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captainron19 04-12-2007 01:43 PM

Site Name: Disney-Forums.com
URL: http://www.disney-forums.com
Description: Disney-Forums.com is an online family oriented community for anyone with the love and passion for anything Disney. The site includes a Disney Chat room and numerous areas for games, trivia contests and most importantly Disney Vacation and Trip planning.

Reason for nomination: The site has been up for only about 1 month and there has already been over 160 members to join with 6,000 plus posts. Members continue to join at a rate of at least 5-7 a day. Not only is there a wealth of information from dedicated Disney fans but also numerous Disney Employees (Cast members) have joined as members of the board to lend their expertise.

sonichero 04-12-2007 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by captainron19 (Post 1225926)
Site Name: Disney-Forums.com
URL: http://www.disney-forums.com
Description: Disney-Forums.com is an online family oriented community for anyone with the love and passion for anything Disney. The site includes a Disney Chat room and numerous areas for games, trivia contests and most importantly Disney Vacation and Trip planning.

Reason for nomination: The site has been up for only about 1 month and there has already been over 160 members to join with 6,000 plus posts. Members continue to join at a rate of at least 5-7 a day. Not only is there a wealth of information from dedicated Disney fans but also numerous Disney Employees (Cast members) have joined as members of the board to lend their expertise.

I suggest working on graphic design a lot, making them look more modern and such.

This is NOT a second.

Australian Gate 04-13-2007 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by bela-meaad (Post 1218023)
Site Name: Bela Meaad
URL: www.bela-meaad.com
Forum URL: www.bela-meaad.com/forum.php
Description: Bela-Meaad.com is Online Since: Jan-2004, has more than 40,000 members.
Bela-Meaad.com brings together all factions and races from all over the world to enjoy a beautiful time.
Reason for Nomination: custom style (i Design it). very clean coding, i spent 4 months to finish this site. its Encoding UTF-8. postbit template is personal coding & can switch the box from left to right within one click.

Seconded. :up:


Originally Posted by snobird1211 (Post 1218139)
Site Name: iP Tourneys

URL: http://www.iptourneys.com

Description: iP Tourneys Is A Tourney Website For Console Gaming Systems And Is Also A Game Discussion Website. After 6 months It Is Becoming Very Well Known through Out The Gaming Community With 1300+ Members and over 16,000 Posts.

Reason for Nomination: We really want to make a impact for the gaming community and let more people in on this fast growing sport. By being nominated it will give us a chance to get our name out to more people and expand our forums. It will also reward all the great staff who made my site possible and all the people who helped designed my site as well. We have worked very hard to make our mark in the gaming community and I hope you see that in our site when you view it.


Seconded. :up:

PoetJA-1975 04-13-2007 06:55 AM

I rescind my vote because vBulletin.org's Board of the Month competition is being made a mockery of as seen in the April voting!

hambil 04-13-2007 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975 (Post 1226487)
I actually like the style.
Fits Disney theme very well.
Seconded :)

Very nice looking IMHO, and I love Disney. I'll third (if a third is necessary). I am surprised you can do this - they are so protective of the use of their copyrights and trademarks. Is this an official Disney forum?

gnolasco 04-13-2007 12:38 PM

Site Name: GamerBattles.com
URL: http://www.gamerbattles.com
Description: An arcade competition site with the social networking twist. Free to join, upload photos, create a profile, blogs, etc... Custom profile creation is easy with our auto-preview Advance profile customization feature. More features to be added later...

Reason for Nomination: Seamlessly ported to work well with a new social networking script with the arcade hack added.

Caiman 04-13-2007 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by dn lodge (Post 1220741)
Site Name: DN Lodge Webmaster Forums

URL: http://www.dnlodge.com


Originally Posted by CompuForums.org (Post 1221758)
Site Name: CompuForums - Computer Forums

URL: http://www.compuforums.org/


Nudda 04-14-2007 08:25 PM

Site Name: The Linkin Park Projekt
URL: www.lpprojekt.com , www.lpprojekt.com/forum
Description: Dedicated to Linkin Park, updated daily with news and updates (Their new album is due in May!)
Reason for Nomination: Great graphic design and style, with lots of hacks and customizations. Already 10,000 posts and 3 million hits after only two months!

Sean James 04-15-2007 10:24 AM

Site Name: bluepearl-design.com

Bluepearl Design

Description: Free and Custom vBulletin templates, great community and portfolio of Sean James

Reason for Nomination: Because i am lucky enough to have a few months of free time on my hands, i am planning on getting really involved in vBulletin templating and even MODS. I want to get the Bluepearl Design name known within the community

Humbe 04-16-2007 02:40 AM

Site Name: Laugh Quicky - Knowledge is Power
URL: http://laughquicky.com
Description: Discussion about latest news, search engines, sports, games, and some other categories.
Reason for Nomination: The reason we are running this board is to teach members how to develop basic Internet skills.

MPDesignZ 04-16-2007 04:12 PM

Site Name: MPDesignZ.com

URL: http://www.mpdesignz.com/forums

Description: vBulletin & Wordpress Design Forum with Custom designs as well.

Reason for Nomination: MPDesignZ offers fast, dependable & affordable designs & custom web design & skins. We have installed a few hacks/mods to our forums such as a glossary of web design terms, we have tutorials (that will be developing very shortly), a skin club and much more to offer clients and the forum goer.


MadKad 04-16-2007 11:15 PM

URL: http://www.mkpitstop.co.uk/forum

Description: MK PitStop is a website that helps people with a number of subjects as follows:
  • Webmasters
  • Computers
  • Computer Consoles
  • Business
  • Ebay
  • Gaming
  • Graphics
MK PitStop allows all ages from 13 upwards. The forum is free and fully moderated to keep all content clean and respectful.

Reason for Nomination: I have been running MK PitStop for 1 Years, 5 Months, 25 days today, this website was started to allow myself and others to help people in the best way as we can. I have been on the computer every day since I started this website, apart from 4 days when I was ill (I even worked on it, on Christmas day). This website is my life and my biggest hobby; I place as much information on there from what I learn.

In the future I hope to add more subjects to the forums so that it can help more people, but at the moment I am trying my best to not put guests off. When I first started the website I tried using a different forum software and was very unhappy with the hard work I had to place in to remove the bugs, but then I went with vBulletin and it was the best thing I ever did with the website. I have installed lots of hacks and even started doing some my self, thanks to vBulletin.com & vBulletin.org with there great community they made this happen more for me.

I would give my right arm to make my forum to become one of the top leading forums on the internet, maybe one day if I keep trying this will happen, but until then I will just hope for my website to win BOTM.

Thank you.

thesportszone 04-17-2007 06:47 PM

Site Name: TSZ - The Sports Zone

URL: www.the-sportszone.net

Description: An all sports site spanning NFL, NBA, MLB, MMA, AFL, Golf, and everything in between. Player interviews, pickum games and all the free fantasy football coverage you will need. We are giving out out TSZ Magazine right after the NFL draft to all of our members.

Reason for Nomination: Because I think this board will be something special in about a year and want to give all you the opprotunity to check it out now.

Aunt Clara 04-18-2007 04:50 AM

Site Name: Aunt Clara's Dominican Cooking / La Cocina Dominicana de T?a Clara

URL: http://www.dominicancooking.com / http://www.cocinadominicana.com

Description: Our site is dedicated to promote the Dominican culinary culture. With hundreds of recipes (all with photos), articles, tips and tricks and an active community we are by far the largest repository of information on Dominican cooking in any type of media. We opened five years ago and almost a year ago migrated the entire site from html to a heavily modified version of vBulletin that mimicked the old structure of our site.

Both our sites (one in English, one in Spanish) share the same user database.

Reason for Nomination: It is a different site from your typical vBulletin forum. We have an active forum, but each section of the site is independent yet running on vB. It is mostly based on template modifications.

ChrisSy 04-18-2007 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by vB Nova (Post 1220244)
Site Name: vB Nova - vBulletin Modifications
URL: http://www.vbnova.com/
Description: A vBulletin modification resource with a great atmosphere and support.
Reason for Nomination: We have been offering free support and modifications for 6 months and we now have a custom skin and modifications :).


imk 04-18-2007 06:43 PM

Site Name: vbnova.com
URL: www.vbnova.com
Description:vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: I second vbnova.com Excellent forum.

ORACLE 04-18-2007 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by vB Nova (Post 1220244)
Site Name: vB Nova - vBulletin Modifications
URL: http://www.vbnova.com/
Description: A vBulletin modification resource with a great atmosphere and support.
Reason for Nomination: We have been offering free support and modifications for 6 months and we now have a custom skin and modifications :).

Fourthed :cool:

elmati 04-19-2007 04:35 PM

Site Name: Banite - Underground Connection
URL: http://www.banite.com.ar
Description: Its a spanish forum about Music, Dance, entertainment.
Reason for Nomination: Fully modded, skin unique with many template edits. Fully modded vbadvanced and more. Check it! :)

AyeCapn 04-20-2007 11:52 AM

Site Name: Blackbaud User Society
URL: www.blackbus.org/forum
Description: Community/social network for users of non-profit fundraising software built by Blackbaud. We are not affiliated with Blackbaud in any way.
Reason for Nomination: We have tried to maximize wht vB can do wen paired with other tools. A unique custom skin, vB -> Joomla bridge and vB -> Pligg bridge have given us a great deal of customizeability. At the end of the day, the site helps people run heir software better, which helps people raise money, which helps families.

Hemanth 04-20-2007 05:21 PM

Site Name: TechTalkz.com Community - Technology, Computers & Internet!


Description: TechTalkz.com is a Technology & Computer Support forums with a member base of over 7000 tech enthusiasts. Discussions ranging from Mobile phones to Computer security can be found there.

Reason for Nomination: I started this community as a general tech discussion forum. But later, when I noticed how badly the novice users need help in solving their computer problems, I changed it the focus into providing computer support. This end up in making me the winner of the Most Valuable Professional Award by Microsoft.

If you like the forum and my intentions please second me.

Thank you..

Ohiosweetheart 04-21-2007 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by captainron19 (Post 1225926)
Site Name: Disney-Forums.com
URL: http://www.disney-forums.com
Description: Disney-Forums.com is an online family oriented community for anyone with the love and passion for anything Disney. The site includes a Disney Chat room and numerous areas for games, trivia contests and most importantly Disney Vacation and Trip planning.

Reason for nomination: The site has been up for only about 1 month and there has already been over 160 members to join with 6,000 plus posts. Members continue to join at a rate of at least 5-7 a day. Not only is there a wealth of information from dedicated Disney fans but also numerous Disney Employees (Cast members) have joined as members of the board to lend their expertise.

I second or third this site. :)

Lionel 04-22-2007 11:19 PM

Site Name: Haitiwebs
URL: www.haitiwebs.com
Description: A bilingual virtual Haitian community
Reason for nomination: This site has been hacked to the extreme. Not your normal vbulletin site. The slideshow on homepage boast 150 images and we have more than 26 Gigs of information on it.

bell19189 04-24-2007 03:23 PM

Site Name: Gamez-on-Demand
URL: www.gamez-on-demand.co.uk/forum
Description: Gaming Community, please to talk about all games, consols, and generally anything you like.
Reason for Nomination: Me and the rest of the people involved have done a great job on setting it up and modding it to how the users want it.. and i think they deserver some recognition for all their work!

OziloZ 04-25-2007 08:35 PM

Site Name: Mygeyiq
URL: http://mygeyiq.com
Description: Mygeyiq is a funny forum site.Users are talking about comical news; anecdotes; funny links,videos,pictures and all about funny things..
Reason for Nomination: I and my friends were create the first fun based forum in Turkey. We took it 3.5 years but its founder sold it someone.After that we created Mygeyiq (The previous one is Geyiq lol ). Now 316 days past from creation. It has over 700.000 posts and 16.400 threads. We didn't take any advertisement until now. Additionally I think our design is simple and usefull.

mytuoberg 04-26-2007 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by OziloZ (Post 1235440)
Site Name: Mygeyiq
URL: http://mygeyiq.com
Description: Mygeyiq is a funny forum site.Users are talking about comical news; anecdotes; funny links,videos,pictures and all about funny things..
Reason for Nomination: Me and my friends were create the first funny based forum in Turkey. We took it 3.5 years but its founder sold it someone.After that we created Mygeyiq (The previous one is Geyiq lol ). Now 316 days past from creation. It has over 700.000 posts and 16.400 threads. We didn't take any advertisement until now. Additionally I think our design is simply and usefull.

seconded :up:

activa 04-27-2007 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by bela-meaad (Post 1218023)
Site Name: Bela Meaad
URL: www.bela-meaad.com
Forum URL: www.bela-meaad.com/forum.php
Description: Bela-Meaad.com is Online Since: Jan-2004, has more than 40,000 members.
Bela-Meaad.com brings together all factions and races from all over the world to enjoy a beautiful time.
Reason for Nomination: custom style (i Design it). very clean coding, i spent 4 months to finish this site. its Encoding UTF-8. postbit template is personal coding & can switch the box from left to right within one click.


CBE 04-27-2007 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by bela-meaad (Post 1218023)
Site Name: Bela Meaad
URL: www.bela-meaad.com
Forum URL: www.bela-meaad.com/forum.php
Description: Bela-Meaad.com is Online Since: Jan-2004, has more than 40,000 members.
Bela-Meaad.com brings together all factions and races from all over the world to enjoy a beautiful time.
Reason for Nomination: custom style (i Design it). very clean coding, i spent 4 months to finish this site. its Encoding UTF-8. postbit template is personal coding & can switch the box from left to right within one click.


Criticize 04-27-2007 11:25 AM

I would like to nominate www.chefclub.net.

jwaany 04-27-2007 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by bela-meaad (Post 1218023)
Site Name: Bela Meaad
URL: www.bela-meaad.com
Forum URL: www.bela-meaad.com/forum.php
Description: Bela-Meaad.com is Online Since: Jan-2004, has more than 40,000 members.
Bela-Meaad.com brings together all factions and races from all over the world to enjoy a beautiful time.
Reason for Nomination: custom style (i Design it). very clean coding, i spent 4 months to finish this site. its Encoding UTF-8. postbit template is personal coding & can switch the box from left to right within one click.

Seconded :up:

glorify 04-27-2007 07:38 PM

Site Name: Glorify the past...Live for the present
URL: www.glorifythepast.com
Forum URL: www.glorifythepast.com/forums/index.php
Description: Chargers, NFL Discussion
Reason: Because I hope you like the place as much as I.

Abu Rashed 04-28-2007 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by bela-meaad (Post 1218023)
Site Name: Bela Meaad
URL: www.bela-meaad.com
Forum URL: www.bela-meaad.com/forum.php
Description: Bela-Meaad.com is Online Since: Jan-2004, has more than 40,000 members.
Bela-Meaad.com brings together all factions and races from all over the world to enjoy a beautiful time.
Reason for Nomination: custom style (i Design it). very clean coding, i spent 4 months to finish this site. its Encoding UTF-8. postbit template is personal coding & can switch the box from left to right within one click.

Seconded :up:

x_5 04-28-2007 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by bela-meaad (Post 1218023)
Site Name: Bela Meaad
URL: www.bela-meaad.com
Forum URL: www.bela-meaad.com/forum.php
Description: Bela-Meaad.com is Online Since: Jan-2004, has more than 40,000 members.
Bela-Meaad.com brings together all factions and races from all over the world to enjoy a beautiful time.
Reason for Nomination: custom style (i Design it). very clean coding, i spent 4 months to finish this site. its Encoding UTF-8. postbit template is personal coding & can switch the box from left to right within one click.

Seconded :up:

projectego 04-30-2007 01:15 PM

Hope I'm not too late. Best of luck everyone! :)

Site Name: Fable 2
URL: Fable 2 Forum
Description: ProjectEgo.net is a community dedicated to providing essential news and info regarding Lionhead Studios' upcoming RPG for the Microsoft Xbox 360, Fable 2.

carwash 04-30-2007 04:53 PM

Site Name: Talksox
Description:A popular Red Sox message board with almost 3,000 members and 250,000 posts.
Reason for nomination:What started because of a hobby of mine has grown into a thriving community. I feel like this site has a much stronger sense of friendship/community than most other similarly sized forums. Very user-friendly.

Shazz 05-01-2007 04:09 AM

I second the following


Best of luck to all

saree 05-01-2007 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by bela-meaad (Post 1218023)
Site Name: Bela Meaad
URL: www.bela-meaad.com
Forum URL: www.bela-meaad.com/forum.php
Description: Bela-Meaad.com is Online Since: Jan-2004, has more than 40,000 members.
Bela-Meaad.com brings together all factions and races from all over the world to enjoy a beautiful time.
Reason for Nomination: custom style (i Design it). very clean coding, i spent 4 months to finish this site. its Encoding UTF-8. postbit template is personal coding & can switch the box from left to right within one click.

:up: Seconded

EnIgMa1234 05-01-2007 11:09 AM

woops voting is closed

shokmuzik.com 05-01-2007 03:28 PM

Site Name: Shokmuzikboard
URL: shokmuzikboard.com
Description: Inofficial Shokmuzik Board. Board Language: German, Turkish. Online since ~4 days.
Reason for Nomination: clean style, optimized for fast loading.

dn lodge 05-01-2007 07:09 PM

Good luck everyone!

freemchr 05-02-2007 05:47 AM

Site Name: My Aquarium
URL: http://www.myaquarium.com.au
Description: Forum dedicated to the Australian aquarium hobby. Only recently launched.
Reason for Nomination: Complete custom design, have tried to incorporate features that an aquarium hobbyist would love ie blog, classifieds, photo gallery etc. The style is clean as well.

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