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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Photobucket Image Uploader (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=166286)

Dannyloski 01-05-2008 07:00 AM

sylar & wolfyman, you dont have to worry about this Hack consuming any of your Bandwidth. It only consumes Photobucket's bandwith, not yours.

Greek76, correct. I have had several people say that this hack works on their vB 3.6.7, and it should. However, I've had other who say that it doest work. It must be due to their Modified Styles or other Hacks installed on their sites.

SVTCobraLTD, after clicking the desired picture, there is a section below that says "IMG Code" there it will show you the code for you to Copy & Paste onto your Forum's Text Editor Box. All you have to do is select the picture, then click on the code (automatically copies it to clipboard) and then paste it onto the text box ... It's that easy! Hope that answers your question ...

wolfyman 01-05-2008 11:27 AM

perhaps it simply won't work with our installed style?

Can you provide the template edits to make this work?

SVTCobraLTD 01-05-2008 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1415765)
SVTCobraLTD, after clicking the desired picture, there is a section below that says "IMG Code" there it will show you the code for you to Copy & Paste onto your Forum's Text Editor Box. All you have to do is select the picture, then click on the code (automatically copies it to clipboard) and then paste it onto the text box ... It's that easy! Hope that answers your question ...

That is what I was doing, but wasnt sure if it was supposed to automatically put the picture in like when you upload it. Just wanted to make sure. Thanks and great addition.

I am sure you will get a lot of requests for this but adding other sites to this would be great.

kiennt718 01-06-2008 08:52 AM

This hack has an error in IE 7, vBB 3.68:

When turn WYSIWYG off, I can't select the text in message area BY MOUSE. Still can select text with KEYBOARD.

No Problem found yet with Firefox...

* another problem: when click 'Show photobucket', browser automatically refresh and scroll up to the top of page. I hope it should stay in photobucket area instead

BigDog56 01-06-2008 02:24 PM

Fantastic Mod! We are a Paint Shop Pro Group, and this will come in very handy!

michael5472 01-06-2008 02:54 PM

great worked like a charm :)

Dannyloski 01-06-2008 03:17 PM

Glad all of you guys are enjoying it ...

kiennt718, I do not undestand the "bug" you said you found. This Hack does not do anything to the Message Box from vBulletin, so the source of that problem must be something else. I am running vB 3.6.8 with WYSIWYG off on my Forums, and it works fine. As far as the other request you had to make it so that it stays in the Photobucket Area and not scroll up to the top when you click the link, that cannot happen - sorry. I was working on it, but it wont work properly, so this is why I had to release the hack like this.

wolfyman, if you can give me access to your AdminCP with a Temp Login, I can try and see why its not working for you.

Dannyloski 01-09-2008 02:00 AM


I want to make a note for those who said they were having trouble with this Hack, please make sure that you enter all the Usergroup IDs of the Usergroups who you want to be able to use this Hack in the "Allowed Usergroups" Settings Section.

I have a feeling that most of you left "0" in there. What the "0" does is "not force any usergroups". What that means is that no usergroup will be able to use the Hack, basically if you enter "0" there, then you are disabling the Hack completely.

I think that this is the solution to most (if not all) the problems for those who were claiming that this hack wasnt working. Please enter the Usergroup IDs and report back if it works for you or not.

PS. Some of you might be wondering how I figured this out, well one of the members on here who installed this Hack and was having problems, sent me a PM with Admin Login Info into their site and upon checking out the settings, this was the problem. They forgot to enter the Usergroup IDs in the specified Setting. I entered "6" for the USergroup ID to test if Administrators could view the Hack and voila, it worked!

kiennt718 01-09-2008 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1416568)
Glad all of you guys are enjoying it ...

kiennt718, I do not undestand the "bug" you said you found. This Hack does not do anything to the Message Box from vBulletin, so the source of that problem must be something else. I am running vB 3.6.8 with WYSIWYG off on my Forums, and it works fine. As far as the other request you had to make it so that it stays in the Photobucket Area and not scroll up to the top when you click the link, that cannot happen - sorry. I was working on it, but it wont work properly, so this is why I had to release the hack like this.

Have you test it with Internet Explorer 7? My problem "can not select text" occurred in IE7 only. Not in Firefox.

Kaycee123 01-09-2008 05:15 AM

Fantastic mod - great work!! Installed in seconds, and works beautifully - thanks for your efforts!

wolfyman 01-09-2008 01:42 PM

Thanks for the help Danny :)

I can't figure out where to turn off forum attachments. I want to only allow users to use this hack, and completely disable the "Attach Files" option.

can i remove the $attachmentoption bit from my templates? Or is there a button I didn't see in the admincp?

Alibass 01-09-2008 01:58 PM

Are you planning on upgrading this hack to work on 3.7?

SVTCobraLTD 01-09-2008 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by wolfyman (Post 1418363)
Thanks for the help Danny :)

I can't figure out where to turn off forum attachments. I want to only allow users to use this hack, and completely disable the "Attach Files" option.

can i remove the $attachmentoption bit from my templates? Or is there a button I didn't see in the admincp?

AdminCP > Attachments > Attachment Permissions

Classico 01-09-2008 08:42 PM

Works Fine!!!


Gez 01-10-2008 06:18 AM

This is excellent and works like a charm!

Thank you!

Dannyloski 01-10-2008 10:31 AM

Glad its working for everyone :up:


Originally Posted by kiennt718 (Post 1418165)
Have you test it with Internet Explorer 7? My problem "can not select text" occurred in IE7 only. Not in Firefox.

I will test it today, but when I used my friend's Laptop (has IE7) the forum was working fine. Will check again and report back ...


Originally Posted by wolfyman (Post 1418363)
can i remove the $attachmentoption bit from my templates? Or is there a button I didn't see in the admincp?

No do not remove the $attachmentoption bit from the templates as that will disable this Hack as well. Do what SVTCobraLTD suggested:

Originally Posted by SVTCobraLTD (Post 1418441)
AdminCP > Attachments > Attachment Permissions


Originally Posted by Alibass (Post 1418369)
Are you planning on upgrading this hack to work on 3.7?

Have you tested it to see if it works on vB3.7? It might work without any modification, I do not know yet because I do not have vB 3.7 installed on my forums yet, so I cannot test it ... Once vB 3.6.7 is out of beta stage I will install on my forums to check and see.

ericgray 01-10-2008 01:56 PM

thisis very, very good -- thank you!

Dannyloski 01-10-2008 02:08 PM

^ Thanks :up:


Originally Posted by Dannyloski

Originally Posted by kiennt718 (Post 1418165)
Have you test it with Internet Explorer 7? My problem "can not select text" occurred in IE7 only. Not in Firefox.

I will test it today, but when I used my friend's Laptop (has IE7) the forum was working fine. Will check again and report back ...

kiennt718, just checked again on IE7 and its working perfectly. Like I told you before, this Hack has nothing to do with the Message Box, it does not touch its code at all. Please check your other plugins/hacks because this Hack is not the cause to your problem.

Classico 01-31-2008 10:33 PM


I?m very glad with this hack. Works really good in 3.6.8. Thanks Danny! :up:

Has anyone tryed it in th 3.7?

shavedaccord 02-01-2008 07:50 AM

Awesome hack I had requested this in the past! looks like someone might have seen the request!

Dannyloski 02-02-2008 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Classico (Post 1433494)

I?m very glad with this hack. Works really good in 3.6.8. Thanks Danny! :up:

Has anyone tryed it in th 3.7?

Glad you like it ... Oh and unfortunately I have no idea if it works on vB 3.7 as I havent installed it.


Originally Posted by shavedaccord (Post 1433788)
Awesome hack I had requested this in the past! looks like someone might have seen the request!

Thanks, really happy to see people that needed this Hack/Mod getting it. I never did, however, see your request for it ... I was looking for something like this Hack for a long, long time and it never got created. So after waiting patiently with no avail, I decided to make it my self and here it is :D.

Classico 02-02-2008 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1434562)
Glad you like it ... Oh and unfortunately I have no idea if it works on vB 3.7 as I havent installed it.

Ok. Thanks.

I?ll wait untill you do it.

Congratulations again for this hack. Excelent! :up:

yeku 02-03-2008 12:24 AM



Majava 02-03-2008 01:58 AM

When I have the "Quick Reply" option enabled, it puts the mod in twice. If I disable it, it doesnt display at all. It mentions a manual edit on the options, but doesnt say how to make that manual edit. I am not familiar enough with template changes to do this on my own. Any suggestions?

OK, if I take out the image shack image uploader it only displays the photobucket one once and only for quick reply...... grrr

Dannyloski 02-03-2008 12:41 PM

^ I will look into it and check what's going on ... Kind a busy at the moment, but thanks for pointing it out.

edytwinky 02-03-2008 02:54 PM

Would it ever be possible to add Google PiCasa uploader as well?

Dannyloski 02-14-2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Majava (Post 1435029)
When I have the "Quick Reply" option enabled, it puts the mod in twice. If I disable it, it doesnt display at all. It mentions a manual edit on the options, but doesnt say how to make that manual edit. I am not familiar enough with template changes to do this on my own. Any suggestions?

OK, if I take out the image shack image uploader it only displays the photobucket one once and only for quick reply...... grrr

Okay I had some free time today and I looked into it, luckily I figured it out. The reason it displays two of them is because the Photobucket Hack's "Auto-Template Search Text" for the Quick Reply option is </fieldset> and the ImageShack Hack uses the same "Auto-Template Search Text" for its Quick Reply option.

When you enable both, it will display twice because the ImageShack Hack is also within a fieldset. So, when the Photobucket Hack searches for </fieldset> in the Showthread Template to insert the Code, it finds the original one (the one its suppose to find) and also the ImageShack Hack's </fieldset>, so it adds it to there as well ...

A simple and quick solution to the problem will be to change the "Auto-Template Search Text" for the Quick Reply option to something else (either for the ImageShack Hack or the Photobucket Hack). Just remember to ONLY change the "Auto-Template Search Text" for the Quick Reply option and not all of them, the Quick Reply "Auto-Template Search Text" option can be found in the Photobucket Image Upload (4) Plugin or in the Imageshack Image Upload (4) Plugin. ONLY do it to one of the Hacks not both.


Originally Posted by edytwinky (Post 1435370)
Would it ever be possible to add Google PiCasa uploader as well?

That would require a new different Hack and would have nothing to do with this one. I'm too busy at the moment to create another Hack and to be honest I dont know if its even possible for Google PiCasa Uploader (it might be though). If I have some free time then I will look into it, but like I said I'm really busy at the moment.

TCE Killa 02-15-2008 02:07 PM

I have found an error with this.

When this was installed on my forum, everything worked but you couldn't post message through Quick Reply (which you could before I got this). I got an error message through Quick Reply. Now I have uninstalled it and got rid of all template edits, the error is still there from this mod. How do I get rid of it? Thanks.

Dannyloski 02-15-2008 06:46 PM

TCE Killa, it was not this Hack I can guarantee that. This hack doesnt even touch the Quick Reply at all, the only thing it does (if enabled) is search for a particular text in the Showthread Template and add the appropriate code after it - when this Hack is installed/uninstalled it doesnt do anything to the Quick Reply.

In addition, this is a simple Product Installation/Uninstallation - there are no other template edits to do or undo. If I were you I would disable the Plugins in your Forum via config.php and check if you still get the error. That will let you know if its another installed hack or if your Templates are messed up or something.

Chet T16 02-15-2008 07:46 PM

I've installed this and enabled it in settings but its not showing up anywhere. Not for admin or normal users.

I had the imgbolt uploader installed and working fine but i've uninstalled that now to see if it was causing a problem with this.

Any suggestions?

TCE Killa 02-15-2008 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1443922)
TCE Killa, it was not this Hack I can guarantee that. This hack doesnt even touch the Quick Reply at all, the only thing it does (if enabled) is search for a particular text in the Showthread Template and add the appropriate code after it - when this Hack is installed/uninstalled it doesnt do anything to the Quick Reply.

In addition, this is a simple Product Installation/Uninstallation - there are no other template edits to do or undo. If I were you I would disable the Plugins in your Forum via config.php and check if you still get the error. That will let you know if its another installed hack or if your Templates are messed up or something.

Nope, I used to use the Imageshack upload on the posts but there was a Quick Reply problem with that, I had to manually do the template edits for that and this and I put them in the right place. With the Imageshack one, whenever someone posted a Quick Reply, it came up with an error so I added the Imageshack template to the Quick Reply template, everything was fine just said it had errors on page plus no one could click any options above the Quick Reply so I uninstalled and got rid of all the templates for Imageshack... After I uninstalled Imageshack, Quick Reply worked fine on everything. Then I installed this and I to had manually put the template edits in just like Imageshack and this did the exact same Quick Reply error. Now I have uninstalled the product and took out all template edits, the Quick Reply problem is still there. So it must be to do with this somehow. I'm just trying to find where this problem is, but it is definetely with this because Imageshack did it as well and it was working fine before.

Dannyloski 02-16-2008 12:20 PM

Chet T16, if you give me temporary administrator access to your Forum's Admin Control Panel I can take a look at the settings you have for this Hack and see what's happening or what's causing that problem. Please make sure that you added all the Usergroups you want this to show to in the correct field under the Photobucket's Hack settings.

TCE Killa, what manual edits did you make? In the installation instructions at no point did it say to do any edits to anything and neither does the Imageshack Hack. What template or templates did you edit?

TCE Killa 02-16-2008 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1444400)
Chet T16, if you give me temporary administrator access to your Forum's Admin Control Panel I can take a look at the settings you have for this Hack and see what's happening or what's causing that problem. Please make sure that you added all the Usergroups you want this to show to in the correct field under the Photobucket's Hack settings.

TCE Killa, what manual edits did you make? In the installation instructions at no point did it say to do any edits to anything and neither does the Imageshack Hack. What template or templates did you edit?

Well I had to add the Imageshack and Photobucket template which automatically comes in with the product, I had to insert them under $attachmentoptions in Edit, Newreply, Newthread and I had to add it below </fieldset> in Showthread to get it all to work. If I hadn't done that, nothing was showing on either of them. Do you want a screenshot of the Quick Reply error I am getting? Thanks for helping man.

Dannyloski 02-16-2008 05:17 PM

TCE Killa, yeah please provide screenshots. What I would do if I were you is Revert the Edit, New Reply, New Thread, and Showthread Templates and see if the error disappears (it should). I still dont understand why you had to manually add those things, the product didnt work for you? If you want me to take a look at it, provide me with temporary administrator access to your Forum's Admin Control Panel and I can take a look at it.

TCE Killa 02-16-2008 05:46 PM

I have attached a screenshot of the error I am getting < this was the error with Imageshack but is the exact same error for this mod aswell. When I last reverted a template, it got rid of the whole template, I had to ask someone what was in there template to copy and paste it back, so I'm not risking that anymore.

But if you would like, I'll give you a temp username and password for my forum, see if you can take a look and see what needs to be done.

Thanks alot for the help man, appreciate it.

Chet T16 02-17-2008 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1444400)
Chet T16, if you give me temporary administrator access to your Forum's Admin Control Panel I can take a look at the settings you have for this Hack and see what's happening or what's causing that problem. Please make sure that you added all the Usergroups you want this to show to in the correct field under the Photobucket's Hack settings.

Aha, i read the description under Allowed Usergroups as meaning to enter 0 to allow all usergroups to see it which is where i was going wrong.

All sorted now, sorry about that

Edit: Just read your post in this thread that expalins it too, sorry!

Dannyloski 02-17-2008 09:36 PM

Chet T16, glad to hear you got it all working now :up:

TCE Killa, send me temp login access to your Admin CP and I will look into it ...

Dannyloski 04-01-2008 10:45 PM

Just thought I'd mention that this is running perfectly on vB 3.6.9 :up:

Classico 04-02-2008 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1480485)
Just thought I'd mention that this is running perfectly on vB 3.6.9 :up:

I confirm it. :)

Great mod Dannyloski! :up:

qtouch 04-05-2008 03:23 AM

installed .......

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