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Replicators 07-15-2008 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975 (Post 1576143)
Actually - it doesn't seem compatible with Opera 9.5
In FF 3 - I'm getting a database error when creating thread. Quick Edit & edit seems to work well - Haven't tested in IE and I don't expect that I will.

Any ideas how to remedy the database error?


This is pretty odd, only thing i can think of is you may of screwed up on template editing newthread template, recheck to make sure they are correct please.

lazserus 07-15-2008 10:15 PM

I've been using this version since I updated to 3.7 (prior to this new update). Everything works fine for me, so is there a need for me to perform an update?

Replicators 07-15-2008 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by lazserus (Post 1576345)
I've been using this version since I updated to 3.7 (prior to this new update). Everything works fine for me, so is there a need for me to perform an update?

If everything is working fine, then don't bother upgrading. Really all i did was clean up some stuff, and may even help some problems people are having (NO GAURANTEE'S)

Chadi 07-18-2008 09:32 PM

Just installed this and since I do not have TMS installed, I'm doing manual template edits.

Your instructions are pretty off or not clear.


Find the following Text in Template socialgroups_editor
<input type="submit" class="button" name="preview" value="$vbphrase[preview]" accesskey="r" tabindex="1" />

Below that, insert the following Text
<input type="button" class="button" value="Spell Check" onClick="spellCheck('vbform', '$editorid', '2');" />
There are 4 results for that line to replace, Same for the rest of the template edits after this one. So which one of the 4 do we insert this under?

Replicators 07-18-2008 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1578662)
Just installed this and since I do not have TMS installed, I'm doing manual template edits.

Your instructions are pretty off or not clear.


There are 4 results for that line to replace, Same for the rest of the template edits after this one. So which one of the 4 do we insert this under?

Under all of them, or you can just put under the first one, up to you.

SwollenCranium 07-19-2008 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Replicators (Post 1578717)
werds ....

Jeez guy, you have my sympathy.

Some people just aren't happy unless everything is done FOR them.

I say good work despite the issues with this hack.

Chadi 07-19-2008 02:21 AM

I do not know what's going on, but I just noticed that inline moderation is not working (tested in FF3 and IE7) when this hack is enabled.

It does not highlight the post when checked, nor does anything happen when you select an option from the drop down (moderation menu).

I did not even get to the point of doing the manual template edits either.

Chadi 08-01-2008 12:37 PM

Anyone else having this issue?

thecricketzone 08-03-2008 10:20 AM

I've installed this mod and when I attempt to use the spell check I get the following error:
"spell_formname is null or not an object"

I have all the edits made to the templates and running on VB 3.7.2..any ideas? I just uninstalled the product and installed TMS and then saved each template again...same problem though and my user group sees the spell check button, just does nothing :(

Replicators 08-03-2008 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by thecricketzone (Post 1590440)
I've installed this mod and when I attempt to use the spell check I get the following error:
"spell_formname is null or not an object"

I have all the edits made to the templates and running on VB 3.7.2..any ideas? I just uninstalled the product and installed TMS and then saved each template again...same problem though and my user group sees the spell check button, just does nothing :(

Are you using internet explorer? At this time, it's not working with IE because of how IE7 handles formname. Try using it under firefox and it should work.

thecricketzone 08-04-2008 09:12 AM

Ah crap - most of my site uses Internet Explorer. Thanks for that...id it intended to be upgraded any time soon for IE 7?

thecricketzone 08-05-2008 06:27 AM

ever since installing this I get unknown location 'vbspells' showing for each member location when viewing 'whose on line'! I did not know it would mess that up too :(

sross 08-11-2008 10:22 PM

I'll hold off on this mod for now -but I find it unreal that a software like vB which is based on text based discussions has no integrated spell check.

Digital Jedi 08-12-2008 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by sross (Post 1596535)
I'll hold off on this mod for now -but I find it unreal that a software like vB which is based on text based discussions has no integrated spell check.

It actuall does have an integral spell check, but it's mostly for IE users. And FireFox already has a built in Spell Checker, as well as anyone running the Google Toolbar.

CowboyJMB 09-01-2008 04:22 PM

Ack... I guess I should have read the posts. I don't know if I would have installed this is I would have known it doesn't work with IE. = \ Oh well I made the template edits already. I hope this soon gets resolved!

skendle 09-22-2008 07:56 PM

Why in god's name would you make a spell checker that only works for Firefox when Firefox has a built in spell check?!

Also, I installed this exactly as describe and even in Firefox it doesn't offer any suggestions.

Do not install this mod. It's worthless and wasted over 2 hours of my time at work today.

Digital Jedi 09-22-2008 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by skendle (Post 1627981)
Why in god's name would you make a spell checker that only works for Firefox when Firefox has a built in spell check?!

Also, I installed this exactly as describe and even in Firefox it doesn't offer any suggestions.

Do not install this mod. It's worthless and wasted over 2 hours of my time at work today.

It wasn't made to only work in FireFox, it's just the new version no longer works in IE. You should always review the last few pages of a modification before spending time working on it.

Replicators 09-22-2008 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by skendle (Post 1627981)
Why in god's name would you make a spell checker that only works for Firefox when Firefox has a built in spell check?!

Also, I installed this exactly as describe and even in Firefox it doesn't offer any suggestions.

Do not install this mod. It's worthless and wasted over 2 hours of my time at work today.

Well if you can help in any way to make this mod work in IE, then please do so as i will need the help, i edited the mod to work for me which it does, later did i find out it didn't work in IE. I don't use IE, so it would be a easy overpass, and all that needs is some line changed, but i wouldn't know which, this was just carried over from 3.6 and i made some modifications for it to work in 3.7. I have asked people that if they know of ways to make this mod better, then tell me. It's a free mod, so you have the choice to install it or not, not like you had to pay anything o0

Chadi 09-23-2008 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by skendle (Post 1627981)
Why in god's name would you make a spell checker that only works for Firefox when Firefox has a built in spell check?!

Also, I installed this exactly as describe and even in Firefox it doesn't offer any suggestions.

Do not install this mod. It's worthless and wasted over 2 hours of my time at work today.

Coming from a one post wonder. Its a free mod, he worked on it for FREE. You know what you need to work on? Your attitude, your manners. Change it, or else do not come here with your whining. No one is obligated to heed to your demands and selfishness.

And to the mod author, your work is appreciated nonetheless. Although I uninstalled it due to the IE issue, I'm not a coder so I cannot help you. Perhaps someone from dynamicdrive.com might know?

skendle 09-25-2008 05:23 PM

Supports most recent versions of browsers. Tested on IE,

Why would you say that? You even admit it yourself, you hadn't tested it in IE. Did you test it in any other browser? Has anyone ever gotten this working in IE? Does anyone else even get suggestions to their misspelled words, even as simple as "tesst"...

I took "Tested in IE" to mean "Tested in IE" my mistake.

Replicators 09-25-2008 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by skendle (Post 1630222)
Supports most recent versions of browsers. Tested on IE,

Why would you say that? You even admit it yourself, you hadn't tested it in IE. Did you test it in any other browser? Has anyone ever gotten this working in IE? Does anyone else even get suggestions to their misspelled words, even as simple as "tesst"...

I took "Tested in IE" to mean "Tested in IE" my mistake.

No need for the disrespect, obviously that line was copied from a earlier version of this mod, and obviously it was tested and did work, for IE 6! IE 7 does things differently though which ruins most html and php scripts which is why i recommend everyone to use firefox or netscape as IE 7 is crap.

Digital Jedi 09-26-2008 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Replicators (Post 1630322)
No need for the disrespect, obviously that line was copied from a earlier version of this mod, and obviously it was tested and did work, for IE 6! IE 7 does things differently though which ruins most html and php scripts which is why i recommend everyone to use firefox or netscape as IE 7 is crap.

You know they stopped support of Netscape recently. They're sending everyone over to a browser called Flock. A browser name that inspired about a dozen obvious puns seconds after reading it.

Gene Steinberg 09-26-2008 12:02 PM

What about Safari? I tried this mod in Apple's Safari, which is the majority browser on the Mac platform and a strong third now on the Windows platform. It didn't work.

Everything was installed properly, including the tms template system. The spell check icon shows up, but when you click it, it does -- nothing!

So where do we go from here?

Gene Steinberg

Deimos 10-07-2008 09:43 AM

Stopped working for me since the last forum update

I Get this at the top

var mispstr = "

Originally Posted by bah

_|_"; var misps = Array();;

csoroner 12-21-2008 09:25 PM

The original still works fine for me so I'll just stick with that but I would like to know how I could get the spell check to show up in the quick reply box? I tried the edits from this mod but it didn't seem to fly.

Any ideas?????

space? 12-24-2008 10:50 AM

Could this be made with AJAX?

So the users don't have to click the check-button and get warnings/correction suggestions while they type.

Megatr0n 12-24-2008 02:18 PM

This ever gonna be compatible with 3.8?

SloppyGoat 01-22-2009 02:10 AM

Will someone update this for 3.8.0? I had an older version working (even in quick reply!), then tried to update some things and now I can't figure out how to get the damn thing to work again. It only works on newpost or newreply, I think.

csoroner 01-23-2009 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Megatr0n (Post 1692892)
This ever gonna be compatible with 3.8?

It works fine on my 3.8.0 board. After the update I found that most of the edits from the Manual Template Editing.txt were missing and once I did those all is well.

SloppyGoat 01-23-2009 04:49 AM

Yeah, but my existing spellcheck button used to work, without having to install ieSpell. I didn't have to add another extra spell button in every template. What screwed me was thinking I should update to this version. I didn't know it wasn't the same as the last version, and I ran the xml file. It hasn't worked right since, even though I uninstalled it and installed the earlier version again. (Which had no manual template edits, except the one for quick edit, which I never did get to work. But at least it worked everywhere else!) What exactly did it do that made the earlier version stop working as completely as it used to? More importantly, what code in the templates that still do work is responsible for that? Maybe I can add it to the others and get them working again. If anyone has this working with the older version, with the iespell button, will you please post your templates?

One-Take 01-29-2009 10:28 PM

Just upgraded from 3.0 to 3.8, lost functionality of the old install of vbspell.. Still shows in my adminCP but no workie....

Does this version of vbspell work with 3.8?

Thanks in advance,
Wayne Sagar
AKA "one-take-wayne"

SloppyGoat 01-29-2009 11:50 PM

This version is nothing like the old version, which worked so well with the existing iespell button. This one requires you to install an extra button in all the templates listed. (That's what all that manual editing is about.) Too much of a PITA, IMO. And I don't want two spell check buttons...I just want the old one to work, as if iespell were installed, even if it's not installed. That's how it used to work.

One-Take 01-30-2009 01:22 AM

Hummn.... sounds a bit like it was in 3.0... I think I had to edit quite a few templates.. but I think it's less than six...

If it works, I'll install it, my users are used to it (me also) and it looks like iespell only works with... badabing... IE.. which, isn't necessairly, the only browser folks use these days..

Oh well.. Vbull guys, wish you'd simply add an option in the admin panel to enable this useful feature....

Wayne Sagar

SloppyGoat 01-30-2009 02:08 AM

If you read above, the author claims it does not work with IE. It used to work with any browser in any form, except quick edit. I think someone needs to take a look at the old version and update it so it works like it used to. There were no manual template edits before (except one optional edit), since it worked with the existing button. Right now, I just went ahead and installed iespell and advised everyone else to do the same. Mozilla has their own spell check add ons, so they can get their own as far as I'm concerned. I'm not a fan of FF, and I don't cater to those who use it. Recently, one of my users was using FF3, and was having some weird problems with tables not appearing correctly. Nobody else was having any problems. She finally went back to FF2 and all returned to normal. All I will do is try to make the forum display correctly for those who use anything but IE. If they have any other random and/or isolated problems that can't be reproduced, then there's nothing I can do for them.

Yeah, I really don't understand why the most feature rich forum has to be hacked just to have a working spell check. :rolleyes:

One-Take 01-30-2009 03:56 AM

Well, it's funny, if you google back a few years for posts from the dev's on this forum, (actually, on the dot com version) they give you a pretty good explanation of why they did not impliment spellcheck into vbull.. I think the key word was "server intensive"...

Well, times have changed, servers are pretty roubust, lots of folks can/do afford dedicated boxes for their boards, I've run the old 3.0 version, have had so many folks, that the server cut them off (like over 500 and I had not yet adjusted the limits) and no problmes whatsoever with vbspell...

Comon Vbull team, at least, give those of us who have robust servers that can deal with this, the option to use it, without trolling boards to find a "hack" to do what this board can do without any outside help!!!!!!!

You can do it!!!!!!!

Wayne Sagar

SloppyGoat 01-30-2009 04:11 AM

All they'd have to do is have a simple checkbox to disable it for whomever would like to disable it, if it became a problem. I'm running a dedicated server right from my house, on a measely (and ridiculously slow) DSL connection and have never had any problems. It's not even that robust of a server, but hell, the entire forum runs from RAM alone, pretty much. I rarely even see the HDD light flicker, if ever. (unless it's doing backups or something) Granted, I don't normally have 500 members, but I have had 793 users online at once, and never had any complaints. (And that was before I even upgraded my server.)

Mases 02-21-2009 07:19 AM

As a member who is very unfamiliar with template modification, I would love if this mod could automatically do that somehow. I really would like a spell check installed, but I'm a bit uncertain about having to go through and edit the templates individually.

This is a great mod though, from the forums where I've seen it implemented.

mA|tRiX 03-10-2009 10:45 AM


I?ve installed this version into my vb 3.8.1 and it works great. :) Thank you.

There is still one problem. My spellcheck is in german, ive found the german dictionary and it works good but when there is a word called "Rechtschreibpr?fung" or "Kr?uter" the vb spellcheck always cut the word after the ?, ? or ? and the spellcheck means that "Rechtschreibpr" und "?fung" are two words. The same with "?"!! How can i fix this problem?

Thank you very much. :)

mA|tRiX 03-11-2009 06:04 AM

Hello? Help?

mA|tRiX 03-16-2009 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by mA|tRiX (Post 1764786)

I?ve installed this version into my vb 3.8.1 and it works great. :) Thank you.

There is still one problem. My spellcheck is in german, ive found the german dictionary and it works good but when there is a word called "Rechtschreibpr?fung" or "Kr?uter" the vb spellcheck always cut the word after the ?, ? or ? and the spellcheck means that "Rechtschreibpr" und "?fung" are two words. The same with "?"!! How can i fix this problem?

Thank you very much. :)

Can anyone help me? Please.

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