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-   -   Major Additions - Email Integration (New threads/replies by email) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=151222)

tekguru 07-15-2007 11:00 AM

Well a donation sent from me to help spur the coding on!

Will be superb to get this working. I only hope it suports both forum and usergroup permissions as I'd only be wanting to use it on some forums and for some usergroups.

Plus I hope that posting via email will be easy to do!

Good luck with the development!

RvG2 07-15-2007 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1289895)
Just to give everyone an update.

My current build has all known bugs resolved. I'm currently workin on the attachment code. I'm bustin on this pretty hard to get a non-beta version released :)

I actually dreamed about php code last night :eek:

wow it looks like an RC now? LOL :)

Raven34 07-16-2007 03:24 AM

Well this looks exactly like what im needing for our site as well. I would like to move our group from yahoo over to our forum site and this would be absolutely ideal. Looking forward to a full release.
Thanks for the hard work.

Cyricx 07-16-2007 11:31 AM

The RC should be released today or tomorrow. I'd put money on today :)

I just need to code the checks for attachment extensions :)

capsize 07-17-2007 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1292680)
The RC should be released today or tomorrow. I'd put money on today :)

I just need to code the checks for attachment extensions :)

Awesome!!! I'm waiting anxiously for the RC. We're in the process of transitioning from Yahoo! to vB and several of the regular posters have been complaining about not being able to use email to read/post messages in vB. This is a badly needed feature in vB and I'm so happy that you've taken on the task of implementing it.

Cyricx 07-17-2007 01:43 PM

The RC version is out!!!

*braces for the flood*

txspaderz 07-17-2007 01:44 PM

Oh Yea... Rc Baby!!!

radarhunter 07-17-2007 02:06 PM

sorry if i`m sounding like a no0b but does RC means the full version is out
and we can test it on a live board ?????/

Cyricx 07-17-2007 02:08 PM

Yes it means that all known integrity issues are solved.

But PLEASE backup your database as always before doing any modifications.

I've had a very limited number of beta testers. So I would suggest installing it, sending a few emails yourself, replying etc and playing around with it before you let your users know it's up and going :)

Tralala 07-17-2007 02:29 PM

How does this system know who to set as the poster of new threads and replies? Does it match username to the sender's email address?

Cyricx 07-17-2007 02:51 PM

Correct. It users the sender's email to get the userinfo :)

Then compares their usergroups to the array of usergroups that are allowed to post via email to that forum. :)

funkmeister 07-17-2007 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1293692)
Correct. It users the sender's email to get the userinfo :)

What happens if there's a mismatch? Someone emails from their work email address but forum has there home email defined in their profile? Does it choke this thing or is it posted as Guest or somesuch alternative?

Also, anyone using this successfully on 3.6.5?

Thanks, great job.

Cyricx 07-17-2007 04:52 PM

It sends them an error message.

You can't have it post as guest... otherwise if a spam bot gets ahold of the email address your looking at a helluva lot of posts :)

Those who are familiar with mailing lists will know that you have to set one specific email address as the one your emailing from. :) So this will not be an alteration to what they are used to :)

Also, note that the person's email address is hidden in the emails that are sent out. Unlike yahoo where everyone on the list sees your email address :) So your users maintain the complete email address security that vbulletin offers even using this modification :)

quiklink 07-17-2007 05:05 PM

Got this error while trying to create a new forum and setting the Email Integration options. From looking at the database it looks like the ei_active column isn't being created.


Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO coti_forum
        (title_clean, title, description_clean, description, link, displayorder, parentid, daysprune, defaultsortfield, defaultsortorder, showprivate, newpostemail, newthreademail, options, styleid, password, ei_active, ei_replyaddress, ei_hostname, ei_username, ei_password, ei_connectiontype, ei_usergroups, gfpoforumoptions)
        ('Mailing List', 'Mailing List', 'Test forum for mailing list integration', 'Test forum for mailing list integration', '', 1, -1, -1, 'lastpost', 'desc', 1, '', '', 97990, 0, '', '1', 'maillist@*****.com', 'mail.*****.com', 'maillist@*****.com', '012345', '0', '6', 0);

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'ei_active' in 'field list'

Cyricx 07-17-2007 05:15 PM

Please download 1.1 and upload the new product.xml file.

quiklink 07-17-2007 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1293796)
Please download 1.1 and upload the new product.xml file.

Hehe ok, I had fixed it here by adding the field to the database manually.

Cyricx 07-17-2007 05:21 PM

Yeah, I had left it off the product file :(

I'm using the version fields in the product xml to keep things smooth :)

But I'm also using the hide error so you won't get a burp when you do a future version even if you added it manually :)

quiklink 07-17-2007 05:23 PM

So this will send out copies of post to the specified forums to everyone in the usergroups allowed to use the mod? Or can member choose to not receive the emails?

Cyricx 07-17-2007 05:27 PM

They have to subscribe to the forum, just like they had to with RedTyger's modification :)

When they go to subscribe to the forum there is a new option for "Instant Notification by Email".

This way people that hate mailing lists don't have to mess with them, but those that want it, can select it :)

That option will only show up for forums that have the email integration activated. Other forums will show just the usual forum subscription selections.

quiklink 07-17-2007 05:35 PM

Excellent! Testing it out right now. If all goes well I'll open it up to a larger group on our forums to test further.

quiklink 07-17-2007 05:58 PM

Ok having a problem with the cron job. Getting this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open() in
/*****/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 70

But the forum is set for POP3 not IMAP

Cyricx 07-17-2007 06:02 PM

Ask your host to enable IMAP.

If you host your own server, check your php.ini file and be sure that extension=php_imap.dll is not commented out.

I've never worked with a server yet that didn't have it enabled, so I didn't even consider that possibility :)

Renada 07-17-2007 06:03 PM

Hi Cyricx,

Please could you clarify which template the second edit should use? In the instructions you've left off the template name :)

Find In: (blank)


<td><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_attach]/$attachment[attachmentextension].gif" alt="<phrase 1="$attachment[attachmentextension]">$vbphrase[file_type_x]</phrase>" width="16" height="16" border="0" style="vertical-align:baseline" /></td>
Thanks very much for your help :)


quiklink 07-17-2007 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1293836)
Ask your host to enable IMAP.

If you host your own server, check your php.ini file and be sure that extension=php_imap.dll is not commented out.

I've never worked with a server yet that didn't have it enabled, so I didn't even consider that possibility :)

*sigh* Time to find a new host...

Cyricx 07-17-2007 06:09 PM

Bugger! This is why I was hoping for more to check it out during beta ;)

It's the

Postbit Templates -> postbit_attachment

I'm updating the install instructions now :)

Cyricx 07-17-2007 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by quiklink (Post 1293840)
*sigh* Time to find a new host...

No, you won't need a new host :)

Most hosts will not have any issues at all with enabling IMAP :) Like I said, I have yet to encounter a host that didn't have it enabled. :)

All they have to do is uncomment one line and recompile the php. Pretty quick and painless :)

Renada 07-17-2007 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1293841)
Bugger! This is why I was hoping for more to check it out during beta ;)

It's the

Postbit Templates -> postbit_attachment

I'm updating the install instructions now :)

LOL! Thanks and thank you for this mod, my members will love it! I'm glad it's not only me that has a senior moment. :)


txspaderz 07-17-2007 06:34 PM

I can't find the "email integration" under Vbulletin Options... ?

Cyricx 07-17-2007 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by txspaderz (Post 1293875)
I can't find the "email integration" under Vbulletin Options... ?

I just confirmed it's in the product xml.

It will likely be the last one in your list of setting groups.

Please try to look again, or click "Show All Settings" and then do a ctrl-f for "Email Integration".

Most likely you have so many modifications installed, your looking right over it in the shuffle of options :)

txspaderz 07-17-2007 06:41 PM

Getting this error message now when trying to view a thread in the integrated forum


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/setxapa2/public_html/forum/showthread.php:1) in /includes/functions.php on line 2785

Renada 07-17-2007 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1293883)
I just confirmed it's in the product xml.

It will likely be the last one in your list of setting groups.

Please try to look again, or click "Show All Settings" and then do a ctrl-f for "Email Integration".

Most likely you have so many modifications installed, your looking right over it in the shuffle of options :)

Hi Cyricx,

Same here, I can't find it either. You're welcome to an admin account to check it out if you need to :)


Cyricx 07-17-2007 06:44 PM

Please PM me a login Renada :) Thank you!!

Renada 07-17-2007 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1293887)
Please PM me a login Renada :) Thank you!!

PM sent :)

Cyricx 07-17-2007 07:22 PM

Fixed the options error. The export wasn't grabbing them... hehe. Tested the install of the options on one of my sister boards as well as on TXS, just grab the new zip and upload the new xml.

I'm currently working with TXS to determine this header problem he's having. I think it might be tied to an older version of php.

quiklink 07-17-2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1293842)
No, you won't need a new host :)

Most hosts will not have any issues at all with enabling IMAP :) Like I said, I have yet to encounter a host that didn't have it enabled. :)

All they have to do is uncomment one line and recompile the php. Pretty quick and painless :)

Don't I wish...They won't change it, already checked. I need to switch hosts anyway, current host just isn't cutting it. All in all pretty good as far as reliability goes, but they won't adjust their configurations for anything and have too many limits on those they do have enabled.

Cyricx 07-17-2007 08:29 PM

Okay TXS's header info problem was due to the file edit for the showthread.php not being in the correct spot.

Please double check yourself CAREFULLY! The query your editting appears twice I believe and the last line is the only thing that is different.

I have to do some driving tonight and won't be back for about 5 hours... but I'll update the install instructions to try to make things more clear tonight or tomorrow morning :)

Also, their appears to be an issue with it not working correctly with the EZBounce modification. I'm reviewing that mod as well to determine what issue is occuring :)


Download the latest zip, make sure you do the file edits right.

Subscribe to the forum.. not the thread..

and you should be all good to go! :)

Renada 07-17-2007 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1293920)
Fixed the options error. The export wasn't grabbing them... hehe. Tested the install of the options on one of my sister boards as well as on TXS, just grab the new zip and upload the new xml.

I'm currently working with TXS to determine this header problem he's having. I think it might be tied to an older version of php.


I'm not too sure what I should put for "Hostname for the above email". Would I need to ask my host for this?

Also, when running the cron job in Task Manager I get this error


Email Integration

Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {localhost:110/pop3/notls}INBOX in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 70

Warning: imap_headers(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 73

Warning: imap_close(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 799

Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {mysite.com:110/pop3/notls}INBOX in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 70

Warning: imap_headers(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 73

Warning: imap_close(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 799

Could you please tell me what I've done wrong here? :)

Admin account is still valid if you need it.


txspaderz 07-17-2007 08:41 PM

Hostname should be the mail server address.

Renada 07-17-2007 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by txspaderz (Post 1293991)
Hostname should be the mail server address.

Duhh!! Thank you TXS :)


Cyricx 07-17-2007 08:50 PM

Also toy with the connection type.

If your not certain of your exact server settings you may have to try each of the 6 settings to find the magic one ;)

For example, mine uses "IMAP".

Also as txspaderz mentions, try mail.yourdomain.com

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