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skhms 05-30-2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by GuaRRand (Post 1536126)
Ok np. its working fine and people like it :D

Is there an addon you know of (or maybe implemented in a next version) that will put a kind of "announcements" or "scoreboard" on the mina page?

Like "4 people player Tournaments now, 2 active tournaments, 4 tournaments awaiting players"

I haven't heard/seen such addon. But I have had similiar requests before. So something to that affect will be added. Not sure exactly how it will be done yet.


Originally Posted by GuaRRand (Post 1536152)
AND .. or ... could you intergrate it with VBCasino also??

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=159151 <--

If you mean removing and adding to the built in casino cash system when joining and winning tournaments so sure. See previous answer about the time though :)


GuaRRand 05-31-2008 02:57 PM

thnx :) ... i'll be keeping an eye out for updates then.

GuaRRand 06-03-2008 08:33 AM

Ok, found one problem...

SOMETIMES (and yes, i also hate it when that happens ... no clear problem, just a random thing) when a person creates a tournament, not everyone sees it.
Some people see it in "Awaiting players" and some dont.

Its not somethign that happens all the time, just "sometimes" ...

I havent found any similarities yet in when it happens and to whom.

Anything i might be missing??

Usergroups etc.. are all good. i checked.

skhms 06-11-2008 04:18 PM

A new update is uploaded. v1.0.4
Includes some requests, fixes and improvements. See list below.

Note that it is a new template change in template FORUMHOME for v1.0.4.
So don't forget to add that one if upgrading. See install.txt file in zip package.
Also the admin options is moved to its own setting group (Arcade Tournament Settings)
  • Description field added when creating new tournaments.
  • Optional to hide other players scores or not.
  • Active tournaments and tournaments awaiting players on forumhome. Optional.
  • Tournament events posted to the arcade news. Optional
  • Page navigation for finished tournament lists. Optional how many per page.
  • Tournament main menu changed. Now only tournaments with unplayed games are listed.
  • Your active tournament list shows number of tries done.
  • CSRF protection added.
  • Tournament options moved to its own setting group (Arcade Tournament Settings)
  • Some more hooks added.
  • Disqualify all database error bug fixed.
  • Some template changes and other fixes.
  • Added an add-on for vbCasino 0.92


GuaRRand 06-12-2008 02:17 PM

GREAT update!!

casino hook works great...
One thing though, i cant get it this to work
"Active tournaments and tournaments awaiting players on forumhome. Optional."
I selected it in the admin cp, but it doesnt show,.... :(

skhms 06-12-2008 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by GuaRRand (Post 1547696)
GREAT update!!

casino hook works great...
One thing though, i cant get it this to work
"Active tournaments and tournaments awaiting players on forumhome. Optional."
I selected it in the admin cp, but it doesnt show,.... :(


Did you do the new template change in template FORUMHOME?

<div><phrase 1="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$newuserid" 2="$newusername">$vbphrase[welcome_to_our_newest_member_x]</phrase></div>
Below it add

<!-- SK v3 Arcade Tournament -->
<!-- /SK v3 Arcade Tournament -->


GuaRRand 06-12-2008 05:14 PM

ah, missed that in the readme :D


skhms 06-13-2008 07:47 AM

I am sorry about this.
A new version (1.0.5) has been uploaded already.

It contains two bugfixes.
  • 'Tournament started' message to the arcade news is now actually sent when tournament starts. Not when someone is joining a tournament.
  • New hook 'arcadetourmnt_start' moved to correct place in code.


Xiris 06-28-2008 07:28 PM

Would it be possible to add functionality to automatically cancel a tournament if it is not moving along? I am having some issues with members who sign up for tournaments, but even after being reminded, fail to submit their scores and let the tournament progress. I am looking for an option to cancel a tournament after x days if it has not advanced to the next round in those x days.


Ideal Web Tech 06-28-2008 07:37 PM

I am actually in the process of migrating back to v3arcade right now thanks to this mod and a few others and will most likely be making quite a few improvements to the systems.

I was thinking instead of ending the tourney after x days we disqualify the person who hasn't submitted a score which would then auto advance the other user they were playing against.

skhms 06-28-2008 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Xiris (Post 1561485)
Would it be possible to add functionality to automatically cancel a tournament if it is not moving along? I am having some issues with members who sign up for tournaments, but even after being reminded, fail to submit their scores and let the tournament progress. I am looking for an option to cancel a tournament after x days if it has not advanced to the next round in those x days.


As Ideal Web Tech says, I would prefer to disquallify the player that doesn't submit their scores. That will make the tournament advance.
If you want to cancel the tournament you can use the Disqualify All link.

I have been thinking of having an option to have a scheduled task that automatically sends reminders and disquallify players.
Will take a look at it for next version.


yahoooh 07-18-2008 02:07 AM

can u add addon for vBExperience -

skhms 07-21-2008 02:12 PM

Made an add-on for vBExperience. See attachment.
This will be added to the Tournament package on the next update. For now it is only attached to this post.

Points can be given for:
- Creating tournaments.
- Winning rounds.
- Winning whole tournament.

Requirements: vBExperience 3.7.14 and SK v3 Arcade Tournament 1.0.4
Only tested on vBExperience 3.7.16.

Warning! I don't use and have very little experience with vBExperience myself.
So support on this add-on will be very limited.


crkgb 11-26-2008 11:04 PM

I don't know if it's a bug. After creating a tournament go to this page arcadetourmnt.php and it's not listed in there at all. Though finished tournaments are listed.

skhms 11-27-2008 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by crkgb (Post 1673656)
I don't know if it's a bug. After creating a tournament go to this page arcadetourmnt.php and it's not listed in there at all. Though finished tournaments are listed.

If you are logged in and goes to arcadetourmnt.php with no parameters you should see the "Your tournaments" page that shows all tournaments that you have joined. See the second to last attachment in the first post.

If you are not logged in only active tournaments are shown.


crkgb 11-27-2008 05:17 AM

Hmm, well I have it like this.

The first attachment is for arcadetourmnt.php. There is no tournaments awaiting players in the list

The second attachment is for arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewwaiting
Ans as you can see there is one in there.

The tournament was created by me. I unchecked the "join in" portion and created it. Just for general info.

skhms 11-27-2008 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by crkgb (Post 1673827)
Hmm, well I have it like this.

The first attachment is for arcadetourmnt.php. There is no tournaments awaiting players in the list

The second attachment is for arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewwaiting
Ans as you can see there is one in there.

The tournament was created by me. I unchecked the "join in" portion and created it. Just for general info.

The tournament isn't listed on the "Your tournaments" page if you haven't joined it. Which you don't do if you uncheck the "Join in" box.
Only tournaments that you have joined and still awaits players shows on the "Your tournaments" page.

The "Tournaments awaiting players" page show all tournaments that still await players. Both those that you have already joined and those you haven't.


crkgb 11-28-2008 10:56 AM

I see. Thank You

ArnyVee 06-02-2009 11:42 PM

I just noticed this mod within the posting as an "add-on" to the v3 Arcade mod.

Is it still working for folks?

carubmun 06-05-2009 11:43 AM

How does this work with vb 3.8?

skhms 06-05-2009 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by carubmun (Post 1823852)
How does this work with vb 3.8?

It works without problems on my forum that uses vBulletin 3.8.2


BGObsession 06-18-2009 10:50 PM

Great add-on!

Just a couple minor questions. On the main arcade page, where it says "You are active in 0 tournamet(s)", where is that text located so I can correct the 'tournamet' typo? Not a big deal, just driving me crazy :)

Also, although I've set up the default user options in the admin cp as to what the 'defaults' should be when an individual opens up their own 'user cp', they don't seem to be flowing to that user cp. When I look, although most are checked in the Admin CP, the user cp options are all unchecked.

Can you help me figure out what's going on there? Otherwise, very nice :cheers:

skhms 06-19-2009 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by BGObsession (Post 1832265)
On the main arcade page, where it says "You are active in 0 tournamet(s)", where is that text located so I can correct the 'tournamet' typo? Not a big deal, just driving me crazy :)

It's in the phrase skat_tournament_yourtournaments. Sorry about that.


Originally Posted by BGObsession (Post 1832265)
Also, although I've set up the default user options in the admin cp as to what the 'defaults' should be when an individual opens up their own 'user cp', they don't seem to be flowing to that user cp. When I look, although most are checked in the Admin CP, the user cp options are all unchecked.

Can you help me figure out what's going on there? Otherwise, very nice :cheers:

The 'Tournaments events' option can't be set as default unfortunately. It isn't added to the admincp v3 Arcade -> Default User Settings page.
But the original settings doesn't change anything for the current users it only sets the default for new users.

I tried to explain how to change for the current users manually, using queries, not long ago on my site - http://www.sk-software.com/skhmsvb/s...5&postcount=18


BGObsession 06-20-2009 11:30 PM

Thanks brother, for both answers. I'm all set and I appreciate the feedback!

Luke Martinez 08-22-2009 02:55 PM

Hello. Ive installed this addon for v3 Arcade and im having a problem with the notifications and the challenges.

1. I tryed running the query from your post before but i got a syntax error.
2. How do you actully challenge someone? i cant seem to find where to go to challenge another user.

Thanks in advance.

skhms 08-23-2009 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Luke Martinez (Post 1872162)
Hello. Ive installed this addon for v3 Arcade and im having a problem with the notifications and the challenges.

1. I tryed running the query from your post before but i got a syntax error.
2. How do you actully challenge someone? i cant seem to find where to go to challenge another user.

Thanks in advance.

1. What does the error message say?

2. The challenge system isn't a part of the tournament add-on. It's a default feature.
I haven't got the latest arcade installed on any site at the moment and I can't remember where to find the challenge link so you better ask in the v3 arcade thread.


DolphinEcho 10-20-2009 01:55 PM

Does this work with 3.8.4 ?

KW802 10-20-2009 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by DolphinEcho (Post 1902598)
Does this work with 3.8.4 ?

It should... but if you hold on just a little bit, skhms has kindly donated this add-on to the v3A project and it will be included as a stock feature in the upcoming v3A 2.0.0 release. :)

x626xblack 10-29-2009 06:26 PM

I am getting this error message in my Arcade Tournament Settings

Events to add to arcade news
Select which events that should be added to the arcade news.
An error occurred while processing the bitfield files, the following information was returned:
Also I do not have an option to edit the usergroups for the arcade. As admin i do not have access to the torunaments

skhms 10-29-2009 06:57 PM

@x626xblack - I would guess that you have missed to copy the file /includes/xml/bitfield_v3arcade_tourmnt.xml.
Copy that file and rebuild the bitfields again.

Easiest is probably just to make sure that all the files in the upload directory is copied to the correct places and re-install the product.


x626xblack 10-30-2009 11:26 AM

Thanks for the quick response skhms. It was actually a user error. For some reason the files did not upload correctly. I should have double checked the files made it into the folders before I asked for help. Apologies.

rootsxrocks 10-30-2009 03:06 PM

was I suposed to keep this addon when I upgraded to v3 2.0 or should it have been removed prior.

or do I just have to redo template/php edits?

rootsxrocks 10-30-2009 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 1902709)
It should... but if you hold on just a little bit, skhms has kindly donated this add-on to the v3A project and it will be included as a stock feature in the upcoming v3A 2.0.0 release. :)

AHHH that partially answers my question, so now i need to find out why it aint working.

KW802 10-30-2009 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by rootsxrocks (Post 1908338)
was I suposed to keep this addon when I upgraded to v3 2.0 or should it have been removed prior.

or do I just have to redo template/php edits?

If you're already v3A 1.x.x with this mod, then when you install v3A 2.x.x your tournament data will be imported and then you should be able to uninstall the mod through the ACP.

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