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-   -   iPhone / iPod Touch Optimized Skin (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=171947)

Silver_2000_)! 03-13-2008 01:57 PM

great skin
None of the buttons seem to be working on this skin - the reply buttons are missing
and the custom buttons dont load for some reason

Im confused as to why - none of the image paths have been altered


ElForro 03-14-2008 05:25 AM

Silver, the Reply button is made with a hardcoded spanish word (my bad, sorry about that.. i will try to edit that words and re-upload), with a CSS style (mobile_button)...

Maybe you can't see it because that 'mobile_button' uses a webkit sentence: "-webkit-border-image:", and I think you can only see it using Safari (or mobile safari, in your iPhone for instance). The image that uses for that "webkit-border-image" is "../../images/misc/mobile_button.png", wich is included in the ZIP file...

Don't know what do you mean with "custom buttons"... But check it on Safari first...

Silver_2000_)! 03-14-2008 12:42 PM

I found a Iphone browser test website
and it didnt work there either

Ill check it with my mac book to be sure

Akhi 03-16-2008 04:19 PM

Just a suggestion. Add a script in this theme so that when users access the forum with the iPod Touch/iPhone, the skin automatically changes to the iPhone optimized theme.

R1lover 03-16-2008 04:39 PM

I tried this but there were too many hard coded names in these tempaltes. I gave up searching for them all to make it work properly.

codershark 03-17-2008 05:12 PM

At 3.7 Beta 6 , vb found 55 to old Templates !

Phaedrus 03-22-2008 03:05 PM

Crap. I downloaded it after I found it on another hack, but didn't realize it is for 3.7 until after I downloaded it.

Well, I'll hang onto it until upgrades are done and they've released the Gold version. That I'll have to upgrade 60 Billion times...


Do you have a 3.6.8 version?

Guest210212002 04-04-2008 12:15 PM

I've been doing quite a bit of work to this to trim it down, and though it still has a ways to go, if anyone would like my version (And ElForro doesn't mind) I can upload it.

Forumhome (basically done):


Forumdisplay (needs some list work):


Showthread: (needs a lot of work, especially lighter images) and some trimming of the left cell:


MissKalunji 04-04-2008 03:41 PM

Hi care to share?

dartho 04-04-2008 10:21 PM

I mentioned it earlier, but anyone who uses legacy postbit should copy the postbit template and overwrite the postbit_legacy template with it, otherwise you'll just get the standard full vBulletin postbit...

Guest210212002 04-05-2008 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 1483183)
I mentioned it earlier, but anyone who uses legacy postbit should copy the postbit template and overwrite the postbit_legacy template with it, otherwise you'll just get the standard full vBulletin postbit...

Great call. Looks MUCH better.

I've attached my current incarnation of it. Be warned, it has a LOT of bugs, most notably that I somehow managed to break the alternating table row, as you can see in this pic. I managed to bandaid fix it by just enclosing the entire thing in a table (header/footer).

Edit: Now that I look, it seems it's a bug in the original template, not my doing. :D


There shouldn't be many hardcoded links, but there might be. I got quite a few PM's about it, and am about to leave on business travel for 3 weeks so I'll just attach it here. If someone/anyone can improve on it and help me fix the table bug above, that'd be awesome. :) I just won't have any time to work on it until I'm back home in May.

Note that:


I spent a lot of time working on this skin, so if you decide to use it on your forums, PLEASE leave the "Design by:" legend. (it's only at the bottom)
Isn't in the footer, I haven't actually been using the theme, but it will be there when I have it working in a fashion that's suitable. :)

Jenkins 04-14-2008 08:06 PM

I can't get either one of them to "flow" with my regular theme. how do you change the colors? I changed them in the style manager > All Style Options area, but only some of the stuff changed. Where would I change the other stuff.


acyk 04-20-2008 03:53 PM

dear all

I got the error message " XML error: line 2293 not well-formed (invalid token)

Can anyone help me to get through with it ?

My vBulletin verson is 3.6.9 Traditional Chinese


acyk 04-20-2008 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by acyk (Post 1495240)
I got the error message " XML error: line 2293 not well-formed (invalid token)

I solved this problem by changing the encoding from Western to UTF8 .

then it works .

but ,there is another problem comes up , every post or reply , it will shows twice then the other show twice ....

and it only occurs in the topic I transfer from my old phpbb database

new topic posted directly on vBulletin then it shows correctly

pls help me to find out the problem is , thanks

belinea 04-20-2008 08:52 PM

There is a problem in your FORUMDISPLAY

When I try to edit it, I get this error message:


The conditional on line 40 appears to be missing its beginning tag (<if>). This may cause unexpected behavior.
You have also made a mistke with the search link. There is a Slash before search.php

PHP Code:

<class="mobilebutton" href="/search.php">Search</a

it should be

PHP Code:

<class="mobilebutton" href="search.php">Search</a

This wrong link occours in FORUMDISPLAY, FORUMHOME and a third template (i have forgeotten the name of the template).

You should also include this template edit by deafult: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....3&postcount=26

Otherwise: GREAT WORK! GREAT SKIN! :up: :up: :up:

Benj 04-21-2008 01:20 AM

i love it!

Cloudane 05-01-2008 09:07 PM

Great work! I will actually use this, a lot :)

Can confirm it works just fine on the final version of 3.7.0.


Phaedrus 05-06-2008 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Phaedrus (Post 1471647)
Crap. I downloaded it after I found it on another hack, but didn't realize it is for 3.7 until after I downloaded it.

Well, I'll hang onto it until upgrades are done and they've released the Gold version. That I'll have to upgrade 60 Billion times...


Do you have a 3.6.8 version?

BTW this skin would work fine on 3.6.X...

I have found several places where there are setting with language mixes...

Other than that, this works well.

I added links to quoting, to New Reply and several other things. Other than the colors, it pretty much is a whole new thing...


Love it.

Currawong 05-15-2008 09:46 AM

I just got it set up, with modifications (mainly the button bar at the top and CSS changes) for MacTalk Australia.


We too use VBAdvanced, so I've just avoided having any links to our front page on the site for now and instead link to our News forum until that's all sorted out.

Great work though and thanks very much.

mikejp 05-15-2008 10:30 PM

In 3.7 I get the following error when trying to reply.

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.

Any ideas?

dartho 05-16-2008 12:50 AM

Have a look at this post over here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...04#post1502304 - similar changes made to this style should fix it

GaiLoan 05-21-2008 03:19 AM

the attactment is notin, only 3images, not the whole skin

Hornstar 05-22-2008 10:04 AM

If there is a future update of this, i might install it, it looks good, but needs to be updated to gold.

vbreal 05-22-2008 02:09 PM

been using it for about 2 weeks now and love it.

do u by any chance have the PSDs for the images? I have changed the color but i blends in with the green. probably some way i could stop that from happening but i am just a wanna be amateur with photo shop.

mvigod 06-04-2008 04:15 PM

Great Theme! Is there a way to add the Moderator Private Forums in with this theme? It would be nice to be able to take care of business while on the road.

Kaelon 06-05-2008 12:24 AM

This is a beautifully-designed skin, and I have been using it as a basis for a skin for my site. However, I'm having problems adapting it for use with sites that have nested forums. For example:

----Forum (no posts)
------Forum (posts)
------Forum (posts)
----Forum (no posts)
------Forum (posts)
... etc.

Is there a way to get these subforums properly rendered when users select a parent forum?

kursed 06-09-2008 04:31 PM

How can I add a 'New Thread' button to this theme?

BeerLuver 06-20-2008 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 1521196)
Have a look at this post over here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...04#post1502304 - similar changes made to this style should fix it

I tried applying the fixes to the templates mentioned in that thread, but what I am wondering is... do I have to put that line of code in above EVERY instance of the submit button on all those templates? Some seem to have multiple instances where it has the submit button code.

Wish Elforro would release an update with these issues fixed ;). I'm not too savvy with coding; hence my confusion hehe.

Great skin though so far. Now if only I could get it to work properly when trying to post replies.

dartho 06-20-2008 11:09 AM

Yep - you would need to add that line to every instance of a submit button.

BeerLuver 06-20-2008 11:13 AM

OK... should I look for any instance of...


<input type="submit"
and then add that line of code from that thread above it? Just wanna find out the right thing to look for heh. Thanks for your time & help though dartho :)

dartho 06-20-2008 11:59 AM

That sounds abour right - even just searching on type="submit" should get them all and add <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" /> above or below it (just needs to be in teh same FORM block)

BeerLuver 06-21-2008 01:21 AM

Will do. Thanks again dartho :)

BeerLuver 06-21-2008 03:17 AM

OK, I'm a bit stuck on trying to edit this skin's colors & images. Mainly I am trying to get that navbar at the top to display correctly on the forum display, but it looks fine on the homepage and in a thread display. Here's two screenshots I took directly on my iPod Touch so you can see:

This is how it should look. The buttons are nicely inset into the navbar

But when I try to view a forum section, this is how it looks (assuming this is in relation to the forumdisplay template's code):
You can see the buttons are not lined up/overlayed properly and the navbar is too thin.

Does anyone have any clue as to what code I need to alter/fix to correct this display issue? OR what code would I put in to display the forum's title on the navbar maybe? So it says Showcase; like it says Thread on the other? Maybe that would fix the navbar height issue here.

BeerLuver 06-21-2008 03:50 AM

Also, I noticed there is no button to post a New Thread. Any ideas on how to add that to the forumdisplay? And any associated code in templates?

Kinda makes it difficult for viewers to post new threads then hehe.

And also, is there anyway to add the forum jump menu to the main page, forum display, and thread display layout? It seems the only place I've seen it show up is when you click the New Posts link and it shows up on the results page; which seems to be a search.php output.

BeerLuver 06-21-2008 04:47 AM

OK... I figured out how to add the Forum Jump menu to it. Figured I'd post it here for whomever wishes to do the same ;).

On each templates... scroll down to the bottom. Look for the $footer bit of codes, and just add this code above it:


<div class="smallfont" align=center style="text-align:$stylevar[center]; white-space:nowrap">
        <form action="forumdisplay.php" method="get">
        <input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
        <input type="hidden" name="daysprune" value="$daysprune" />
        <strong>$vbphrase[forum_jump]</strong><br />
        <select name="f" class="iphone_jump" onchange="this.form.submit();">
                <optgroup label="$vbphrase[site_areas]">
                        <option value="cp" $frmjmpsel[usercp]>$vbphrase[user_control_panel]</option>
                        <option value="pm" $frmjmpsel[pm]>$vbphrase[private_messages]</option>
                        <option value="subs" $frmjmpsel[subs]>$vbphrase[subscriptions]</option>
                        <option value="wol" $frmjmpsel[wol]>$vbphrase[whos_online]</option>
                        <option value="search" $frmjmpsel[search]>$vbphrase[search_forums]</option>
                        <option value="home" $frmjmpsel[home]>$vbphrase[forums_home]</option>
                <optgroup label="$vbphrase[forums]">

I know it's supposed to work by just adding $forumjump which would pull this code from that template, but for some weird reason... it just would not work. So I simply added the code from the forumjump template; with centering the div as well, so it displays directly above the footer on the main forum page, the forums display page, and each thread display page. Handy for navigating & accessing areas of your forums for iPhone/Touch users then.

I'm gonna try adding a Return to Top link just above the forum jump aligned to the left side then so it's easier for iPhone/Touch users to navigate back to the top of the page without having to scroll all the way up. Saves time when viewing large threads, thread lists, etc.

BeerLuver 06-21-2008 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by BeerLuver (Post 1555115)
OK, I'm a bit stuck on trying to edit this skin's colors & images. Mainly I am trying to get that navbar at the top to display correctly on the forum display, but it looks fine on the homepage and in a thread display. Here's two screenshots I took directly on my iPod Touch so you can see:

This is how it should look. The buttons are nicely inset into the navbar

But when I try to view a forum section, this is how it looks (assuming this is in relation to the forumdisplay template's code):

You can see the buttons are not lined up/overlayed properly and the navbar is too thin.

Does anyone have any clue as to what code I need to alter/fix to correct this display issue? OR what code would I put in to display the forum's title on the navbar maybe? So it says Showcase; like it says Thread on the other? Maybe that would fix the navbar height issue here.

OK, I figured out this problem. If you go into the FORUMDISPLAY template, look for this code:

<div class="mobiletitle">
And add this code right BELOW it:

That will resolve the issue of the thinner navbar issue I had previously.

Hmmm... I tried adding a Back to Top link to the FORUMHOME, FORUMDISPLAY, & SHOWTHREAD templates... by adding these two lines of code:

Add this code right ABOVE the $header tag at the top:

<a name="top"></a>

Add this code directly above the $footer code; or directly above the forum jump menu div container if you added that from my above post:

<div align=right><a href="#top">Top</a></div>
And this works in normal browsers, but when I try to use the Top link in Safari on my iPod Touch, it doesn't work. Anyone have any clues as to why this is? Or if I put in the wrong code or something??


I know this stuff is probably simple edits for a lot of your experienced/advanced coders, but for people like me who suck/hate coding hehe.... it's useful info for editing this excellent skin.

Flugel 06-30-2008 03:29 PM

I can't get the Reply button to work. It just takes me to the foot of the page with no entry form

BeerLuver 06-30-2008 07:20 PM

There's supposed to be a quick reply box there at the bottom Flugel. It's not there? Make sure your Quick Reply is enabled in the vBulletin Options > Message Posting and Editing Options area.

Flugel 06-30-2008 09:13 PM

Cool man, thanks. Just need to work on this New Thread button. Has anyone managed that yet?

vbreal 07-08-2008 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by BeerLuver (Post 1555115)
OK, I'm a bit stuck on trying to edit this skin's colors & images. Mainly I am trying to get that navbar at the top to display correctly on the forum display, but it looks fine on the homepage and in a thread display. Here's two screenshots I took directly on my iPod Touch so you can see:

This is how it should look. The buttons are nicely inset into the navbar

But when I try to view a forum section, this is how it looks (assuming this is in relation to the forumdisplay template's code):
You can see the buttons are not lined up/overlayed properly and the navbar is too thin.

Does anyone have any clue as to what code I need to alter/fix to correct this display issue? OR what code would I put in to display the forum's title on the navbar maybe? So it says Showcase; like it says Thread on the other? Maybe that would fix the navbar height issue here.

did u figure out how to change the forum colors ok?


Originally Posted by Flugel (Post 1563424)
Cool man, thanks. Just need to work on this New Thread button. Has anyone managed that yet?


<center><if condition="$show['newthreadlink']">
<a class="mobile_button" href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$foruminfo[forumid]" rel="nofollow">New Thread</a><else />&nbsp;</if></center>

^^^^thats what i used for new thread.

here is the code for return to top.


<A NAME="top">
right below
<div class="page-margin">

In the footer add:
<A HREF="#top">Return to Top</A>
right below
<!-- /content area table -->

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