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sinisterpain 07-30-2007 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by mrahul (Post 1305139)
can this be used with out cyb & paypal easy donate, I want to just continue with my paid subscriptions page.
& will this work on 3.6.4 ?

I have not tested it with 3.6.4 but it should work and yes the donor bar is a stand alone so it can be used with any paypal mod.

VHLinks 07-31-2007 05:19 AM

I am using it on 3.6.4 just fine. And actually I tweaked it a bit to work with how I have my site news, etc. I simplified it a bit, I don't need as much info as most of you probably do. Thanks very much!

How I am using it if anyone is interested.

sinisterpain 08-02-2007 12:05 AM

Please click install so you will get all update notifications.:D

yaoren 08-02-2007 03:03 AM

total idiot here... in the "Post Installations" section...what exactly do I change in there? Is it the bits in red?
I have cyb paypal installed but I was using a 3rd party "donations progress bar" so I took that code out and added yours in. the bar is showing along with the donate button but when I click on it, it's just the paypal screen, it's not showing my site name or where it's being sent to... obviously I haven't put my info in so that's why i'm asking about the red text. Sorry for being such a dweeb ;)


mrahul 08-02-2007 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by sinisterpain (Post 1305680)
I have not tested it with 3.6.4 but it should work and yes the donor bar is a stand alone so it can be used with any paypal mod.

I am not using any mods I meant the paid subscription page for accepting donations.
So, does this work with out any additional mod or do I need to have any mod to get it to work ?


Originally Posted by VHLinks
I am using it on 3.6.4 just fine. And actually I tweaked it a bit to work with how I have my site news, etc. I simplified it a bit, I don't need as much info as most of you probably do. Thanks very much!

How I am using it if anyone is interested.

Do u use any other hack to receive paypal donations ? & is tweaking needed just as u made it to get it below & etc.. or just to get it work u had to tweak ?

sinisterpain 08-02-2007 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by yaoren (Post 1307709)
total idiot here... in the "Post Installations" section...what exactly do I change in there? Is it the bits in red?
I have cyb paypal installed but I was using a 3rd party "donations progress bar" so I took that code out and added yours in. the bar is showing along with the donate button but when I click on it, it's just the paypal screen, it's not showing my site name or where it's being sent to... obviously I haven't put my info in so that's why i'm asking about the red text. Sorry for being such a dweeb ;)


The reason I put the link in red is to ensure that I made it clear how the links need to be formated. What you should do is go to your paypal account create your own button and it will give you the relevant code to put in the mod with your paypal info. As I click on your button now it goes to paypal but not your specific site paypal page. You need to enter your paypal email info and any other info that you wish. My post information above is only an example of how the link should be formated (highlighted in red).


Sorry for being such a dweeb
You should never feel that way about asking a question. We can never learn without them. ;)

sinisterpain 08-02-2007 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by mrahul (Post 1307779)
I am not using any mods I meant the paid subscription page for accepting donations.
So, does this work with out any additional mod or do I need to have any mod to get it to work ?

Do u use any other hack to receive paypal donations ? & is tweaking needed just as u made it to get it below & etc.. or just to get it work u had to tweak ?

It will work with any donation system you are using. It does not require any other mod.

sinisterpain 08-02-2007 11:07 PM

Update the template to be more in line with default vbulletin style.

yaoren 08-02-2007 11:15 PM

I got a new logo from paypal and installed it on the progress bar but when I click on it, it just opens up a pop up window with information about paypal. I had a look in my paypal account but couldn't see anything to direct the link towards my own paypal page. Obviously i'm not doing something right... can you help me get it sorted please?


Never mind, I got it solved :)

RaceJunkie 08-03-2007 12:13 AM


Does this bar update automatically when someone makes a donation?

yaoren 08-03-2007 12:38 AM

I haven't had a donation since I added it... Yet, but I know once you receive notification that you received XX amount, you can add that XX amount in via the control panel.

Hope that helps a little :)

RaceJunkie 08-03-2007 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by yaoren (Post 1308603)
I haven't had a donation since I added it... Yet, but I know once you receive notification that you received XX amount, you can add that XX amount in via the control panel.

Hope that helps a little :)

Thanks after further review I believe the same thing.

yaoren 08-03-2007 12:54 AM

Now... if you want to come to my site and donate $1, i'll be able to find out if it updates automatically or not. :D :D


Donations do not move the progress bar, you have to manually enter the amount via admincp
Just remember to put the "Total" amount you have received and not just the "last donation" you received.

VHLinks 08-05-2007 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by mrahul (Post 1307779)

Do u use any other hack to receive paypal donations ? & is tweaking needed just as u made it to get it below & etc.. or just to get it work u had to tweak ?

I use Bill's PayPal hack, but that really doesn't interface at all with the bar. The bar's stats are all manually entered in via the control panel. So when someone donates, I still have to put in the amounts.

The only tweaks I made were just using the parts of the HTML code I needed and putting them in the forumhome template where I wanted them. So yeah it's fairly simple if you know how to edit those templates, which I know most people here do.

sinisterpain 08-05-2007 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by VHLinks (Post 1310193)
I use Bill's PayPal hack, but that really doesn't interface at all with the bar. The bar's stats are all manually entered in via the control panel. So when someone donates, I still have to put in the amounts.

The only tweaks I made were just using the parts of the HTML code I needed and putting them in the forumhome template where I wanted them. So yeah it's fairly simple if you know how to edit those templates, which I know most people here do.

It was not meant to directly interface with them if it did it would specific to that hack only and I would have to release a different bar for each one. Which is why I made it manual so it could be used with any donation mod. And please click install if you like the mod.

yaoren 08-05-2007 02:00 PM

Any way I can turn off the $ amount received and just have the % towards our goal showing?

radarhunter 08-05-2007 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by yaoren (Post 1310384)
Any way I can turn off the $ amount received and just have the % towards our goal showing?

Remove this code from the xml file


<tr align="center">
                  <td class="alt1">We have received a total of $$vboptions[donormoney] in donations towards our goal of $$vboptions[goal]
                  <br />
                      <br />
<table class="tborder" align="center" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" "border=0" width="500">

sinisterpain 08-05-2007 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by yaoren (Post 1310384)
Any way I can turn off the $ amount received and just have the % towards our goal showing?

Do not edit the XML.
Just edit the template donorbar and remove just the wording

We have received a total of $$vboptions[donormoney] in donations towards our goal of $$vboptions[goal]
  <br />

Radarhunter please do not use the quote function for showing any code or template info instead use code function ie..."#"

yaoren 08-05-2007 02:21 PM

Thanks, I just had to re-center it as it threw it all over to the left side but sorted now :D

P.s... Donations are doing well since installing this :D thank you!

radarhunter 08-05-2007 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by sinisterpain (Post 1310400)
Radarhunter please do not use the quote function for showing any code or template info instead use code function ie..."#"

gottcha ;)

sinisterpain 08-05-2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by yaoren (Post 1310401)
Thanks, I just had to re-center it as it threw it all over to the left side but sorted now :D

P.s... Donations are doing well since installing this :D thank you!

You should re edit your donar bar template its missing the table for the bar and you do not show your goal that your striving for.

I would put back the original and edit the template as I described above.

and just change:


$donorbar% of our goal has been reached.


$donorbar% of our $$vboptions[goal] goal has been reached.

VHLinks 08-06-2007 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by sinisterpain (Post 1310294)
It was not meant to directly interface with them if it did it would specific to that hack only and I would have to release a different bar for each one. Which is why I made it manual so it could be used with any donation mod. And please click install if you like the mod.

Oh it wasn't a complaint, I was just saying what I am using it with since someone asked. Clicked install. :I)

Shazz 08-06-2007 07:03 AM

Creative Idea, might use this in future timeframe

Desi-Home 08-08-2007 01:39 AM

i installed it but it didn't create any templates.. i added varialbe $donationbar but nothing appeard as it didn't add template so i created a template manually... but when i add $donationbar variable it doesn't show because the template is not inside FORUMHOME.. so please help me in adding varialbe thanks..

yaoren 08-08-2007 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by sinisterpain (Post 1310557)
You should re edit your donar bar template its missing the table for the bar and you do not show your goal that your striving for.

I would put back the original and edit the template as I described above.

and just change:


$donorbar% of our goal has been reached.


$donorbar% of our $$vboptions[goal] goal has been reached.

It threw two of my skins off because of the missing table but as soon as I added that back in, Bingo... my two skins back to perfection again. :)
Much appreciated :up:

tekguru 08-08-2007 11:07 AM

Did anyone get this working with Bills Donate Mod at all, and if so could you share the changes needed?

sinisterpain 08-08-2007 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Desi-Home (Post 1312349)
i installed it but it didn't create any templates.. i added varialbe $donationbar but nothing appeard as it didn't add template so i created a template manually... but when i add $donationbar variable it doesn't show because the template is not inside FORUMHOME.. so please help me in adding varialbe thanks..

How did you install it? The template is in the XML file if you imported it it would create athe template donorbar in styles/templates. If you can not get it running pm me and I will try and help you out. Please click installed for support.

sinisterpain 08-08-2007 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by tekguru (Post 1312609)
Did anyone get this working with Bills Donate Mod at all, and if so could you share the changes needed?

What are you looking for it to do? Please click install for support.

tekguru 08-08-2007 09:47 PM

All in and working now, I'm not realised initially it was stand alone :)

The difficult part was to get the PayPal form in the right format. I am curious though why the form has to use that particular format and button for the Mod to work ? If one wishes to link to an existing Donations page then surely that can not be possible.

Ideally I'd want to link to Bills Donation system and if one has to use the form specified in the instructions this is not the case - or am I missing something?

sinisterpain 08-08-2007 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by tekguru (Post 1313091)
All in and working now, I'm not realised initially it was stand alone :)

The difficult part was to get the PayPal form in the right format. I am curious though why the form has to use that particular format and button for the Mod to work ? If one wishes to link to an existing Donations page then surely that can not be possible.

Ideally I'd want to link to Bills Donation system and if one has to use the form specified in the instructions this is not the case - or am I missing something?

If you wish to point to your donation page just enter this instead of your form code.
and edit yoursite.com with your addy and your donation file with the php file you link too.

<a href="http://yourwebsite.com/forum/your donation file.php "><img src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-butcc-donate.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!"></a>

tekguru 08-09-2007 04:36 AM

That is superb, jsut what was needed. My thanks!

sinisterpain 08-09-2007 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by tekguru (Post 1313281)
That is superb, jsut what was needed. My thanks!

Your welcome glad I could help :)

thetootall 08-10-2007 02:35 AM

Very nice! Thanks!

sinisterpain 08-14-2007 08:24 PM

Your welcome. If you have any suggestions l;et me know.

TheBlackPoet 08-15-2007 12:42 AM

i had to use the other link to go through to my paypal.. if i was using the default link, would it automatically update the progress bar?? because right now, i have to manually update it...

either way.., its really good, it has increased money to my site more than the common donate link...

so... thank you...

sinisterpain 08-15-2007 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by TheBlackPoet (Post 1317740)
i had to use the other link to go through to my paypal.. if i was using the default link, would it automatically update the progress bar?? because right now, i have to manually update it...

either way.., its really good, it has increased money to my site more than the common donate link...

so... thank you...

Yes, the info that I put as an example is just that, an example to show the format of the link you must input into the admin cp->vb options->donations bar field for paypal button link. You must put your specific paypal info so the link goes to your paypal page.
The alternative is if you are using a paypal mod (ie..paypal donations3.5, billpaintball, cyberpaypal etc..) you may elect to link to your donation page.
It has to be updated manually as it does not link into any other mod. It was meant as a standalone or could be added to one of the other paypal mods.

luckid 08-15-2007 03:20 PM

If you want simply to add a button of connection to the page of (es: PayPal Easy Donate - vB 3.6)
Inserted this in the options:

<form action="http://www.srilanka-w.org/srilanka/forum/billspaypal.php?" method="post">
                            <input type="image" src="http://www.srilanka-w.org/srilanka/mkportal/templates/Water%20Green/images/paypal_donate.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!"></form>

Change only 2 link your linki on page off the mod:

And the for you image:

I hope of to have been of help to someone.
excused my English are Italian (google)

Bye.... ciuazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

tekguru 08-19-2007 11:41 AM

Anyone know how the colour of the bar can be changed say to green if the donations made figure equals or is greater than that needed for the current month?

sinisterpain 08-19-2007 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by tekguru (Post 1320870)
Anyone know how the colour of the bar can be changed say to green if the donations made figure equals or is greater than that needed for the current month?

Import the updated XML file and allow overwrite.
This will change the bar color to green when 100% or greater donations are recieved.

tekguru 08-19-2007 01:38 PM

Superb :)

Only one problem we modified the template as in this post to make it cleaner and now we get a slight piece of red at the start of the bar, and no closing box at the end as you can see here.

Any ideas?

Superb responce to the request though :) If the template can't be fixed I'll go back to the original template :)

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