Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
(Post 1398910)
I'd like to see educational reform to some degree. Starting with the No Child Left Behind Act.
Originally Posted by Ncturnal
(Post 1398949)
Ron Paul is the only logical choice for America. He's the only one that speaks honestly about the issues facing our nation. No other candidates voting record even comes close. Ron Paul all the way!!
What line of work are you in whitemike? Whatever it is, would you like to do it for free? I doubt you would, which begs the question; why you would want others to provide service to you for free? Universal healthcare and all forms of socialism are immoral. No one has the right to take something from someone else even if the government allows it.
Hey Brad, I read your list and I think Ron Paul fits about 90% of it, especially the war. He voted against it from the beginning. He's against the Dept of Education and wants to return the power to the states. He's never voted to regulate the internet, strongly opposes the war on drugs for the same reasons you mentioned, and he's a doctor and has some great ideas on the medical problems we face. Here's a good interview with him.
Ron Paul isn't the only logical choice, Kucinich is also a good guy.
Originally Posted by kiFF
(Post 1399162)
You know what, I have a problem with these so-called Ron Paul supporters. I'm not trying to point my finger at anyone here, but I highly doubt that anyone who supports him is actually a Libertarian. I think they're just anti-war liberals.
I am a libertarian and I would support Ron Paul if he wasn't anti-war.
You cannot be a libertarian and support the war. Libertarianism relies on the idea of the Non-aggression Principal. This means you never initiate force against anyone, you only defend yourself. If you wish to go after the people who caused 9/11, that would be Al Queda who at the time were stationed in Afghanistan. The hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. While Saddam was a tyrannical dictator, it was none of our business to go in. It was not our problem. We were the aggressors in this war.
Originally Posted by Ncturnal
(Post 1399178)
The Libertarian party does not support the Iraq war. At least 70% of Americans are against the war. I can't imagine that anyone who is truly informed could be in favor of the Iraq war. For that matter, he's not anti war. He's anti-unjust, undeclared, pre-emptive war.
Here is a press release from the Libertarian party yesterday.
Apparently the Libertarian party doesn't share your views. :rolleyes:
Libertarian Party != Libertarianism / Classic Liberalism
Originally Posted by kiFF
(Post 1399185)
I'm a libertarian with a lower-case 'L'. I'm a very conservative libertarian. And there's more to being a libertarian than your position on the war.
And I don't see how anyone who is truly informed can be against the war. Violence is down 70% since last june. And I don't understand how people think we can win this war by withdrawing.
This is not a war. You cannot fight an idea. You cannot fight guerrillas and expect to win.
I don't know why we went over there. Honestly, I don't know the true reason. I know that we had no reason to go over there for the following:
Set up permanent middle east base
Liberate people
Retaliate for 9/11
If any of those three things are true, it doesn't matter. It is not our business to be meddling in sovereign countries. We have done it before and every time it bites us in the rear years later. We refused to grant Cuba independence and look at where they are now. We over threw the Iranian government in the 70's. We propped Saddam up until he was useless to us.
We shouldn't mess with people. If the people of country X are dissatisfied with their government they will over throw it themselves.
Before someone throws out the "Well, you wouldn't have entered WWII and defeated the nazis then?" argument (Which is irrelevant to begin with.) the German submarines attacked three of our commercial vessels before we entered the war and blew them up. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. We were attacked first.
You want to be safe? Bring the troops home and surround our border (Not speaking of immigration here.). That'll be safe.
Many arguments I've seen thus far use the premise that the war is valid and legal to begin with, and that we shouldn't pull out now due to progress. This is wrong. The war is legally wrong (Not declared by Congress.), morally wrong (No man should ever attack another man unless in self defense.), and the war is going bad (Yes, violence is down since June, but, it is still higher than it has been since we "won".)
You want a sensible solution? Pull out completely. There will be bloodshed. Many will die. That is the harsh truth, but the best possible outcome. Anything else is just delaying the problem and making it larger.
If someone could please tell me why we went to Iraq to begin with I'd be happy to know.