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-   -   Profile Enhancements - Invitation System v2.0.2 for vB3.6 and 3.5 series (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=172157)

Epic-Phail 03-24-2008 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by raagaswaram (Post 1462659)
it seems that their is a field in the usergroup it looks blank so assuming it did not install properly

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'invitationpermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Wednesday, March 12th 2008 @ 10:43:37 AM
Script : http://www.tamilthunder.com/forum/ad....php?do=update

I get the same error.
Cant create or edit usergroups anymore

Dragons76 03-25-2008 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dragons76 (Post 1473046)
I am under VB 3.6.8

When I send an invitation to an address mail other than mine (that recorded in my forum), the message does not arrive on limps her mail given.

No body can help me !!

apiasto 03-25-2008 08:47 PM

kool n easy thnx

brfrankl 03-31-2008 07:37 AM

Would really like to see the ability for the admin to see and manage all invites that the users have created (so the admins can delete invites by username or something like that) Also, woul dbe nice if they expired

theparentpack 03-31-2008 08:42 AM

Installed! Nominated!!!

bobbaf3nn 04-01-2008 02:51 PM

The screnshots of the ACP are in a different language, is there an english version available?

Saviour 04-01-2008 04:50 PM

On the Invitation screen, at the bottom there is a list of invitations sent.

I was testing the "Delete" feature. I clicked the link to delete the invitation, it lets me know the invitation was deleted, but the invitation is still listed at the bottom of the page.

I see you have a similar mod for vBulletin 3.7...which is still BETA, and you're supporting that mod, but not this one. Why is that? Most vbulletin users are using 3.6.9 and older.

It would be nice if you could at least reply to some of the questions being asked here...


Thanks for the code edit...works like a charm!

mahsazn 04-04-2008 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by bobbaf3nn (Post 1480066)
The screnshots of the ACP are in a different language, is there an english version available?

u mean Eng. version for screen shots? (the product is in english and u can chang it to any language manually)

ProAzn 04-04-2008 05:49 PM

I'm on vbulletin 3.6.8. Doesn't work. Send to various emails and nothing show up. Argh!

I see other people have same problem. No one answering??

ProAzn 04-04-2008 06:29 PM

Is the email sent asap or is there a delay? It doesnt send immediately or at all. Anyone else have same thing happen?

Hasann 04-06-2008 05:48 PM

upgraded to Invitation System v2.0.2

- Changes since v1.0.4
  1. no more need to double click on the invitation link
  2. invitationcode cookie gets removed once the user has signed up
  3. account verification after signup isn't blocked by an invalid invitation error code anymore
  4. deletions of invites now delete the correct invite
  5. added permissions check when trying to delete an invitation
  6. if a user deletes an unclaimed invite, he gets one invite back
  7. you cannot sent multiple invites to the same email address
  8. you cannot sent invites to already registered email addresses
  9. added no invites sent message to usercp tepmplate
  10. changed some phrases to proper English (hope so)
  11. added some additional phrases
  12. numerous misspells in the body text of the invitation fixed
  13. the body text hardcoded that users can't change it
  14. also there are phrases for subject and bodytext, so you can use translations.
  15. the users can attach a note message to the invite email
  16. Fixed SQL injection vulnerabilities throughout the code.
  17. Referrer ID ist not overwritten by 1 for every new user.
  18. Removed one query when user is verifying his email address.
  19. Some adjustments for supporting the Inviation System and the normal registration method at the same time.
  20. Added missing closing form tag
  21. The Used Invitation table displays the phrase no_invites_sent when no invitation were sent out
  22. The description box only appears if a description is defined in admincp
  23. Removed the nested div panels to make the look consistent with the rest of usercp
  24. Switched from forumwidth to formwidth_usercp to make the look consistent with the rest of usercp
  25. Removed Login information beside the email address input field to make the look consistent with the rest of usercp
  26. Removed all uneeded tables because the divs are already doing the layout.
  27. Removed all unneeded nested div tags
  28. Added 100% width to table title
  29. Delete invitation column is only visible if you have permission to delete invitations.
  30. when checking for already registered member there is now an additional phrase for distinguishing between registered and invited members (reqested by Alfa1)
  31. added on option to display the invitation code as a link again (requested by Alfa1)
  32. remove the "click two times" message from the invitation email phrase. That's not needed anymore.
  33. changed "mysql_real_escape_string" to "$db->escape_string"

iogames 04-06-2008 06:29 PM

Thanks Hassan I know/notice that you're always busy, but I really like/need this and will install again! :D:D:D

Saviour 04-06-2008 07:38 PM

Installed and allowed overwrite of product...made template changes as well. Edited the options through vbulletin options to allow specific usergroups to use the invitation system using comma separated values.

The links appear in Quick Links, as well as the User CP, however...I have no access to use the invitation system. I keep getting redirected to the no access error page.

Something's not kosher in Denmark, here.

Any suggestions?

Hasann 04-06-2008 07:39 PM

please uninstall v1.0.4 on your forum and re-install the new version 2.0.2 xml file into via product manager

Garyk 04-06-2008 07:49 PM

I get a database error when trying to invite someone

Saviour 04-06-2008 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1484628)
please uninstall v1.0.4 on your forum and re-install the new version 2.0.2 xml file into via product manager


I now have access to the Invitation system...however, the Invitation system does not show the user the text of the message being sent, so if they add additional text...they will not know what other content is being sent...other than what they, themselves, have typed.

Also...Human verification is not working...

Is this the same as image verification? If it is, I have it enabled, but the message is being sent without verification.


Saviour 04-06-2008 08:58 PM

Actually...the Human Verification Manager is a 3.7 feature...and not for 3.6.8 PL2.

So you may want to update this mod...again...so that we can use Image Verification with this mod. You may also want to update the information in the Admin CP, as well, so that this doesn't confuse everyone.

mahsazn 04-06-2008 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1484628)
please uninstall v1.0.4 on your forum and re-install the new version 2.0.2 xml file into via product manager

it couldn't use it, so i uninstalled the new version and reinstalled the old one... my problem was with temp edition in USERRCP_SHELL ... the phrase didn't appear in user cp!

DssCrazy 04-06-2008 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1484543)
upgraded to Invitation System v2.0.2

- Changes since v1.0.4
  1. no more need to double click on the invitation link
  2. invitationcode cookie gets removed once the user has signed up
  3. account verification after signup isn't blocked by an invalid invitation error code anymore
  4. deletions of invites now delete the correct invite
  5. added permissions check when trying to delete an invitation
  6. if a user deletes an unclaimed invite, he gets one invite back
  7. you cannot sent multiple invites to the same email address
  8. you cannot sent invites to already registered email addresses
  9. added no invites sent message to usercp tepmplate
  10. changed some phrases to proper English (hope so)
  11. added some additional phrases
  12. numerous misspells in the body text of the invitation fixed
  13. the body text hardcoded that users can't change it
  14. also there are phrases for subject and bodytext, so you can use translations.
  15. the users can attach a note message to the invite email
  16. Fixed SQL injection vulnerabilities throughout the code.
  17. Referrer ID ist not overwritten by 1 for every new user.
  18. Removed one query when user is verifying his email address.
  19. Some adjustments for supporting the Inviation System and the normal registration method at the same time.
  20. Added missing closing form tag
  21. The Used Invitation table displays the phrase no_invites_sent when no invitation were sent out
  22. The description box only appears if a description is defined in admincp
  23. Removed the nested div panels to make the look consistent with the rest of usercp
  24. Switched from forumwidth to formwidth_usercp to make the look consistent with the rest of usercp
  25. Removed Login information beside the email address input field to make the look consistent with the rest of usercp
  26. Removed all uneeded tables because the divs are already doing the layout.
  27. Removed all unneeded nested div tags
  28. Added 100% width to table title
  29. Delete invitation column is only visible if you have permission to delete invitations.
  30. when checking for already registered member there is now an additional phrase for distinguishing between registered and invited members (reqested by Alfa1)
  31. added on option to display the invitation code as a link again (requested by Alfa1)
  32. remove the "click two times" message from the invitation email phrase. That's not needed anymore.
  33. changed "mysql_real_escape_string" to "$db->escape_string"

Nice Work!!!

DssCrazy 04-07-2008 12:36 AM

Where do you set how many invites members can have it is set to 10 and don't have a clue how to change. also in the user cp in the left colume i don't see the option to click invite user is this normal? i now see it at the top of user cp page.


DssCrazy 04-07-2008 01:11 AM

Can you add the option in the email so that if the user that gets the invite does not want to join thay can click a link and denie?

DssCrazy 04-07-2008 01:17 AM

what is the USERCP_SHELL Template for?

thedudleys 04-07-2008 01:23 AM

we have installed this new update, but when you go to yourself, it denies you access, unless i missed something since we used this on a different template and it doesn't have the:

so we added this the best way, and the system has us as allowed to access it(usergroup 6) but still locks us out.

how can we adjust this...our code has "$template_hook[usercp_navbar_bottom]" so i added it after that and it doesn't allow us to get into the system.

how can we get this fixed?

megawelle 04-07-2008 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Garyk (Post 1484636)
I get a database error when trying to invite someone

I also do. The error ist as follows:

PHP Code:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT user.userid AS user_iduser.email AS user_emailinvitation.email AS inv_emailinvitation.acceptedby as inv_id
                                        FROM MYOWNPREFIX_user
                                        LEFT JOIN MYOWNPREFIX_invitation
                                        ON user
.userid invitation.acceptedby OR user.userid invitation.email
                                        WHERE user
.email 'email@email.com'
OR invitation.email 'email@email.com';

MySQL-Fehler Unknown table 'user' in field list 

Saviour 04-07-2008 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by thedudleys (Post 1484872)
we have installed this new update, but when you go to yourself, it denies you access, unless i missed something since we used this on a different template and it doesn't have the:

so we added this the best way, and the system has us as allowed to access it(usergroup 6) but still locks us out.

how can we adjust this...our code has "$template_hook[usercp_navbar_bottom]" so i added it after that and it doesn't allow us to get into the system.

how can we get this fixed?

This was addressed a few posts back...

Try uninstalling and re-installing the product.

droid101 04-07-2008 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by DssCrazy (Post 1484835)
Where do you set how many invites members can have it is set to 10 and don't have a clue how to change. also in the user cp in the left colume i don't see the option to click invite user is this normal? i now see it at the top of user cp page.


This can be set when looking at a specific user option page.

This isn't optimal... I was hoping there would be a way to make it infinite use for everyone. But to do this it looks like I'd have to go through each user one by one and set it, since there is no option in the Usergroup Manager.

Is this intentional?

Saviour 04-07-2008 03:01 PM


Are you working on the Image Verification fix for this mod? The Human Verification Manager you refer to for this mod is for 3.7 and not 3.6.x. The Human Verification Manager is also referred to in the Admin CP, so that will need to be addressed for those who are still using 3.6.x., as well.

Hope to hear back from you soon on this one...

Hasann 04-07-2008 03:41 PM

yes im working yet fixing bugs and adding new features

abmm 04-07-2008 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1485294)
yes im working yet fixing bugs and adding new features

The top feature would be to limit specific usergroups to x amount of invites. Say usergroup 1 has only 2 invites each, while usergroup 2 has 5 invites each (etc etc). Also, allowing the Administration/Staff access to view all of the invites that are being sent.


Hasann 04-07-2008 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by abmm (Post 1485387)
The top feature would be to limit specific usergroups to x amount of invites. Say usergroup 1 has only 2 invites each, while usergroup 2 has 5 invites each (etc etc). Also, allowing the Administration/Staff access to view all of the invites that are being sent.


yeah that's great suggestions I will make these suggestions buddy

abmm 04-07-2008 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1485401)
yeah that's great suggestions I will make these suggestions buddy

Thanks man, this is a great add-on ;) and with a few simple modifications - like the ones I listed above, this will be one of the best add-on's to come out for VB in a while :)

mahsazn 04-07-2008 09:01 PM

öneri : let users to chose (write) email sender display name... since usually the receivers don't know our usernames in forums...

nyqnzguju 04-07-2008 10:57 PM

Dont See UserCp Option On Left Side..

As This Screenshot:

cardealercheck 04-08-2008 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by abmm (Post 1485387)
The top feature would be to limit specific usergroups to x amount of invites. Say usergroup 1 has only 2 invites each, while usergroup 2 has 5 invites each (etc etc). Also, allowing the Administration/Staff access to view all of the invites that are being sent.


This is definitely one of the top updates I would love to see for this :up:

iogames 04-11-2008 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1485294)
yes im working yet fixing bugs and adding new features

then I will wait

theparentpack 04-12-2008 07:15 AM

Is there any way for us to increase the # of invites our users can send where we don't have to go into each users accounts to change it one by one?

deus83 04-12-2008 05:10 PM

Had a minor problem with the first release. It kind of made an error when they where completing their registration, so we thought we could fix it by upgrading with this new version. Only made it worse... This is what we get as soon as one tries to invite a player to the site.


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT user.userid AS user_id, user.email AS user_email, invitation.email AS inv_email, invitation.acceptedby as inv_id
FROM vb37user
LEFT JOIN vb37invitation
ON user.userid = invitation.acceptedby OR user.userid = invitation.email
WHERE user.email = 'deus@badenudist.dk'
OR invitation.email = 'deus@badenudist.dk';

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'user.userid' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Saturday, April 12th 2008 @ 07:03:13 PM
Script : http://censored.net/profile.php
Referrer : https://censored.net/profile.php?do=invitation
IP Address : 80.162.xxx.xxx
Username : Deus
Classname : vB_Database
Suggestions ?

shoaib 04-16-2008 03:22 AM

now my invitation system is not working,

i have followed all the all the mentioned steps,

but its not working now.......

Mum 04-22-2008 06:50 AM

I had this installed but had to uninstall it. It puts a link in my navbar, which i don't want, i want it in the Quick Links, how can i move this?

b65ran 04-22-2008 10:40 PM

I am getting the same database errors after updating. Is there any fix for that yet ?


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT user.userid AS user_id, user.email AS user_email, invitation.email AS inv_email, invitation.acceptedby as inv_id
ON user.userid = invitation.acceptedby OR user.userid = invitation.email
WHERE user.email = 'xxxx@gmail.com'
OR invitation.email='xxx@gmail.com';

MySQL Error : Unknown table 'user' in field list
Error Number : 1109
Date : Tuesday, April 22nd 2008 @ 06:10:51 PM
Script : http://www.banglatorrents.com/profile.php
Referrer : http://www.banglatorrents.com/profile.php?do=invitation
IP Address : XX.XX.XXX.XXX
Username : XXXXX
Classname : vB_Database

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