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aj8690 06-13-2007 11:08 PM

Site Name: PureTalkForum.com

URL: www.puretalkforum.com

Description: Talk about your interests in our forum, play arcade games, meet new people and customize your profile. And best of all -- have fun.

Reason for Nomination: Lots of hard work is finally paying off. We have always been a slow-growing community but from the beginning we have always done the right things to increase rankings and ultimately get more members and posts. It is finally paying off and things are starting to pick up the pase. It wouldn't be possible without the great people and their modifications and help at vbulletin.org.

Edit: It's also my birthday in July, so this would be a great birthday gift.

Chadi 06-14-2007 01:37 AM

Site Name: Talk Jesus Forums & Live Chat

URL: http://www.talkjesus.com

Description: Christian [non-denominational] community of nearly 8,000 members and 80,000 posts. Moderated around the clock 24/7. Family friendly, user-friendly, clean layout and simplified navigation.

Unique Features
nearly 100 worship songs built into the flash chat
- nearly 100 arcade games
- Digg like spy feature
- online bible glossary
- hundreds of community photos
- online radio streaming
- rss feeds from Christian sites
- public / private journals
- Tag system (threads and forums)
- blog / news system to keep members updated

- spam protection filter
- advanced censor filter list
- moderated photos
- moderated registrations

Reason for Nomination:

Talk Jesus forums is a very clean Christian site in terms of its design/layout and of course, moderation. It is non-denominational, very friendly and family oriented as well. There are members from young children to the elders worldwide, currently reaching 8,000 members. There are no advertisements. It is free and full of awesome features that sets this Christian community apart from the rest. There are literally over 1,000 nicely laid out articles (per topic) in the Scriptural Answers forum and Evidence & Prophecy forum. These would be the "faq" of Bible and answers to the "why" questions of life in general. The forum rules are very basic, clear and encourages unity in how the members treat each other, how they post and what to do and not do, for sake of keeping the community clean, friendly and Christ centered.

Nudda 06-14-2007 03:35 AM

Site: The Linkin Park Projekt

URL: http://www.lpprojekt.com/forum , www.lpprojekt.com

Descritption: One of the fastest growing Linkin Park fan sites, updated daily with news!

Reason for nomination: We are constantly posting the latest (legal, ha) media, including the latest one today, their entire set from the Alive Festival in Lisbon. Great community, with awesome contests. Major modifications include arcade, wordpress bridge, and shoutbox.

transitbus 06-15-2007 09:55 PM

Site Name: shebali's Cronies

URL: www.shebaliscronies.com

Description: Social site for a tight nit community of gamers

Reason for Nomination: Spent a lot of time getting the site to be a fun place for friends to come and have a place they can caht, hang out, and share gaming experiences. I have donr a lot of sites in the past and I have to say this is my favorite layout I have used and modified. I am really proud of it and hope others like it as well.


Originally Posted by Roms (Post 1264464)
Site Name: Military Ltd
URL: http://www.militaryltd.com/

Description: Military Limited is a military website that features information, resources, events, groups, and organizations of the Armed Forces. Our online Community is filled with enthusiasts, military personnel, experts, and professionals from around the World. MilitaryLtd.Com is a leading resource for information about any subject matter relating to the Military world.

Reason for Nomination: It's a great community and resource.

Seconded :)

Ohiosweetheart 06-15-2007 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1268120)
Site Name: Talk Jesus Forums & Live Chat

URL: http://www.talkjesus.com

Description: Christian [non-denominational] community of nearly 8,000 members and 80,000 posts. Moderated around the clock 24/7. Family friendly, user-friendly, clean layout and simplified navigation.

I second this site.

Killsparer 06-16-2007 12:34 PM

Site Name: Projekt Star Wars

URL: www.projektstarwars.de/forum

Description: The largest german-speaking Star Wars fan-community with more than 1 Million Posts. Offers many features like (of course) the forum, blogs, chat-rooms and a gallery.

Reason for Nomination: It uses a self-made design and a custom portal-page. Beside being a popular platform for the german-speaking Star Wars community since 2001.

ayoko555 06-17-2007 04:45 AM

Site Name: LovingWii
URL: http://forums.lovingwii.com
Description: This is a forum for all the Wii lovers. The great thing about it is that you can download/share your wii game saves.
Reason for Nomination: NO Ads!!! A lot of hard work on the design and we ALL love Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~

christian8a 06-17-2007 08:08 AM

Site Name: MyLs1.com

Site URL: http://www.myls1.com

Description: A site made for LSX car enthusiast. We Offer heck of alot more than other LSX or GM boards out there :cool:
We have only 3 weeks, almost a month and we are almost done with the subpages. However the site is running and we have some very good flash designs on it.

Reason for Nomination: Alot of hrs of work, but the site turned out beautifull so I wanted to share it with people from vbulletin forums.
No other LSX site has the stuff that we have and will have. The looking of the site is Unique also :)

Smash World 06-17-2007 12:02 PM

Site Name: Smash World Forums
URL: http://www.smashboards.com
Description: A gigantic community of Super Smash Bros. players from around the world. Find Smash Bros. tournaments and tons of tips and strategies for all the smash brothers games, including the upcoming Smash Bros. Brawl for Nintendo Wii.

Reason for Nomination:
The depth of the Super Smash Bros. video games has led to the development of a large, devoted tournament community. Smash World Forums has grown into a home for these competitive Smash Bros. players. In 2002 and 2003, the first tournaments began appearing on Smash World Forums. Many of these tournaments were held in a member's basement, and open invitations were placed on the website. Early on, some people would drive 5-6 hours to get to a location where there might only be 10 players. Now players use Smash World Forums to organize and to find tournaments from all over the country. And thanks to companies like MLGPro, which soon after began hosting large tournaments with cash prizes, there are many gamers that are now considered "professional" Smash Bros. players.

Tournaments are now held regularly all over the world, with large communities centered in the United States and Canada; north and western Europe, including The Netherlands, Sweden, and France; Australia; and Japan. Almost every tournament is organized through Smash World Forums, using our calendar and tournament rooms. Big tournaments like Melee FC6 have seen over 200 participants!

Nintendo recognized the uniqueness and importance of this community and interviewed Smash World Forums, discussing the great scope of the competitive community that Smash World helped to start. This interview appeared in Nintendo Power Issue 195 (September 2005).

Now, with the release of Nintendo Wii, a third Super Smash Bros. game called Smash Bros. Brawl is scheduled to be released in the near future. Smash World Forums is dedicated to continuing to provide a central location for Smash Bros. players all around the world. With the upcoming release of Smash Bros. Brawl, our forums are bustling with more member activity than ever before. We cannot even guess how the tournament scene will change when the new game comes out, but we are optimistic!

Smash World Forums was created in Aug. of 2001, and we hope to continue providing the services of the site to all fans for many years to come.

RedTyger 06-17-2007 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by vertigo jones (Post 1264097)
Site Name: Stirrdup
URL: http://www.stirrdup.com

Description: Social news site similiar to Digg and Reddit, but built upon the idea that the content that is the most interesting isn't necessarily the same as what everyone agrees with. Stories gain points through users doing what they would normally do while using a site (clicking links and leaving comments) and the ones that gain the most interest are promoted to the main page. If they continue to hold interest, they will stay higher on the page until the time weighted system slowly moves them down to allow more fresh content in. This fixes the "bury brigade" censorship that plagues Digg and Reddit.

Reason for Nomination: The entire site is implemented using vbulletin plugins. Not a single file change. Really shows the flexibility of the system.

Wonderful stuff, I love the concept behind independent ratings and a very different use of the vBulletin engine too. Can't believe nobody else has seconded this.

Seconded and good luck to you.

concepts 06-19-2007 03:41 AM

Site Name: Urban Artists United
URL: http://www.urbanau.com/board/cmps_index.php
Description: Online Local Entertainment and Nightlife Forum
Reason for Nomination: Its a well put and well thought out vbulletin website

KeesTalk 06-19-2007 04:04 AM


Site Name: Substitute Teachers United
URL: http://www.substituteteachersunited.net/forum/

Description: We?re a group of substitute teachers who?ve come together to form our own online community. We share our experiences with each other and gain valuable information and advice in the process. In addition, we?re constantly providing one another with the support needed to make it through our long and stressful days in the classroom. (And believe me!... Many of us have extremely long and stressful days as subs. So long and stressful that we wonder when it?s going to end!)

STU is made up of a very diverse group of substitute teachers both male and female. We have subs of all ages, races, nationalities, and religion. Some of our members are just starting out while others have been subbing for 7 or more years and are considered ?veterans? in their given profession.

Reason for Nomination: s a great community and resource. Not to mention, I worked extremely hard to make it what it is.
Can I get a second?

MadKad 06-19-2007 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by m-tuning (Post 1266428)
Site Name: PSP-Media.nl

URL: http://www.psp-media.nl

Description: Dutch PSP (Playstation Portable) Gaming community

Reason for Nomination: The biggest Dutch PSP Homebrew site, and because we lost 4.000 members due to a HDD failure and an old backup. :(

second psp media :)

raiderlax 06-20-2007 03:10 AM

Site Name: Talk Fitness

URL: www.talkfitness.org

The Premier Organization of Bodybuilding & Fitness

Reason for Nomination:
Simply put, many people out their need to get in shape by taking control of their lives. This forum is their to help people with achieving their goals by telling the right information that will make them succeed. Fitness is so important, the shame is most think otherwise and don't know the actual benefits of a good diet/routine for the short and long term!

This fitness forum unlike many others give people the right information and let them know it will actually take hard work to see results!

Guest210212002 06-20-2007 03:09 PM

I'll toss my hat in the ring:

Site Name: Sevenstring.org
URL: http://www.sevenstring.org
Description: Sevenstring guitar forums and a lot more.

Reason for Nomination: Some of the features of my site include streaming media, a member jukebox, gear/guitar review databse using GARS, a custom coded serial number registry, tech tutorials, interviews with prevalent artists in the music community and a lot of add-ons and custom mods to make my site more than just a forum. The skin was built by hand off of an old 3.0x vB skin that's evolved over the last two years into my own unique look.

Login: guest/guest to remove adsense. ;)

cjddrum1 06-20-2007 11:06 PM

Site Name: 7thGenHonda
URL: http://www.7thgenhonda.com
Description: A community for 2001-2005 Honda Civic owners to share knowledge about the car model and other random talk
Reason for Nomination: Very tight knit community of users who all get along and many of which have posted on the same sites for years. Also contains great style and information.

Roms 06-22-2007 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Chris-777 (Post 1272509)
I'll toss my hat in the ring:

Site Name: Sevenstring.org
URL: http://www.sevenstring.org
Description: Sevenstring guitar forums and a lot more.

Reason for Nomination: Some of the features of my site include streaming media, a member jukebox, gear/guitar review databse using GARS, a custom coded serial number registry, tech tutorials, interviews with prevalent artists in the music community and a lot of add-ons and custom mods to make my site more than just a forum. The skin was built by hand off of an old 3.0x vB skin that's evolved over the last two years into my own unique look.

Login: guest/guest to remove adsense. ;)

Seconded. Good luck!

Ryuk 06-24-2007 05:08 PM

Site Name: Darkness Online
URL: http://darkness-online.com

We are a website dedicated to bring daily news about anime, games and music. Of course we are somewhat new, the site its 1 year old. We got a great community (small but great) in which you can participate in our many contest with real prizes such as, Emails, FTP accounts, Databases (PostgreSQL / MySQL) or a VIP Account in our Forums (Powered by vBulletin of course). All the prizes are given by Darkness-Online for a life-time basis.

Reason for Nomination: Shows what vBulletin is Capable of!

jderouen 06-25-2007 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1270212)
Site Name: MyLs1.com

Site URL: http://www.myls1.com

Description: A site made for LSX car enthusiast. We Offer heck of alot more than other LSX or GM boards out there :cool:
We have only 3 weeks, almost a month and we are almost done with the subpages. However the site is running and we have some very good flash designs on it.

Reason for Nomination: Alot of hrs of work, but the site turned out beautifull so I wanted to share it with people from vbulletin forums.
No other LSX site has the stuff that we have and will have. The looking of the site is Unique also :)

I'll second this. It's a very well-designed site!

Kebbie 06-25-2007 05:28 PM

Site Name: GotTwinz
URL: http://gottwinz.net/forums/index.php
Description: Resources for parents of mutiples
Reason for Nomination: Has only been around for about a year and a half and is doing extremely well.

jderouen 06-25-2007 05:30 PM

Site Name: The Mego Museum
URL: http://megomuseum.com/community

Description: Companion forums for the The Mego Museum website, a decade-old spot on the web dedicated to collectors and enthusiasts of vintage 1970's Mego action figures. We were running on IkonBoard 2.2a for years and only recently upgraded to vBulletin, but have already added a lot of nice mods and have done a lot of customization to fit with our member's needs and wants. We offer several different styles, including one that almost perfectly emulates the old IkonBoard for those traditionalists among our group! We also hold an annual (real life) convention, print trading cards to promote the site, and more. We have close to a thousand members and have been adding new registrations daily since we switched to the much-more-robust vBulletin. We offer Arcade games for our members to play, a marketplace to buy, sell and trade their figures, a gallery to host images, and much more!

Reason for Nomination: We're really proud of our community and would like to show it off!

Pacman15 06-25-2007 06:06 PM

Site Name: Chocobo Heaven

URL: http://forums.chocoboheaven.com/

Description: Chocobo Heaven is a Square Enix based website covering all Final Fantasy Games and Kingdom Hearts Game Series. We have a lot of resources for those games. Our forum may be the only one who has its RPG hack optimized with more than 200 weapons, armors and magics and 100 monsters. We also have an arcade, and 50 forums in which you can interact with our members. Its not because we're "Square Enix" based, that we don't about other things, we have a forum for almost any topic.

Reason for Nomination: Getting Nominated or not, there is the question. I think our community needs to be recognized. You won't regret visiting.

masons 06-26-2007 05:02 PM

Site Name: novusordosaeculorum.com
URL: http://www.novusordosaeculorum.com
Description: Discussions for Masons by Masons

Reason for Nomination:

A team of volunteers works hard on this site everyday, always improving and making it better
Only 400 members, but we started just 4 months ago.

Things to notice:
-Masonic Books
-Quality of posts

jacki 06-28-2007 01:09 PM

Site Name: Yorumla.net

URL: http://www.yorumla.net

Description: our forum has 12 main katogories 159 sub kategories. Members organize meetings and make friendship

Reason for Nomination: our forum will be one year old on july of 1. we want to see our forum on that poll on our first year. We made 100.000 members and 1.400.000 posts. We want to show that success here

ERuiz 06-28-2007 05:00 PM

Site Name: Virtual American Airlines

URL: www.virtualaa.com/portal.php

Description: Virtual American Airlines is a site dedicated to simulating real world American Airlines operations, by using Microsoft's Flight Simulator software to allow it's members (pilots) to fly scheduled AA flights and subsequently accumulate flight hours.

Reason for Nomination: We at Virtual American Airlines strive on quality and this is clearly apparent by the way we maintain and operate our website. But what really sets us apart from the rest of the Virtual Airlines in the flightsimming community is our family-oriented environment. We have been together as a "family" since the year 2000. We originally started out as a Virtual Airline named AirPUERTORICO.

We then went through some changes and transitions, but throughout all these years, we have stayed together. I really hope you guys enjoy our website. Like I said before, we are all about quality and putting out the best that we have to offer.

Ascor 06-29-2007 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1264065)
Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !

I second vBulletin-ressources ;)

TruthElixirX 06-29-2007 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by ERuiz (Post 1278566)
Site Name: Virtual American Airlines

URL: www.virtualaa.com/portal.php

Description: Virtual American Airlines is a site dedicated to simulating real world American Airlines operations, by using Microsoft's Flight Simulator software to allow it's members (pilots) to fly scheduled AA flights and subsequently accumulate flight hours.

Reason for Nomination: We at Virtual American Airlines strive on quality and this is clearly apparent by the way we maintain and operate our website. But what really sets us apart from the rest of the Virtual Airlines in the flightsimming community is our family-oriented environment. We have been together as a "family" since the year 2000. We originally started out as a Virtual Airline named AirPUERTORICO.

We then went through some changes and transitions, but throughout all these years, we have stayed together. I really hope you guys enjoy our website. Like I said before, we are all about quality and putting out the best that we have to offer.

I second this. :)

eNforce 06-29-2007 11:13 PM

Site Name:
Are You Serios?



A general discussion based forum with topics and features for everyone.

Reason for Nomination:
This has been a growing community for a few years now but has never seen the publicity it deserves. It has some features that aren't seen on many other forums. The main being the unique banner with tabs and playable original Nintendo games.

Caseyjr86 07-01-2007 01:56 AM

Site Name: Starcraft Vanilla

URL: Starcraft Vanilla

Description: Discussion for the up and coming Starcraft 2, will be offering downloads ranging from RPG's, to Bots on battle.net when SC2 is Released.

Reason for Nomination: A fairly new/low traffic site, offering up a place for people to get together and gossip about the release about starcraft 2. (Greatest game ever :P) I would love for this site to get some exposure since this is my first site and boy is it time consuming. But, this would be very rewarding for me, if this site was nominated. And also if not for me do it for SC2!

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