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Ricsca 03-05-2008 02:28 PM

Done... excuse but I speak little English:)

Phalynx 03-05-2008 02:28 PM

Mark as Installed


Originally Posted by Ricsca (Post 1457614)
Good ;)

How do I put the awards to the users?

That is beeing calculated every night, you don't need to do that. You can manually start the process by going to scheduled tasks and run "vBExperience Awards"

Ricsca 03-05-2008 02:47 PM

Ok thanks...

Ricsca 03-05-2008 02:47 PM

How do I make make to see the points for photopost?

Fury Diamond 03-05-2008 06:07 PM

My members are loving this feature! Awesome job!

One feature that they requested:
Is it possible to have a button (possibly ajax-style) in the postbit? This allows the thread to look clean with the basic data and gives the members access to see stats of a particular member.

The member postbit shows the basic data (avatar, name..etc) and a button for "vbExperience Stats". When they click on that button, it replaces the button with the experience data.

rmxs 03-05-2008 07:06 PM

installed byt i cannot see nothing in navbar in profile

postbit ok

i use 3.6.8


Uncached templates: xperience_memberinfo_36 (1) (IN PROFILE)

Phalynx 03-05-2008 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Ricsca (Post 1457665)
How do I make make to see the points for photopost?

Currently only PhotoPost vBGallery is supported.


Originally Posted by Fury Diamond (Post 1457841)
One feature that they requested:
Is it possible to have a button (possibly ajax-style) in the postbit? This allows the thread to look clean with the basic data and gives the members access to see stats of a particular member.

The member postbit shows the basic data (avatar, name..etc) and a button for "vbExperience Stats". When they click on that button, it replaces the button with the experience data.

Great Idea, I'll see what can be realised.


Originally Posted by rmxs (Post 1457875)
installed byt i cannot see nothing in navbar in profile

You need to have an origin 3.6.8-template. Revert that template or add template hooks to it.


Originally Posted by rmxs (Post 1457875)
Uncached templates: xperience_memberinfo_36 (1) (IN PROFILE)

Fixed in next ver.

rmxs 03-06-2008 08:58 AM


You need to have an origin 3.6.8-template. Revert that template or add template hooks to it.
i dont have the original templates...
also where is the problem and doenst come on profile page?

i get uncached templete byt i cannot see nothing

Phalynx 03-06-2008 09:25 AM

Everyone has original templates. Create a new style from the scratch, there you will have unmodified templates.
The problem is that you don't have template hooks on your modified templates. That means you have templates that are not fully 3.6.8/3.7 compatible.

rmxs 03-06-2008 09:54 AM

fixed i add hook locating on the template and its ok..

I use thanks system that comes with hide hack resurection (paid version)

its possible the integation with this?

Phalynx 03-06-2008 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by rmxs (Post 1458353)
I use thanks system that comes with hide hack resurection (paid version)
its possible the integation with this?

Possible yes, but I don't think I will create a provider for that. First, the "Hide Hacks w/ Thanks" is a paid extension - I don't have it here and I don't see to buy it. Second, Psionic discontinuued work on his hacks.

rmxs 03-06-2008 12:30 PM

i thing also free version provide thanks system.
if i change all the thanks part that you create with psionic varriables you thing its ok?

Phalynx 03-06-2008 12:36 PM

The thanks system is part of the paid extended edition.

No, it is not possible to change variables. I would need the structure with data where thanks are stored.

rmxs 03-06-2008 01:03 PM

if its possbile to do it i can also donate about this...also you can test it in my board.. i can duplicate for testing my site in our servers


Leo Brazil 03-06-2008 01:28 PM

Dude, this mod rocks !!! Not installed yet but I'll for sure, just some doubts befores installation.


Known Issues
- If the promotion system is enabled and your primary administrator group you will lose this. Set your administrator group as secondary or don't use this feature
May VbExperience cause any conflict with regular Vb reputation system ? Should I turned it off when install this mod or can I keep together with ?


- Awards are not beeing displayed in postbit, this would require one additional query
How about have this option enable-disable on next update ?

Thanks I just need to know the first question to go for it for sure.

Phalynx 03-06-2008 01:38 PM

Promotion system conflicts with any other promotion system. It's disabled by default.

In 3.7.9 Awards in postbit and profile are solved other way - they are shown with username. Take a look at Demosite, it's already running 3.7.9

Leo Brazil 03-06-2008 02:04 PM

Tks Phalynx.

I'm just going to my board to install this mod and I'll get back with the results.

xHLHx Darkskilz 03-06-2008 04:20 PM

I dont have any bars, nowhere.

Also i dont have the admincp menu.

Using 3.6.8

Dzelil 03-06-2008 07:26 PM

is it possible to reset all stats to 0 for everyone?

Phalynx 03-06-2008 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by xHLHx Darkskilz (Post 1458595)
I dont have any bars, nowhere.

Also i dont have the admincp menu.

Using 3.6.8

Did you uploaded ALL files from the ZIP in subfolder /upload/ ?


Originally Posted by imported_Dzelil (Post 1458740)
is it possible to reset all stats to 0 for everyone?

The stats/experience are calculated from existing data in database, e.g. postings and threads. No, it's not possible. However, you can reset level.

Dzelil 03-06-2008 08:51 PM

how do I reset level

Phalynx 03-06-2008 09:22 PM

Do a recount, so all data get's new calculated. You cannot reset to 0.

Dzelil 03-06-2008 09:24 PM

oh nvm I thought I could go back to 0

EWGF 03-07-2008 10:53 AM

This suits me better than vbcredits, thanks :)

*votes 5 stars*

Leo Brazil 03-07-2008 11:11 AM

Leo hits Installed !!

Works great.

Just a couple of questions about Vbadvanced.
I turned the option to get a link to VbExperince on my navbar, works great everywhere but in Vbadvanced page.
My VbA page is installes on www.website.com and Vb is on www.wesite.com/forums
When I click Vbexperience on Navbar on VbA page it gives a error that can't find xperience.php. As this file is on my www.website.com/forums and only at VbA page this link calls for it on www.website.com I just tried to make a copy os xperience.php on it but this time gave me require once global.php error. I tried to find this bronken link everywhere but I couldn't.

I'm running last version of VbA CMPS and I couldn't intall the VbA modules for this hack. When tried using Import option on CMPS it tells me the file is not compatible for it.

MOT for sure !!!

Phalynx 03-07-2008 11:44 AM

The modules are compatible with vBAdvanced 3 FINAL, not RC0 or similar.

Link for vBExperience corrected.

Phalynx 03-07-2008 12:02 PM

vBExperience 3.7.9 is finally published to the public. There are a lot of changes:

3.7.9, 7th March 2008
- Added overview of Awards: All Users with Awards on one place
- Added new xperience: Friends. A new setting has been introduced to control it
- Added Award: Helpful. This Award is using "Post Thanks", if available.
- Added three new level products: Very large, Ultra and Crazy
- Added two new postbit modes: As Popup, as Popup with full information
- Added Points and Level to Memberslist, configurable: None, Points, Level, Points and Level
- Username can now be attached or prefixed with awards. Valid only in postbit, profile, memberslist
- Level up in postbit can now be set as hidden to make the bars smaller
- "Ignore Usergroups" is now implemented
- Deleted users didn't appear now as ghost's in Ranking
- Recount is now also generating Awards
- Fixed a bug not calculating correct Post Thanks
- Smaller fixes/changes

Upgrade Instructions
1. Copy ALL files from /upload/ to the server. Take care of the images, copy them to your style misc folder if you use a customized style
2. ReImport product_vbexperience379.xml, allow overwrite
3. Revert ALL vBExperience templates
4. Run Maintenance Tools/Recount

EWGF 03-07-2008 12:56 PM

Upgrade went well. The bars in the popup looks so slick :D

But what puzzles me, how does someone earn an award? I currently have many users with awards, which doesn't really make it look exclusive...

Phalynx 03-07-2008 01:05 PM

There are 4 awards in Gold, Silver and Bronze.

Posting Award: Points in Postings, Threads, etc..
Helpful Award: Many Post Thanks points
Activity Award: Users with more postings than the average one
Community Award: People who have friends, social groups, doing comments

I will implement a feature where you can decide that only one award (=Gold) from each category is possible.

christicehurst 03-07-2008 01:29 PM

Great update. It looks more polished the way you do it with the bars in the popup. Well done.

EWGF 03-07-2008 01:38 PM

That would be nice :)

By the way, any chance on an 'xperience' per character/word or something like that? It seems people, who post 3 words per post, can receive as much points as people, who post a couple of hundred words per post. Unless this is up to "Post Thanks"..?

Another thing... Is it possible to display different kind of ranks in the postbit, based on the 'xperience' level? As in:
HTML Code:

<img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/$xperience[level].gif" alt="$userinfo[xperience_level]">
Edit: OMG, it works. Ranks based on your xperience level. SWEET! :D

xHLHx Darkskilz 03-07-2008 02:28 PM

I know what the problem is:

Everything is working for my default template, there aren't any bars.

any idee why?

Dzelil 03-07-2008 02:54 PM

is this for 3.7 aswell?

Andyrew 03-07-2008 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by xHLHx Darkskilz (Post 1459365)
I know what the problem is:

Everything is working for my default template, there aren't any bars.

any idee why?

Did you upload to correct folder /images/misc/level/

xHLHx Darkskilz 03-07-2008 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Andyrew (Post 1459437)
Did you upload to correct folder /images/misc/level/

I fix it, forgot about some files i needed to upload.

Phalynx 03-07-2008 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by EWGF (Post 1459323)
By the way, any chance on an 'xperience' per character/word or something like that? It seems people, who post 3 words per post, can receive as much points as people, who post a couple of hundred words per post. Unless this is up to "Post Thanks"..?

I tried that already. Also, here is the same problem like with the 3 words: Someone can copy/paste text from the web that would also count as his text. Second, Using the SQL Command to count the char is fast, but would include Quotes. If someone uses often quotes he would get more points even if he posted only 3 words....


Originally Posted by EWGF (Post 1459323)
Edit: OMG, it works. Ranks based on your xperience level. SWEET! :D

Yes, you have only to edit that levels and it's usergroup id's... In next versions I will advance this system, maybe include a nice admin interface for controlling the usergroups.


Originally Posted by Dzelil (Post 1459391)
is this for 3.7 aswell?

This is exactly the same version as for 3.7 - I posted it also here to make clear it's available also for 3.6

rmxs 03-08-2008 09:47 AM

hello i update the vesrion and now i get only

Points and activ in postbit

also there are no awards icons nowhere (i have upload everything).. :(

i try to change the setting byt every its the same..

I get all the bars on the popup and not in postbi

Shazz 03-08-2008 10:07 AM

Screenshots look crazy! :)

xHLHx Darkskilz 03-08-2008 10:41 AM

Is there a way to show nothing in the post bit?

EWGF 03-08-2008 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by rmxs (Post 1459929)
hello i update the vesrion and now i get only

Points and activ in postbit

also there are no awards icons nowhere (i have upload everything).. :(

i try to change the setting byt every its the same..

I get all the bars on the popup and not in postbi

Setting - Use Awards in rich username: Username Awards / Awards Username

Originally Posted by xHLHx Darkskilz (Post 1459954)
Is there a way to show nothing in the post bit?

Settings - Displaymode in postbit: Don't display

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