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digitalJE5U5 07-02-2007 02:28 PM

Great product. Thanks for taking the time to publish this.

I want to go in and edit the html for the application form to edit for fonts, colors, placement, etc. Where would I do this?


Damien73 07-02-2007 02:28 PM

it tried also in such a way and same problem.

digitalJE5U5 07-02-2007 03:42 PM

One issue I found is on the post that your product creates to display the results. Looks like there is a missing or overlapping [li] tag. See screenshot.

If you can point me in the direction of your html I can fix it. Thanks,.

smokejax 07-02-2007 06:32 PM

Hi Elric,
This is a most excellent MOD. I have 1 question, is there a way I can simply echo the applicants name in the Subject Bar?

ie.. Recruitment Application : JohnSmith <-- Where JohnSmith is the Character name of the person posting the application.


elricstorm 07-02-2007 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by digitalJE5U5 (Post 1281332)
One issue I found is on the post that your product creates to display the results. Looks like there is a missing or overlapping [li] tag. See screenshot.

If you can point me in the direction of your html I can fix it. Thanks,.

Thanks for pointing this out - I'll fix it in the next release. There are two templates that are created (wow_form, and wow_formanswers). One is the questions template and the other is an answers template. You can edit the answers template to change how it appears to you if you want in there.

elricstorm 07-02-2007 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by smokejax (Post 1281442)
Hi Elric,
This is a most excellent MOD. I have 1 question, is there a way I can simply echo the applicants name in the Subject Bar?

ie.. Recruitment Application : JohnSmith <-- Where JohnSmith is the Character name of the person posting the application.


That's actually a great idea. Expect that to be added in an upcoming version (maybe even the next one). Thanks for the post mate.

Yukino_AE 07-04-2007 02:56 AM

A suggestion that would be nice to see would be in the personal information a sections for them to place their email. so that we can email them when we approve them as our form uses invite only system ^_^

SuperTaz 07-04-2007 03:34 AM

Thank you. It looks great. I needed this for my gaming site. Installed

Beaver 07-04-2007 07:34 AM

Very noce looking mod.

Is there any chance that you could make a generic version, where we can specifiy multiple games & the user selects their game, which then dictates, what q's may be asked to be filled out?

Currently my own team has WoW, CS:S, GR:AW & soon ET:QW & Crysis sections and we'd like to use 1 recruitment form for all.


elricstorm 07-05-2007 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Yukino_AE (Post 1282373)
A suggestion that would be nice to see would be in the personal information a sections for them to place their email. so that we can email them when we approve them as our form uses invite only system ^_^

Great suggestion. I'll try to add that in as an optional section as well too.

Thanks for the input.

elricstorm 07-05-2007 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Beaver (Post 1282493)
Very noce looking mod.

Is there any chance that you could make a generic version, where we can specifiy multiple games & the user selects their game, which then dictates, what q's may be asked to be filled out?

Currently my own team has WoW, CS:S, GR:AW & soon ET:QW & Crysis sections and we'd like to use 1 recruitment form for all.


I'll think about this one. It would involve a major overhaul of the product as well as some switch/cases. However, it's still a very good idea nonetheless.

digitalJE5U5 07-05-2007 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by elricstorm (Post 1281462)
There are two templates that are created (wow_form, and wow_formanswers). One is the questions template and the other is an answers template. You can edit the answers template to change how it appears to you if you want in there.

Thanks for pointing this out! Until your post, I was uninstalling the whole thing, editing your product xml by hand (for formatting) and re-installing, re-configuring, testing. Huge work-a-round.

Great product man! and I am really looking forward to the raid progress product you are working on.

Cloudrunner 07-09-2007 09:17 PM

Alright, here's my issue.

If the user is logged in, then they can submit the form perfectly fine.


if the user is a guest, they either get errors, or they get a confirmation that the app has been sent, but the thread never gets written.

The errors come when I turn on the polling option.

All that said, am I fooked?

I do not allow registrations, I register my guildies myself, and have the guests only able to post in the applications forum. They can app there using a standard thread add, but cannot use the form for the above reasons. Any thoughts?

elricstorm 07-10-2007 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner (Post 1287044)
Alright, here's my issue.

If the user is logged in, then they can submit the form perfectly fine.


if the user is a guest, they either get errors, or they get a confirmation that the app has been sent, but the thread never gets written.

The errors come when I turn on the polling option.

All that said, am I fooked?

I do not allow registrations, I register my guildies myself, and have the guests only able to post in the applications forum. They can app there using a standard thread add, but cannot use the form for the above reasons. Any thoughts?

It's all based on permissions.

The forumid you are using for the application post is the key here. If that forum allows "guests" to make polls, make posts, etc. then it shouldn't be an issue. You mentioned that it all happens when you set poll options on. So, the first thing you should do is check to see if that forumid you are using has permissions set to allow guests to make/create polls.

hipplewm 07-11-2007 10:52 PM

Can you have the form send itself to more than 1 forum? Like 1 to the general app forum so the applicant can update the info and one to the private member forums for voting and commenting??

Tolas 07-13-2007 10:36 AM

Thanks for this mod, its great!

elricstorm 07-15-2007 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by hipplewm (Post 1288711)
Can you have the form send itself to more than 1 forum? Like 1 to the general app forum so the applicant can update the info and one to the private member forums for voting and commenting??

Interesting suggestion. I'll think about that one.

elricstorm 07-15-2007 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Tolas (Post 1289877)
Thanks for this mod, its great!

You are most welcome. :)

ceox 07-15-2007 05:41 PM

I am new to vbadvanced. I succesfully installed the file, but how do I create a link to it? Thanks in advance

elricstorm 07-16-2007 02:34 PM

.. after your domain/forum URL.
yourdomain.com/forum/newthread.php?do=wow_form etc.

Cloudrunner 07-16-2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by elricstorm (Post 1287222)
It's all based on permissions.

The forumid you are using for the application post is the key here. If that forum allows "guests" to make polls, make posts, etc. then it shouldn't be an issue. You mentioned that it all happens when you set poll options on. So, the first thing you should do is check to see if that forumid you are using has permissions set to allow guests to make/create polls.

*Checks user profile*

Originally Posted by Jabouty's Profile
Join Date: 16. May 2003

Just checking...yep...No worries, I've been running/hacking/modding vB for a couple of seconds here thus far...

What I'm saying here is simple: Permissions are perfectly fine.

Like I said, there is a flat out error if the user is a guest (I apologize for not posting the exact error before, lack of foresight there, sorry. I'll get the error tonight and post it for you). But they can post in that forum on their own, and add a poll...


Thanks for attempting a verification of the problem given. I do appreciate that you want to make sure the basics are followed first, but usually I check to see if the user asking for assistance is indeed a nub, or if they just might have a couple of brain cells left.

I may have been unclear:

Originally Posted by Jabouty
they get a confirmation that the app has been sent, but the thread never gets written

This happens when I turn off the polling option. In other words, the system says, "yes, I got the submission", but nothing gets posted UNLESS the user is logged in, even though, in the permissions for that forum they can post a thread (verified as me posting under guest (not logged in)). So what you end up with is a guest user who thinks their application was posted, and yet it was not because the data went into never never land. If polling is turned on then I get the errors. Again, I'll post specifics when I get home.

I now "Pass the buck" back to you good sir.

elricstorm 07-18-2007 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner (Post 1292889)
I now "Pass the buck" back to you good sir.

The answer is actually quite interesting and I'm glad you posted the problem. It will give others a solution to the problem you are experiencing.

Because you are using guests, you most likely have "image verification" set on and to some type of GD etc. If you go into your vboptions and to image options, and set this value to "none" - you will no longer have the issue.

Otherwise, the form has no idea or clue how to pass image verification. Keep in mind that while I have allowed the ability for all groups to use the form, turning off image verification would just create the possibility that someone could spam your board.

I hope that helps answer your question.

Thanks for using the system.

Hyrel 07-19-2007 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by elricstorm (Post 1275771)
Thanks for the catch on the optional questions. I just double checked and I did accidentally plug in the answer variables for those two questions. I'll fix that in the next version. As for the code:


<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: wow_formanswers -->
<!-- END TEMPLATE: wow_formanswers -->

That has nothing to do with code "within" the product, that's vbulletin calling a template. Those are html commenting open and closed tags used by vbulletin when it says it's calling a template file. If you go into the view source on that recruitment application you will see vbulletin calling other templates. It might be an option or style problem. This does not happen on either my test or main site.

In otherwords, it's not a product problem but most likely an option or style problem on your end.

Any suggestions on how to fix this? I've been looking for where it's located to take it out but i can't find it. View souce shows it as being written like this: &lt;!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: wow_formanswers --&gt; which would make it visible. I'm just not sure where to start.

smokejax 07-19-2007 01:55 PM

Hi Elric,

I'm having a small problem with the attunements and keys section. Its appears there is a bbcode tag missing..

Is this something I could fix myself?
Heres a pic: Attachment 67215


Hyrel 07-20-2007 09:57 AM

I had that too. You need to add in a closing tag after the old world attunements in the templet then put a new starting one in the BC attunments.

HTML Code:

<if condition="$attunements_enable==1">[list][color=$subsectioncolor][size=+1][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_attunementkeys][/b][/size][/color]
                <if condition="$oldattunements_enable==1">
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_instance][/b] $radioquestion1 : $radioanswer1
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_instance][/b] $radioquestion2 : $radioanswer2
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_instance][/b] $radioquestion3 : $radioanswer3
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_instance][/b] $radioquestion4 : $radioanswer4
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_instance][/b] $radioquestion5 : $radioanswer5
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_raid][/b] $radioquestion6 : $radioanswer6
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_raid][/b] $radioquestion7 : $radioanswer7
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_raid][/b] $radioquestion8 : $radioanswer8
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_raid][/b] $radioquestion9 : $radioanswer9
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_keyraid][/b] $radioquestion10 : $radioanswer10</if>[/list]<if condition="$newattunements_enable==1">[list]
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_instance][/b] $radioquestion11 : $radioanswer11
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_instance][/b] $radioquestion12 : $radioanswer12
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_instance][/b] $radioquestion13 : $radioanswer13
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_raid][/b] $radioquestion14 : $radioanswer14
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_raid][/b] $radioquestion15 : $radioanswer15
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_raid][/b] $radioquestion16 : $radioanswer16
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_heroic][/b] $radioquestion17 : $radioanswer17
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_heroic][/b] $radioquestion18 : $radioanswer18
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_heroic][/b] $radioquestion19 : $radioanswer19
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_heroic][/b] $radioquestion20 : $radioanswer20
                [*][b]$vbphrase[wow_form_heroic][/b] $radioquestion21 : $radioanswer21


smokejax 07-20-2007 11:29 AM

that fixed it!


elricstorm 07-20-2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Hyrel (Post 1295615)
Any suggestions on how to fix this? I've been looking for where it's located to take it out but i can't find it. View souce shows it as being written like this: &lt;!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: wow_formanswers --&gt; which would make it visible. I'm just not sure where to start.

I would ask the vbulletin.com team on this one. The commenting that you are listing is not something my product actually lists. It's something that vbulletin's code lists. They may have a workaround for you mate. In otherwords, my product does not contain that comment code.

Hyrel 07-21-2007 06:47 AM

hehe aye, I've searched it up and down, it does not :) Ok I'll ask them.

flarecde 07-23-2007 04:24 PM

The third and fourth optional questions are not showing their answers at all. This is using the latest version. They just come up blank no matter what I put in the fields.

I think I found my problem:


$answer27 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer25'];
$answer28 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer26'];
... should be ...


$answer27 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer27'];
$answer28 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer28'];

elricstorm 07-24-2007 10:48 AM

Version 1.0.3 Fixes
  • Fixed the list problem with the answer template for BC Instances
  • Fixed the answer template variables for answers 27 and 28.

turinn 07-24-2007 07:49 PM

Hi im new to vBulletin and the mods that work with it. I've installed the xml file via products, set the permissions for which UGs can access it( all but unregistered ), and noted the url per your specifications.

The problem im having is setting up access to the form. I have a link on my home page for applicants that id like to go to the form. I'm getting this:

Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator.

and the actual code for the link:

<li><a href="http://www.justice-alex.com/vForum/newthread.php?do=wow_form">Applicants</a></li>

Are there template changes that i need to make? Or is there somewhere i can go to get more indepth instructions for accessing the form.


Noxious 07-25-2007 12:18 PM

In the Admin CP if you go to vBulletin Options > Elricstorm's WOW Form configuration settings

the first question is "What is the URL ending for your form?" and the answer to that is what you have at the end in the "do=" area, so if the answer is "wow-form" then it should be working with that url and since it isn't i can't help further but i would check that first

elricstorm 07-27-2007 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by turinn (Post 1300497)
Hi im new to vBulletin and the mods that work with it. I've installed the xml file via products, set the permissions for which UGs can access it( all but unregistered ), and noted the url per your specifications.

The problem im having is setting up access to the form. I have a link on my home page for applicants that id like to go to the form. I'm getting this:

Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator.

and the actual code for the link:

<li><a href="http://www.justice-alex.com/vForum/newthread.php?do=wow_form">Applicants</a></li>

Are there template changes that i need to make? Or is there somewhere i can go to get more indepth instructions for accessing the form.


Check your vboptions and make sure the form name is wow_form first of all. Secondly, make sure your permissions are setup for who can view the form. Lastly, verify in your templates that wow_form exists.

turinn 07-28-2007 10:34 PM

thank you, ill check those and get back to ya.


Masked Crusader 07-29-2007 02:41 AM

Alright got a question for you...is there a way that I can fix the HUGE titles, gap spacing between topics...

Example below...

elricstorm 07-29-2007 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by shanejeffery86 (Post 1304335)
Alright got a question for you...is there a way that I can fix the HUGE titles, gap spacing between topics...

Example below...

Edit the answer template and customize how it appears for your board. The answer template provides all of the variables for answers but you can adjust how it looks and appears on your own board simply by customizing it.

turinn 07-29-2007 04:27 PM

Alright, i checked the forum name, left it as the default, wow_forum. Checked the permissions i have it set to all usergroups but banned. Did a search in the templates to verify if wow_form was there, it is.

I then created a link on the front page of my site, using this in the href of the anchor -

The forum i want it sent to is set to 3. Which is our recruiting forum.

I'm still getting this error - Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator.

elricstorm 07-30-2007 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by turinn (Post 1304677)
Alright, i checked the forum name, left it as the default, wow_forum. Checked the permissions i have it set to all usergroups but banned. Did a search in the templates to verify if wow_form was there, it is.

I then created a link on the front page of my site, using this in the href of the anchor -

The forum i want it sent to is set to 3. Which is our recruiting forum.

I'm still getting this error - Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator.

Without actually looking at your admincp and seeing how things are configured, I'm not sure what the issue is. If you want me to assist further, you would more than likely have to setup a temporary test admin account for me and supply the credentials in a PM to me. If you have a test forum board setup with the same problem, this is actually a better method for me to use to test with.

I've helped others out with their calendar and form issues in the past and usually it's something minor that was the cause in practically every situation.


elricstorm 07-31-2007 04:09 PM

Turinn, it's fixed now.

The issue was that in your Elricstorm's WoW Configuration Settings in vboptions, you had the full URL address instead of the ending url address. In otherwords:

It should be:


not.. urladdress/wow_form

It's not difficult to misread the options example but it basically states something along the lines of:

Example: wow_form

Note: This is the name of the form you will use to call your hyperlink
to.(ex. if wow_form it would be:

.. meaning that if your template is set to wow_form in the box, you could then call the URL with that following example. I may rewrite the box so that it's more clear. My apologies. :)

You can go to http://www.justice-alex.com/vForum/n...hp?do=wow_form and see that it's fixed. :)

turinn 07-31-2007 04:16 PM

Thank You so much Elric. It's always somethin simple isn't it.

thks again,


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