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Kimimaru 03-18-2007 11:41 AM

have you an example for this problem? a link?

mdroschak 03-18-2007 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Kimimaru (Post 1206290)
have you an example for this problem? a link?

Here are two pictures attached.

The first one is when itemstats is set to pull for Thottbot. As you can see everything looks ok but the colors are orange. Even the socket images show up fine, although in my example this paticular item does not have sockets.

In the 2nd picture that is when itemstats pulls from allakazham as you can see the colors are correct but the socket images show up as Red X's... I'm assuming it has to do with the websites but im sure there has to be a way to fix it, maybe a change with the code or an adjustment that has to be made.

Kimimaru 03-18-2007 07:27 PM


The first one is when itemstats is set to pull for Thottbot. As you can see everything looks ok but the colors are orange. Even the socket images show up fine, although in my example this paticular item does not have sockets.
I have the same problem by that item. By other items the tooltip is green.


In the 2nd picture that is when itemstats pulls from allakazham as you can see the colors are correct but the socket images show up as Red X's... I'm assuming it has to do with the websites but im sure there has to be a way to fix it, maybe a change with the code or an adjustment that has to be made.
i have copy the socket images on my server. (allakhazam).

example: http://www.dragonhearts-guild.de/images/redsocket.png


mdroschak 03-18-2007 07:34 PM

Do the itemstats pull the socket images much like they pull the item image? I run all my images locally and believe i have the most updated set of images on my server. Even if i change it to pull from Alla it still comes up with red X's..

My guess is that they havent update their socket images yet or something.

Can you zip up all your socket images and put them up here so i can download them? I copied that socket image you posted and put it into my images, cleared my item_cache and it still does not find the redsocket.png.. Is there an other file that controls the socket images?

BTW how did you make those modules show up the item stats "last 5 loot" on the left of your page? Does that pull from EQDKP?

mdroschak 03-18-2007 07:53 PM

ok, I got it.

Here is the fix for Allakazham.

The problem is in how ItemStats parses data from Allakhazam. It seems Allakhazam changed its design slightly after the parser was written. I fixed it like so...

open includes/allakhazam.php

Go to line 105

PHP Code:

if (preg_match_all('#<img class="esock" src="/images/(.*?)\.png".*?/>#s'$item['html'], $matches_sockets))                {                    foreach ($matches_sockets[0] as $key_socket => $match_socket)                        $item['html'] = str_replace($matches_sockets[0][$key_socket], '<img src="' $path_images_sockets $matches_sockets[1][$key_socket] . '.png" alt="' $matches_sockets[1][$key_socket] . '"/>'$item['html']);                } 

Replace with

PHP Code:

if (preg_match_all('#<span class="esock"><img src="/images/(.*?)\.png".*?/>#s'$item['html'], $matches_sockets))                {                    foreach ($matches_sockets[0] as $key_socket => $match_socket)                        $item['html'] = str_replace($matches_sockets[0][$key_socket], '<span class="esock"><img src="' $path_images_sockets $matches_sockets[1][$key_socket] . '.png" alt="' $matches_sockets[1][$key_socket] . '"/>'$item['html']);                } 

Clear your item_cache information and thats it.

Fixed it for me

EDIT: The only socket Image I have problems with is the Meta Socket. Everything else shows up perfect. Anyone have the .png file for that?

Kimimaru 03-18-2007 08:04 PM





mdroschak 03-18-2007 08:21 PM

Cool thanks!

I downloaded all the images but still have problems with the meta socket image.

I tried changing the socket image location in my allazahzam.php file to be local but that didn't work.

Which file did you change for your local socket images?

Crapforum 03-20-2007 10:52 AM

Nice mod.

[s]Too bad it doesnt work okay on my site.
The popup works in the preview but doesn't popup when i actually post it.


The posted url looks like this: http://www.mydomain.nl/\'http://www.thottbot.com/?i=Destroyer Chestguard\'

any help appriciated.[/s]

never mind, this mod rocks....had a conflict with a badly written replacement mod.

phace 03-21-2007 05:14 AM

I was wondering if it's at all possible to change the color of an item when using itemstats. The one I would like to change in particular is the 'quality1' items that appear as white links which blend in almost entirely with the light backgrounds in vBulletin.

Any ideas?

Crapforum 03-21-2007 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by phace (Post 1208565)
I was wondering if it's at all possible to change the color of an item when using itemstats. The one I would like to change in particular is the 'quality1' items that appear as white links which blend in almost entirely with the light backgrounds in vBulletin.

Any ideas?

I had the same problem, fixed it with a background color.

you can change the colors in: .\itemstats\templates\itemstats.css

.whitename, .quality1 { background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; }

phace 03-21-2007 03:23 PM

That will work, thank you very much. :)

ChiliVB 03-22-2007 07:35 PM

Just wanted to say this installation worked great!

It also resolves an issue I was having with long item names not saving properly in the database with the itemstats 1.5.5 version for Vbulletin I downloaded from Yahourt's site. And, this installation required no manual edits or workarounds to allow for the new socket images.

But, best of all, if any of you utilize Stefan's vB Code [table] mod for banks, points, etc. Blackjack's mod'd version of itemstats works great with it. (Previous versions would not parse corrently and were truncated making itemstats unusable in the tables.) *happy snoopy dance*

hostvn 03-22-2007 08:58 PM


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare getstrcssstyle() (previously declared in d:/www/vhosts/localhost/httpdocs/demo/includes/functions_gitemstats.php:90) in d:/www/vhosts/localhost/httpdocs/demo/itemstats/itemstats.php on line 31

Gryphon 03-22-2007 09:52 PM

Thanks ChiliVB, though note that there is nothing different about this and Yahourt's. I pretty much simply manage the config.php via vBulletin's options :)


Originally Posted by hostvn (Post 1209896)

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare getstrcssstyle() (previously declared in d:/www/vhosts/localhost/httpdocs/demo/includes/functions_gitemstats.php:90) in d:/www/vhosts/localhost/httpdocs/demo/itemstats/itemstats.php on line 31

Make sure you are not running another itemstats product, like Sparkz's modification. itemstats/itemstats.php is not loaded in my modification, that is being loaded by another mod which is conflicting.

ChiliVB 03-23-2007 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Blackjack (Post 1209934)
Thanks ChiliVB, though note that there is nothing different about this and Yahourt's. I pretty much simply manage the config.php via vBulletin's options :)

Yes, but your version helped me to find a very small change in the config that made alot the difference in trying to use itemstats with the table mod. The table codes inserted by allakhazam don't work with the vbtable, but the html format used for the itemstats by thottbot does.

I have a question:

1. I was trying to get the View_cache.php file to work with the gitemstats cache. But I couldn't seem to get the right combination of your 'MasterServer' database info from the functions file to get it the authentication to work. I'd like to able to use this feature instead of having to login to PhP MyAdmin if possible.

Have you tried doing this to see if its possible with your configuration?

Gryphon 03-23-2007 08:22 PM

For view_cache you will need to to edit the itemstats/config.php and enter your database information. The "item_cache_table" is "prefixgitemstats" if you have a prefix, otherwise just "gitemstats".

It will not abide by the vBulletin config, so you will need to edit config_itemstats.php to what you want as well.

npregean 03-24-2007 12:19 AM

I know that a lot of people have been having issues with socket images appearing, but I'm having an issue with no images appearing at all. I did not change the path where Icons are stored (it's still "http://wow.allakhazam.com/images/icons/") and the Icon extension is still ".png"

Please check out a test post that I made below. What could be going wrong here? Any help or suggestions would truly be appreciated.


colicab-d 03-26-2007 03:31 PM

Anyway to get this working properly via Vbavdanced CMS?

Gryphon 03-27-2007 03:52 PM

It should work fine. I don't know much about vBAdvanced however, I use my own cms. Someone will have to give me more information about what needs to be done in order for it to work.

Kimimaru 03-27-2007 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by colicab-d (Post 1212789)
Anyway to get this working properly via Vbavdanced CMS?

yes, what is your problem?

npregean 03-27-2007 04:29 PM

I just posted a message above and it seems to have been ignored...there is an apparent issue with this plugin in my situation and I'd like to have it addressed if possible.


Notice how the image icon for the item does not appear when you scroll over the item link. Why would this be happening? Does anyone have any idea? As I said, I have the images linked correctly in the vB Options area. I've also tried clearing the item cache in the database several times and even modified the popup HTML template to try to force a static URL image link, but even then the icon image did not appear.

The forum is integrated into the Subdreamer CMS, but I'm not sure why this would be causing an issue because the only integration involves wrapping some HTML around the header/footer and user system integration. It would have no affect on the HTML/CSS or even Javascript output on the page.

All I'm asking is for someone to take a look at it please...could be a quick fix with OverLib that I'm not aware of or something (because I'm not too familiar with OverLib).

Gryphon 03-28-2007 04:15 PM

Your icon is pointing to:

The actual icon is at:

Somehow /templates/wow is appearing in your url, do you have anything that is referencing that line?

npregean 03-28-2007 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Blackjack (Post 1214555)
Your icon is pointing to:

The actual icon is at:

Somehow /templates/wow is appearing in your url, do you have anything that is referencing that line?

Ah, thanks for looking into this for me and I'm glad you were able to find that. I have some replacement variables that are being set because of a customized WoW style for my forum. All "images/icons" text is being replaced with "templates/wow/images/icons" I think I can fix this by removing the replacement variable setting for "images/icons" and just put the files in that directory into the default "images/icons" folder.

You might want to take note that the style I'm using is a customized version of this WoW vB style:

So anyone who uses that style will have to modify the replacement variables in the same way that I do, and will have to move the files from "templates/wow/images/icons" into the default "images/icons" directory.

I'll let you know if my fix works.

Thanks again!

npregean 03-28-2007 06:41 PM

Actually I just checked it, and the default icons are the same as the icons for the style...so all that had to be done was to remove the "images/icons" replacement variable for my custom style, and it's all fixed. Thanks again for finding that for me, that was a HUGE help!

aviendha 03-29-2007 03:46 PM

hello i have installed your plugin, and first of all i want to congratulate you because the installation was so simple and plain.

I have one problem

If i make [item]28348en[/item] it works but i have the query in french. How i can get the querys in English?¿

Gryphon 03-29-2007 04:24 PM

I am not sure how the languages work. I have not tried to use them at all, I just provided them as they were in the Itemstats config. My usual method is to use [item]Moonglade Cowl[/item].

shadowhaxor 03-29-2007 05:21 PM

Maybe I missed it, but is there anyway to stop the item code form breaking if you reply to it?

Example, if you goto http://www.quietstormguild.com and make a item post. If you reply to it, t breaks and turns into a bad hyperlink :(

Gryphon 03-29-2007 05:56 PM

I imagine that you are using the WYSIWYG editor. That has some adverse effect on the code. I will attempt to fix this, but I am not sure how soon.

aviendha 03-29-2007 08:05 PM

the method [item]Moonglade Cowl[/item] worked for mee too ^^
It did the query to thotbot instead of allakhazam

But i have another problem [itemico]Moonglade Cowl[/itemico] still shows plain text here.
I have downloaded an icons package, but i don't know where is the string to reemplace the path.

Thankyou for your soon reply

Gryphon 03-29-2007 11:42 PM

You can have it query Alla with the gItemStats options, just make it the first option.

[itemico] I have not implemented, I didn't realize it was something different than [item] so I left it out of the code. They looked like they did the same thing and that [itemco] was just an alias for [item]. I will look into adding that.

colicab-d 04-01-2007 12:58 AM

the problem im having is that in Vb Adanced CMS when i posted item to the new sectio, They are fine in the original ofrum post, but when looked at via the news page (Vbacmps) they dont have there colour coding (i.e purple for epic) and dont diplay the item tooltip.

Just a white link to the item on thottbot

shadowhaxor 05-10-2007 03:04 PM

Guess there isn't update to the gitemstats when someone makes a reply and the item code gets turned into a highlighted mess :(

Andaas 05-10-2007 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by shadowhaxor (Post 1245008)
Guess there isn't update to the gitemstats when someone makes a reply and the item code gets turned into a highlighted mess :(

Just explain to your forum users that they should not use the WYSIWYG editor when working with item links (or you can even disable it yourself ;) ).

Gryphon 05-10-2007 10:20 PM

Sorry, I have not looked into that issue at all yet.

ixian 05-16-2007 02:28 AM

I can't get this to work at all. With php errors on I get stuff like:

Failed to update item: Clever Hat (Table 'forums.gitemstats' doesn't exist)

Looks like it is looking for db tables that aren't there? I uploaded all the files to their correct locations and imported the product.

ixian 05-16-2007 05:47 PM

I fixed it, bit of a pain but I can't blame this on the modder here, it's the Itemstats code that has issues.

First, it didn't create the tables, which is because a function in itemstats.php is supposed to create them if they don't exist, but it doesn't specifiy InnoDB or myISAM for the table type - if you have a database that supports both this script will attempt to create it as InnoDB and the problem there unlike myISAM InnoDB doesn't support "fulltext" indexing of columns, which is what is specified for the last column (item_html). As a result the entire query fails, none of the tables are created, and you have issues.

I fixed this easily enough by creating the tables manually via the mySQL command line and specifying myISAM as the table type. Then the addon worked like a charm.

From there, I decided to merge this with another install of Itemstats I have running, for my Joomla CMS front end. Rather than have the forum version and the Joomla version use different databases and directories I ended up modding the Joomla version so that it worked off the forums. PM me if you want to know how or maybe I'll post it up here if there is enough interest.

Also, I don't seem to have the WYSIWYG problem? I can quote a post just fine and the item link remains the same. Is there something else I should be looking for?

ixian 05-16-2007 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by colicab-d (Post 1217162)
the problem im having is that in Vb Adanced CMS when i posted item to the new sectio, They are fine in the original ofrum post, but when looked at via the news page (Vbacmps) they dont have there colour coding (i.e purple for epic) and dont diplay the item tooltip.

Just a white link to the item on thottbot

This means the javascript call is being pulled out of the header, or the plugin hook in this mod isn't inserting it in to Vbadvanced headers, which is more likely.

You can add it in manually at the end of your headinclude template and see if that fixes it. The code is:


<link rel="stylesheet" href="itemstats/templates/itemstats.css" type="text/css"\><script type="text/javascript" src="itemstats/overlib/overlib.js"><!-- overLIB (c) Erik Bosrup --></script>
You may need to adjust the above paths based on your settings/directories.

clayjones 05-17-2007 01:32 PM

The mod was working for me briefly, now all links are returning "This object doesn't exist or website is busy". Anyone else having this issue?

EDIT: I figured it out. I hate cpanel. It was running automated scripts to reconfigure my box, it added my box as a dns resolver (I'm running named to resolve my guild's domain). But I have recursion off, so the mod couldn't resolve allakhazam.com or any of the others. I fixed resolv.conf by removing my server, removed the empty entries in the gitemstatscache table, restarted apache, and it works now. Not mod related (although a server not found message would be nice :) ).

spaceman33 05-27-2007 04:34 AM


I installed this but can only get it to work if I enclose the item tags with code tags.

Read through this topic but can't find anyone else having had a similar problem.

Any idea?

You should be able to see the post at http://www.hborea.us/forums/showthre...ted=1#post5599

Thanks for any assistance.

Finger78 06-05-2007 02:18 PM

I have tried EVERYTHING i can think of to remove the link to itemstats.free.fr that pops up with the item window when you mouse over it, yes including turning the display item to false within the config_itemstats.php

Can anyone please tell me what I have to do to get this to go away?

I've even go so far as to try and remove every single link in all the php's etc within all the files I downloaded here and still nothing.

Any clues???

I went to the dev site for Iteomstats and downloaded and uploaded the newest version and again set the code to false and still no luck

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