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abroad 01-20-2008 07:04 PM

I got a database error when I click on the Classifieds link in the navbar:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, name FROM vb_vbfclassifieds_subcategories
WHERE categoryid= ORDER BY displayorder;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY displayorder' at line 2
Error Number : 1064

vbFreelancers 01-21-2008 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by abroad (Post 1425357)
I got a database error when I click on the Classifieds link in the navbar:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, name FROM vb_vbfclassifieds_subcategories
WHERE categoryid= ORDER BY displayorder;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY displayorder' at line 2
Error Number : 1064

"WHERE categoryid= "
You haven't setup categories.

seangworld 01-21-2008 08:47 AM

so does mean you're ignoring the bug im telling you about?

abroad 01-21-2008 01:07 PM

How can I switch off the "my Sales" and "my orders" links in the Members Menu so that my users cant see them?

seangworld 01-22-2008 08:43 AM

why would you want to do that? it's not YOUR orders/sales, it's THEIRS.

vbFreelancers 01-22-2008 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by seangworld (Post 1425717)
so does mean you're ignoring the bug im telling you about?

As it dosen't has any quote, I suppose that it's for me? If you're telling about the wrong subcategories list, I'll appreciate a lot if you check carefully that you've setup these subcategories to the correct category.

Except the fact that I tested it in 3 installations, there are 50+ installations here and nobody reported something like this.

seangworld 01-23-2008 03:16 AM

or maybe you could register on my forum, go to the classifieds, and see for yourself?
i have subs setup for most of my cats.

futureye 01-23-2008 05:25 AM

how can i add a new currency?

JamesC70 01-27-2008 09:17 PM

Marina, I think I've found another problem.

I've installed the January 17th version (thanks for fixing the last problem I told you about!), overwriting all files and overwriting when I install the .xml in vBulletin Control Panel.

I get this error across the top of the screen:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CHARACTER, expecting ']' in /home/mineral/public_html/testvb/vbfclassifieds.php(2230) : eval()'d code on line 24

To duplicate:
- Enter vbfClassifieds (I am still evaluating the Lite version)
- Click on an ad name
- On the ad, click "Read Reviews" in the ad header
- On the following page, the link to add a review says "Currently there are no reviews for" (which is a seperate bug, as it's a duplicate of the line above it). Click this link.

katilkuzu 01-27-2008 09:27 PM

wben i click Add Classified i got this error



Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0 Beta 4:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, name FROM vbfclassifieds_subcategories
WHERE categoryid= ORDER BY displayorder;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY displayorder' at line 2
Error Number : 1064
Date : Sunday, January 27th 2008 @ 04:26:42 PM
Script : http://www.yamacparasutum.com/vbfcla....php?do=editad
Referrer : http://www.yamacparasutum.com/vbfcla...s.php?do=myads
IP Address :
Username : admin
Classname : vb_database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45-community-log

katilkuzu 01-27-2008 09:30 PM

ahh ok fixed. firstly i had to crate some category. thanx and installed.

JamesC70 01-27-2008 09:30 PM

A seperate issue, which might be PayPal's problem and not with your software.

One of my users posted a test ad so that I could verify that PayPal functions correctly. Everything was fine until the PayPal confirmation screen. PayPal's screen had a gold-colored button that said "Return to (seller's PayPal address)" instead of "Return to (forum name)".

While I'm thinking about this.... it would be nice if the ad were automatically set as "sold" (or at least "hidden") once the PayPal payment is made. Does PayPal return a success code to vbfClassifieds so that your software knows if payment was completed or aborted?

TenPercenter 01-27-2008 10:00 PM

I currently use a competing product, vbClassified. There are some reasons why I might be looking at moving off to another product.

Can anyone tell me if you've heard any bad experiences (or good ones!) in moving from that product to this one?

I have over 500 ads on the older product, so I'd either have to have BOTH installed until the old ads run our, or close those ads and give credits for them to open new ads on this system.

[if it's not cool to post this reply talking about a competing product, don't quote me, just tell me and I'll delete this post]

seangworld 01-29-2008 03:29 AM

even tho my bug is still being IGNORED (looks at the coder above the rim of my glasses), this hack is FAR better than the one you're using now, tenpercenter. i almost bought that one when quarterbore created it.

vbFreelancers 01-29-2008 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by JamesC70 (Post 1430372)
A seperate issue, which might be PayPal's problem and not with your software.

One of my users posted a test ad so that I could verify that PayPal functions correctly. Everything was fine until the PayPal confirmation screen. PayPal's screen had a gold-colored button that said "Return to (seller's PayPal address)" instead of "Return to (forum name)".

While I'm thinking about this.... it would be nice if the ad were automatically set as "sold" (or at least "hidden") once the PayPal payment is made. Does PayPal return a success code to vbfClassifieds so that your software knows if payment was completed or aborted?

Yes, it uses IPN (Instant Payment Notification) but only when:
  1. Seller's PayPal account is Premium or Business
  2. IPN is activated in his PayPal account. The link back has no sence. Just to be activated.

vbFreelancers 01-29-2008 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by TenPercenter (Post 1430392)
I currently use a competing product, vbClassified. There are some reasons why I might be looking at moving off to another product.

Can anyone tell me if you've heard any bad experiences (or good ones!) in moving from that product to this one?

I have over 500 ads on the older product, so I'd either have to have BOTH installed until the old ads run our, or close those ads and give credits for them to open new ads on this system.

[if it's not cool to post this reply talking about a competing product, don't quote me, just tell me and I'll delete this post]

I believe that every mod (talking in general) has it's own positive and negative points. There is no perfect mod. So you've to choose that one which has the most positive points to your needs, and its negative points are not so important for you.

vbFreelancers 01-29-2008 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by seangworld (Post 1431337)
even tho my bug is still being IGNORED (looks at the coder above the rim of my glasses), this hack is FAR better than the one you're using now, tenpercenter. i almost bought that one when quarterbore created it.

Why do you think that we're ignoring you? There is a quote to your post, asking you to check if the setup of subcategories are correct. In simple words, all of us, being in rush sometimes we assign xxx subcategory to z category, while the correct is to assign to x category. After that post you never post anything, so we thought that the issue has been closed.

Even after so many days of your post, with lots of additional downloads and sales (for the commercial version), nobody reported something like this. And even if I haven't coded this mod, I checked the code, and I found it correct.

If you're continue having problems, just PM me or Olympic with access to your vB admincp to check it out.


junaid 01-29-2008 09:49 AM

I buy this from your website how I apply new updates?

DrKNickel 01-29-2008 09:51 AM

Hi vbFreelancers,

i really love the mod, but i need to add more payment options. Is this possible? Just the option to send the payment details to the buyer.


vbFreelancers 01-29-2008 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by junaid (Post 1431545)
I buy this from your website how I apply new updates?

If you bought (or planing to buy) the mod from our site, you'll get upgrades and support from there.

vbFreelancers 01-29-2008 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by DrKNickel (Post 1431550)
Hi vbFreelancers,

i really love the mod, but i need to add more payment options. Is this possible? Just the option to send the payment details to the buyer.


Currently we're working to integrade Moneybookers.

junaid 01-29-2008 09:55 AM

I just check my downlaod but that is not updated yet

DrKNickel 01-29-2008 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by vbFreelancers (Post 1431555)
Currently we're working to integrade Moneybookers.

Thats good news, but i mean the option to just send an msg to the buyer with costum payment details. Here in germany people just dont use paypal so much, they all use money transfer. So i would need an option to send the money transfer details to the buyer.

Is this possible?


Jase2 01-29-2008 05:20 PM

This work with BETA 4?

Regards Jason :)

vbFreelancers 01-29-2008 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jase2 (Post 1431881)
This work with BETA 4?

Regards Jason :)

Haven't tested on 4 Jason, but there is nothing "exotic" in our code, that's why all our mods work fine in all versions (3.5, 3.6, 3.7) without any modification.

Jase2 01-29-2008 06:18 PM

I'll try it out then, on my test board.

Regards Jason :)

petertdavis 01-29-2008 06:26 PM

This might be a nice piece of software, but it's missing the most essential element; a "buy" button.

vbFreelancers 01-31-2008 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by JamesC70 (Post 1430362)
Marina, I think I've found another problem.

I've installed the January 17th version (thanks for fixing the last problem I told you about!), overwriting all files and overwriting when I install the .xml in vBulletin Control Panel.

I get this error across the top of the screen:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CHARACTER, expecting ']' in /home/mineral/public_html/testvb/vbfclassifieds.php(2230) : eval()'d code on line 24

To duplicate:
- Enter vbfClassifieds (I am still evaluating the Lite version)
- Click on an ad name
- On the ad, click "Read Reviews" in the ad header
- On the following page, the link to add a review says "Currently there are no reviews for" (which is a seperate bug, as it's a duplicate of the line above it). Click this link.

Somewhere on the templates, must be a "<if condition" without closing "]" after the vboption variable. I've to check the xml file.

amnesia623 02-11-2008 04:44 AM

umm...I have purchased scripts from Maria (ala ++++++++++.com) and, since the change over, have lost any way of downloading the scripts I have purchased.

I have sent email/request to the current owners, and have gotten no response.

vbFreelancers 02-11-2008 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by amnesia623 (Post 1440581)
umm...I have purchased scripts from Maria (ala madebymary.com) and, since the change over, have lost any way of downloading the scripts I have purchased.

I have sent email/request to the current owners, and have gotten no response.

Hello Kevin,

Even if this post is out of topic here, I need to reply to avoid any misunderstandigs from other members:
  1. Nobody lost the right for downloading Mary's modules, or the right to have free upgrades/updates
  2. We've replied to your email, dated 31 Jan 2008, at the email address that has "edspe" in the domain name. For privacy reason I'm not posting the full domain name, but sure you can understand it.

amnesia623 02-11-2008 05:15 PM

My apologies for hijacking this thread, I will send you a PM regarding this.

amnesia623 02-13-2008 10:03 PM

As my request for support and email got no response (as referred to above), neither did the PM I sent vbfreelancers regarding my inability to download purchased scripts.

I feel that my money was wasted...

pmcnamara 02-14-2008 08:31 PM

We have it installed at http://www.sportsinferno.com/forums/

It works well..

Things I'd like to see..

the ability to offer more then one of an item for sale.

the ability to list things wanted, instead of for sale.

pmcnamara 02-14-2008 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by dwdmguy (Post 1443150)
The installation instruction:

"Upload all files and directories including at "vbulletin" directory to the directory where vBulletin is installed"

The "at "vbulletin" directory" got me a bit confused.

My online forum directory is /forum

Which files, upon the unzip, do I FTP into /Forum please?

Thank you.

I installed this today.. the "vbulletin" directory is the root directory of your vb install.

for me.. its /forums for you it might be that .com level..

MaTraX 02-15-2008 05:39 AM

What are the differences as it comes to light and pro versions?

I ahve installed light (on vb 3.7 b5) and there are some things missing. Like the configuration to make some category free to add ads without paying to the forum owner.

pmcnamara 02-15-2008 02:01 PM

Set the amount to "pay" to 0.00..

MaTraX 02-15-2008 02:20 PM

I did set the category pay to 0.00but still the ads are not publish automatically and what`s more thy are not even on the pending approval list :( I am willing to buy the pro version but I must be sure it works properly :)

amnesia623 02-18-2008 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by amnesia623 (Post 1442546)
As my request for support and email got no response (as referred to above), neither did the PM I sent vbfreelancers regarding my inability to download purchased scripts.

I feel that my money was wasted...

Still Nothing.

No response even to this thread, my pms, or support on their site.

BatMNet 02-19-2008 03:36 AM

Don't know if anyone has suggested it... But category descriptions would be fantastic :D (now installed on 4 of my vBuls ;))

kate_nz 03-02-2008 03:26 AM

It must be me, as everyone else seems to have set it up successfully but I'm having problems :confused: I install it and can set the options in my acp and usergroups but when I click on 'Categories' or 'Editor choice ads' within my acp I get a 404 error. Can anyone point me to where I'm going wrong?


PS I've re-downloaded it, re-extracted it, re-uploaded it and re-installed it all to no avail :(

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