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tubedogg 05-13-2001 04:31 AM

:o Sorry about the $50 thing. :o

tubedogg 05-13-2001 06:15 AM


Originally posted by RobAC
Also, the hack works well in sending out the bulletin, but when you assign a copy to be saved in a particular Forum number, it doesn't save it. I assigned my username and in my profile, it shows that the bulletin is my last post, but when you click on the link, it can't find it.
That's really odd. I've gone back over the code and tested it a few more times and it works on mine. Make sure the forum you put in is a forum, not a category. That's the only thing I can think of.

Mark Hewitt 05-14-2001 10:03 AM

Instead of just number of users since last update it could list the names of all the users.

Each post mentioned would be better with the forum name added as I have posts such as "Your thoughts on the last race" which could well be for any forum.

The ability to go through each forum individually and list the most popular threads in each, rather than just overall for the whole board.

Make the thing template driven so no code edits are needed to alter the standard layout.

tubedogg 05-14-2001 11:02 AM


Originally posted by Mark Hewitt
Make the thing template driven so no code edits are needed to alter the standard layout.
I'll look into the others, but this bugged me.
It isn't template driven per se, but you can edit any of the text in the preview box so it looks however you want it to look. You can change the look of the whole thing without touching one bit of code.

Mark Hewitt 05-14-2001 11:06 AM


Originally posted by tubedogg
I'll look into the others, but this bugged me.
It isn't template driven per se, but you can edit any of the text in the preview box so it looks however you want it to look.

Oh yes I know this. However I'm lazy and I want to be able to send out the bulletin with as little work as possible.

There are many standard things I like to have in my bulletin but I don't like having to put them in every time I send it out.

Sarge 05-14-2001 03:48 PM

I installed it and eveything worked except...

I sent 500 at once.. and the link at the bottom said sent more for the next 5 hundred.. and the code is wrong for the input button. For some reason it is set to resend the first 5 hundred and I cannot figure out how to go and post the next 500

tubedogg 05-15-2001 08:10 AM

Well, I found the problem. This should have caused a parse error in the first place (and it would have been caught before this then, too :D). Anyway, easy fix. You can either make the change yourself or download the updated commbull.zip file from the first post in this thread.

If you want to do it yourself, open commbull.php and find
PHP Code:

    if ($page 1) { 

and change it to
PHP Code:

    if ($page == 1) { 

jojo85 05-15-2001 11:00 AM

I'm not sure but i think,and it's my opinion,;) , than tubedogg will be soon in the dev team :p hehe

Good works man

amykhar 05-15-2001 11:31 AM

Stupid question time (Don't worry guys, eventually I will get a clue). I have it installed, and it sent out the bulletin beautifully.

Question is, will it send one out automatically every week, or do I have to go manually remember to do it? If it is a manual process (which I suspect it is) how much time would it take to make the hack so that it stays configured the way I set it, and then runs once a week?

Amy (the lazy one)

tubedogg 05-15-2001 11:54 AM

For right now you must do it manually. I'm going to work on some way for it to work by itself in the future.

TechTalk 05-15-2001 07:27 PM

Well id really like to use this feature but it seems as though I have the version of MySQL that doesnt support it :(


Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM user WHERE SUBSTRING(birthday,6)>='05-15' AND SUBSTRING(birthday,6)<='05-29' ORDER BY SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,10
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,10' at line 1
mysql error number: 1064
Date: Tuesday 15th of May 2001 03:28:44 PM
Script: /vbforums/admin/commbull.php
Referer: http://www.iguanaland.com/vbforums/admin/commbull.php

glenv 05-15-2001 09:25 PM

I installed this hack and it looks real nice.

I really just wanted to have a way to email all those who are "awaiting email confirmation"

I notice it will not mail unless I select a forum. Is this the way it should work? I would think a lot of webmasters just want to email without having to select recent posts to include. I see there is a work around. Just delete that info from the message before you send it. I just don't know why it makes you select anything.

In any event...

I am at this point:

I have edited the message to be sent as follows and selected the group "awaiting email confirmation" to send it to. However, I do not see how this will help the people I am sending to since all it does is send their user name and password. Unless I am missing something, don't they still need to have the "confirmation link" to be registered? Will this hack generate that for them?

I may be missing something. If this works though, it will be awesome. I have about 800+ folks that never confirmed their registration.



Message as I have ready to send:

Yes-Its-Free! Community Bulletin

A while back

o Your username is: "$username"
o Your password is: "$password"
o You have $posts posts
o You registered on $joindate
o You were last active on the boards at $lastactivity

Best regards, The Yes-Its-Free!

tubedogg 05-16-2001 09:43 AM

The link to activate is generated randomly, so you couldn't send it through this script (without significant modification). However, you could tell them to visit http://yourdomain.com/register.php?action=requestemail to get another activation email.

This hack is specifically meant as an update email, so yes it is supposed to error if you haven't selected any forums. If you don't want that info, you could use the standard email function in vBulletin. (You can put their username and password in an email via that.)

TechTalk 05-16-2001 11:04 AM

No word on the error i receive?

tubedogg 05-16-2001 11:11 AM

Sorry...I missed that post. Anyway it seems that some versions of MySQL don't want to sort by SUBSTRING. I'm currently trying to figure out a way around it. For right now the workaround is to set birthdays to 0. :(

amykhar 05-16-2001 09:33 PM

I hate to be a pest, but can you please put the necessary changes to member.php here?

I had to move servers, and accidentally deleted my modified members.php. commbull.php think's it's already installed because the database is configured. I just need to modify the php files.

Thank you,

tubedogg 05-17-2001 08:47 AM

Actually this is really simple. :) Just go to
in a browser, log in, and click "instructions" at the bottom of the first page. You will be given all the modification instructions. :)

amykhar 05-17-2001 11:04 AM

Thank you. All fixed now. One suggestion though. The link to turn it on or off for users should also show up in the control panel when we search for a user. I get the occasional computer-phobe that asks me to turn things off for them.


maverick1236 05-17-2001 11:34 PM

I REALLY like this one!!
Thanks for your work and time!!

RobAC 05-20-2001 04:23 PM

This morning when I went to run the community bulletin generator, it stalled when I went to run the second batch of 500 users. I never received one, but I had reports from several users that they received anywhere from 2-4 bulletins. Has anyone else had this problem??

tubedogg 05-20-2001 09:11 PM

I never had that problem with the script, but I can vouch that I received two of your bulletins this morning. ;)

RobAC 05-20-2001 09:26 PM

I'm not sure I understand why. I was talking to another vBulletin owner this morning that is also using the script and several of his members complained of the same problem.

gmtalk 05-20-2001 11:21 PM


I was talking to RobAC this morning. I am having this problem with my install as well. I have some that are subscribed that say they did not receive and I have others that got 2 copies. I only released one this morning as a test.

I am not sure what was going on, but I am getting the same problems that RobAC has stated as far as duplicates. I myself received 2 copies and my email is only listed once.

tamarian 05-21-2001 02:14 AM

My users love this hack! Thanks Kier, Kevin.

I have a suggestion for next version if you are entertaining any :)

1. Save the last used options in the database, so admin has to only change the date. If you have many forums, it can be tedeous, and might miss some of those private or test forums.

2. When the last run of emails is over, redirect back to panel, or change the submit button from "continue next xxx). Once you get used to clicking for next page, you migh send users in the last page twice.

Better yet, make it act like thread insed updates, where you set the max number of emails per run, and it'll go till done. :)

tubedogg 05-21-2001 11:05 AM


Originally posted by tamarian
2. When the last run of emails is over, redirect back to panel, or change the submit button from "continue next xxx). Once you get used to clicking for next page, you migh send users in the last page twice.
If you are seeing a "continue" button, you have not completed all emails that you want to send. The very last page should just have a link to go back to the index page.

tamarian 05-21-2001 12:39 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg

If you are seeing a "continue" button, you have not completed all emails that you want to send. The very last page should just have a link to go back to the index page.

Not on my forum. I have about 600 users and set it to send 500, next page should be the last one, but it still shows the "continue" button. I actually did press for a second time for the remaining 100+ and it still asked me to press continute when it was done.

tubedogg 05-21-2001 04:31 PM

Did you upgrade to the latest version? (Download the file in the first post.)

tamarian 05-21-2001 04:39 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg
Did you upgrade to the latest version? (Download the file in the first post.)
No, will do, mine is 0.95 :)

tubedogg 05-21-2001 04:54 PM

See, there ya go! :) I fixed that bug.

maverick1236 05-23-2001 02:16 AM

im missing the admin cp portion of this hack-so i dont see it in cp

RobAC 05-23-2001 02:38 AM

The instruction to add the admin cp link are in the download. Do you have the latest download?

the_sisko 05-24-2001 04:20 PM

Hey tubedogg,

can you post only the changed code from 0.96 to 0.97. I've hacked your hack a lot and translated it to german, so I don't want to do anything again.

Just give me a hint where to look, and I can upgrade my version of it.


TwiZteR 05-25-2001 07:32 AM

this works great on my board, tnx for the hack Kier _and_ for the update tubedogg ;)

jojo85 05-26-2001 09:40 AM

this script don't work by me..
here is the error:

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin Control PanelInvalid SQLSELECT FROM user WHERE SUBSTRING(birthday,6)>='05-26' AND SUBSTRING(birthday,6)<='06-09' ORDER BY SUBSTRING(birthday,6LIMIT 0,10
mysql error
You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,10' at line 1
mysql error number
Saturday 26th of May 2001 12:33:55 PM
: /forums/admin/commbull.php
: [url]http://www.agnfr.com/forums/admin/commbull.php?s=[/url] 

Help me plz

the_sisko 05-26-2001 11:12 AM

Turn Birthdays to 0!!!
Your mysql version is not up to date and doesn't support SUBSTRING!

jojo85 05-26-2001 11:19 AM

Thx you

jojo85 05-26-2001 11:32 AM

That work now :p
Thx you very much guy!!

RobAC 05-26-2001 03:37 PM

I'm still having a problem getting the email to appear properly formatted. I've tried wluke's suggestion in this thread: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showt...threadid=16396

but it still doesn't work. Where is the correct location to place the line of code he is talking about?

tubedogg 05-26-2001 05:32 PM


Originally posted by The_Sisko
Just give me a hint where to look, and I can upgrade my version of it.
OK :) Changes between .96 and .97:

line 140, replace
PHP Code:

while ($group $DB_site->fetch_array($groups)) { makeyesnocode($group[title],"group[$group[id]]",1); } 

PHP Code:

while ($group $DB_site->fetch_array($groups)) { makeyesnocode($group[title],"group[$group[id]]",0); } 

line 145, replace
PHP Code:

makeyesnocode("Create a new thread with a copy of your email in your forums?","postcopy"); 

PHP Code:

makeyesnocode("Create a new thread with a copy of your email in your forums?","postcopy",0); 

on line 505, delete
PHP Code:

$passmessage trim($message); 

and then add
PHP Code:

$passmessage trim($message); 

right below
PHP Code:

    $message str_replace("}","",$message); 

line 507, replace
PHP Code:

    if ($page 1) { 

PHP Code:

    if ($page == 1) { 

That should be it. :)

the_sisko 05-26-2001 06:07 PM

Thanks a lot, I'll try it later!

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