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karim004 05-17-2008 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by tekguru (Post 1522404)
So is the adsense script handling option now working?

i am gotta relase today a new update with the options i forgot yesterday :

1= rotation for google adsense , amazon and others
2= a easy code for the rotation and you can add both banners {{ images+link & script:adsense , amazon.... }} in same table

3= if i have time the permissions/section & Archive

for redlabour i am still testing the after X' Posts Feature for Postbit and the Full-Page Ads. and i changed the adesnse title for you .


Originally Posted by D.Baker (Post 1522574)
Hey Guys,

Anyway, I have my board setup (I turned on plugins) and would like to install this plugin/product (which is it?). I uploaded ads.php into my forum root (mydomian.com/forums/) and imported product-advertisement_.xml through the product manager. If that's the correct thing to do, now what?

I can't seem to find the advertisement admin panel as shown in the screenshots so I think I may have done something wrong. Can I even get to that admin panel through my admincp? Or is a different thing altogether. Like I said, I'm a complete n00b, sorry and thanks.

Admincp , vBulletin Options , Advertisement System :: ForumDisplay & Full Page

Pocket Aces 05-17-2008 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1522238)
When posting replies, please remember that modifications are provided free of charge, and written in a coders free/spare time. Thank you.

People nowadays seem to forget this fact.
Anyway, its good to know and im thankful that someone has started a new ad management for 3.7. Im looking forward for the interesting updates in the future. *Bookmarked*

karim004 05-17-2008 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1522002)
Argh - more Failures then in 1.0:

And who needs Full-Page Feature if you forget the Full-Feature after X Posts????

I remembered you 4 Times in our PM Discussion.

Sorry Guy - this release is not what you have told me and other to be released.

hi redlabour
i just find out i included this option in v1.1 and it s not done yet

try set ads after x posts to 3 and enable the banner rotation/postbit after that post 6 posts and you will see the full page page with a ad from the postbit banners roration but i didnt finish yet the option because i must add the back redirection to your last post

i am working on it now .

TheInsaneManiac 05-17-2008 09:17 PM

I will not install this until the following issues are fixed:
1.) Usergroup permissions (I have VIP which see no ads)
2.) The footer on many websites that use this get an extra break in it.
3.) Fix the position on the credits (TZ appears below the footer on the dark_vb style.

blindmedia ltd 05-18-2008 06:40 AM

ive given up on this one now ive been tying for days to get this working ive followed all of the info in this thread and no matter what i do the ads still do not show up.

i have tried to do this with both the default vbulletin style thats standard in vbulletin and also with my customised themes but it will not do anything full stop

im using vbulletin 3.7.0

D.Baker 05-18-2008 08:27 AM

Hey Karim004,
Thanks for the help, I have it working now. I have a suggestion, although I think you are already working on it judging by your last post, but here it is anyway.

You could simply get rid of the different type of ad (eg. Adsense, Amazon etc) and just have the one box that allows you to put in any code. Allow the end user to specify a code separator (eg. ***CODE***) that allows your plugin to determine which code to use when displaying random banners. I would imagine this would be much easy to code for you, rather than having to cater to all these different ad types.

This is exactly what the plug in "Who Sees Ads" for Wordpress does, and it won awards. This would make the whole thing much more intuitive and allow complete control for ads. If you need some more information about Who Sees Ads, I am using it on my Wordpress Install and can help.

Otherwise, this seems to be the best for vBulletin and we should all be thanking you for your hard work.

redlabour 05-18-2008 08:43 AM

Ok thanks for your Work - and my last Request since all others are in progress - please don?t forget the Archive Ads. ;)

karim004 05-18-2008 01:17 PM

05/18/2008 Version 2.1

1= rotation work now for both banner (image+link ) and other scripts like google adsense , amazon
2= now you can use your Your html Codes Sperated By Commas ,
example :

<a href="website1"><img src="banner1"> , adsense code , <a href="website2"><img src="banner2">
3 = Ads in archive
4 = Permission / section :
you can disable or enable the ads for a usergroups in each section : header , postbit , navbar , footer , forumdisplay

megawelle 05-18-2008 01:30 PM

hey man,

great mod! i also would love to see a Google Adsense Revenue sharing option.

thanks for your work!

D.Baker 05-18-2008 01:37 PM

Hello Karim004,
Thanks for the update, its a big step forward. However, using a comma as a code separator will conflict with any type of flash banner a user would like to embed, as flash embed codes generally have commas in them.

For example, this is the code I have setup in Who Sees Ads, I thought it might help to show you what an end user like me is trying to do:


<div id="leaderboardad">
<a href="http://mydomian.com/twoweeksin/" onClick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview ('/webads/leaderboard_twoweeksin');" target="_self"><img src="http://mydomian.com/blog/wp-content/ads/twoweeksin_ad1.jpg" alt="Two Weeks In... " name="leaderboard1" width="728" height="90" /></a>
*** CODE ***
<div id="leaderboardad"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
          var so = new SWFObject("http://mydomian.com/blog/wp-content/ads/forum/DESTROYER2noLoopb.swf", "ForumDestroyer", "728", "90", "9", "");
                  so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
*** CODE ***
<div id="leaderboardad"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
          var so = new SWFObject("http://mydomian.com/blog/wp-content/ads/burton/ESTbanner.swf", "BurtonEST", "728", "90", "9", "");
                  so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");

As you can see, the first banner in the set is a plain JPEG with some Google Analytics tracking code, the second and third banners are Flash banners embedded using the swfobject.js embed method. As you can see from my code, using a comma will not separate the banners correctly. May I suggest you use a unique code separator instead of a comma (ideally this could be changed by the user) such as ***CODE*** or ***ROTATE***, that way a user could use your plugin to embed anything, even non ads!

And, doing it this way would mean the user could specify his own DIVs and CSS, thus removing the need to edit templates to center ads, or anything like that. As the users is placing their own DIVS, it would also allow ads to be embedded that are different sizes, so you wouldn't need the global size setting anymore. How awesome would that be!?

Thanks again and keep up the good work.

karim004 05-18-2008 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by D.Baker (Post 1523538)
Hello Karim004,
Thanks for the update, its a big step forward. However, using a comma as a code separator will conflict with any type of flash banner a user would like to embed, as flash embed codes generally have commas in them.

For example, this is the code I have setup in Who Sees Ads, I thought it might help to show you what an end user like me is trying to do:


<div id="leaderboardad">
<a href="http://mydomian.com/twoweeksin/" onClick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview ('/webads/leaderboard_twoweeksin');" target="_self"><img src="http://mydomian.com/blog/wp-content/ads/twoweeksin_ad1.jpg" alt="Two Weeks In... " name="leaderboard1" width="728" height="90" /></a>
*** CODE ***
<div id="leaderboardad"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
          var so = new SWFObject("http://mydomian.com/blog/wp-content/ads/forum/DESTROYER2noLoopb.swf", "ForumDestroyer", "728", "90", "9", "");
                  so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
*** CODE ***
<div id="leaderboardad"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
          var so = new SWFObject("http://mydomian.com/blog/wp-content/ads/burton/ESTbanner.swf", "BurtonEST", "728", "90", "9", "");
                  so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");

As you can see, the first banner in the set is a plain JPEG with some Google Analytics tracking code, the second and third banners are Flash banners embedded using the swfobject.js embed method. As you can see from my code, using a comma will not separate the banners correctly. May I suggest you use a unique code separator instead of a comma (ideally this could be changed by the user) such as ***CODE*** or ***ROTATE***, that way a user could use your plugin to embed anything, even non ads!

And, doing it this way would mean the user could specify his own DIVs and CSS, thus removing the need to edit templates to center ads, or anything like that. As the users is placing their own DIVS, it would also allow ads to be embedded that are different sizes, so you wouldn't need the global size setting anymore. How awesome would that be!?

Thanks again and keep up the good work.

thank you D.Baker
let me see check if i can let users select a separator from the admincp

redlabour 05-18-2008 02:05 PM


before anyone Upgrades some Warnings to the Developer:

1. Where is the Feature Full-Page-Ad' after X Posts' gone?

2. And you write : "05/18/2008 Version 2.1" in the FirstPost - but it is only 2.0 ?

3. Archive-Ads still completely missing in AdminCP and in Forum.

4. You did mistakes in the AdminCP Descriptions:


Enable footer advertisements your forum?

footer end advertisement code

Enable footer start advertisements your forum?

footer end advertisement code
5. BTW - you forget Ads after X-Post in Postbit in your Description of Product here in the first Post but it still works.

6. My Random Code is deleted after Upgrading??

7. You entered absolutely useless Usergroups as Default in AdminCP Options.


karim004 05-18-2008 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1523561)

before i install/update:

1. Where is the Feature Full-Page-Ad' after X Posts' gone?

2. And you write : "05/18/2008 Version 2.1" in the FirstPost - but it is only 2.0 ?

3. Archive-Ads still completely missing in AdminCP and in Forum.

4. You did mistakes in the AdminCP Descriptions:

5. BTW - you forget Ads after X-Post in Postbit in your Description of Product here in the first Post but it still works.


redlabour i told you yesterday i am still testing the x post in full page !
for the version it s just a mistake typo ((thx )) !
for archive (( works with header & footer )) next version i am gotta add a option to turn it on or off !

and dont forgot it s just a free script i cant get millions features in 4 days come on !

redlabour 05-18-2008 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by karim004 (Post 1523570)
for the version it s just a mistake typo ((thx )) !

There are a lot of Typo-Errors in the first Post.


installation :

you know in vb3.7 we already have a templates group for advertisement we gotta use them in this mod and make things easy for you because you dont have to edit any template just import the product go to admincp , vBulletin Options , Advertisement System and click yes to Enable advertisements on your forum?
and so on ......


Originally Posted by karim004 (Post 1523570)
for archive (( works with header & footer )) next version i am gotta add a option to turn it on or off !

Ehmmm... nobody wants the same Ads in Archive as in the Forum.

GoogleAdSense and Amazon have different Codes for only Text. We need a complete own Ads in Archivefunction.

Ok - and what about the Points :

5 + 6 + 7

And sorry for my Post above - but you have told us yesterday that the lost Features will be in this next Update - sorry but this is irritating.

So in my Eyes it is 1.3 and not 2.0. ;)

BTW - you can hit the Button for "Beta-Testing" in your First Post.

redlabour 05-18-2008 02:38 PM

Another Couples of Bugs:

Footer Start Ads are not centered. Footer End Ads are!
And before you forget it - in AdminCp you named both "Footer End".

Ads in Postbit are broken - not longer centered and at the End after Banner there is a readable Code :


var ry=Math.floor(Math.random()*myimages.length) if (ry==0) ry=1 document.write('') // specifies link in new window } random_imglink() //-->

Clickend uninstall now and cleared MOTM Nomination. Sorry - but this Hack is Crap at this Time and not Version 2.0 - maybe Version 1.0 RC2. And i am very sorry to say that i think you are not knowing what you are doing.

I go back to vBAdManagement 4 since there is a working Ad-Product for 3.7 from anyone because the Core Functions are well working with 3.7!

karim004 05-18-2008 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1523576)
There are a lot of Typo-Errors in the first Post.

and so on ......

Ehmmm... nobody wants the same Ads in Archive as in the Forum.

GoogleAdSense and Amazon have different Codes for only Text. We need a complete own Ads in Archivefunction.

Ok - and what about the Points :

5 + 6 + 7

And sorry for my Post above - but you have told us yesterday that the lost Features will be in this next Update - sorry but this is irritating.

So in my Eyes it is 1.3 and not 2.0. ;)

BTW - you can hit the Button for "Beta-Testing" in your First Post.

for ads in archive i said i gotta add the option in next update

for group 5 , 6, 7 come on man it s just a default usergroup to show the newbies how the option work you can enter your usergroup id you want enable or disable the ads for them so what s wrong with that ?

for the version i updated the mod in my forum test till i get v2 and relase it if you have prb with this i can change it for you !

a question :
did you find any prb (( not typo )) i am saying prb in this mod ?

anyway i am fixing the typo errors (thanks )) and it s not a big deal if you center the code in your footer

Chance4Today 05-18-2008 02:46 PM

I put the code in as described by you and still nothing shows up am I missing something? I really would like to get a rotating banner on my sites


exetel 05-18-2008 02:57 PM


I've notice with the slideshow that there is a white box, i know this might be a dumb question however is there away to make the white box the same colour of the rest of the forum background?

Awesome script by the way :)



D.Baker 05-18-2008 02:58 PM

Hey Karim004,
Your doing good work, don't stress. If people want special requests, then I'm sure somebody over here could help, otherwise take your time and thanks again for the help. Don't forget, this is the best ad manager for 3.7 at the moment, so you're holding all the cards. Not to mention, that by the very nature of this plugin it helps people earn money, so it annoys me to see people getting on your case about it when your doing this for free.

Anyway, back to the plugin. Like I said above, if you just removed all alignment code, and let the users do this through DIVs and CSS, then it saves you the work of coding this. I removed the center code from your "header end" templates, but I think in the future you should just leave it up to the end user.

For an example (just so you know how I am using this & it might helps n00bs) I added this CSS to my style:


#headerad {
        height: 90px;
        width: 728px;
        margin: 25px 30px 0 0;

And my ad code is like this (as I can't ad the flash ones in yet due to commas):


<div id="headerad">
<a href="http://mydomain.com/twoweeksin/" onClick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview ('/webads/leaderboard_twoweeksin');" target="_self"><img src="http://mydomain.com/blog/wp-content/ads/twoweeksin_ad1.jpg" alt="Two Weeks In... " name="leaderboard1" width="728" height="90" /></a>

Another idea for the future, to be able to have different ads display depending on which Forum/Child forum you're in. This would let users have more targeted ads, which is just good strategy.

Keep it up,

LukaB 05-18-2008 03:06 PM


I appear to have it all working except, and I'm a little confused about this, but shouldn't I be able to have say, one ad (486x60) in the postbit part and have it rotate into other ads. Basically I'm trying to figure out how one would rotate several ads. No matter what I've tried the ads don't appear to rotae. Could anyone post a bit of code here showing how to rotate for the postbit part of it.

Much obliged

exetel 05-18-2008 03:10 PM

Ahh found it don't worry it was under


changed code from

var bgcolor='white'

var bgcolor='YOURCOLOUR'
If anyone else wants to change BG colour :)

Awesome script i must say hehe



LukaB 05-18-2008 03:12 PM

Great I agree, but have you ant idea how to answer my last post regarding rotating ads in the postbit part. I'd be most greatful

PlayfulGod 05-18-2008 04:03 PM

Ok I must be stupid or missing something. I can get random ads too show when ypu manual refresh etc. I cant seem to get rotation to work. I have this as the code.

slideshowcontent[0]=["http://xxxxxx.com/images/xxxxxx-Logo-(mirrored)-Black.gif", "http://xxxx.com", "target=_blank"]
slideshowcontent[1]=["http://xxxxxxxxx.com/images/kb.gif", "http://xxx.com", "target=_blank"]

Is that the correct format?

Vinyljunky 05-18-2008 04:53 PM


Thank you for taking up the challenge of creating an Advert MOD :up: There are a few moaners but we really appreciate your time :)

Does this mod give us the ability not to display ads on certain pages? Such as login and search, I think this is an important one because of the Adsense rules.



jeefo 05-18-2008 07:07 PM

thanks ,,
look great ,, i'll try now :)

thestaton 05-18-2008 07:18 PM

works great! INSTALLED!

TheInsaneManiac 05-18-2008 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by karim004 (Post 1523515)
05/18/2008 Version 2.1

1= rotation work now for both banner (image+link ) and other scripts like google adsense , amazon
2= now you can use your Your html Codes Sperated By Commas ,
example :

<a href="website1"><img src="banner1"> , adsense code , <a href="website2"><img src="banner2">
3 = Ads in archive
4 = Permission / section :
you can disable or enable the ads for a usergroups in each section : header , postbit , navbar , footer , forumdisplay

Installled and Nominated for MOTM!

iogames 05-18-2008 10:43 PM


T.S. 05-19-2008 03:26 AM

I think 1.1 removed some of my ad location templates when I uninstalled it. They were all there when I installed it, but I only have 3 or 4 after removing it. :erm:

Edit: It seem the current version does it too.

TheInsaneManiac 05-19-2008 05:44 PM

In certain skins like dark_vb, the slideshow will cause scroll bars to be placed on smaller resolution monitors causing the ad to be cut off.

msorin 05-19-2008 10:22 PM

Is there a way to create different ads for different usergroups? If not, is there a mod to do this like the new notice system.

Chris583 05-20-2008 01:46 AM

I'm trying to get ads to display right below the nav, I put the image and link html which does work, in the navbar fields, and enable both root and other forums and all usergroups.

But it doesn't show up?
Can anyone help me to get the ad to show right below the navbar?

TRONIXNEWS 05-20-2008 02:10 PM

Is there a service to have this installed properly? If yes, were can I sign up? I've tried my best to get the original version to work on my new forum www.tronixnews.com/forum but to no avail. Neither the original, nor this update works for me. What can I do to have it installed correctly by somone?

TheInsaneManiac 05-20-2008 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by TRONIXNEWS (Post 1525754)
Is there a service to have this installed properly? If yes, were can I sign up? I've tried my best to get the original version to work on my new forum www.tronixnews.com/forum but to no avail. Neither the original, nor this update works for me. What can I do to have it installed correctly by somone?

It would help if we knew the problem.

TRONIXNEWS 05-20-2008 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by TheInsaneManiac (Post 1526036)
It would help if we knew the problem.

The problem is the mod doesn't show up. I've installed all the files, and change the permissions for the usergroups so they can view the ad, but still nothing shows. So either I am doing something wrong (which probably is the case) or there is some type of conflict which I wouldn't know how to recognize.

archaosus 05-21-2008 12:06 AM

Excellent work - I have had no problems at all with this code. Works great!

T.S. 05-21-2008 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by TRONIXNEWS (Post 1526265)
The problem is the mod doesn't show up. I've installed all the files, and change the permissions for the usergroups so they can view the ad, but still nothing shows. So either I am doing something wrong (which probably is the case) or there is some type of conflict which I wouldn't know how to recognize.

PEBKAC :cool:

Chris583 05-21-2008 12:53 AM

In postbit google ad code works fine. I cannot get it to work display ad banner though in any other place besides that and header.

TheInsaneManiac 05-21-2008 08:38 AM

In certain skins like dark_vb, the slideshow will cause scroll bars to be placed on smaller resolution monitors causing the ad to be cut off.

jnrdavo 05-22-2008 08:27 PM

can you include swf files as ads? If so, can somebody please give me the code?

Any help GREATLY appreciated!

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