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-   -   [June/July 2008] BOTM Nomination Thread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=178055)

tschai 05-27-2008 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by 8bit (Post 1531256)
Site Name: Ginrei Network Community Forum
URL: http://www.ginreinetwork.com/forum/
Description: Ginrei Network is a website dedicated to anime, manga and the like.
Reason for Nomination:
  • As far as design goes, it's 1 sexy beast. Your eyes will thank you later.
  • It has a lot of potential to become something huge. I FEEL IT. DO YOU?!
  • It doesn't run on vBAdvanced or vBSEO (absolutely no disrespect to those that do). Basically it's not the same forum you've seen time and time again.
  • It's not cluttered. We didn't install countless hacks that are not needed. It still runs very much like a default vBulletin installation.
  • Everyone (all 4 of us, yes) jokes around. It's not a board with many rules. We like to set the tone very lightly.
  • Time well spent? I think so.

Please vote for us!! This type of exposure will help liven up the place. There's only so much you can do with less than 10 members. LOL. Mamma mia. :(

As a contender myself this month I second this one...

It has a very original, clean and fresh ?look and feel?.

DieselMinded 05-28-2008 11:07 AM

Site Name: Diesel Bombers

URL: http://www.dieselbombers.com

Description: Diesel Enthusiasts Community For Everything Diesel Powered

Reason for Nomination: Born on March 17th 2007 Diesel Bombers has Grew By Leaps and Bounds on both Users and Software Enhancements . Being Voted as VB.org's Board of the Month Would be a Great Honor as I and the entire staff has Pushed forwards Since day one to make the site better everyday !!

Ohiosweetheart 05-28-2008 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by DiesellMinded (Post 1533951)
Site Name: Diesel Bombers

URL: http://www.dieselbombers.com

Description: Diesel Enthusiasts Community For Everything Diesel Powered

Reason for Nomination: Born on March 17th 2007 Diesel Bombers has Grew By Leaps and Bounds on both Users and Software Enhancements . Being Voted as VB.org's Board of the Month Would be a Great Honor as I and the entire staff has Pushed forwards Since day one to make the site better everyday !!


joeychgo 05-28-2008 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by DiesellMinded (Post 1533951)
Site Name: Diesel Bombers

URL: http://www.dieselbombers.com

Description: Diesel Enthusiasts Community For Everything Diesel Powered

Reason for Nomination: Born on March 17th 2007 Diesel Bombers has Grew By Leaps and Bounds on both Users and Software Enhancements . Being Voted as VB.org's Board of the Month Would be a Great Honor as I and the entire staff has Pushed forwards Since day one to make the site better everyday !!


RobDog888 05-28-2008 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by DiesellMinded (Post 1533951)
Site Name: Diesel Bombers

URL: http://www.dieselbombers.com

Description: Diesel Enthusiasts Community For Everything Diesel Powered

Reason for Nomination: Born on March 17th 2007 Diesel Bombers has Grew By Leaps and Bounds on both Users and Software Enhancements . Being Voted as VB.org's Board of the Month Would be a Great Honor as I and the entire staff has Pushed forwards Since day one to make the site better everyday !!

I could have sworn I seconded yesterday but ... ???


I really like the site and members there are all very friendly. :)
The site really shows how much you can do with vB.

AWJunkies 05-28-2008 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by DiesellMinded (Post 1533951)
Site Name: Diesel Bombers

URL: http://www.dieselbombers.com

Description: Diesel Enthusiasts Community For Everything Diesel Powered

Reason for Nomination: Born on March 17th 2007 Diesel Bombers has Grew By Leaps and Bounds on both Users and Software Enhancements . Being Voted as VB.org's Board of the Month Would be a Great Honor as I and the entire staff has Pushed forwards Since day one to make the site better everyday !!

Second or third or whatever :)

M-Tuning 05-30-2008 09:43 PM

Site Name: PSP-Media.nl

URL: http://www.psp-media.nl

Description: Dutch PSP (Playstation Portable) Gaming community

Reason for Nomination: The biggest Dutch PSP Homebrew site (more than 30.000 members).

christian8a 06-01-2008 05:30 AM

Edited post on page 2 :)

Guest190829 06-19-2008 02:17 AM

This BOTM nomination process is now extending until July 1st, as, due to the delays, we have decided to make the contest a June/July contest. Thanks for your patience!

JVCode 06-19-2008 01:01 PM

Site Name: ConsoleCommunity

URL: http://www.consolecommunity.com

Description: Next-Gen Gaming Community

Reason for Nomination: Great friendly community, must be worth the vote ;).

Teemberland 06-19-2008 05:53 PM

Site Name: Friar Nation

URL: http://sdfriars.com

Description: A San Diego Padres Fan Site & Forums

Reason for Nomination: It's the only Padres fan site on the net using vBulletin! :)

mmmken 06-20-2008 03:20 AM

I'm kind of late for this, but I've been nominated at one point on vB.com for my site. Since then, it's changed focus and the layout has been modified (and improved).

Site Name: Simplify Racing Development Community
URL: http://simplify.ws/
Description: A medium of communication for a team of automotive enthusiasts for modifications, autox, and regular meets.
Reason(s) for Nomination:
  • Completely rehauled layout for user friendliness and simplicity (Built from scratch and notepad).
  • Tightly integrated components from vB.org, as well as a huge collection of custom modifications.
  • Initial layout constructed of mostly CSS, and very fast loading (for the amount of images, and complexity of layout).
  • Custom skin selection not based on the stock skin system (with on-the-fly colour modification by CSS and PHP).
  • Member-controlled Image Rotation system (on the top left), where images are uploaded (of any size) and are converted to size and framed with the layout on-the-fly by PHP.
  • A truly practical and unique PM notification popup.

You really have to login (or sign up) to get a feel of how different the site is from the stock vBulletin system.

Joshyyy 06-20-2008 02:17 PM

Site Name: UKSGC (United Kingdom Steam Gaming Community)

URL: http://www.uksgc.com

Description: Community Forums and Portal for Steam Gamers

Reason for Nomination:
UKSGC has been running for nearly a year now, and we have a small but growing community, with some of the very best vbulletin mods and a very clean and fresh feel, UKSGC feel that being apart of BOTM would be a very nice achievement for us as a community!

wildcard27 06-21-2008 02:23 PM

Site Name: GamersCouncil
URL: http://www.gamerscouncil.com/forums/
Description: Video gaming discussion forum. Also provides weekly news about popular topics in the gaming industry.
Reason for Nomination:

I spent hundreds of hours on making it look clean and nice. The majority of the graphics have been changed and are all custom made.

The news section uses a blog script which is linked to the forum, allowing the forum users to comment on the news in a thread that's specially made for the article. And the cheats section is basically a modified version of the skin that functions as some kind of CMS and hides some elements that make it look like a forum.

This project is like a baby to me and I spend a couple of hours on it every day. It's always fun to add a new hack and optimize it, so soon when it's active people can actually start enjoying it :)

chennairam 06-22-2008 05:13 AM

My Vote For 1st One

www.tech555.com veenuisthebest

Very nice and wonderfull looking

keep it up veenuisthebest


Shazz 06-22-2008 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by PaylaX (Post 1508310)

Site Name:
PaylaX ? PaylaXmak Guzeldir
Description: PaylaX accommodates Freeware/Shareware Downloads, Webmaster Lessons, Videos and Wallpapers

Reason for Nomination:


PaylaX's d
esign is unique. We take a lot of pains about graphics and because of that they call a lot visitors attention.

There are a lot of programs about all category in PaylaX forum and PaylaX presents a lot of infortmation about all categorys. Most important thing about us is supporting visitors after sharing.

PaylaX presents many information network that has photoshop lessons,vbulletin support board for webmasters,technology news, videos ext.. about all different categories


CLF 06-25-2008 01:51 AM

Site name: Capper's Lobby

Site URL: www.capperslobby.com

Description: If you like to talk sports and sports betting, and you love to give your opinion, then Capper's Lobby is the right place. Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, horse racing, other sports... NFL, NCAAF, CFL, MLB, NBA, NCAAB, WNBA, FIBA, FIFA, UEFA, MLS, NHL...

Reason for Nomination: Brand new but soon to be one of the best sports handicapping forums on the web. Also, we would love to hear what others have to say about it. Still working on some things.
Thanks for consideration. ;)

Radek125 06-25-2008 08:14 AM

Site name: Sinister - Gaming

Site URL: http://www.afraidyet.net and http://www.afraidyet.net/forums/

Description: Sinister has been a long time guild in the mmo scene and our website has expanded over the past 10 years accordingly. We cover all aspects of the mmo scene and focus mostly on video productions at this point. I've put countless hours of work into this site with the help of vbulletin and many great modifications that I've used and edited for my own needs. Thanks to all the contributers out there, you have saved us so much time.

Reason for Nomination: I see alot of great site designs, but not much gaming related especially when it comes to the mmo genre. Our site has grown A LOT over the past few months. Transfering close to 400 gb in bw now a month with 9.3 million unique visitors since we started this new design effort a year ago. We used phpbb for a few years and after getting hacked due an unpatched vulnerability I decided it was time to make the switch to vbulletin and haven't looked back since.

Thanks for consideration. :cool:

Nzo 06-25-2008 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1517756)
Site Name: MyLs1.com

URL: http://www.myls1.com

Description: A site for LSX cars but different than the rest, we also have extra features as Gifts for members same way as facebook type of application.

Check our profiles style :)

Facebook Style :)

Reason: I just love this site, and hope to see what people thinks about the design and the custom features.


I second this one ! Great job, very nice and elegant layout ! Love it !

callumbush 06-25-2008 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1517756)
Site Name: MyLs1.com

URL: http://www.myls1.com

Description: A site for LSX cars but different than the rest, we also have extra features as Gifts for members same way as facebook type of application.

Check our profiles style :)

Facebook Style :)

Reason: I just love this site, and hope to see what people thinks about the design and the custom features.

I definately second this site - Its nice and clean and structured really well.
ALSO - the facebook style is AMAZING!!! :D

Koushukei 06-25-2008 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1517756)
Site Name: MyLs1.com

URL: http://www.myls1.com

Description: A site for LSX cars but different than the rest, we also have extra features as Gifts for members same way as facebook type of application.

Check our profiles style :)

Facebook Style :)

Reason: I just love this site, and hope to see what people thinks about the design and the custom features.


I second this 1 :) Love the profile!

unenergizer 06-26-2008 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by mmmken (Post 1554181)
I'm kind of late for this, but I've been nominated at one point on vB.com for my site. Since then, it's changed focus and the layout has been modified (and improved).

Site Name: Simplify Racing Development Community
URL: http://simplify.ws/
Description: A medium of communication for a team of automotive enthusiasts for modifications, autox, and regular meets.
Reason(s) for Nomination:
  • Completely rehauled layout for user friendliness and simplicity (Built from scratch and notepad).
  • Tightly integrated components from vB.org, as well as a huge collection of custom modifications.
  • Initial layout constructed of mostly CSS, and very fast loading (for the amount of images, and complexity of layout).
  • Custom skin selection not based on the stock skin system (with on-the-fly colour modification by CSS and PHP).
  • Member-controlled Image Rotation system (on the top left), where images are uploaded (of any size) and are converted to size and framed with the layout on-the-fly by PHP.
  • A truly practical and unique PM notification popup.

You really have to login (or sign up) to get a feel of how different the site is from the stock vBulletin system.

This is a nice piece of work, very good. Seconded. :up:

Sofia 06-27-2008 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by JVCode (Post 1553541)
Site Name: ConsoleCommunity

URL: http://www.consolecommunity.com

Description: Next-Gen Gaming Community

Reason for Nomination: Great friendly community, must be worth the vote ;).

I second this one :)

Taragon 06-29-2008 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1517756)
Site Name: MyLs1.com

URL: http://www.myls1.com

Description: A site for LSX cars but different than the rest, we also have extra features as Gifts for members same way as facebook type of application.

Check our profiles style :)


Reason: I just love this site, and hope to see what people thinks about the design and the custom features.


I also second this one :)

Shelby 06-29-2008 09:01 PM

Site Name: MMOHell
URL: http://www.mmohell.com
Description: A site covering the latest in Massively Multiplayer Online games and the communities that grow around them.
Reason for Nomination: Unique style and template.

NoeJeko 06-30-2008 04:48 PM

Site Name: MyMMOGames.net

URL: http://www.mymmogames.net/

Description: A site for the nomad MMO player. Started as a community for a specific game and expanded scope in June.

Reason: Excellent community, stellar design and integration of vBulletin (forums/site), MediaWiki (Consolidated MMO wiki), and Wordpress (staff blog).

Thanks for your consideration!

jacki 07-01-2008 09:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Site Name: Yorumla.net

URL: http://www.yorumla.net

Description: our forum has 12 main categories 159 sub kategories. Members organize meetings and make friendship

Reason for Nomination: our forum will be one year old on july of 2. we want to see our forum on that poll on our first year. We made 170.000 members and 2.300.000 posts. We want to show that success here

Langue : Turkish

User Test

User : testuser
pass: test

iPodHacking.com 07-02-2008 08:45 PM


Site Name: Ipodtouchfans.com
  • Largest Ipod touch Related Site
  • 165,810 Members

Largest iPhone/iPod touch hacking community on the web.

Reason For Nomination: Runs on vbulletin. Largest ipod/iPhone related hacking site. NO WAREZ.

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