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mhc1576 07-27-2007 07:23 PM

If you are a vB owner just register with the same email as here and you will get access.

Feckie (Roger) 07-27-2007 07:30 PM

Nice To see You Back Andreas ...:)

thincom2000 07-29-2007 07:44 AM

Well I had to remove a few plugins in order for this to stop breaking all my admin pages, but I got it working. Just in time for 3.6.8, too. Thanks!

alluidh 07-31-2007 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Andreas (Post 1302913)
The german version will only be available and supported at vBHacks-Germany.org.

Are you sure? I'm not able to post questions there because of the new rulesets and I didn't saw you there too.

Andreas 07-31-2007 11:29 AM

Absolutely sure. vBHacks-Germany.org is the official german vBulletin hacks community and I will not support or release german modifications anywhere else.

Which plugins specifically?
Can you post your phpinfo()?

Deepdog009 07-31-2007 02:50 PM

And how R-U doing :D

Keep the ball rolling...

Tausend Dank!

StarBuG 07-31-2007 07:02 PM

Hi Andreas,

finally English speaking users can enjoy this great hack too.

For me this is THE most important feature since the introduction of the plugin system.
I know I was a pain in the a.. with all my requests but the product is simply beautiful.
(Still missing a code search inside all modifications though :p)

I just want to say thank you and keep up your great work.
You are a real asset to this community

Nominated for the Hack of the month of course

Best regards


ps: do you still develope the german version or will this now be the most up to date version?

Brandon Sheley 07-31-2007 09:25 PM

looks interesting :)

Andreas 08-01-2007 10:34 AM

This version is the same as the german version (well, except for the language ;)).
A search feature is already planned, but there is no ETA yet.
The german version will be maintained the same way as the english version.

Hoffi 08-01-2007 12:11 PM

Great to see the Hack here at vb.org too!

NFLfbJunkie 08-01-2007 03:33 PM

So with this MOD are template edits done within TMS and no longer by pulling up the template from the appropriate style and then doing the edits? Also, after each template edit, are you supposed to export the template edit to use in the future should there be upgrades to the vBulletin software, thus not needing to redo all of your previous template edits?

Also, I noticed that the only style I have on my board is the Default style; I do not see a Master style. Should I have both?

Finally, on my board so far I have the following MODs installed along with all of the required template (and file) edits:
Thread Prefixes
Move Display Options Above Threads
Change Thread Prefix Inline
vBadvanced CMPS
vBCredits with ibProArcade
Vb Save Drafts (MOD from vBHackers.com)
Project Tools

Do I need to uninstall these MODs beofre installing TMS or is there something I need to do with them after I install TMS?

Andreas 08-01-2007 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Junkie (Post 1307213)
So with this MOD are template edits done within TMS and no longer by pulling up the template from the appropriate style and then doing the edits?

TMS applies template modifications to compiled templates; the template source is not being modified.
If you use TMS for all your template modifications, it is not necessary to manually edit templates.


Also, after each template edit, are you supposed to export the template edit to use in the future should there be upgrades to the vBulletin software, thus not needing to redo all of your previous template edits?
You do not have to export template edits. This is only necessary if you want to copy template edits to another vBulletin installation or share them with other users.


Also, I noticed that the only style I have on my board is the Default style; I do not see a Master style. Should I have both?
MASTER style is only visible in debug mode, but it is not necessary to turn on debug mode to add template modifications in MASTER style.


Do I need to uninstall these MODs beofre installing TMS or is there something I need to do with them after I install TMS?
Do NOT uninstall these modifications! If you do so, you will loose the data.
However, you can undo the template edits you did manually for those modifications and add them to TMS instead. This is recommended to avoid having to manually update templates on vBulletin upgrades.

NFLfbJunkie 08-01-2007 05:51 PM


Do NOT uninstall these modifications! If you do so, you will loose the data.
However, you can undo the template edits you did manually for those modifications and add them to TMS instead.
I don't quite understand what it means to "add them to TMS instead" after I undo (revert) the template edits I have done manually. Should I revert all of my templates that I have edited? And if so, afterwards, what do I have TMS do? I am not familiar with TMS just yet so any guidance would be appreciated.

NFLfbJunkie 08-01-2007 05:54 PM

One other question I have is this MOD has nothing to do with files (i.e., .php files) that are edited as a result of adding MODs, correct? These will have to be re-edited regardless if an upgrade is done to the vBulletin software?

Andreas 08-01-2007 06:17 PM

See FAQ:

This explains what to do with manually applied template modifications.

NFLfbJunkie 08-01-2007 06:25 PM

In some case the code that you are asked to search for may not be exactly what is in your template, so what should one do in these cases. For instance if I add a Template-Modification and put something in the for the search and replace text fields, what happens if the search text doesn't exactly match what the existing template has?

Andreas 08-01-2007 08:29 PM

Then it won't work :)
If the instructions do not work for your Template, it most likely means your template has been customized.
So you have to modify the search/replace text to meet the requirements for your template - as you would do if you are manually editing templates.

NFLfbJunkie 08-01-2007 11:53 PM

Are plugins & products supposed to be uploaded through the Plugins & Products sections of the AdminCP, while Template Modifications get uploaded through this MOD. Also, and maybe this question is off target, but when importing plugins, aren't template modifications being made, and if so, how are these edits separated from the edits a Template MOD makes?

Andreas 08-02-2007 06:39 AM

You can import & export templates modifications through Styles & Templates / Template-Modifications Manager.
However, if a product directly supports TMS you don't have to do anything - the template edits are contained within the product XML and will be imported as well.

Funboy 08-02-2007 11:20 AM

Great Mod, Thx for your hard work Andreas.


NFLfbJunkie 08-02-2007 01:40 PM

I have just a few more questions so I can understand exactly what this MOD does before I install it. From what everyone else is saying it seems like this MOD is a must have for vBulletin owners considering the constant upgrades with this software. If this MOD saves board adminstrators the time it takes to redo template edits after an upgrade, then it should be included with the vBulletin software package.
  1. If a MOD calls for more than one template edit does each one need to be added separtely as a Template-Modification; and if one template needs to have more than one edit applied to it do these need to be added separately as well?
  2. How exactly does the Template-Modification system work when a vBulletin upgrade is performed? Stated in the release notes is the fact that edited templates aren't affected when an upgrade is done. So does this mean that a board with MODs is running off of the edited and original templates?
  3. Don't some MODs have a plugin that you need to install and also have template edits that need to be done for the MOD? For these MODs, I would assume you would add the edits through TMS. But how are the template edits that are done from the plugin added in to TMS?
Hopefully I am not sounding too confused with the above questions. Again, just trying to figure out what seems to be a very handy tool when it comes to template editing.:D

Mazinger 08-02-2007 06:26 PM

Thanks. This is very useful addon for those who edit templates much.

I'll give it a try later. :)

Alfa1 08-04-2007 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by tuwebfacil (Post 1299073)
This should be standard on vBulletin!

Great Idea!


Can someone please share the Template-Modification XML file for Thread prefixes

Wulfnoth 08-04-2007 11:39 AM

The xml-file is included in the .zip-file of TMS.

Alfa1 08-04-2007 12:50 PM

That is amazing. Thanks!

patrickb 08-06-2007 02:10 AM

This IS great!


Would it be possible to provide an English version of the demos? Shouldn't be too hard...only rename the different edits.

slyreptile 08-06-2007 02:15 AM

Am I understanding this correctly?

If I have a mod that needs manual template edits....

1. I must add it to the MASTER template, thus eliminating the need to perform manual template edits.


2. Add the manual entries directly to the template, then Add them to the template we want it used on in the Manager? Obviously, the mod doesn't show as being there until it's directly added manually to the template.

Andreas 08-06-2007 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Junkie (Post 1308075)
If a MOD calls for more than one template edit does each one need to be added separtely as a Template-Modification; and if one template needs to have more than one edit applied to it do these need to be added separately as well?

Just like you would apply templay modifications manually:
If a mod required edits for 2 templates - you have to add 2 template modifications.
If it requires 2 modifications in 1 template, you have to add 2 template modifications, etc.


How exactly does the Template-Modification system work when a vBulletin upgrade is performed? Stated in the release notes is the fact that edited templates aren't affected when an upgrade is done. So does this mean that a board with MODs is running off of the edited and original templates?
TMS detects if a vBulletin upgrade was performed and template for which there are template modifications are defined in TMS. If there are sucgh templates, a warning mesage is being displayed on ACP home.
By clicking the link, those template modifications will be tested if the do still work.
If not you must modify the template modifications (this happens when search text is modified in the new vBulletin version and can't be found anymore).


Don't some MODs have a plugin that you need to install and also have template edits that need to be done for the MOD? For these MODs, I would assume you would add the edits through TMS. But how are the template edits that are done from the plugin added in to TMS?
There are products that edit templates at runtime.
You can either leave that as-is, or disable the plugin and add the necessary template modifications to TMS.


Originally Posted by slyreptile
If I have a mod that needs manual template edits....

As stated in the FAQ:
1. Click Styles & Template / Template-Modifications Manager
2. Next to the Style where you want to add the template-modification (normally this would be MASTER) select 'Add Template-Modification'
3. Select the Template and Product
Set Active to Yes
Enter a varname and descriptive Title
4. Paste the seach text from the mod instructions into the 1st textarea
5. Paste the replace text from the mod instructions into the 2nd textare and choose the appropirate method as stated in teh instructions (eg. replace, insert above/below)
5. Click Save

Repeat these steps for all necessary template modifications.



Would it be possible to provide an English version of the demos? Shouldn't be too hard...only rename the different edits.
Rename the titles?
Not really ;)

BigDog56 08-06-2007 09:28 PM

I can't get it to work on 3.6.8 I click on the Template mod. manager, clik on the master style, add template mod. and nothing happens. On the bottom left corner of IE I have an "Error on page" Message..

Andreas 08-07-2007 07:20 AM

See post # 19.

BigDog56 08-07-2007 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Andreas (Post 1311710)
See post # 19.

EDIT: Figured it out. Will try it shorty! Thank You!

ringleader 08-07-2007 12:49 PM

Just to let you know, it's working for me with mySQL v4.0.26-standard.

The only thing is I keep getting this error:


Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1984105 bytes) in [MyPath]/includes/adminfunctions_templateedits.php on line 970
I'll put up with having to come up with workarounds for this to keep this fantastic mod, however!



Delphiprogrammi 08-07-2007 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by ringleader (Post 1311861)
Just to let you know, it's working for me with mySQL v4.0.26-standard.

The only thing is I keep getting this error:


Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1984105 bytes) in [MyPath]/includes/adminfunctions_templateedits.php on line 970

That error has nothing todo with tms that's caused by your PHP configuration increase your memory limit in php.ini (root access requirerd or you can't do this)

ringleader 08-07-2007 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi (Post 1311887)
That error has nothing todo with tms that's caused by your PHP configuration increase your memory limit in php.ini (root access requirerd or you can't do this)

Ah grand so. I'll try that.

It just keeps coming up in relation to TMS, like when adding/editing modifications in certain templates:

Updating Template-Modifications for Stye 'MASTER' and its Child-Styles ...

    * MASTER ... (Templateedit-IDs)
      Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1984105 bytes) in [mypath]/includes/adminfunctions_templateedits.php on line 970

0tolerance 08-07-2007 09:45 PM

OMG if you were here i'd kiss you!
this is the perfect modification for my board...
if only i could nominate for mod of the month!

one question does this work on 3.6.X or only versions 3.6.7 and above?
cause i run a 3.6.2 3.6.4 3.6.5 and 3.6.8 board(3 of them being development boards)

Andreas 08-08-2007 04:06 AM

Any 3.6 is fine.

0tolerance 08-08-2007 07:17 AM

Hi again.
I'm getting some troubles, when i go to "Add Template Modification" or any of the drop down menu items, they dont go any where at all.. but the links on the bottom of the frame such as up/download a template modification works.

Perhaps i need to do something else?

p.s. i must say how super easy it is to install your mod

BigDog56 08-08-2007 10:08 AM

Works great now. This is a fantastic mod. Thank you very much!

Tulsa 08-09-2007 02:42 PM

I'm getting an odd error on the main page of the admincp.


!!! Out-of-date Template-Modifications found !!!

There are 1 Template-Modifications that were not desinged for the currently installed vBulletin version. To make sure that vBulletin and your installed Products are working correctly, you must check and maybe modify those Template-Modifications.

Test Template-Modifications

Delphiprogrammi 08-09-2007 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Tulsa (Post 1313695)
I'm getting an odd error on the main page of the admincp.

yeah i get it to quite annoying

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