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Marco van Herwaarden 10-30-2007 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisLM2001 (Post 1371827)
Because, it's not I that ran with the ball of...vbulletin.com vs. vbulletin.org, you and Paul are going that tangent route.

Staff is staff to me, as you all answer to Jelsoft, and post on each forum accordingly. And that's where the buck, stops. None of this "official" and "unofficial" junk.

Been there, done that.

Like this you are only making a joke of your own comments. How do you think anyone can take you serious like this?

vBulletin.com and vBulletin.org are 2 different websites, with (mostly) different staff and with different topics. You can not come here complaining about vBulletin.org and then when asked show threads on another site (vbulletin.com).

If you have any serious suggestions about this website, feel free to post about it (in a constructive way). Otherwise please don't post complaints in such a way that a normal member reading get the wrong impression.

If you have any suggestions/complaints about vBulletin or vBulletin.com, then please post there.

Paul M 10-30-2007 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisLM2001 (Post 1371827)
Because, it's not I that ran with the ball of...vbulletin.com vs. vbulletin.org, you and Paul are going that tangent route.

The only person going off on a tangent is you. Check the URL, this is vbulletin.org, not vbulletin.com, two different websites.


Originally Posted by ChrisLM2001 (Post 1371827)
Staff is staff to me, as you all answer to Jelsoft, and post on each forum accordingly. And that's where the buck, stops. None of this "official" and "unofficial" junk.

Complete tosh I'm afraid. I am neither on the Staff of vbulletin.com, nor am I employed by Jelsoft. I represent nothing official for either.

MRGTB 10-30-2007 06:21 PM

Thats does seem to be the case, although I've seen quite a few paid requests posted her for logo's in the past.

Freesteyelz 10-31-2007 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 1371830)
As for bias against designers? Hah... I'm a coder with absolutely zero graphical talent... I love Designers :)

Don't forget us "Developers" too. Even if we're amateur at that. :D

Analogpoint 10-31-2007 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1372094)
Complete tosh I'm afraid. I am neither on the Staff of vbulletin.com, nor am I employed by Jelsoft. I represent nothing official for either.

Interesting. I would have thought Jelsoft would run their official modifications site with at least a paid admin ...

And on a completely different note, this is concerning communication. I think the average member here, when they see the "official" "V" avatar, or they see someone is an administrator here, then they assume that the poster is a (paid) Jelsoft employee, and officially representing the company. I actually did think you, Paul, being the admin, were an employee of Jelsoft. Maybe for the sake of communication (which includes what others percieve), there should be a secondary title/note in the avatar specifying that the member is a vBulletin.org volunteer or something to that effect, and is only expressing their opinion, and it has nothing to do with Jelsoft policy.

Marco van Herwaarden 10-31-2007 04:04 PM

About vBulletin.org ;)

All our staff are volunteers, i am the only Jelsoft representative in the board administration.

Analogpoint 10-31-2007 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden (Post 1372845)
About vBulletin.org ;)

All our staff are volunteers, i am the only Jelsoft representative in the board administration.

That's fine. I just think that for the sake of good communication, it should be more prominent, as in the postbit somewhere.

MRGTB 10-31-2007 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden (Post 1372845)
About vBulletin.org ;)

All our staff are volunteers, i am the only Jelsoft representative in the board administration.

But even that is confusing. Because you carry the title of "vBulletin.org Coordinator". Now I'm not sure if that is supposed to be a higher rank than Admin or not. If not it seems strange to me that Paul as a volunteer is site admin, while you carry a lesser rank as a Jelsoft Employee.

You would have thought as a employee of Jelsoft, you'd be the top ranking staff member here.

Shelley_c 10-31-2007 09:42 PM

Getting back on topic (Unsure whether this has been implemented) but i think it would be a good idea if a prefix was added [Filled] or [Complete] for threads which have been filled. when the request has been filled the threadstarter can select the option which signals that the request has been completed and he/she is happy with it.

I suppose this could be extended to the request hack area.

Dream 10-31-2007 11:16 PM

Having a "Volunteer Staff" on titles would be a nice idea.

Chris M 11-01-2007 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Analogpoint (Post 1372880)
That's fine. I just think that for the sake of good communication, it should be more prominent, as in the postbit somewhere.

It does say "vBulletin.org Coordinator" in his title... :)

Originally Posted by MRGTB (Post 1372901)
But even that is confusing. Because you carry the title of "vBulletin.org Coordinator". Now I'm not sure if that is supposed to be a higher rank than Admin or not. If not it seems strange to me that Paul as a volunteer is site admin, while you carry a lesser rank as a Jelsoft Employee.

You would have thought as a employee of Jelsoft, you'd be the top ranking staff member here.

Marco is the "Top Ranking" staff member here; He is employed by Jelsoft... Every other staff member here is a Volunteer :)

If you check the "Meet the Staff" link at the bottom, it lists every staff member here and their position :)
Or you can check out: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showgroups.php (yes it's still there, and it lists Marco as one of the "Administrators") :)

Originally Posted by Dream (Post 1373098)
Having a "Volunteer Staff" on titles would be a nice idea.

See above; That would not help to identify any volunteer staff members because we all are with the exception of Marco :)


Analogpoint 11-01-2007 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 1373155)
It does say "vBulletin.org Coordinator" in his title... :)

How am I possibly to conclude that Marco is a vBulletin employee and that every other admin/mod is an unpaid volunteer from that title? :)


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 1373155)
Marco is the "Top Ranking" staff member here; He is employed by Jelsoft... Every other staff member here is a Volunteer :)

That's the point. Most people would assume that an 'admin' would outrank a 'coordinator'. That's why I requested more clarification. :)


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 1373155)
If you check the "Meet the Staff" link at the bottom, it lists every staff member here and their position :)
Or you can check out: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showgroups.php (yes it's still there, and it lists Marco as one of the "Administrators") :)

I'd honestly be surprised if 5% of vbulletin.org users have ever visited the 'staff' page or the 'showgroups' page. The info needs to be prominent. :)


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 1373155)
See above; That would not help to identify any volunteer staff members because we all are with the exception of Marco :)

All the admins/mod here should have 'Volunteer vBulletin.org Staff' in their postbit, Marco should have 'Official Jelsoft Representative' in his postbit.

Just my $0.02. :)

Chris M 11-01-2007 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Analogpoint (Post 1373285)
How am I possibly to conclude that Marco is a vBulletin employee and that every other admin/mod is an unpaid volunteer from that title? :)

That's the point. Most people would assume that an 'admin' would outrank a 'coordinator'. That's why I requested more clarification. :)

I'd honestly be surprised if 5% of vbulletin.org users have ever visited the 'staff' page or the 'showgroups' page. The info needs to be prominent. :)

All the admins/mod here should have 'Volunteer vBulletin.org Staff' in their postbit, Marco should have 'Official Jelsoft Representative' in his postbit.

Just my $0.02. :)

Firstly, you are cross-quoting to make every response of mine above seem like it was directed at your inquiry - It was not...

Secondly, I did not infer that the titles were meant to determine to the user whether the staff member is a volunteer or here in some official capacity... The only officiality differences are that vBulletin employees are just that, an employee; A volunteer staff member here is still a staff member...

Thirdly, thats a big assumption; I'm English, born and raised here, and so fluent in the language; If someone turned to me and said "Do you think an 'Admin' outranks a 'Coordinator'?", by the sheer meaning of the word 'Coordinator' you can surmise that their position is higher...

As for people visiting the staff pages; Well, I personally view the showgroups page (or equivalent if available) on every site to see who the people who are Mods and Admins, Owners etc... A little information can get you a long way ;)

Finally, those titles you suggested actually end up making determining who performs what function here to the average user more difficult; A "Site Coordinator" generally is someone in charge, who gives out jobs, analyses and discusses with staff and members about things that are open to change, and actively communicate to people through the website (thats what I personally see a Coordinator to be)... An "Official Representative" could be the Official Jelsoft Main Office Janitor, for all someone on the other end knows ;)

The other staff titles are self-explanitory :)


Marco van Herwaarden 11-01-2007 08:22 AM

vBulletin.org is mostly ran by our volunteer staff.

Our volunteer Admins make most of the decissions and do most of the (admin) work. (As our volunteer moderators do most of the moderating work).

My tasks (among others):
- Assist the staff in decission making
- Act as escalation point in case of a disagreement between staff and a member.
- Give official (Jelsoft) answers if needed.
- Protect the interest of Jelsoft whenever needed.

Analogpoint 11-01-2007 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 1373316)
Firstly, you are cross-quoting to make every response of mine above seem like it was directed at your inquiry - It was not...

Secondly, I did not infer that the titles were meant to determine to the user whether the staff member is a volunteer or here in some official capacity... The only officiality differences are that vBulletin employees are just that, an employee; A volunteer staff member here is still a staff member...

Thirdly, thats a big assumption; I'm English, born and raised here, and so fluent in the language; If someone turned to me and said "Do you think an 'Admin' outranks a 'Coordinator'?", by the sheer meaning of the word 'Coordinator' you can surmise that their position is higher...

As for people visiting the staff pages; Well, I personally view the showgroups page (or equivalent if available) on every site to see who the people who are Mods and Admins, Owners etc... A little information can get you a long way ;)

Finally, those titles you suggested actually end up making determining who performs what function here to the average user more difficult; A "Site Coordinator" generally is someone in charge, who gives out jobs, analyses and discusses with staff and members about things that are open to change, and actively communicate to people through the website (thats what I personally see a Coordinator to be)... An "Official Representative" could be the Official Jelsoft Main Office Janitor, for all someone on the other end knows ;)

The other staff titles are self-explanitory :)


OK, I'm not going to argue. I've stated my opinion in an attempt to improve things, if it's not wanted, I'll move on. :cool:

Paul M 11-01-2007 08:52 AM

How does a thread about a graphics request area become a discussion about the staff ??

As Marco has pretty much said - the day to day running and decisions are the resposibility of the three main site administrators (Danny, Joe and myself) - as the site co-ordinator, Marco also has the vbulletin "rank" of administrator.

All important admin decisions are made by joint discussion between the administrators, and Marco is also involved in those discussions, both to advise from his own experience and obviously to represent and protect the interests of Jelsoft. I guess in theory, he could overrule any change on the basis that it was not in Jelsofts interests, in practice that has never been an issue.

Now, what was the topic of this thread again ...........

Shelley_c 11-01-2007 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1373053)
Getting back on topic (Unsure whether this has been implemented) but i think it would be a good idea if a prefix was added [Filled] or [Complete] for threads which have been filled. when the request has been filled the threadstarter can select the option which signals that the request has been completed and he/she is happy with it.

I suppose this could be extended to the request hack area.

Back on topic.

Dean C 11-01-2007 09:18 AM

If only everyone was enthusiastic as you shelley :)! However, I think having labels like this will only heighten the already overbearing "Gimme" mentality within the community. Pepople will assume coming to the forum that their request will be filled, and get annoyed and bump all the time when it's not...

Marco van Herwaarden 11-01-2007 09:24 AM

That is a risk of having a seperate forum for these requests.

On the other hand, it might also get more responses from people with interest in design and graphics as they don't need to find threads of their interest between many other threads.

Shelley_c 11-01-2007 09:35 AM

I find (and from experience) that when members see requests filled and there are signs of high activity in the form of requests being taken on and filled it enduces more designers to get stuck in (even members that are graphics savy) but it's a way of getting members who want to get a foothold into graphic design a foothold in the door and what better place to start than in the graphic requests. This will eventually lead (an assumption) members possibly submitting into the graphic database.

Anyway, I think the idea is worth pondering on.

Edit: @Dean That is a strong possibility that members will bump their threads. So, I would suggest that a line is written in the guidelines that any thread should not be bumped untill 48 hours have past. Sure, this won't stop them from bumping but it will cut down some of the impatient members.

I did write some guidelines in this thread (which I thought would have been implemented and I stated that staff and members are not obligated to fill requests and that the graphic request is community driven. It's like the old age say. You don't ask, you don't get. but in this case you ask, you still may not get. It's just a chance that any requester has to take when requesting.

Analogpoint 11-01-2007 03:33 PM

Warning: On-topic post.

Another idea for making a graphics request forum more rewarding to graphic designers (and to possibly help them get paid graphics gigs), would be to create a simple system, where the designer who fills the request can submit the finished work at the end of the thread, and the original requester has an option to select them as the person who completed the job, then in the designer's profile, have a section similar to the hacks section, where it lists all the design gigs the person has completed, with links to the threads and the finished graphic. If someone is looking to hire a designer, it would give credibility to the designer. This would also motivate the designer to fulfill requests, since there is a "formal" system, along with the benefit of a 'portfolio'.

Hopefully I explained myself right :)

Dean C 11-01-2007 03:37 PM

Sounds like a good idea to me shelly, but I guess that would require moderation. For example, I could create dummy accounts each week, and post requests for little graphics I've done over time. Then just fill them myself, to get my stats up :)

Analogpoint 11-01-2007 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dean C (Post 1373518)
Sounds like a good idea to me shelly, but I guess that would require moderation. For example, I could create dummy accounts each week, and post requests for little graphics I've done over time. Then just fill them myself, to get my stats up :)

Have a minimum post count of 50 to post in the request graphics forum.

Shelley_c 11-01-2007 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Dean C (Post 1373518)
Sounds like a good idea to me shelly, but I guess that would require moderation. For example, I could create dummy accounts each week, and post requests for little graphics I've done over time. Then just fill them myself, to get my stats up :)

Should that have been directed at Analogpoint Dean? because I don't mind taking credit for an idea I never put on the table. Sounds like a good idea Analogpoint (though It doesn't benefit me because my online work is free) but I can see the benefits for designers who want to extend their portfolio and the hope of gaining paid work from the graphic requests area.

I would put in some kind of restriction, but wouldn't that then complicate the graphic requests area? Maybe a post count limit would get around but I doubt that a post count limit would be accommodated.

Shazz 11-07-2007 12:38 AM

It looks good :)

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