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Wired1 05-24-2008 07:56 PM

MarkoXaser, KHALIK: You're welcome!


Originally Posted by neologan (Post 1530166)
btw, i looked on your forum and in your profile, the system specs link is the last one, how would i get it to be after say, the "about me" tab?

Wrong mod! Please post in the appropriate thread so that all of the users of it can benefit from the Q & A.


Originally Posted by ComputerVitals (Post 1530294)
Awsome!! you get and A+ for that one.

Thanks, but you get a C-, you should be using my Extra Profile Fields Page so you don't have to tell your users to "Scroll to about the middle of the page, in the Thread Display Options", just to enter in system specs. Make it easy for them :) Of course, if you use that, then you'll want my Add-on for it, my Extra Profile Fields Tab, so that you can see their system specs in their profile (and not under the About Me tab).

ComputerVitals 05-24-2008 10:02 PM

Wired1 - I'll check that out, It would be a lot easier.

Jase2 - Wow. Bit touchy arent you.. I thought I'd be nice incase someone wanted to see a working example. If it bothers you that much, PM a mod or the admin and have them edit the post and remove the link.


Originally Posted by Wired1 (Post 1530348)
Thanks, but you get a C-, you should be using my Extra Profile Fields Page so you don't have to tell your users to "Scroll to about the middle of the page, in the Thread Display Options", just to enter in system specs. Make it easy for them :) Of course, if you use that, then you'll want my Add-on for it, my Extra Profile Fields Tab, so that you can see their system specs in their profile (and not under the About Me tab).

Got them installed and edited.
Looks real nice now. The specs are easily changed and have the tab in the profile.

Thanks for all your work on this!

1 more question.
Is there a way to allow so we could use the dropdown then click on a selection as a link?

odeezie 05-25-2008 09:17 PM

Awesome Awesome mod Wired! Thank You so much!! :)

Can I make this mod only show up in the user's postbit if they have info entered in the profile fileds? So the ones who do not want to fill anything in will not have a dropdown box?

Thanks again!! :up:

Wired1 05-25-2008 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by ComputerVitals (Post 1530445)
Is there a way to allow so we could use the dropdown then click on a selection as a link?

Need more info. Do you mean you want a user to be able to enter in a URL as a profile field? Or do you want a specific profile field to always be a link to the same thing, and the user would just be entering in the link's title?


Originally Posted by odeezie (Post 1531294)
Can I make this mod only show up in the user's postbit if they have info entered in the profile fileds? So the ones who do not want to fill anything in will not have a dropdown box?

It's in the instructions up top, but I've clarified it a bit since you've read it, so I'll copy it down here again:


The dropdown is dependent on Profile Field 5 being filled. If the user does not have this profile field filled out, then the dropdown will not show. To edit or remove this restriction:

Go to the Dropdown Call Template. Find and edit, or remove these 2 lines of code (so that the dropdown will always show):

<if condition="$post['field5']">

ComputerVitals 05-25-2008 10:06 PM


Need more info. Do you mean you want a user to be able to enter in a URL as a profile field? Or do you want a specific profile field to always be a link to the same thing, and the user would just be entering in the link's title?
So the user could put in different links into the fields.

When you click the dropdown.
Brand name /Motherboard: Toshiba
CPU: Intel P4 2.6

Where the user put in Toshiba, If the user wanted to link that to a certain website they could enter a URL then you could click on the "Toshiba" and be brought to a link like the model number of the Computer. Then they could also enter a different link for the "Intel P4" to link directly to the intel P4 site.

Thats All I think is missing. If it could be added easily or perhaps a future upgrade that would really top this product off.

Other than that. I think it's awsome.

Wired1 05-25-2008 10:19 PM

I wouldn't recommend allowing users to enter in URLs, as it SCREAMS "Abuse Me!" to idiots and spammers.

Ultimately, you'd need 2 places to enter in data for each line: One for the URL, one for the text. Assuming you'd use profile fields for both of them, you'd have to do something like this:

EDIT TEMPLATE: Dropdown Information - Manual

Find the fieldID that you want to have a link.



<tr><td class="vbmenu_option">Motherboard: $post[fieldY]</td></tr>

<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href=$post[fieldX]>Motherboard: $post[fieldY]</a></td></tr>
Where fieldX = the profile field ID that contains the URL, and fieldY = the profile field ID that contains the text.

You can use some if statements to clean it up in various ways depending on what you want to do, but that's the gist of it.

odeezie 05-25-2008 10:20 PM

Thank you for clarifying that. :)

ComputerVitals 05-26-2008 12:08 AM

Thanks Wired1 for that. I tweaked the code you listed a bit.

I added the another "if", so if the user doesn't put in a url it doesn't allow a click in the dropdown. Without that, and no url it allows a click and a error 404.

I'm loving this. Thanks for the direction on the linking.

dtv100 05-27-2008 10:48 AM

this don't work for me my postbit have custom codes any way I can do this manually i mean insert codes in my posbit so it show ?


Wired1 05-27-2008 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by dtv100 (Post 1532764)
this don't work for me my postbit have custom codes any way I can do this manually i mean insert codes in my posbit so it show ?

As long as you haven't removed the hooks manually, it should work. If you want to do it with purely manual edits, follow the instructions in the 3.6.x version.

Dave-M 05-29-2008 02:29 AM

Hi Wired,

Remember I had a rogue set of fields that I thought were from the last install?

Well, I went through the installation instructions for the old version and removed the code and files.

I thought it was woring well, but then I noticed that new users didn't have a dropdown, and it turns out that I have a second set of input fields in the user profile page within the adminCP (see pic).

The extra fields look like the old fields from the old hack.

If I have the manual plugin enabled, when new members add their info, the dropdown doesn't appear, until I go into their profile in the admincp and add something to the first field. Once that is done, it all works as it should.

With the plugin set to auto, the dropdown appears, but there are two lots of system specs, one on top of the other.

I have a feeling that if I can get rid of the extra set of fields from the user profile in admincp, this will fix itself, and thats the problem...I can't find any duplicates.

I've searched the templates, searched phrases, but can't find anywhere that these extra fields live.

I've also added all new style templates.

#image here

Any ideas? :)



Wired1 05-29-2008 03:12 AM

The etra profile fields page is still partially in there, at least the manual edits are. When you go to the admincp and look at the User Profile Field Manager, do you see both pairs of system specs? If not, you need to do the manual edits for them. Install the 3.7.x version of it, do the 2 manual edits (1 template 1 php). You'll see the extra ones, remove them, then undo the edits and uninstall the product. Check my profile for the link to the 3.7.x Extr Profile Fields Page mod.

Dave-M 05-29-2008 01:12 PM

Yep, I have the 2 sets of system specs, see image in link above :)

I have installed the new extra profile fields mod, and the drop down doesn't appear until I enter anything into the "extra options" fields, but any info that is entered, doesnt show in the dropdown, what shows is the old info that is in the top set of fields in this pic.

I'm baffled, and don't mind admitting it :D

Wired1 05-29-2008 06:42 PM

Go to User Profile Field Manager, and delete the profiles you want to get rid of. For the manual edit, make sure you are using the correct field #s.

ssslippy 05-29-2008 10:14 PM

Im running in debug mode and its showing your template as red which If im correct means its not cached. Please cache your templates.

Dave-M 05-29-2008 10:49 PM

That worked thanks Wired1 :)

Wired1 05-29-2008 11:19 PM

It's funny that in 3 years, NO ONE has ever asked about caching the template :)

RedGTiVR6 05-30-2008 03:09 AM

I just noticed this while testing another mod. it appears that the users name is not included in the drop down box on the Private message template

Anyone else noticing this?

Wired1 05-30-2008 03:38 AM

PM template? The product should not show up on that template. Not on my test vB install, nor on my live board.

RedGTiVR6 05-31-2008 03:04 PM

Hey all - quick question.

Has anyone else run into an issue on their PM screen? Like when you're reading a PM and that user has their information filled out?

This is what I'm getting:


The users name isn't showing up...also, when you click on it, none of their info comes up either.

Anyone experiencing this?

RedGTiVR6 06-03-2008 01:08 AM


I'm having a very hard time troubleshooting this and would b grateful if ANYONE could either verify or anything!


JesterP 06-03-2008 01:25 AM

Hello and thanks for the great mod, my users all love it.

I would like to add it under the user's title on the memberinfo page. By looking at the variables, I'm guessing it relies on actual message information to pull it all together. Is it possible to put on that page?

I've looked at a rendered page's html and found a few variables that I hard coded in the template like this.

PHP Code:

<!-- post specs_menu -->
div id="specs_43" class="vbmenu_control">
a href="#specs">$userinfo[username]'s $vbphrase[dropdown_title]</a>
          <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("specs_43"); </script>

<!-- / post specs_menu --> 

All that gets me is a stylized link that spans the entire length of the table it's in, with no dropdown when you click. When I hover over the link the browser statusbar shows:


If I click, I get no menu. :(

I know I'm missing something simple. Can you fill in the blanks for me?

Thank you!!


Wired1 06-03-2008 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6 (Post 1539297)
I'm having a very hard time troubleshooting this and would b grateful if ANYONE could either verify or anything!

Guys, does anyone have the dropdown showing up in their PM window?


Originally Posted by JesterP (Post 1539304)
I know I'm missing something simple. Can you fill in the blanks for me?

You have not filled out your profile here with what version of vB you have. What version do you have? VERY IMPORTANT!!!

Are you saying you want ONLY the dropdown in the memberinfo page, or you're just trying to get certain profile fields in a certain place? If possible, take a pic of your member page and draw what you mean.

JesterP 06-03-2008 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Wired1 (Post 1539319)
Guys, does anyone have the dropdown showing up in their PM window?

You have not filled out your profile here with what version of vB you have. What version do you have? VERY IMPORTANT!!!

Are you saying you want ONLY the dropdown in the memberinfo page, or you're just trying to get certain profile fields in a certain place? If possible, take a pic of your member page and draw what you mean.

My apologies. I am running vB 3.7.0. I would like the same info that I have here under my users' names:



To show here, under my users' names:



I realize it may not be possible, but would be nice if it is.

Thank you for your time!


Wired1 06-03-2008 04:59 PM

There's more to the mod than just that one template edit, and there's better ways to get profile fields into a member page :) Check out my profile, look at my Extra Profile Fields Page / Tab mods.

RedGTiVR6 06-03-2008 06:19 PM

Hey Wired -

i just registered on another forum that has you mod installed and sent myself a PM. It's not showing up there.

I've disabled all related PM mods that I've installed on my forums (again) and it's still showing up.

Do you have any ideas as to where I can begin trouble shooting?

I've now uninstalled all of the mods related to PMs or the UserCP and it's still showing up. I've even uninstalled the plug-in and reinstalled it....as soon as I reinstall it, I check the private messages and it's still showing up like that. Enabling automatic and disabling manual doesn't change anything related to this issue either.

I've gone in with FireBug and looked at the code even.

it shows up as this:

<div id="specs_" class="vbmenu_control" style="cursor: pointer;">
<a href="#specs">'s CarPC Specs</a>

I'm looking at the 'pm_showpm' template right now and it looks like it calls the 'postbit' template. I wonder if that would have anything to do with this? Man I wish I knew how to code....maybe this will be the swift kick in the butt to get me to take some classes...arg!

Wired1 06-04-2008 01:06 AM

Sorry, not a clue! Can't replicate the problem. It's got to be a manual edit or something that's causing it.

ssslippy 06-04-2008 02:25 AM

Any update on cache the template?

RedGTiVR6 06-04-2008 02:44 PM

welp, I'm now at the hopeless stage....

I just COMPLETELY uninstalled ALL mods and plug-ins...not just disabled them, but uninstalled them....

I even tried to revert all templates. what's interesting is that doing so, didn't remove some previous template edits I made for the extra profile page....is that normal?

JesterP 06-04-2008 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6 (Post 1540662)
welp, I'm now at the hopeless stage....

I just COMPLETELY uninstalled ALL mods and plug-ins...not just disabled them, but uninstalled them....

I even tried to revert all templates. what's interesting is that doing so, didn't remove some previous template edits I made for the extra profile page....is that normal?

If you have a development site with a fresh install, you could copy the template code from it to the live setup.

That is if you aren't talking about your test site already. Xampp and vB work well together, I just modify my hosts file to point at my local IP to run the test site locally.

So I take it that you don't play Toontown eh? :)


sflmkv 06-04-2008 10:04 PM

I installed and seems to work fine for me, everyone else can't see it? What's going on?

RedGTiVR6 06-04-2008 10:12 PM

If no one else has the fields filled out, or the APPROPRIATE field filled out, then it won't show up under their user name.

you might want to check which fields it's using to determine if it shows up or not.

RedGTiVR6 06-04-2008 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by JesterP (Post 1540751)
If you have a development site with a fresh install, you could copy the template code from it to the live setup.

That is if you aren't talking about your test site already. Xampp and vB work well together, I just modify my hosts file to point at my local IP to run the test site locally.

So I take it that you don't play Toontown eh? :)


Nope - I actually don't know what that is...lol

I hope you don't mind that I registered. You can feel free to delete my account if you want.

I'm thinking about your suggestion....if I do that, then what happens to all of the other mods I have installed that either made automatic template edits or that required me to make template edits or that added their OWN templates?

And is there a way to get the templates without going through a whole install process? We're building this new site basically from the ground up then going to import all of the information from the old forums. The old forums are 3.6.0. I suppose I could upgrade them to 3.7 then just grab the templates that way? is there even a way to export the templates then import them on the other site? Or will I have to do it all manually?

Thanks for the help!

Wired1 06-04-2008 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by sflmkv (Post 1541044)
I installed and seems to work fine for me, everyone else can't see it? What's going on?

Please hit INSTALL for support. Also, read the main post:


To edit or remove this restriction:
Do the instructions under that comment.

sflmkv 06-04-2008 11:50 PM

ok... maybe I didn't explain myself properly. User's can't see my profile fields. I can see my own fields though. Thanks.

Wired1 06-05-2008 12:26 AM

The mod doesn't have ANY code that limits who can and cannot see the dropdown. Do you have more than one template? Do you have a link to your forum?

sflmkv 06-05-2008 12:39 AM

ok I figured it out, thanks

JesterP 06-05-2008 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6 (Post 1541049)
Nope - I actually don't know what that is...lol

I hope you don't mind that I registered. You can feel free to delete my account if you want.

I'm thinking about your suggestion....if I do that, then what happens to all of the other mods I have installed that either made automatic template edits or that required me to make template edits or that added their OWN templates?

And is there a way to get the templates without going through a whole install process? We're building this new site basically from the ground up then going to import all of the information from the old forums. The old forums are 3.6.0. I suppose I could upgrade them to 3.7 then just grab the templates that way? is there even a way to export the templates then import them on the other site? Or will I have to do it all manually?

Thanks for the help!

I did it manually. I don't know of a way to get all the base template code to compare other than installing. It was a painful upgrade for me due to the time it took me to get my local copy 100% before I upgraded onlne. Once upgraded live, I just reverted online and copied/pasted the template code I picked through locally to the live site.

I dread the next time I have to go through that, but I'm hoping I'm just noob and there is an easier way.

I have alot of mods and went from 3.6.8 to 3.7.0. Your mileage may vary!


RedGTiVR6 06-06-2008 01:40 PM


Your post gave me an idea.

I started going through all of my templates that were red and comparing current to original, I found a template that was IDENTICAL but for some reason it was showing up as having been edited....so i reverted it and voila! It's fixed!

JesterP 06-06-2008 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6 (Post 1542341)

Your post gave me an idea.

I started going through all of my templates that were red and comparing current to original, I found a template that was IDENTICAL but for some reason it was showing up as having been edited....so i reverted it and voila! It's fixed!

That is AWESOME. Very glad to hear it!


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