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BecomeUnbroken 10-18-2007 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by citroenar (Post 1363144)
It make problem with "Lightbox/ThickBox works with Inline Editing" (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...=126501&page=7)
with code at the top of postbit legacy


<if condition="$show['thumbnailattachment']">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/thickbox.js"></script>

If I remove this code it works normal.

Well you are loading jquery two times.. since both these mods use JQuery you should remove one of the instances.. I recommend to remove it from my mod instead of the Lightbox, since mine is still in beta.. I might add a control panel option in a future release to enable/disable Jquery in these type of cases...

Actually now when I think about it.. you should remove the LightBox JQuery code.. because the menu need JQuery on every page.. not just on pages where the postbit is displayed.. so remove the code from the postbit_legacy, and just remember where it goes if you need to put it back later...

to be more specific, remove this piece of the code..
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>

Evolution06 10-18-2007 05:43 PM

This is a awesome mod! I implemented it as my navbar http://www.pandemicdesign.net/forums/index.php with a few tweaks of the skin. But did you make the icons or find them somewhere? the reason I ask is I need a few more.

BecomeUnbroken 10-18-2007 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Evolution06 (Post 1363229)
This is a awesome mod! I implemented it as my navbar http://www.pandemicdesign.net/forums/index.php with a few tweaks of the skin. But did you make the icons or find them somewhere? the reason I ask is I need a few more.

Glad you like it.. The icons used are from the original script/maker... http://www.ndesign-studio.com/blog/mac/css-dock-menu

I'm sure you can find more on Google... just type something like "free osx icons" or something of the sort..

Also.. check if your shoutbox is working properly.. for some reason this mod has been haveing issues with people's shoutboxes

Evolution06 10-18-2007 06:07 PM

Cool so far I see no problems with my shoutbox yet. When I hover over the icons the descript text is white but other then that shoutbox works fine.

BecomeUnbroken 10-18-2007 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Evolution06 (Post 1363241)
Cool so far I see no problems with my shoutbox yet. When I hover over the icons the descript text is white but other then that shoutbox works fine.

you can change alot of the visual settings in the 'afm_fisheye_stylesheet' template

Evolution06 10-18-2007 06:30 PM

Yes I looked in the css as dock-item and the code is #000 which should be black so maybe its because it's cutting into the shoutbox on hover over. No Biggie really I should be able to fix it.

Macmillion 10-18-2007 07:17 PM

Its a good idea, but it doesn't work for me :/


It all piles up together.

BecomeUnbroken 10-18-2007 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Macmillion (Post 1363282)
Its a good idea, but it doesn't work for me :/


It all piles up together.

where you put your $afm_menu try doing this...


<table style="width: 100%;"><tr><td style="width: 100%;">

Let me know if it works...

Macmillion 10-18-2007 07:37 PM

I've put it in Navbar just below the first line <br/>

And no that didn't work sorry.

BecomeUnbroken 10-18-2007 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Macmillion (Post 1363299)
I've put it in Navbar just below the first line <br/>

And no that didn't work sorry.

try placing it in another spot... let's say the footer template, just to see if it's a template problem or something with the actual code conflicting with your site..

Macmillion 10-18-2007 07:51 PM

I've tried it all over BU, footer, navbar, header etc....never works.

Sorry about this :/

Evolution06 10-18-2007 08:05 PM

What does a portion of your navbar look like? I put it in mine no problem maybe I can help ya out. Check mine out http://www.pandemicdesign.net/forums/index.php

I see the problem you are having macmillion, I had to upload fisheye folder 2 times to get my to work fine,
I uploaded it once to /public_html folder in the cpanel and once into /forums folder

I am trying to figure out right now why both folders need to be where they are give me a few. I think it might be just a change of links in the templets

Macmillion 10-18-2007 08:15 PM

Mine just clumps together, it does the loading thing that yours does but then it just stays there, unlike yours which works fine.

EDIT: Hmmm if thats so then the error would be easy to correct. Thanks i'll give it a go!

EDIT EDIT: That worked thanks :)

Evolution06 10-18-2007 08:24 PM

No problem, You will notice that if you delete the fisheye in /forums you images won't show I am thinking that changing the links in afm_fisheye_menu might fix this so then the fisheye folder can be deleted in /forums

BecomeUnbroken 10-18-2007 09:49 PM

what i will do in the next release is add an option in the Admin CP where you can enter the location of your /fisheye folder.. that way it can be anywhere you want it to be and still work with the right setting

Evolution06 10-18-2007 09:57 PM

Awesome because right now as you can see we have to have the fisheye folder in /public_html and /forums for all aspects of it to work correctly. I am at work so have limited time to see if I can find a fix myself. Although having the 2 folders does not bother me much really,

BecomeUnbroken 10-18-2007 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Evolution06 (Post 1363379)
Awesome because right now as you can see we have to have the fisheye folder in /public_html and /forums for all aspects of it to work correctly. I am at work so have limited time to see if I can find a fix myself. Although having the 2 folders does not bother me much really,

I have it only in my root directory and it works fine... but I also have my forum in the root directory and not in the /forum directory... so that's probably why it works ok for me... either way I'll try and see how I can make it a little more universal.. I'm new at this whole vBulletin thing, and coding in general.. so this is a learning process for me as well :D

rokked 10-19-2007 03:46 AM

Uploaded and it works great.

Any way to get the size of the icons to get less dramatic when you scroll over though? Like instead of going from 50 to 100 pixels, from 50 to 75?

BecomeUnbroken 10-19-2007 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by rokked (Post 1363521)
Uploaded and it works great.

Any way to get the size of the icons to get less dramatic when you scroll over though? Like instead of going from 50 to 100 pixels, from 50 to 75?

yes.. in the afm_fisheye_menu template look for this code:


                    maxWidth: 50,
                    items: 'a',
                    itemsText: 'span',
                    container: '.dock-container',
                    itemWidth: 40,
                    proximity: 90,
                    halign : 'center'

change the 'proximity' value to less so that the menu won't pick up your mouse from a mile away... and will also make the effect a bit less dramatic

change 'maxWidth' to the size in pixels you want the image to be when hovered over it.. and 'itemWidth' to the size when the menu is idle without being rolled over... If you go to my site you can see how mine is a bit different than the one in the release... here is what my code looks like...


                    maxWidth: 40,
                    items: 'a',
                    itemsText: 'span',
                    container: '.dock-container',
                    itemWidth: 30,
                    proximity: 30,
                    halign : 'right'

Hope this helps a bit... :D

rokked 10-19-2007 04:04 AM

Wonderful. You're such a help.

BecomeUnbroken 10-19-2007 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by Evolution06 (Post 1363229)
This is a awesome mod! I implemented it as my navbar http://www.pandemicdesign.net/forums/index.php with a few tweaks of the skin. But did you make the icons or find them somewhere? the reason I ask is I need a few more.

here are some free icons i found...

inciarco 10-19-2007 05:46 AM

Didn't Work On My Forums With VBulletin 3.6.7 PL1!! :(

I'll Wait For The Next Update That Will Include All The Admin CP Configuration Options!! ;)

My Best Regards!! :up:


BecomeUnbroken 10-19-2007 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1363569)
here are some free icons i found...


There are ALOT of icons in that site.. but it is chinese.. Oh well...

MiahBeSmokin420 10-19-2007 06:39 AM

the oly things i have seen wrong with this is:

not working in opera - just dont show

and how the hell do i get it in my header and footer at the same time?

other then that

great mod

RvG2 10-19-2007 08:15 AM

Cooooll this script rocks!

OT: Sir, how did you integrated Gallery 2 on your site.

MiahBeSmokin420 10-19-2007 08:41 AM

remove because of a mis communication

BecomeUnbroken 10-19-2007 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by RvG2 (Post 1363612)
Cooooll this script rocks!

OT: Sir, how did you integrated Gallery 2 on your site.


I followed these instructions to get Gallery 2 integrated on my site:

The instructions are for 3.5.x, but as you can see, it's working fine on my 3.6.8 site..

KTP 10-19-2007 02:46 PM

i installed this, it didnt work right so i chose to uninstall it and it wiped out half my database.

Darat 10-19-2007 02:54 PM

Sounds as if you had some other problem with your forum - this mod doesn't touch the forum database.

unitedpunjab 10-19-2007 02:56 PM

Installed and workin just fine...



KTP 10-19-2007 02:56 PM

its the only thing that i've touched so i dont have any other explanations

rokked 10-19-2007 03:12 PM

How would you align this to the left or the right. All the normal tricks seem to not work.

BecomeUnbroken 10-19-2007 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by KTP (Post 1363769)
i installed this, it didnt work right so i chose to uninstall it and it wiped out half my database.

This mod doesn't make any database changes.. or even access the database.. So there is no way it could've wiped it out...

BecomeUnbroken 10-19-2007 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by rokked (Post 1363783)
How would you align this to the left or the right. All the normal tricks seem to not work.

in the afm_fisheye_menu template look for this code:


                    maxWidth: 50,
                    items: 'a',
                    itemsText: 'span',
                    container: '.dock-container',
                    itemWidth: 40,
                    proximity: 90,
                    halign : 'center'

change the 'halign' value to left, center, or right.. depending where you want it to go..

here is what my code looks like:


                    maxWidth: 40,
                    items: 'a',
                    itemsText: 'span',
                    container: '.dock-container',
                    itemWidth: 30,
                    proximity: 30,
                    halign : 'right'

After this you need to go to the afm_fisheye_stylesheet template and mess with the CSS code until you have it aligned exactly where you want it... here's an example of my code:


.dock {
 position: relative;
left: -7%;
bottom: 0px;
 height: 50px;
.dock-container {
 position: absolute;
 height: 50px;
 padding-left: 20px;

:) you can see the result of this coding at my site

Evolution06 10-19-2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1363569)
here are some free icons i found...

Nice, Thanks for going the extra mile they will come in handy,

citroenar 10-19-2007 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1363188)
Well you are loading jquery two times.. since both these mods use JQuery you should remove one of the instances.. I recommend to remove it from my mod instead of the Lightbox, since mine is still in beta.. I might add a control panel option in a future release to enable/disable Jquery in these type of cases...

Actually now when I think about it.. you should remove the LightBox JQuery code.. because the menu need JQuery on every page.. not just on pages where the postbit is displayed.. so remove the code from the postbit_legacy, and just remember where it goes if you need to put it back later...

to be more specific, remove this piece of the code..
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>

if I remove mine,then lightbox dont work like should work (open picture normal,but on close it like redirect me back on forumhome) and if I remove yours then both dont work.
I found another error - se picture

Magnumutz 10-19-2007 08:50 PM

This is awesome dude... I'm really looking for a stable version.

Btw, can we get more images for it? :D

Saviour 10-19-2007 11:40 PM

This would be ice to add onto my forum as well, but I'm not a big fan of BETA. I'll wait for a more stable version as well.

Some things I'd like to see addressed:
  1. Full browser compatibility
  2. Transparent background images for seemless blending with your current forum
  3. Ability to automatically resize the menu instead of having to manually size it through template scripts
  4. More images
  5. Admin CP control
This is an excellent Mod...I hope to see further progress and will return frequently to check up on it.

Best of luck!

MiahBeSmokin420 10-20-2007 12:02 AM


i have this in my header right now

and i see that you can make 2 diffrent docks which i understand

but when i do that the second one is always messed up and showes up in the middle of my site somewhere

how can i make it in the header and footer at the same time?

other then that its great i replaced my normal nav bars with this

MiahBeSmokin420 10-20-2007 02:58 AM

Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Boy


How The He Dubble Hocky Stix (lol lil ears on this site lol)

Do You Get This To Be In The Header And Footer At The Same Time


Any One?? Any One??

Going Once?? Going Twice??

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