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Tom_S 03-06-2008 10:15 PM

Okay. I did all of that.

AWJunkies 03-06-2008 10:21 PM

Fixed download payment system again and override payment.php file.

Tested it on your site your perfect! :)

Tom_S 03-06-2008 10:29 PM

Thanks my friend. I appreciate all the time you spent on my site fixing my issues. Your the best! I will be going with the full edtion as soon as we get our first donation on this bad boy. That shouldn't take a week. ;) Even if we don't I am still going to show my support. Great mod great support! Thanks again!

AWJunkies 03-06-2008 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tom_S (Post 1458890)
Thanks my friend. I appreciate all the time you spent on my site fixing my issues. Your the best! I will be going with the full edtion as soon as we get our first donation on this bad boy. That shouldn't take a week. ;) Even if we don't I am still going to show my support. Great mod great support! Thanks again!

No problem glad to help :)

Neo_obs 03-06-2008 11:34 PM

This add on is great... Had a couple small glitches that have all been added thanks to the time and hard work of the developer.

110% on support, I will definitely be donating and buying more of your great pro add-ons.

Vinyljunky 03-07-2008 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Neo_obs (Post 1458915)
This add on is great... Had a couple small glitches that have all been added thanks to the time and hard work of the developer.

110% on support, I will definitely be donating and buying more of your great pro add-ons.

Im also very impressed with the speed of support. I dont think AWJunkies ever sleeps :D

AWJunkies 03-07-2008 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Vinyljunky (Post 1459314)
Im also very impressed with the speed of support. I dont think AWJunkies ever sleeps :D

AHAH Yeah I don't sleep I nap when needed ahah.

Tom_S 03-07-2008 09:17 PM

We now have both the payment and donation Pro installed and with the relentless non stop help of AWJunkies it all works perfect! Talk about support! Thanks Bro!

anetta29 03-07-2008 10:01 PM

The JavaScript file is missing from download. The installGuide.html is referring to a js file :

forum root/paymentsystem/js/jsProgressBarHandler.js.

PLease update the downloadable zip file.

AWJunkies 03-07-2008 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by anetta29 (Post 1459667)
The JavaScript file is missing from download. The installGuide.html is referring to a js file :

forum root/paymentsystem/js/jsProgressBarHandler.js.

PLease update the downloadable zip file.

Sorry about that it was removed in second version of software forgot to update the install guide will do it now.

You should not have that file.

anetta29 03-08-2008 10:32 AM

Thanks for updating the guide. I was wondering if there is any way of hiding goal progress bar and leaving only "Donate" button?

AWJunkies 03-08-2008 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by anetta29 (Post 1459948)
Thanks for updating the guide. I was wondering if there is any way of hiding goal progress bar and leaving only "Donate" button?

Yes two ways you can do it.

#1 go to donationsystem_bar template and delete out:

#2 go to Donation System Plugin Navbar/Bar and delete out:
$donation_bar_style="<table class=\"tborder\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\" width=\"500\"><tr><td align=\"left\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">$donation_bar_imag</td></tr></table>";
// $donation_bar_style="<table class=\"tborder\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\" width=\"500\"><tr><td align=\"left\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">$donation_bar_imag</td></tr></table>";

Powlo 03-10-2008 12:41 AM

This is a great product and i can recommend it to anyone that needs a good donation system.

I have one problem though. When i installed the mod it automatically put a link in my navbar with a drop down menu, i like the feature but it doesnt fit in with my other links. How can i change this? All my navbar settings are stored in the header template but there is no reference to this link. If i could just find the code for it then i should be ok.


AWJunkies 03-10-2008 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Powlo (Post 1461125)
This is a great product and i can recommend it to anyone that needs a good donation system.

I have one problem though. When i installed the mod it automatically put a link in my navbar with a drop down menu, i like the feature but it doesnt fit in with my other links. How can i change this? All my navbar settings are stored in the header template but there is no reference to this link. If i could just find the code for it then i should be ok.


It uses 3 hook methods for navbar and header that work with 80% of the styles out there. So for the ones that it doesn't work I highly recommend just changing one of the hooks to meet your style and you are golden.

Go to plugin:
Donation System Bar and Menu

You will see ALL the details there and what to change it is quite easy if you are familiar with VBulletin if not I can help you further.

dancue 03-10-2008 11:58 AM

I gotta say AWJunkies...

I LOVE this! I bought the pro version yesterday. Alot of options compared to my old donation systems. Helps keep me organized as to who did what with alot less manual labor.

You guys really thought of everything. Can't wait for your other 3 add-on's to come out.

*dcuellar marks install*

Powlo 03-10-2008 01:12 PM

Thanks AWJunkies for getting back to me, the support for this mod is fantastic.

I've altered the plugin System Bar and Menu to reflect my style and its just about spot on except for one thing, the little down arrow is below the text and i'd prefer it to be next to the text. I changed the text from Donation to Donate thinking it might be because the word was too long but no joy.


This is what i changed...


$donation_link_menu='<td id="navbar_donation" class="css_nav"><a href="'.$DS[setting]['payment_home'].'donationsystem.php?do=donation">'.$DS[word]['donation_navbar'].'</a><script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("navbar_donation"); </script></td>';

AWJunkies 03-10-2008 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Powlo (Post 1461473)
Thanks AWJunkies for getting back to me, the support for this mod is fantastic.

I've altered the plugin System Bar and Menu to reflect my style and its just about spot on except for one thing, the little down arrow is below the text and i'd prefer it to be next to the text. I changed the text from Donation to Donate thinking it might be because the word was too long but no joy.


This is what i changed...


$donation_link_menu='<td id="navbar_donation" class="css_nav"><a href="'.$DS[setting]['payment_home'].'donationsystem.php?do=donation">'.$DS[word]['donation_navbar'].'</a><script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("navbar_donation"); </script></td>';

First off do your other selections use the arrow? You can turn off the arrow all together by doing this:

vbmenu_register("navbar_donation", true)

Set it to ",true" and it will remove the arrow. I presume your style does not use the drop down icons. If it does I will chime back in so check and test what I showed. I will need more info from you and your style if this is not what you want.

Powlo 03-11-2008 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by AWJunkies (Post 1461736)
I presume your style does not use the drop down icons.

Yes you are right it doesnt use the icons. setting 'true' has done the trick and everything seems to be working perfectly. Thankyou for your help.

AWJunkies 03-11-2008 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by Powlo (Post 1461962)
Yes you are right it doesnt use the icons. setting 'true' has done the trick and everything seems to be working perfectly. Thankyou for your help.

:) glad to hear.

dancue 03-11-2008 06:09 PM

I don't have a problem with my navbar button, but the drop-down menu.

Take a look at it vs the other drop down menus.


click on the ambience style. You can't really tell with the darker style.

AWJunkies 03-11-2008 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by dancue (Post 1462404)
I don't have a problem with my navbar button, but the drop-down menu.

Take a look at it vs the other drop down menus.


click on the ambience style. You can't really tell with the darker style.

I don't see any drop down menu's to compare to on any of those styles so not sure what your referring too. Also you may have to tweak the HOOKS or ADD HOOKS to supply all styles with correct format.

dancue 03-11-2008 09:46 PM

It's below the navbar. I believe you are looking at the buttons below the header. Look a bit lower.

AWJunkies 03-11-2008 10:28 PM

Again there are 0 drop down menus on any of your styles BUT the drop down that mine creates. Now I see the colors are off a little bit for those two style but it is getting the info for the drop down from the style itself so that is how that style formats drop downs. Please show me another drop down menu on ANY of your themes and I can better help. The hooks can be edited or add your own hook inside the plugin itself. It can not match every style out there but it does work on 80% of them. So for those others it does not work have to create own custom hook. But to me the hooks are fine on your site and working perfect. SO unless you show me another drop down menu that is different then the one created on the same style then I can't compare.

dancue 03-12-2008 01:40 AM

sorry, you have to login to view the other drop down menus.

I'll pm you a test member.

AWJunkies 03-12-2008 01:57 AM

Only issue I see is the border is BLACK. Which can be removed by changing the hook. Most styles use it and it just so happens that those two styles doe not so it displays the border. The colors and everything else are PERFECT. Checked in all browsers and OS systems. So all you have to do is edit a hook for those styles or manually add a hook for them. Or jesus delete some styles you have 20 ahah do people actually use all of those and why have so many options. AHAH. Sorry just giving you crap. Let me know if that is what you are talking about cause I see NO other discrepancy.

dancue 03-12-2008 02:00 AM

I told you I was a very picky person...lol

yeah, man. That's what I was talking about.

so what hook do I edit?

KeyStalker 03-12-2008 01:16 PM

How would I: Show Donation Bar on multiple pages including CMPS pages? (I just want it showing in the CMPS page (the bar) :)

AWJunkies 03-12-2008 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by KeyStalker (Post 1462975)
How would I: Show Donation Bar on multiple pages including CMPS pages? (I just want it showing in the CMPS page (the bar) :)

It explains everything in AdminCP please READ :)

Show Donation bar on (comma separated THIS_SCRIPT locations)Blank to show on all pages (not recommended because of server load)Note: If you have CMPS (Vbadvanced) and want it to display in those pages you need to add these variables to Portal Output Global Variables in CPMS Main Options HERE:

It is all in the AdminCP

Vinyljunky 03-14-2008 12:49 PM


After trying the Lite version I purchased Pro version.

I have say that the "Donation Usergroup/Membership Change" function is a great idea and just what I needed :)

This is what I can now do
  • For a donation my users get VIP status for 12 month
  • Upon completion of a donation the user is added to the VIP group and their Display Usergroup is updated to show they are a VIP.
  • After 6 months the user gets an email saying they havent donated for a while, why not donate again. **PRO VERSION
  • The mod checks how long ago their last donation was, if its more than 12 months ago it puts them back in the original group and changes their Display Usergroup **PRO VERSION
You can of course change the duration etc ........

I can now let the Donation mode do all the hard work for me :D

Well worth the money!



AWJunkies 03-14-2008 11:59 PM

A new release is coming tomorrow so make sure to download it.

mariocaz 03-19-2008 03:15 AM

Really very very nice Mod, awesome!!

And the google button to make the donation is included or how can I add it ?


dancue 03-19-2008 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by mariocaz (Post 1468409)
Really very very nice Mod, awesome!!

And the google button to make the donation is included or how can I add it ?


The Pro system is even better. You should check it out. He's even got a module for CMPS out right now that will automatically update as the donation system receives money!

I really recommend this mod to everyone. You'll find that it is effective, stylish, and heavily supported. I've made 3 requests so far, and all 3 requests have been added to updates that have come out!

It's like the saying goes. You gotta spend money to make money. In this case it's pocket change your getting rid of.

I look forward to any and all add-ons/updates/new releases from AWJunkies!

mariocaz 03-19-2008 03:46 AM

And where I can see the Pro system ?

AWJunkies 03-19-2008 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by mariocaz (Post 1468423)
And where I can see the Pro system ?

I see you joined the site and looking around. www.allwheelcoding.com

AWJunkies 03-19-2008 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by mariocaz (Post 1468409)
Really very very nice Mod, awesome!!

And the google button to make the donation is included or how can I add it ?


Google Checkout is for PRO version only

Xanlamin 03-27-2008 01:30 PM

I have a small problem.

When I go to add a donation manualy, I enter in the userid and the donation amount and the date is correct but when I click "save setting" I get the following:

AWJunkies 03-27-2008 07:19 PM

It is telling you the error. You have entered a DATE that is BEFORE the user joined the site or PAST todays date and time.

Have to select from there joindate to todays date and time.

I don't think LITE auto's to todays date and time. I think it defaults to some date and time is always 12pm. I will ADD the PRO feature to the LITE so it auto sets date and time. This may be your problem. Doing a payment for same day and it is before 12pm. Also phrase is in PRO forgot to add to LITE.

V2 is being released today as RC for PRO purchasers. So expect update for LITE sometime next week.

Xanlamin 03-27-2008 08:04 PM

There is no way to set exact time, and the date selected was 3/27/08 the same date I was doing the manual donation, I was doing it to my account so it was after my join date....

The error it is showing is an incorrect error as the date was correct.

AWJunkies 03-28-2008 05:12 AM

As I stated it was a TIME issue not a date issue. This is all fixed in PRO edition 2 versions ago and I haven't updated LITE yet. Been working on V2 of this software which RC release is being released tomorrow. So LITE will get an update with some fixes and maybe some new PRO features we shall see. Will be sometime early next week.

As I stated in last post the time was NOT set so it defaults to 12pm your server time. So if you try to manually add a donation before 12pm your server time it will throw that error. It is just to prevent you from making that mistake which will mess up the userstats. That is all that warning is telling you. Watch try it again now and it will work. Just remember the TIME issue. So put yesterday's date for now and update it day later or however you want to deal with it or wait till after 12pm your server time to add. AGAIN THIS IS ALL FIXED A long time ago in PRO edition and will be fixed in next LITE release.

StEaLtH666 03-28-2008 02:54 PM

have just installed this as well as the payment system and having a slight problem witht the fact the donation bar wont move up automatically and all payments remain unconfirmed.

am i doing something wrong somewhere, as the standard subscriptions etc have always worked ok and completed upon payment.

have not seen it anywhere else in this thread so assuming ive got something set wrong somewhere?

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