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Inferno Tech 05-16-2007 11:50 AM

If someone with vBSEO and the shoutbox could give us access to their ACP/FTP so we can debug, that would be great. PM the information to Zero Tolerance please ^.^

projectego 05-16-2007 11:54 AM

[high]* projectego clicks install :)[/high]

StuntFactoryX 05-16-2007 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Neo_Angelo (Post 1248650)
Another fantastic release from ZT and the gang, well done guys, i'll wait for the pro version since i'm quite happy with my 2.1 shoutbox for now, i just love your works. *saves up some $ to buy pro*


this thread will be updated when pro comes out w/ info on where and when we can get it?

Inferno Tech 05-16-2007 12:56 PM

yes we will release the info on here for pro seeing as so many are asking for it.

Acid Burn - Inferno Technologies Developer

hugh_ 05-16-2007 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Inferno Tech (Post 1248742)
yes we will release the info on here for pro seeing as so many are asking for it.

Acid Burn - Inferno Technologies Developer

Is it possible to upgrade from older versions (namely 2.0.2) and keep the existing posts?

hugh_ 05-16-2007 02:29 PM

Let me re-phrase that, will it be possible to do it with the pro version?

bang 05-16-2007 02:47 PM

is the Pro version going to be commercial (paid)? if so, release it asap :D I have little trust to free scripts

Skavenger 05-16-2007 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Skavenger (Post 1248451)
An option to integrate the shoutbox to vBa CMPS would be wonderfull

Thank you for the hack

I really need this!

1337_macro 05-16-2007 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Inferno Tech (Post 1248565)
The archives are coming out as part of the Pro edition and i believe that the ability to ban a usergroup is too.

Unfortunatly this is not a flat file system but the code has been greatly optimised so that the shoutbox wont pull alot of resouces so your host should have no problem with it.

I believe this is a template problem, if you could tell me hwat template you are using then i will see what we can do to help you.

No this version does not use flat file althogh the code has been greatly optimised so it will still be a great improvement on system resources. Yes this version can be used alongside 2.1 thanks to the difference in deployment and filename.

Thankyou very much for the nomination

Acid Burn - Inferno Technologies Developer

I am using blak_ice from simplegraphix. Anything you can do to help me would be fantastic

X1C3W5 05-16-2007 04:13 PM

ShoutBox Refinement Suggestions

* Automatic template insertion

To automate things and make things easier for those who want it simple,
make the ShoutBox by default place itself on the template, as you did
with your previous versions. You can leave the current option in for those
who wish to display the ShoutBox on multiple pages.

* Allow the tab color to be modified per skin. Issue:

Fine looking: http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/3919/sb1mv8.png
Bad looking: http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/1759/sb2sz6.png
More bad looking: http://img467.imageshack.us/img467/3475/sb3gv9.png

* Thread notice privileges

Make it so that user who are privileged to see threads of forums they can access,
see the notice only in the ShoutBox. I know you told me it requires a lot of processing,
for this I suggest an option to configure the refresh time as well.

You dealt with the activity moving to ShoutBox instead of forums issue very well!
Now if you fix this, it will be perfect. If I would have to use the current system to deal with this
I would have to configure half my community to not display thread notices in the shoutbox.


As for everything else, this is the best modification out there.

I can't wait for the paid version, I will get it nonetheless since you done such a good job.
Keep it up, I hope these issues can get fixed, then it will practically be 100% perfect.


* Active users display bug

Alright, you can get a live example of this bug at my website.

Move from ShoutBox to active users and you'll see this:

Move back to ShoutBox tab, and back to Active Users and it will display how it should then:

It's not displaying correct from the first time, it will when you switch back to ShoutBox, and back to active users.

* URL issues

I suggest you maybe change the URLs applied to usernames who shout in the ShoutBox.

Right now the link applied to each user is:

Another Edit

* Disappearing text

After being idle for a while, all the text in the ShoutBox is disappearing except for the last posted one:

When I refresh the page, it all appears again, but after a while goes invisible again:

And More Edit

* Post notices link

I think it would be convenient to make the post notice link, go to the last post in the thread. Each time I click it now, I have to manually go to the last page myself to check the last post, having the link being automatically the last post would be much more convenient.

* Shoutbox / Active Users link

Right now the link configured on the text is the website's URL. As this serves no meaning to have it linked to the actual website (although if you click it, it even won't visit it, just display the shoutbox, or active users), why not have it just blanked out, or put a # in it?

* VBSeo support

I would really appreciate it, if you somehow add support for VBSeo to your modification, either directly, or add instructions in the first thread. I myself do not know how to do this for this version, however for your previous versions somebody posted instructions on the VBSeo forum:


Maybe from this example, you could add support for your current version? (Maybe insert a feature, a "Do you have VBSeo installed on your community" "Yes" No" option to include this support, with the pro version or so :)?).

d8tabyte 05-16-2007 04:31 PM

Thanks for this ZT, I'm glad to see you releasing here again. I'll give it a go.


ok seems to have an issue with special charicters when posting info on a thread posted...

"*Roxy posted the thread Wait, what? R. Kelly describing himself as today's MLK & Ali*"

Also is there a way to increase the default font size and color of the tabs?

SEOvB 05-16-2007 05:18 PM

Let me know if access to a vBSEO forum has been given so you guys can debug, if not i'll send over my info anyway

LockeAG 05-16-2007 05:56 PM

I stand up , and clap my hands...

Thanks !

mrcrx 05-16-2007 06:14 PM

Is this working with vbseo yet? Cant wait to install it!

cyberphr 05-16-2007 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Inferno Tech (Post 1248666)
could you let us know what it does to your portal and what portal system it is please? Then we may be able to help you out.

I don't want the shoutbox on the portal, so I didn't upload the files to the root directories.
Still, the plugins are loaded, which causes PHP errors because the files are non-existent.

The portal is Cyber-Phreaks PortalPHP, which was created by me and has not been publicly released as of yet. It's basic PHP, including vBulletin variables and plugins.

If the shoutbox is only to be displayed on forumhome, why is it queried on other pages?

X1C3W5 05-16-2007 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by mrcrx (Post 1248948)
Is this working with vbseo yet? Cant wait to install it!

Working fine here, yet you have to modify this plugin to make the links change to the rewritten urls. You can ask help for this at the VBSeo forums.

cyberphr 05-16-2007 07:16 PM

Also, the shoutbox is not valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

You need to change:

<form onsubmit="return InfernoShoutbox.shout();">

<form onsubmit="return InfernoShoutbox.shout();" action="">
Or alternatively add an action, I suppose.

Stifmeister2 05-16-2007 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by JamieLee2k (Post 1248646)
I think I am going to wait for the Pro version

Yes me too.

And suggestion for Inferno Tech for the Pro version:

- Editable text (from ACP) that users who are banned from shoutbox/are not allowed to see shoutbox see.

I currently have vbshout 2.0 which shows "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /vbshout.php on line 288" if your'e not allowed to see shoutbox.

I have however edited vbshout.php with a help of coder on my board to display a message. But I couldn't do it myself.


And since you already said flood control will be option in pro version I don't have to mentiopn that.. :p

Henry187 05-16-2007 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Inferno Tech (Post 1248666)
We tried to recreate this locally and we couldnt find a problem, could you send me a link to your site to have a look please?

Sure thing, here's the URL: http://zeldadimension.net/forums/

Oh, and for some reason, only one of our members' ID is placed in their URL. Whether it's relevant, or not, they are an "invisible" member (meaning that only Moderators, and Administrators can see them).

Snake 05-16-2007 07:57 PM

Thank you very much for the hack, ZT! :D

Nudda 05-16-2007 09:36 PM

for anyone wondering how to turn off new thread/post alerts, go into the plugin manager and disable the "Inferno Shoutbox: User Posted New Thread, and "Inferno Shoutbox: User Replies To Thread" plug ins.

d8tabyte 05-16-2007 09:55 PM

awesome thanks!

WhyDoesItMatter 05-17-2007 01:02 AM

Looking good! I can't use this because I have vbSEO. If you still need access to debug, PM me please.

Also, how much will the Pro version cost?


Hornstar 05-17-2007 05:58 AM

yeah look forward to the pro version even tho im happy with the current shoutbox i have installed ^^

killerkraft 05-17-2007 08:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)

I've installed the mod and it works fine, except for these two problems.

1st - No portuguese caracthers, i.e., i cannot write olá, just ola

2nd - No active links on shout, just code as in the attached picture

Can you please help me ?



Tri@de 05-17-2007 09:07 AM

Can someone help me to find what i need to put in forumdisplay template to make available the shoutbox only in the admin subforum?
i don't know what "if condition" to use to make it...

No problem. Done it! :)
I write it here:

in forumhomedisplay template put:
<if condition="($foruminfo[forumid]==XXX)">

XXX = id forum

Tri@de 05-17-2007 09:20 AM

Another question: can i exclude in all forums new posts/reply notification without putting all forums id?

Inferno Tech 05-17-2007 11:06 AM

tri@de, nudda made a suggestion on how to do this at the top of this page


Originally Posted by nudda
for anyone wondering how to turn off new thread/post alerts, go into the plugin manager and disable the "Inferno Shoutbox: User Posted New Thread, and "Inferno Shoutbox: User Replies To Thread" plug ins.

rjp0615 05-17-2007 12:07 PM

this thing is nice but its really wide on my forum for some reason...

hugh_ 05-17-2007 12:11 PM


Notice posted when user creates a new thread
Could I suggest a notice for new calendar events, user registrations, forum / shoutbox statistics and possibly even shoutcast / icecast stream titles and statistics as well? Notices should be programable and configurable of course and it would also be interesting I think to be able to add shoutbox post counts to forumhome...

1337_macro 05-17-2007 01:52 PM

Did you ever work on it so that it will work on the blak-ice template? I really would like to get thos working very much

Inferno Tech 05-17-2007 02:01 PM

thankyou everyone for your suggestions and marco we are checking the template to see the problem

Acid Burn - Inerno Technologies Developer

itsatonline 05-17-2007 03:34 PM

worked in 3.6.7 ?

StrifeX 05-17-2007 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by cyberphr (Post 1248972)
I don't want the shoutbox on the portal, so I didn't upload the files to the root directories.
Still, the plugins are loaded, which causes PHP errors because the files are non-existent.

The portal is Cyber-Phreaks PortalPHP, which was created by me and has not been publicly released as of yet. It's basic PHP, including vBulletin variables and plugins.

If the shoutbox is only to be displayed on forumhome, why is it queried on other pages?

In the portal's .PHP file, I'm guessing your page title (THIS_SCRIPT) indicates that it equals "index". Therefore, your portal is being referred to by the shoutbox. Simply change your portals title from "index" to something else, like "portal" for example.

LadyHoney 05-17-2007 09:46 PM

id be very excited to get this. another suggestion would be to post when a member gets high score in arcade.... will this show on all pages if put in navbar ?

d8tabyte 05-17-2007 10:19 PM

I will say that since installing this one over the flat file one originally posted on vborg, I've had a huge increase in db connection errors.

mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: User d8tabyte_db has already more than 'max_user_connections' active connections /home/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php on line 273

I went from having maybe one - two a day to getting over 30. Ive even disabled the thread and reply posting in the box.

furst 05-18-2007 03:01 AM

Need an option to have new posts show up at the bottom.

acerulezz 05-18-2007 03:16 AM

I like the mod..
Before i install on a live site, anyone can give feedback on server loads? I have a dedicated VPS with a medium sized vbulletin community(150+ users online at all times) The approx server loads are usually around 1.5-2.0. Would it be ok to run this along with some of the features turned off?(like new posts, threads notification)

Hornstar 05-18-2007 06:38 AM

yeah im still thinking it the flatfile or this one would be better for server load (keeping the kickout time low of course)

wolfe 05-18-2007 08:06 AM

Bug m8 when you mouse over the username that has shouted it shows no userid to load profile.

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