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Luky 06-06-2007 05:43 PM

det ser bra ut, men jag tror det skulle se bättre ut med bara en ruta inte två

tschai 06-06-2007 07:12 PM

Version 1.0 worked simply perfectly...

I'm having issues with version 1.5 though: I'm getting *[]* in the AdminCP.
I thought I screwed up, but I also get this on a local clean install.

I've just threw away the old files and uploaded the new ones and uninstalled and re-installed the product.
Can anyone confirm this?

LaCN 06-06-2007 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Luky (Post 1262633)
det ser bra ut, men jag tror det skulle se b?ttre ut med bara en ruta inte tv?

Erm.. when I said it's more friendly for diff languages, I didn't mean I'd understand them myself :D


Originally Posted by Renes4 (Post 1262680)
Version 1.0 worked simply perfectly...

I'm having issues with version 1.5 though: I'm getting *[]* in the AdminCP.
I thought I screwed up, but I also get this on a local clean install.

I've just threw away the old files and uploaded the new ones and uninstalled and re-installed the product.
Can anyone confirm this?

Lemmeh check
Where exactly do u see that ?


If it was in the admincp side menu, it is fixed now..
I noticed I added the wrong includes/xml/cpnav_LaCN.xml file in the zip..
I uploaded a new zip file now, try that one.

Rickeo 06-06-2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Renes4 View Post
Version 1.0 worked simply perfectly...

I'm having issues with version 1.5 though: I'm getting *[]* in the AdminCP.
I thought I screwed up, but I also get this on a local clean install.

I've just threw away the old files and uploaded the new ones and uninstalled and re-installed the product.
Can anyone confirm this?
I get the exact same problem with mine message me and I will set u up with an admin account on my site need this fixing coz its a great hack sign up to www.adviceforall.org.uk and I will give u admin access so u can see where the error is in the admincp :)

LaCN 06-06-2007 07:54 PM

"Thank you for registering, LaCN"


Aight, I took a peek, and saw it...
I think it was the bad includes/xml/cpnav_LaCN.xml file.
Download the new zip file, and upload the upload/includes/xml/cpnav_LaCN.xml again.
That's it.
Then refresh your admincp menu frame.
That should do the trick ;)

Rickeo 06-06-2007 08:12 PM

Thank you your a star

Great hack btw


LaCN 06-07-2007 09:55 AM

Updated the 2nd admincp screenshot with the one from version 1.5 :)

RedGTiVR6 06-07-2007 11:39 AM

This might seem like a pretty self explanitory question, but what exactly are "nonmembers"?

Is this referring to groups? I'm not sure what this would apply to.

LaCN 06-07-2007 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6 (Post 1263174)
This might seem like a pretty self explanitory question, but what exactly are "nonmembers"?

Is this referring to groups? I'm not sure what this would apply to.

We ourselves are an online game clan.
So, on our board, when someone registers an account, it doesn't mean he is a member of our clan, but he can just post in the public area's.

We have an area where registered users can apply for membership, and if accepted, they're seen as members. The rest are nonmembers (regged accounts with only public access).

It can also be used for paid access forums.
Once someone paid, he receives a new usergroup, has more access, etc..

Or you can choose to show that InfoCenter bit to mods and admins.
In that case, just put the usergroups 6,5,7 as "members"..

It was just a name for the field I had to give ;)
It's optional to use that field

Luky 06-07-2007 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by LaCN (Post 1262695)
Erm.. when I said it's more friendly for diff languages, I didn't mean I'd understand them myself :D

Lemmeh check
Where exactly do u see that ?


If it was in the admincp side menu, it is fixed now..
I noticed I added the wrong includes/xml/cpnav_LaCN.xml file in the zip..
I uploaded a new zip file now, try that one.

Hehehe, on your forums one person thats admin says they are a swe in their personal message :P

I said it would be better, well i would pefer it, if it only had one box instead of the top and bottom. Is it possible to do this without me having to edit any code? I can edit it, but i cannot be bothered as you most likely used plugins and they are a pain int eh butt to mod :|

LaCN 06-07-2007 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Luky (Post 1263346)
I said it would be better, well i would pefer it, if it only had one box instead of the top and bottom. Is it possible to do this without me having to edit any code? I can edit it, but i cannot be bothered as you most likely used plugins and they are a pain int eh butt to mod :|

You can use only 1 box ;)

That's what I did when I placed VbShout in the Info Center ;)

See this attachment in post 11

In there I used the 2nd box only, and made it twice as high (optionally). ;)

If this won't do the trick as much as u like, then I"ll add a "in which box to show" setting in every message :)

Luky 06-07-2007 05:00 PM

Okay, cool.. Not sure if i wana use but, i already have a shoutbox and my header is tall, dont want users to have to scroll a whole lot just to view the forums!

LaCN 06-07-2007 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Luky (Post 1263393)
Okay, cool.. Not sure if i wana use but, i already have a shoutbox and my header is tall, dont want users to have to scroll a whole lot just to view the forums!

Yes, I see the forum in ur signature has a Shoutbox and a welcome header underneath eachother.

If you used the InfoCenter, you could merge the two into one, and save room :p
(see both screenshots in post 11)

Luky 06-07-2007 06:40 PM

You must be a sales man -.-

The welcome message is only viewable by guests. And in the skin im working on the header is rather tall.

LaCN 06-07-2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Luky (Post 1263482)
You must be a sales man -.-

The welcome message is only viewable by guests. And in the skin im working on the header is rather tall.


Well, if u need any help, pm me ;)

ps, "this mod is really amazing Mike !!" :D

tschai 06-07-2007 07:31 PM

With the newest zip-file version 1.5 works perfectly once again.

It almost works also with vBAdvanced...it only shows static: the content slider does not slide and it's kinda deformed...

aynone any idea how to make this work flawless with vBA?

Thankx in advance!

LaCN 06-07-2007 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Renes4 (Post 1263551)
With the newest zip-file version 1.5 works perfectly once again.

It almost works also with vBAdvanced...it only shows static: the content slider does not slide and it's kinda deformed...

aynone any idea how to make this work flawless with vBA?

Thankx in advance!

I don't have vBAdvanced myself..

I wouldb't know..

If u could give me some details, I could look into it ;)

tschai 06-07-2007 08:22 PM

Well, I'm using vBAdvanced as a portal/frontend for my site...

There's an option where you can define variables globally, so the're available also in the frontend. In this particular case I just 'define' $LaCN_InfoCenter and put it in the template.

It works, in the sense: the data is shown, but not sliding; both 'pages' are shown as 1.
Somehow the script is not working correctly or so...

I'll post this one in http://www.vbadvanced.com forum also, maybe someone there can give us some pointers...

rayw 06-08-2007 12:14 AM

This looks pretty cool. Will have to try it out.

Thanks! :)

LaCN 06-08-2007 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Renes4 (Post 1263589)
Well, I'm using vBAdvanced as a portal/frontend for my site...

There's an option where you can define variables globally, so the're available also in the frontend. In this particular case I just 'define' $LaCN_InfoCenter and put it in the template.

It works, in the sense: the data is shown, but not sliding; both 'pages' are shown as 1.
Somehow the script is not working correctly or so...

I'll post this one in http://www.vbadvanced.com forum also, maybe someone there can give us some pointers...

I have an idea..

If it's only not working well on the VbAdvanced portal page, which I guess isn't like the other forum pages in the same folder...

Then it might be not working, cause it doesn't contain the correct path to the css and js file that are needed.

It's just a guess..
- I'll look up the the basic forum path variable and will post it here, so u can add it into your InfoCenter template, and I'll add it into the next version.
- You could really help me by giving your forum address, so I can take a look at the source code. ;)

tschai 06-08-2007 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by LaCN (Post 1263974)
I have an idea..

If it's only not working well on the VbAdvanced portal page, which I guess isn't like the other forum pages in the same folder...

Then it might be not working, cause it doesn't contain the correct path to the css and js file that are needed.

It's just a guess..
- I'll look up the the basic forum path variable and will post it here, so u can add it into your InfoCenter template, and I'll add it into the next version.
- You could really help me by giving your forum address, so I can take a look at the source code. ;)

Thanks for your effort already...
I'll activate it again, so you can check it out:
http://www.voetbalportaal.nl/ (mainpage vBAdvanced)
http://www.voetbalportaal.nl/forum (forum...duh)

LaCN 06-08-2007 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Renes4 (Post 1263979)
Thanks for your effort already...
I'll activate it again, so you can check it out:
http://www.voetbalportaal.nl/ (mainpage vBAdvanced)
http://www.voetbalportaal.nl/forum (forum...duh)

Okay, try this:

Open the LaCN_InfoCenter template.
Find for the lines:

        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/contentslider.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/contentslider.js"></script>

Replace with:

        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$vboptions[bburl]/includes/contentslider.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="$vboptions[bburl]/includes/contentslider.js"></script>

What I did is added the forum url ($vboptions[bburl]) in front of the links :)

tschai 06-08-2007 11:02 AM


Thank you very much: it works perfect, see it for yourself...

Hope I can pimp it a bit this weekend!

LaCN 06-08-2007 11:06 AM

w00t !! https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/

ps, I love ur smilies on your forum, could I use some for our own ?
(I'll edit them first)

LaCN 06-08-2007 11:29 AM

Upgraded to:

Version 1.51
  • Added dynamic links in the template, so the InfoCenter can also show outside the forum folder, like in portals and custom forum pages.
  • Made the default guest message smaller to fit on the default hight.

When upgrading from 1.5:
Edit template:
See post 62

Edit standard phrase:
Edit: LaCN_InfoCenter_guest

Find the 2nd
HTML Code:

<div class="contentdiv">
Change it into:
HTML Code:

<div class="contentdiv" style="font-size: 10pt;">

tschai 06-08-2007 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by LaCN (Post 1264044)
w00t !! http://www.voetbalportaal.nl/forum/i...smilies/19.gif

ps, I love ur smilies on your forum, could I use some for our own ?
(I'll edit them first)

The smilies are 'free' a.k.a. found them on the net (on free-sites), so you're welcome...

PS: I've got a feature request for version 2.0:
Would it be possible to make the sliding/transition of the content with fading-effect, like seen with other scripts...:D

iogames 06-11-2007 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Renes4 (Post 1264142)
The smilies are 'free' a.k.a. found them on the net (on free-sites), so you're welcome...

PS: I've got a feature request for version 2.0:
Would it be possible to make the sliding/transition of the content with fading-effect, like seen with other scripts...:D


- When you click in any Announcement the 'InfoCenter' will stop till you refresh, how can it start looping again?

LaCN 06-12-2007 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1265930)

- When you click in any Announcement the 'InfoCenter' will stop till you refresh, how can it start looping again?

The sliding is supposed to stop when you click on a number or click the "next" link.

This way people can read the messages on their own speed.
And this way it's easy - if you have a shoutbox in there - to keep it focussed on 1 thing.

To have it auto-slide again, click on any forum link to go to a new page or refresh, so it auto-slides on a page load again. ;)

tycity 06-22-2007 11:30 PM

I love love love this mod - Thanks!

LaCN 06-26-2007 03:12 PM

Thanx :)

mrahul 06-28-2007 08:24 AM

I have some problems in dealing this hack :s
in IE it shows in status bar : Done, with errors on the page
When I turn the hack off in vb options it shows : Done

& I couldn't follow up with the non-members description. What is this nonmember groups is it , the guests, non-confirmed email accounts ?? or are they custom usergroups ??

btw! I love this hack :D

LaCN 06-28-2007 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by mrahul (Post 1278297)
I have some problems in dealing this hack :s
in IE it shows in status bar : Done, with errors on the page
When I turn the hack off in vb options it shows : Done

hmm.. odd..
It sounds like you're prolly missing the js file, or the link to it.
Could u tell me your site ?
Then I can take a look at the source code as well.


Originally Posted by mrahul (Post 1278297)
& I couldn't follow up with the non-members description. What is this nonmember groups is it , the guests, non-confirmed email accounts ?? or are they custom usergroups ??

See post 49

JohnBee 09-27-2007 11:49 AM

Excellent mod! thanks for this.

yoyoyoyo 09-27-2007 12:17 PM

very cool

Onkor 11-29-2007 09:42 AM

Is there any solution that works on vbadvanced

foopy 11-29-2007 11:57 AM

Very nice add on. I appreciate you sharing this with us!


Greek76 12-16-2007 04:15 PM

Dumb question how do I add smilies to the info center?

iogames 12-16-2007 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Greek76 (Post 1402204)
Dumb question how do I add smilies to the info center?

link to a image in your images' folder...

The default code show u how...

murdoc 01-06-2008 04:21 PM

Work's Great :P thanks LaCN ^^:p

lille L 02-19-2009 03:20 PM

Thanks !! works perfect on my 3.8.1

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