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crkgb 04-02-2008 05:16 PM

1. Possibility of adding moderators (by the group owner) to a social group forum would be nice.
2. Allowing a person creating a Social Group to choose an admin predefined category for their Social Group.
2. A "master-page" would be nice. For example something like this http://en.club.26l.com
- with best most active groups and most active users on it, as well as the list of all the social groups where they are members.

RvG2 04-02-2008 06:21 PM

I have installed in my live site but can't make it worked. :)

(disable the group message function and create a parent forum for group forum) but the link "create forum is not showing". vb version 3.7.0 b4.

Alfa1 04-02-2008 07:00 PM

Another great hack by you!

I would like to appoint one or more moderators to all group forums, so that I am certain that these forums get the same quality of moderation as the rest of my forums. Is this possible?

Phalynx 04-02-2008 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by abroad (Post 1481105)
any ideas how I can get back the link to the Social Forum once I have deleted the same Social Forum in the Forum Manager?

See this:

Originally Posted by abroad (Post 1481109)
Got this error:

error desc: Table 'usr_19_8.socialgroup' doesn't exist

prefix the socialgroup table with your DB-prefix.


Originally Posted by crkgb (Post 1481124)
1. Possibility of adding moderators (by the group owner) to a social group forum would be nice.
2. Allowing a person creating a Social Group to choose an admin predefined category for their Social Group.
2. A "master-page" would be nice. For example something like this http://en.club.26l.com
- with best most active groups and most active users on it, as well as the list of all the social groups where they are members.

Already in 1.2:


Originally Posted by RvG2 (Post 1481181)
I have installed in my live site but can't make it worked. :)

(disable the group message function and create a parent forum for group forum) but the link "create forum is not showing". vb version 3.7.0 b4.

The group must have at least 2 members.


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1481215)
Another great hack by you!

I would like to appoint one or more moderators to all group forums, so that I am certain that these forums get the same quality of moderation as the rest of my forums. Is this possible?

Just assign a mod to the parent forum. That mod can moderate all subforums.

snunhuck 04-02-2008 09:43 PM

I've done it, but when I created a group, a socialforum did not appear in the forum.

Kyderoy 04-02-2008 10:50 PM

Will the posts in the social groups be added to the member's total post count?

NeuroLancer 04-02-2008 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1480907)
Changes so far:
- Groupleader is now also moderator of group forum
- Added new setting: Minimum Members that are required for own forum
- Group messaging will be automatically disabled for group that has own forum
- More options for forum allowances

Legend :D . What an important feature the group leader as group forum moderator is. Im so glad you have added this in. :up:

Mark.B 04-02-2008 11:08 PM

A suggestion, if this is going to have the group leader automatically made a moderator in that forum, have an option to turn that off. I wouldn't want anyone other than my moderating team having that ability, on a site like mine there is potential for people to wreak havoc.

maidos 04-03-2008 03:23 AM

can u do something so ppl get redirected right to the forum section

Phalynx 04-03-2008 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by snunhuck (Post 1481389)
I've done it, but when I created a group, a socialforum did not appear in the forum.

Do the group has at least 2 members?


Originally Posted by Kyderoy (Post 1481454)
Will the posts in the social groups be added to the member's total post count?

Yes, as the created forum is a normal forum. You can change it for every created forum.


Originally Posted by Mark.B (Post 1481465)
A suggestion, if this is going to have the group leader automatically made a moderator in that forum, have an option to turn that off. I wouldn't want anyone other than my moderating team having that ability, on a site like mine there is potential for people to wreak havoc.

Yes, there is an option for that.


Originally Posted by maidos (Post 1481608)
can u do something so ppl get redirected right to the forum section

Redirected when what happened? After creation of forum?

waza 04-03-2008 08:25 AM

I like forums for social groups, but if you do it with regular forums you will totally blow up forums cache (datastore).

On (semi-)large forums this will be disastrous (even with the limitations) on performance.

In the past there was already a hack that created blogs by creating a forum for members as a blog, with the same results (ok, the blog thing will be worse than this, but still)

Phalynx 04-03-2008 09:27 AM

Here is the promised Beta. Install the beta on your own risk or wait until tomorrow when the final 1.2 has been released.

Upgrade from 1.1:
1. Import the product, overwrite existing
2. Check settings, especially for parent forum

Changelog 1.2:
- Added: Groupleader can now be moderator of group forum
- Added: Minimum Members that are required for own forum
- Added: Group messaging will be automatically hide for group that has own forum
- Added: Forums are created with more allowances
- Added: By deleting a forum the linked socialgroup get's updated
- Added: Forum's description contains link back to social group
- Added: By changing group's name it synchronize it with the forum's name

snunhuck 04-03-2008 09:52 AM

There are more than two members in the group :)

Phalynx 04-03-2008 10:05 AM

Did you already created a forum? Do you have a link to that forum?

snunhuck 04-03-2008 10:12 AM

Yep sure, http://community.thinkteen.co.uk is the forum, the forum number is 61 :)

Phalynx 04-03-2008 10:25 AM

Please PM me a temporary user that has admin and query permissions so I can take a look for you.

Kyderoy 04-03-2008 11:49 AM

How will this mod effect current groups?

Phalynx 04-03-2008 11:54 AM

It will not affect existing one - the social forums is a feature that CAN be added by clicking the link "Create Forum". This link is available for all groups with at least 2 members (Can be changed in SocialForums 1.2)

Kyderoy 04-03-2008 12:00 PM

Will the privacy issue be taken care of in version 1.2? I have a lot of private groups and won't want members accessing the groups they don't belong to.

Phalynx 04-03-2008 12:05 PM

Which issue do you mean exactly? This mod does not change permissions for groups.

Kyderoy 04-03-2008 12:20 PM

I thought I saw a post where you can still see a post if given a link to a private group.

CHIPIT 04-03-2008 12:23 PM

Cool, but in the new version, with the link, it says "Click here to visit this social group" shouldn't it say "Click here to visit this social group" ?

It'd also be cool to setup exactly how new forums are created, permissions and everything...

Phalynx 04-03-2008 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Kyderoy (Post 1481914)
I thought I saw a post where you can still see a post if given a link to a private group.

Again: This mod adds forums, it does not touch group's permissions.
If you choose hidden forums in the CP the new created forums are only hidden, they are not protected.


Originally Posted by CHIPIT (Post 1481915)
Cool, but in the new version, with the link, it says "Click here to visit this social group" shouldn't it say "Click here to visit this social group" ?

Fixed in final version.


Originally Posted by CHIPIT (Post 1481915)
It'd also be cool to setup exactly how new forums are created, permissions and everything...

Yes, it would be. But that would require to have a mass of settings. Instead of this, you can change default settings in product XML, check "$forumdm->set_bitfield" and for moderators "$moddm->set_bitfield".

Kyderoy 04-03-2008 12:34 PM

Anyway to add some protection in the future?

Phalynx 04-03-2008 12:38 PM

Maybe next releases will include such a protection.

Kyderoy 04-03-2008 12:39 PM

Thanks :D

MaxiMal 04-03-2008 12:40 PM

mega hack!
5+ easy

Phalynx, respect

somebody give to author heap of money that it has not thrown work

NFLfbJunkie 04-03-2008 02:07 PM


How are newly created forum permissions handeled? Will they assume the permissions of the parent forum?

Phalynx 04-03-2008 02:15 PM

Yes, they get permission from parent forum.

Kyderoy 04-03-2008 03:12 PM

Ok let me see if I get this, the newly created forum will only show in the social group or will it show also on the forumhome page?

Varsh 04-03-2008 03:17 PM

Awesome hack, I've been needing this. There are some requests and features that I think might help, though some are probably sorted already:
  • Each social group has their own forum
    • The webmaster can set an option whether the forum is made when a social group is created, or when the social group leader sends a request
    • Social group forums are hidden from everyone except those that are part of the social group
    • The Social group forums are displayed at the top or bottom of the front page based on user preference
    • Social group leaders can set whether attachments are allowed
  • Social group leaders can set forum specific permissions and user groups
    • Social group leaders can give and take moderation status to anyone in the social group only for that social group forum
    • Social group leaders can appoint someone else as a social group leader
    • Social group leaders cannot leave a group without appointing another leader first
    • The first social group leader cannot be demoted from leader status unless demoted by themselves - the next in line leader then takes over owner status and cannot be demoted
  • An option for integration with Project Tools
    • A link to Project Tools "Create a project for the Social Group" displayed in the social group profile page and only available to social group leaders
    • The social group leader that creates a project can make it either public or private with private being available only to the social group
    • If a Social Group disbands then the projects under the Project Tools are also deleted
I've already installed the hack and it works peachily (v1.1).

Amit86 04-03-2008 05:55 PM

I LOVE everything you DO
I just had to say that
some sugestions if you would like
- Only group members can see forum
- Forum request from admin form
- Auto make group's admin forum's mod option

Yours Truly 04-03-2008 06:22 PM

Maybe change the bitfields to:


        $forumdm = datamanager_init('Forum', $vbulletin);
        $forumdm->set('title', $group['name']);
        $forumdm->set('title_clean', $group['name']);
        $forumdm->set('description', $group['description']);
        $forumdm->set('parentid', $vbulletin->options['sf_parentforum']);
        if ($vbulletin->options['sf_visibility']) {
                $forumdm->set('displayorder', $group['groupid']);
        } else {
                $forumdm->set('displayorder', 0);
        $forumdm->setr('options', $options); //Does not work
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'active', '1');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'cancontainthreads', '1');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'allowposting', '1');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'indexposts', '1');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'countposts', '1');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'showonforumjump', '0');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'allowhtml', '0');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'allowbbcode', '1');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'allowimages', '1');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'allowsmilies', '1');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'allowicons', '1');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'allowratings', '1');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'defaultsortfield', 'lastpost');
        $forumdm->set_bitfield('options', 'defaultsortorder', 'desc');

Then would match better with other forums, allowing the created forum to have the group description the same as the forum description and allowing: BB Code, [IMG] Code, Smilies, Post Icons, Thread Ratings in this Forum, Count Posts Made in this Forum Towards User Post Counts.

Any thoughts? :)

RvG2 04-03-2008 07:10 PM

I don't know why the Create Forum was not showing to me. I have a custom template maybe this could be the reason?

If this is the case, kindly advice how to do the template edit manually?

Phalynx 04-03-2008 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Kyderoy (Post 1482052)
Ok let me see if I get this, the newly created forum will only show in the social group or will it show also on the forumhome page?

Depending on the setting in AdminCP it can be shown to all as a subforum of the parent forum or can be hide.


Originally Posted by Varsh (Post 1482054)
  • Each social group has their own forum
    • The webmaster can set an option whether the forum is made when a social group is created, or when the social group leader sends a request
    • Social group forums are hidden from everyone except those that are part of the social group
    • The Social group forums are displayed at the top or bottom of the front page based on user preference
    • Social group leaders can set whether attachments are allowed
  • Social group leaders can set forum specific permissions and user groups
    • Social group leaders can give and take moderation status to anyone in the social group only for that social group forum
    • Social group leaders can appoint someone else as a social group leader
    • Social group leaders cannot leave a group without appointing another leader first
    • The first social group leader cannot be demoted from leader status unless demoted by themselves - the next in line leader then takes over owner status and cannot be demoted

Nice ideas, but this would be something for the next major version of this hack. And to be honest: This features would lead into something that has been condemn here on vb.org: Custom, independent forums...


Originally Posted by Varsh (Post 1482054)
  • An option for integration with Project Tools
    • A link to Project Tools "Create a project for the Social Group" displayed in the social group profile page and only available to social group leaders
    • The social group leader that creates a project can make it either public or private with private being available only to the social group
    • If a Social Group disbands then the projects under the Project Tools are also deleted

Project Tools is another thing than Forums. This is a thing for another modification.


Originally Posted by Amit86 (Post 1482182)
- Only group members can see forum

That's a permission thing, currently only very diffucult to do.


Originally Posted by Amit86 (Post 1482182)
- Forum request from admin form

Dont understand this one.


Originally Posted by Amit86 (Post 1482182)
- Auto make group's admin forum's mod option

Already included in 1.2, download beta of 1.2 here:


Originally Posted by Yours Truly (Post 1482198)
Maybe change the bitfields to:

Then would match better with other forums, allowing the created forum to have the group description the same as the forum description and allowing: BB Code, [IMG] Code, Smilies, Post Icons, Thread Ratings in this Forum, Count Posts Made in this Forum Towards User Post Counts.

Any thoughts? :)

Already included in 1.2, download beta of 1.2 here:


Originally Posted by RvG2 (Post 1482226)
I don't know why the Create Forum was not showing to me. I have a custom template maybe this could be the reason?

If this is the case, kindly advice how to do the template edit manually?

Did you modified socialgroups_group? If not, this would not be the problem. It can only be that you didn't had at least 2 Members in the group.

Yours Truly 04-03-2008 08:08 PM

Do you have a list of what you added without me having to download it? I'm talking about the bit i edited myself :)

Varsh 04-03-2008 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1482259)
Nice ideas, but this would be something for the next major version of this hack. And to be honest: This features would lead into something that has been condemn here on vb.org: Custom, independent forums...

Surely at least this:
  • Social group forums are hidden from everyone except those that are part of the social group
No? And perhaps when someone not in the social group will not be allowed access if they're not in the group.

RvG2 04-03-2008 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1482259)
Did you modified socialgroups_group? If not, this would not be the problem. It can only be that you didn't had at least 2 Members in the group.

Nope I did not modified socialgroups_group. I have more than 2 members in my group so this should not be a problem at all. Just I need to have the template edit on themes aside from the vb default theme (if any)

Reeve of shinra 04-03-2008 09:33 PM


Invalid forum specified
This is what I see when I try and create a group :/

Awesome hack, I look forward to seeing what this turns into.

CHIPIT 04-03-2008 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1481921)
Yes, it would be. But that would require to have a mass of settings. Instead of this, you can change default settings in product XML, check "$forumdm->set_bitfield" and for moderators "$moddm->set_bitfield".

Good enough for me, thanks. :)

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