 = '<!-- Start Main Content -->';

$stores = 'http://www.cafepress.com/wswear'; //EDIT THIS VARIABLE TO BE A LIST OF YOUR STORES
$url = 'http://www.cafepress.com/';
$item = $_GET['item'];

We're Sorry! We've been busy housecleaning and the page you're looking for could not be found. It may have been renamed, moved, or deleted. Please check the URL for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors.

CafePress.com Home


Digital Jedi 06-25-2008 05:20 AM

You don't put in the entire store url, just your shop id. In this case, you would just put wswear.

wickedstangs 06-25-2008 05:31 AM

thank you very much..

Dylanblitz 06-25-2008 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1558248)
I notice the more colors image is trying to load directly from my site, rather then CafePress: http://www.cafepress.com/content/mar...morecolors.gif Any way to fix that?

Yeah, I'll work on that. shouldn't be too hard.

Dylanblitz 06-25-2008 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1558262)
Got another interesting error here, when the shop is viewed in FireFox:


Do you get this same layout in IE or just Firefox?

I need to work on the code that gets pulled out. Seems that a lot of stores have different tags and since I use the tags to pull the info, it makes it a pain in the butt lol.

iogames 06-26-2008 11:56 AM

No Adsense yet? tried many places and nothing :P

Dylanblitz 06-26-2008 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1559495)
No Adsense yet? tried many places and nothing :P

It will be in the next release, hopefully in a couple hours it'll be ready. Just testing some changes right now.

MissKalunji 06-26-2008 09:38 PM

installed thanks :) i can finally sell some more stuff

MissKalunji 06-27-2008 12:11 AM

Nice i upgrade thanks!

one thing "view larger image" doesn't seem to work

p.s something else when you click on an item there's no way for you to go back (besides pressing back from your browser)

can we have it like on cafee press? the navbar showing home > username > item number example?

wickedstangs 06-27-2008 12:14 AM

very nice thank you.. How do you change the color of the price?


Digital Jedi 06-27-2008 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Dylanblitz (Post 1558350)
Do you get this same layout in IE or just Firefox?

I need to work on the code that gets pulled out. Seems that a lot of stores have different tags and since I use the tags to pull the info, it makes it a pain in the butt lol.

Only in FireFox. Although, I later noticed there was a problem with my footer in IE. One or more of the tables appeared to be left open.

Dylanblitz 06-27-2008 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji (Post 1560002)
Nice i upgrade thanks!

one thing "view larger image" doesn't seem to work

p.s something else when you click on an item there's no way for you to go back (besides pressing back from your browser)

can we have it like on cafee press? the navbar showing home > username > item number example?

Yeah, some of the javascript and ajax things like the larger image and the color switch aren't working. I'm trying to get them fixed. I'll work on the link back.

Dylanblitz 06-27-2008 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by wickedstangs (Post 1560006)
very nice thank you.. How do you change the color of the price?


Hmm, the colors are from your forum. The problem I see is that the background doesn't seem to be matching so the colors are jacked up. I'll try and figure out what the deal is with it.

Dylanblitz 06-27-2008 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1560036)
Only in FireFox. Although, I later noticed there was a problem with my footer in IE. One or more of the tables appeared to be left open.

I found your store id and used it on my test script. It worked fine on my default theme in both FF and IE. Do you think it could be your theme?

Digital Jedi 06-27-2008 06:10 AM

It's possible. When I get back in town I'll upgrade and see if I can find where my tables are not closing.

Dylanblitz 06-27-2008 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1560176)
It's possible. When I get back in town I'll upgrade and see if I can find where my tables are not closing.

keep me posted either way. If it turns out it's something with cafe press and not the theme I'll see if I can tweak it for you.

Dylanblitz 06-27-2008 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji (Post 1560002)
Nice i upgrade thanks!

one thing "view larger image" doesn't seem to work

p.s something else when you click on an item there's no way for you to go back (besides pressing back from your browser)

can we have it like on cafee press? the navbar showing home > username > item number example?

Done and done :)
Thanks for finding these and the suggestion on the navbar link.

wickedstangs 06-27-2008 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dylanblitz (Post 1560129)
Hmm, the colors are from your forum. The problem I see is that the background doesn't seem to be matching so the colors are jacked up. I'll try and figure out what the deal is with it.

Awesome fixed my problem.. Thanks...

MissKalunji 06-27-2008 12:34 PM

upgrade perfect Thanks!

motowebmaster 06-28-2008 12:52 AM

The View Cart Button doesn't appear to be working properly. Each time I click on it an additional item is added to the cart before it is displayed.

NeitherSparky 06-28-2008 01:43 AM

Hey man, I must have done something wrong...I installed the new version of this today btw, and I don't know if this was happening with the old version or not because I never tried to actually buy something, lol.

Anyways when I go into my shop and then click on a design, and then go to click on an actual individual item to view it it takes me to a 404 page. (My site is here) What did I break?

edit: Btw here is my Cafepress shop, and it usually has a side menu...in your screencaps your shop still has it's side menu when embedded in the forum but mine doesn't, is it supposed to?

bigtime 06-28-2008 04:45 AM


Great add-on!




bigtime 06-28-2008 05:04 AM

On line 72 of shop.php I changed the following for security purposes:

PHP Code:

$item $_GET['item']; 

To This:

PHP Code:

$item_dirty $_GET['item'];
$item $vbulletin->input->clean($item_dirtyTYPE_NOHTML); 


bigtime 06-28-2008 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by NeitherSparky (Post 1560832)
Anyways when I go into my shop and then click on a design, and then go to click on an actual individual item to view it it takes me to a 404 page. (My site is here) What did I break?

That happens on my site too and it happens on the demo link provided by the author of this add-on. To duplicate the issue, click on a left category link. Then click on a product and get the 404 error.

bigtime 06-28-2008 05:30 AM

Here's the fix for the 404 error:

On line 140 of shop.php find this:

PHP Code:

$largeImgReplacement "<a href=\"store.php?item="

Change it to this:

PHP Code:

$largeImgReplacement "<a href=\"shop.php?item="


Dylanblitz 06-28-2008 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by motowebmaster (Post 1560808)
The View Cart Button doesn't appear to be working properly. Each time I click on it an additional item is added to the cart before it is displayed.

I fixed this, download the latest and check the install instructions at the bottom as it doesn't require a full install to fix.

Dylanblitz 06-28-2008 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by NeitherSparky (Post 1560832)
Hey man, I must have done something wrong...I installed the new version of this today btw, and I don't know if this was happening with the old version or not because I never tried to actually buy something, lol.

Anyways when I go into my shop and then click on a design, and then go to click on an actual individual item to view it it takes me to a 404 page. (My site is here) What did I break?

edit: Btw here is my Cafepress shop, and it usually has a side menu...in your screencaps your shop still has it's side menu when embedded in the forum but mine doesn't, is it supposed to?

There was a hard code to store.php for some reason. I changed it to shop.php, should work now.
The menu wasn't showing up because it is hard to do a premium shop on anything but a case by case basis due to the variety of code differences. I checked your site and added it to the qualification and it will show the menu now.

Dylanblitz 06-28-2008 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by bigtime (Post 1560932)
On line 72 of shop.php I changed the following for security purposes:

PHP Code:

$item $_GET['item']; 

To This:

PHP Code:

$item_dirty $_GET['item'];
$item $vbulletin->input->clean($item_dirtyTYPE_NOHTML); 


Thanks for this one, I added it to the 2.0.5 release.
Don't know why it worked before with the store.php link. It was from the original code I downloaded to modify. Last changes I made must of kicked something into gear that caused that link to suddenly work heh.

bigtime 06-28-2008 05:53 AM

You're welcome.

One last issue I see. The hyperlink for "Get your own free online store today".

It looks like there is a preg_replace to fix that issue but apparently it isn't working:

PHP Code:

$itemdetail preg_replace("/<a href=\"http:\/\/www.cafepress.comhttp:\/\/www.cafepress.com/" "<a href=\"http://www.cafepress.com"$itemdetail); 

Thanks again...


bigtime 06-28-2008 06:02 AM

Here's the fix for the broken link:

Line 232, ADD this:

PHP Code:

$storeitems preg_replace("/<a href=\"http:\/\/www.cafepress.comhttp:\/\/www.cafepress.com/" "<a href=\"http://www.cafepress.com"$storeitems); 


Dylanblitz 06-28-2008 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by bigtime (Post 1560976)
Here's the fix for the broken link:

Line 232, ADD this:

PHP Code:

$storeitems preg_replace("/<a href=\"http:\/\/www.cafepress.comhttp:\/\/www.cafepress.com/" "<a href=\"http://www.cafepress.com"$storeitems); 


Cool, was going to do it a different way but that is quicker and easier hehe. Thanks.

iogames 06-28-2008 08:44 PM


v2.0.6's zip got a XML v2.0.5 and still need to fix on line 232???

Dylanblitz 06-28-2008 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1561540)

v2.0.6's zip got a XML v2.0.5 and still need to fix on line 232???

Sorry, I didn't renumber the xml file. It's not needed, the xml hasn't changed since 2.0.3.
The fix that bigtime was talking about is in the 2.0.6 change.

NeitherSparky 06-28-2008 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Dylanblitz (Post 1560964)
There was a hard code to store.php for some reason. I changed it to shop.php, should work now.
The menu wasn't showing up because it is hard to do a premium shop on anything but a case by case basis due to the variety of code differences. I checked your site and added it to the qualification and it will show the menu now.

Thanks a lot. :up: I don't think any of my members noticed it wasn't working, lol...Wish I sold more stuff. ;)

iogames 06-29-2008 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Dylanblitz (Post 1561600)
Sorry, I didn't renumber the xml file. It's not needed, the xml hasn't changed since 2.0.3.
The fix that bigtime was talking about is in the 2.0.6 change.

Ok, installing BUT even the XML is labeled as 2.0.4 inside...
so changes are in the shop.php?

The OC? hot uh? here in L.A. :cool:

Chadi 07-01-2008 12:02 AM

Just installed this today. I have some issues (bugs) that some others mentioned a while ago.

1. When viewing category page, footer shows up cramped to the right side (see attached). I'm using Firefox 3. Works fine in IE7 though.

2. In IE7 and Opera, "more color info" image shows up broken/missing. Works fine in Firefox.

3. Clicking a category link shows you all products, all the time.

Feature request (if possible)

- custom add to cart button
- image zoom function


TunerNetwork 07-01-2008 02:52 AM

I have the same issue as ^

Except mine is crammed on the left, I have a custom template

here is the page: http://www.tunernetwork.com/forum/shop.php

Dylanblitz 07-01-2008 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1563534)
Just installed this today. I have some issues (bugs) that some others mentioned a while ago.

1. When viewing category page, footer shows up cramped to the right side (see attached). I'm using Firefox 3. Works fine in IE7 though.

2. In IE7 and Opera, "more color info" image shows up broken/missing. Works fine in Firefox.

3. Clicking a category link shows you all products, all the time.

Feature request (if possible)

- custom add to cart button
- image zoom function


It's working fine for me? Unless you change something on there? I tried in FF2, upgraded to FF3 and same, and IE7

SuperGLS 07-01-2008 06:24 PM

What is the change you have to make to the shop.php in order for it to show your shop?

Just this, right?


I started a fresh install after uninstalling the plugin. Reinstalled, uploaded my shop.php again and I'm getting a blank screen. www.elantraxd.com/forums/shop.php

This is my Cafepress store. www.cafepress.com/elantraxdstuff

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