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mastertek2000 02-22-2008 10:11 PM

nice thanks looks great will it work on VB 3.6.8 i will try it

works great on VB 3.6.8 installed

mastertek2000 02-23-2008 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by stangger5 (Post 1435093)
Add this

<!-- main -->
Where you would like it to show..

For it not displaying correctly in firefox,,I have never used firefox so I dont know..
If someone wants to code it to work,,I`ll be glad to add it..

it would be nice to be able to put it where we need it thanks
i tried that did not work

stangger5 02-23-2008 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by mastertek2000 (Post 1449098)
it would be nice to be able to put it where we need it thanks
i tried that did not work

Use this anywhere you want it to show..


<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0" style="width:100%" class="tborder">
 <tr class="tcat">
  <td width="100%" align="left"><a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('lcd_display')"><img id="collapseimg_lcd_display" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_thead$vbcollapse[collapseimg_lcd_display].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
  <span class="normalfont">&nbsp;<b>Announcements

<tbody id="collapseobj_lcd_display" style="$vbcollapse[collapseobj_lcd_display]">
  <td class="alt1" style="width:100%" align="center">
  <iframe name="led" src="lcd.php" style="width:100%; height:30px" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<br />

mastertek2000 02-23-2008 11:13 AM

thats fine but now i have 2 of them

stangger5 02-23-2008 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by mastertek2000 (Post 1449285)
thats fine but now i have 2 of them

You can turn the bottom one off by going into your,,
admincp >> Plugins & Products >> Plugin Manager: find LCD Display[forumhome_start] and uncheck the box to the right,,then save...

mastertek2000 02-23-2008 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by stangger5 (Post 1449296)
You can turn the bottom one off by going into your,,
admincp >> Plugins & Products >> Plugin Manager: find LCD Display[forumhome_start] and uncheck the box to the right,,then save...

thanks and your support is great A+

DawnsWebDesigns 02-25-2008 07:46 AM

I got a database error. It also wouldn't work right with my favorite skin. I had trouble uninstalling it as well. I had to go in & manually delete the files from the server (not the database). Just thought you should know. :)

cypher1973 02-25-2008 02:03 PM

i have a problem ive added this

<tbody id="collapseobj_lcd_display" style="$vbcollapse[collapseobj_lcd_display]">
<td class="alt1" style="width:100%" align="center">

but i have added side colums and now its bot centered is the a manual way of adjusting where it will show in the box

many thanks


7lanet 02-25-2008 04:03 PM

I have problem


stangger5 02-26-2008 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by DawnsWebDesigns (Post 1450557)
I got a database error. It also wouldn't work right with my favorite skin. I had trouble uninstalling it as well. I had to go in & manually delete the files from the server (not the database). Just thought you should know. :)

What was the error ?

Trouble uninstalling ?
Yes,,the only way to delete the php files you uploaded to your server,,,is to manually delete from your server..Is there anther way ?


Originally Posted by cypher1973 (Post 1450694)
i have a problem ive added this

<tbody id="collapseobj_lcd_display" style="$vbcollapse[collapseobj_lcd_display]">
<td class="alt1" style="width:100%" align="center">

but i have added side colums and now its bot centered is the a manual way of adjusting where it will show in the box

many thanks


Are you wanting it to show in a side column ?


Originally Posted by 7lanet (Post 1450771)
I have problem

You need a minimum of 2 Lines for the LCD to function..
Do you have two line ?

cypher1973 02-26-2008 06:07 AM

ive just noticed what the problem is but dont know how to sort it.

I have a 19" widescreen which im using to modify the forums and the text is centered perfectly but when i use my forums on my 19" normal screen the text is showing more to the right .

Have you any idea what would cause this.

many thanks


p.s great mod :)

stangger5 02-26-2008 11:07 AM

I use a 22" wide screen...What works for me might not work for you...
It centers fine for me so its hard to say...

One thing you could try is making the LCD box alittle smaller..
That will help center is some..

You will need to edit the lcd template..


pre { font: 10px courier new; line-height: $cssfont; letter-spacing: -3px; }
and change the 10 to 9,,like this,,


pre { font: 9px courier new; line-height: $cssfont; letter-spacing: -3px; }

7lanet 02-26-2008 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by stangger5 (Post 1451180)
You need a minimum of 2 Lines for the LCD to function..
Do you have two line ?

what do you mean in line topic ?:erm:
where i can find line? :(

7lanet 02-27-2008 02:04 AM

How to Get LCD2 ؟

stangger5 02-27-2008 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by 7lanet (Post 1451547)
what do you mean in line topic ?:erm:
where i can find line? :(

Go into your admincp,,,look on the left side menu.
Find webdynamic,,click on that and then Preferences..

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
You should see create new line..

Thats where you start...

Orakk 02-27-2008 08:46 AM


pre { font: 9px courier new; line-height: $cssfont; letter-spacing: -3px; }
Making the font smaller makes my problem at 1280 worst and at 1024 sends the inner dispaly too far left. Increaseing it to 11px wasn't an option either. I tried an earlier fix to center the dispaly but that failed to change anything.

At 1280 the inner text does not expand to the full width.. Any more clues? :up:

7lanet 02-28-2008 03:45 AM

look images in Attach

powerful_rogue 02-29-2008 07:54 AM


Great mod!

Are you able to help with grabbing things from the database to display? I see on your site youve got it set to show arcade information - Anychance you can write a step by step guide as im a little stuck!

stangger5 02-29-2008 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Orakk (Post 1451967)

pre { font: 9px courier new; line-height: $cssfont; letter-spacing: -3px; }
Making the font smaller makes my problem at 1280 worst and at 1024 sends the inner dispaly too far left. Increaseing it to 11px wasn't an option either. I tried an earlier fix to center the dispaly but that failed to change anything.

At 1280 the inner text does not expand to the full width.. Any more clues? :up:

I didnt write this hack so I dont know all the in`s and out`s..

I`ll try to play around with it and see if i can come up with something..


Originally Posted by 7lanet (Post 1452642)
look images in Attach

Looks like,,you have a line or two thats blank..


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1453504)

Great mod!

Are you able to help with grabbing things from the database to display? I see on your site youve got it set to show arcade information - Anychance you can write a step by step guide as im a little stuck!

To have it show arcade info,,,,you need to know how to write data base querys for what you want...As you can see from thefulcrumpoint dot org,,I have arcade info showing just about everywhere.....lol...

powerful_rogue 02-29-2008 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by stangger5 (Post 1453552)
I didnt write this hack so I dont know all the in`s and out`s..

I`ll try to play around with it and see if i can come up with something..

Looks like,,you have a line or two thats blank..

To have it show arcade info,,,,you need to know how to write data base querys for what you want...As you can see from thefulcrumpoint dot org,,I have arcade info showing just about everywhere.....lol...

Thanks for your reply.

Any chance you can give me an example of these queries then I can have a play around knowing im on the right track!


powerful_rogue 03-05-2008 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by stangger5 (Post 1437493)
You can add the adv code from the first post..


Where abouts do I add this in the vbadvance settings to get it to display? Ive got it working fine on my forum, just a bit stuck as to where I need to add the code to get it to display on vbadvance.


stangger5 03-06-2008 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1457823)

Where abouts do I add this in the vbadvance settings to get it to display? Ive got it working fine on my forum, just a bit stuck as to where I need to add the code to get it to display on vbadvance.


Add the vbadvance code under the $navbar in the adv_portal template..

powerful_rogue 03-06-2008 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1453616)
Thanks for your reply.

Any chance you can give me an example of these queries then I can have a play around knowing im on the right track!


Also is there anyway to change it from saying LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)? Ive looked under pharases and tried to change it, however it dosent seem to change.

stangger5 03-06-2008 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1458346)
Also is there anyway to change it from saying LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)? Ive looked under pharases and tried to change it, however it dosent seem to change.

You edit it in the lcd_display template..


<span class="normalfont">&nbsp;<b>LCD Display (liquid crystal display)</b></span>

ShawneyJ 03-06-2008 11:11 AM

very nice can you remove from forum home and add in arcade only?

edit: ahh you just turn off and add the code and it works in arcade right?

stangger5 03-06-2008 11:31 AM

To remove from forum home..
Go into the admincp >> Plugins & Products >> Plugin Manager
and find LCD Display[forumhome_start],, uncheck it and save..

If you want it to show in the arcade ,,
add the code from the first post under the $navbar in the ARCADE template..

ShawneyJ 03-06-2008 11:51 AM

nice thanks i should have read back a page sorry.


powerful_rogue 03-06-2008 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by stangger5 (Post 1458393)
You edit it in the lcd_display template..


<span class="normalfont">&nbsp;<b>LCD Display (liquid crystal display)</b></span>

Thank you :D

One last thing, any chance of a little guide or example on what to add to get the mod to draw from the database?

stangger5 03-06-2008 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1458533)
Thank you :D

One last thing, any chance of a little guide or example on what to add to get the mod to draw from the database?

The data base part it kind of limited..

If you have ibproarcade install..
Try this,,

Create new line

Table-Name: games_list
Field-Name: gtitle

Sort Datenbase-Entries: ascending
Entry-Limit: 3

Then Submit..

That will give you something to play with...;)

Krysalid 03-29-2008 08:32 AM

hello ,
It's possible with V3arcade too ??

chrisdaman77 03-29-2008 09:37 AM

Don't know how I missed this. This is something that will definitely be used. Nice job :up:

Lee G 03-29-2008 07:04 PM

Tidy little hack. Tried it on my test forum, ready for next weeks upgrade on my main forum.

Two questions, which you might be able to answer.

How can I attach this to the header, so it shows on all forum pages and also make it so only non members can see it.

That way I can use it as a glorified welcome header and it lets people know of the other add ons. Plus it takes up minimum space for a welcome header :up:

Krysalid 03-29-2008 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Krysalid (Post 1477468)
hello ,
It's possible with V3arcade too ??

My Question is bad ..
I have Installed ibproarcade .. ;)
I can Insert the 3 bests scores in The LCD ?
What's this informations?
Excuse me I'm french my english :eek:

mmdmk 04-09-2008 05:23 AM

First thank you for your nice Add-On.

I have installed the LCD-Display, but i see a blank LCD-Display Frame.

The Internet-Explorer gives a Script-Error. e.g.

maximumChars is undefinied!
getrandom is undefinied!
delayTimer is undefinied!

Can you help me?

stangger5 04-09-2008 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by mmdmk (Post 1486471)
First thank you for your nice Add-On.

I have installed the LCD-Display, but i see a blank LCD-Display Frame.

The Internet-Explorer gives a Script-Error. e.g.

Can you help me?

Where did you download it from ??
Your version info says (Not Downloaded) ...

mmdmk 04-10-2008 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by stangger5 (Post 1486518)
Where did you download it from ??
Your version info says (Not Downloaded) ...

I have download it from http://www.thefulcrumpoint.org/. I have downloaded the add-on from here, but is the same files and the same error.


stangger5 04-10-2008 08:29 PM

The main lcd.php`s are different...The one posted at thefulcrumpoint has some ibproarcade stats added to it..

Make sure you have everything uploaded..
Three main folders and what inside them..

admincp,,clientscript,,includes main folders and the lcd.php file..

You need a minimum of 2 Lines for the LCD to function..
Inside the Generel-Settings, 40 Letters are Standard,
you might have to play with it so the the LCD-Letters do not run out of the Frame.

To use the Welcome usename/guest in the LCD box..
LCD-Display in the admin menu..
Create New Line,
Textline (Language:


hello {begruser}
Now you can change the,,
Text align:
How to fade-in the Text:
How to fade-out the Text:
Pick the color,
Color-Flash Color:

Then (Submit)

Make as many text lines as you want..
Click,, Create New Lines,, for each one..

yaoren 04-11-2008 02:12 PM

Hey there. I installed this and is working nicely my only problem is the actual text isn't centered. The title text is but not the rest, the rest is slightly off centered. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

Edit: I also noticed this only in my fluid skins not the fixed default one.

tobaro 04-14-2008 08:44 AM

installed at vB 3.6.4 (see here: www.dreambox.info- works fine. thanks, a fine mod :)

yaoren 04-29-2008 10:57 PM

Does no one else have this problem with fluid skins? I have it on all of my and would like to actually see if we can fix this.

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