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lagrace 07-16-2007 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by vegeta_99 (Post 1293115)
Site Name: vb-hacks.org
URL: www.vb-hacks.org
Description : vb-hacks.org is a website providing free and non-free vbulletin hacks
Reason for Nomination:
vB-Hacks create custom hacks under users requests

Second !!:)

mac27 07-17-2007 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by julia44 (Post 1287263)
Site Name: Wrapper's Corner

URL: http://www.wrapperscorner.com

Description: We are a community dedicated to those interested in candy wrapping. Our main goal is helping others learn how to make their business successful.

Reason for Nomination: We are a new community based on stats but the site itself has been in the works for 4 months. A lot of hard work and dedication went into this community.

I will second this one. :D

Ohiosweetheart 07-18-2007 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by julia44 (Post 1287263)
Site Name: Wrapper's Corner

URL: http://www.wrapperscorner.com

Description: We are a community dedicated to those interested in candy wrapping. Our main goal is helping others learn how to make their business successful.

Reason for Nomination: We are a new community based on stats but the site itself has been in the works for 4 months. A lot of hard work and dedication went into this community.

I third it :)

nymyth 07-20-2007 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by julia44 (Post 1287263)
Site Name: Wrapper's Corner

URL: http://www.wrapperscorner.com

Description: We are a community dedicated to those interested in candy wrapping. Our main goal is helping others learn how to make their business successful.

Reason for Nomination: We are a new community based on stats but the site itself has been in the works for 4 months. A lot of hard work and dedication went into this community.

I fourth it.

Reinhart 07-20-2007 07:04 PM

URL: http://www.wiipals.net/Forum/

Description: A website to solve Nintendo's "Friend Code" problem. Seperate forums for each game. Many hand coded additions ahve been made including Nintendo themed graphics, phrases, awards (http://www.wiipals.net/Forum/awards.php) as well as smilies, user signatures and avatars.

Reason for Nomination: An excellent resource for any Nintendo Wii owner who wants to go online. Also has the aforementioned modifications and hand coded changes.

EWGF 07-21-2007 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by m-tuning (Post 1285691)
Site Name: PSP-Media.nl

URL: http://www.psp-media.nl

Description: Dutch PSP (Playstation Portable) Gaming community

Reason for Nomination: The biggest Dutch PSP Homebrew site, and because we lost 4.000 members due to a HDD failure and an old backup. :(


BuRaCh 07-21-2007 02:08 PM

Site Name: vB-Hacker.com

URL: http://www.vB-Hacker.com

webmaster & vBulletin support

Reason for Nomination: my site short whilst an very regulation... the have very design..i very struggle with desing:)

req2d 07-21-2007 02:27 PM

Site Name: Game-Artist.Net

URL: http://www.game-artist.net/forums/ (there is a frontpage too though)

Description: Community site for Game Art with competitions, tutorials, interviews, etc.

Reason for Nomination: Feel this is a pretty well customized vb site, what stands out are our competitions & great article system (thumbnails on forumhome). In addition, we've done a lot of template edits (postbit, forumdisplay on certain forums, etc.) that really add value :)

D&Y 07-21-2007 02:41 PM

Site Name: ULTRavB.CoM


The Ultimate Webmaster Resource.

Reason for Nomination:
We Want To Win. This Race !! :D :D

forumdost 07-21-2007 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by BuRaCh (Post 1297406)
Site Name: vB-Hacker.com

URL: http://www.vB-Hacker.com

Turkish webmaster & vBulletin support

Reason for Nomination: my site short whilst an very regulation... the have very design..i very struggle with desing:)

your win hopefully;)

Lizard King 07-21-2007 04:46 PM

I second

Site Name: vBSkinworks
URL: www.vbskinworks.com/forum
Description: We offer a wide array of vbulletin skins for resale and have added a selection of free skins. A nice community helping each other out.
Reason for nomination: I have never entered any of my sites in any contests, but thought it would be interesting to see what people think of us

Site Name: vB-Hacker.com

URL: http://www.vB-Hacker.com

Description: webmaster & vBulletin support

Reason for Nomination: my site short whilst an very regulation... the have very design..i very struggle with desing
Good luck to all candidates

badshah 07-21-2007 04:58 PM

Site Name: CricketStreamZ?
URL: http://www.cricketstreamz.com/VB

Description: CricketStreamZ.com provide crystal clear sport streaming for all the people out there who can't afford it to watch it on TV. We cover Cricket, Football, Tennis, F1, MLB, NFL, Rugby, WWE and many other sports.

Reason for Nomination: I reckon it looks pretty good.

blue-d 07-21-2007 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by D&Y (Post 1297427)
Site Name: ULTRavB.CoM

URL: http://www.ultravb.com/

Description: The Ultimate Webmaster Resource.

Reason for Nomination: We Want To Win. This Race !! :D :D

Second ;)

Eywah 07-21-2007 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by BuRaCh (Post 1297406)
Site Name: vB-Hacker.com

URL: http://www.vB-Hacker.com

webmaster & vBulletin support

Reason for Nomination: my site short whilst an very regulation... the have very design..i very struggle with desing:)

Perfect ;)

KRaL_JAcK_ 07-21-2007 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by D&Y (Post 1297427)
Site Name: ULTRavB.CoM

URL: http://www.ultravb.com/

Description: The Ultimate Webmaster Resource.

Reason for Nomination: We Want To Win. This Race !! :D :D

Second perfect ;)

kaptanblack 07-22-2007 09:29 AM

Site Name: Aktifpaylasim.Com

URL: http://www.aktifpaylasim.com/

Description: The Most Active Platform Of The TURKEY!

Reason for Nomination: i want test my luck :)

Simasher 07-22-2007 10:02 AM

Site Name: ForumLise.ORG

URL: http://www.forumlise.org

Description: Youngs meeting area on the Turkey[may be on the world :p]

Reason for Nomination: my site is created for youngs for homework,enjoy etc. ..I think youngs are and who feels young vote me :p i trust my luck...

GoLDeNLaNd 07-22-2007 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by BuRaCh (Post 1297406)
Site Name: vB-Hacker.com

URL: http://www.vB-Hacker.com

webmaster & vBulletin support

Reason for Nomination: my site short whilst an very regulation... the have very design..i very struggle with desing:)

seconded :D:):up:;)

WiseOne38221 07-22-2007 02:50 PM

Site Name: Trucking Industry Forum

URL: http://www.thetruckersreport.com/truckingindustryforum/

Description: We cater not only to truckers, but the general traveling public. We are trying to make our highways safer by allowing truckers and car drivers to come to a better understanding.

Reason for Nomination: We have just made it over 7,000 members and we have had MANY people tell us they LOVE the way we run the forum and the information we all provide to the public is invaluable and saves lives as well.


PhoneiX 07-22-2007 03:54 PM

I'll second this two sites below:


Originally Posted by jacki (Post 1281187)
Site Name: Yorumla.net

URL: http://www.yorumla.net

Description: our forum has 12 main katogories 159 sub kategories. Members organize meetings and make friendship

Reason for Nomination: our forum will be one year old on july of 1. we want to see our forum on that poll on our first year. We made 100.000 members and 1.400.000 posts. We want to show that success here


Originally Posted by ESHQUIA (Post 1281504)
Site Name: Anar$ist
URL: http://www.anarsist.org
Description: Anar$ist is a philosophy, literarure, cinema, music, history, politics and humor platform for Turkish.
Reason for Nomination: Maybe you like anarchizm!

Good luck with my best wishes to all! :)

Goksel1001 07-22-2007 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by BuRaCh (Post 1297406)
Site Name: vB-Hacker.com

URL: http://www.vB-Hacker.com

webmaster & vBulletin support

Reason for Nomination: my site short whilst an very regulation... the have very design..i very struggle with desing:)


Shazz 07-22-2007 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by smacklan (Post 1287041)
Site Name: vBSkinworks
URL: www.vbskinworks.com/forum
Description: We offer a wide array of vbulletin skins for resale and have added a selection of free skins. A nice community helping each other out.
Reason for nomination: I have never entered any of my sites in any contests, but thought it would be interesting to see what people think of us :)


kira 07-22-2007 08:56 PM

I second vbskinworks -- excellent skins and very good customer service.

I also second WrappersCorner -- what a lovely design and unusual community theme. (I never knew there was such a niche!)

pokerastuce 07-22-2007 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by vegeta_99 (Post 1293115)
Site Name: vb-hacks.org
URL: www.vb-hacks.org
Description : vb-hacks.org is a website providing free and non-free vbulletin hacks
Reason for Nomination:
vB-Hacks create custom hacks under users requests


stradfred89 07-22-2007 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by vegeta_99 (Post 1293115)
Site Name: vb-hacks.org
URL: www.vb-hacks.org
Description : vb-hacks.org is a website providing free and non-free vbulletin hacks
Reason for Nomination:
vB-Hacks create custom hacks under users requests

Second :)

dastardly 07-22-2007 09:54 PM

Site Name: CheatersUtopia
URL: www.cheatersutopia.com (auto forwards to forum)
Description: We are a cheat site who creates and releases hacks for multiplayer games such as Enemy Territory. We also have a download database and a wiki.
Reason for nomination: Though you may not what we do, I believe our board design, features and mods show a very stylish and feature packed forum that has been customized to fit our needs perfectly. Oh, and because we rock :)

YoKDaHaNeLeR 07-22-2007 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by BuRaCh (Post 1297406)
Site Name: vB-Hacker.com

URL: http://www.vB-Hacker.com

webmaster & vBulletin support

Reason for Nomination: my site short whilst an very regulation... the have very design..i very struggle with desing:)


viperxx 07-23-2007 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by req2d (Post 1297417)
Site Name: Game-Artist.Net

URL: http://www.game-artist.net/forums/ (there is a frontpage too though)

Description: Community site for Game Art with competitions, tutorials, interviews, etc.

Reason for Nomination: Feel this is a pretty well customized vb site, what stands out are our competitions & great article system (thumbnails on forumhome). In addition, we've done a lot of template edits (postbit, forumdisplay on certain forums, etc.) that really add value :)


funny how there are so many 1post posters here

Webmasteriz 07-23-2007 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by D&Y (Post 1297427)
Site Name: ULTRavB.CoM


The Ultimate Webmaster Resource.

Reason for Nomination:
We Want To Win. This Race !! :D :D

Second ;)

DAVARCI 07-23-2007 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by BuRaCh (Post 1297406)
Site Name: vB-Hacker.com

URL: http://www.vB-Hacker.com

Description: webmaster & vBulletin support

Reason for Nomination: my site short whilst an very regulation... the have very design..i very struggle with desing:)

Seconded good luck

Legendery. 07-23-2007 12:30 PM

good lucks:D

my_aly 07-23-2007 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by BuRaCh (Post 1297406)
Site Name: vB-Hacker.com

URL: http://www.vB-Hacker.com

webmaster & vBulletin support

Reason for Nomination: my site short whilst an very regulation... the have very design..i very struggle with desing:)


BuRaCh 07-23-2007 05:22 PM


This thread is for nominations and seconds only, please don't post anything else.

Arda MENDES 07-23-2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by kaptanblack (Post 1298069)
Site Name: Aktifpaylasim.Com

URL: http://www.aktifpaylasim.com/

Description: The Most Active Platform Of The TURKEY!

Reason for Nomination: i want test my luck :)

Seconded good luck.

Legendery. 07-23-2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by kaptanblack (Post 1298069)
Site Name: Aktifpaylasim.Com

URL: http://www.aktifpaylasim.com/

Description: The Most Active Platform Of The TURKEY!

Reason for Nomination: i want test my luck :)


piskotilki 07-23-2007 09:15 PM

Site Name: ShalTR

URL: http://www.shaltr.com/forum

Description: a digital platform for the entertainment. perfect design.

Reason for Nomination: I think enjoyable people :p vote me.Perfect site if u know turkish

lighter 07-23-2007 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by piskotilki (Post 1299592)
Site Name: ShalTR

URL: http://www.shaltr.com/forum

Description: a digital platform for the entertainment. perfect design.

Reason for Nomination: I think enjoyable people :p vote me.Perfect site if u know turkish


turkbeyni 07-23-2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by kaptanblack (Post 1298069)
Site Name: Aktifpaylasim.Com

URL: http://www.aktifpaylasim.com/

Description: The Most Active Platform Of The TURKEY!

Reason for Nomination: i want test my luck :)

Second perfect !... ;)

PixelFx 07-24-2007 08:47 AM

Site Name: vBCredits.com

URL: http://www.vbcredits.com

Description: vBCredits: The focus of our site is to help create useful tools that help build traffic, make administrators lives easier, and help vbulletin website owners generate a better income for their sites', as well as have fun in the process.

Reason for Nomination: Cause it would make John and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Plus I put of lot of work into the layout to make it look unique. :D

If I read the rules right, I nominate my site for august :D

smacklan 07-24-2007 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by PixelFx (Post 1299941)
Site Name: vBCredits.com

URL: http://www.vbcredits.com

Description: vBCredits: The focus of our site is to help create useful tools that help build traffic, make administrators lives easier, and help vbulletin website owners generate a better income for their sites', as well as have fun in the process.

Reason for Nomination: Cause it would make John and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Plus I put of lot of work into the layout to make it look unique. :D

If I read the rules right, I nominate my site for august :D

I have great respect for your work...seconded :)

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