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coderphp 02-21-2007 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by rwilkins108 (Post 1187155)
Works great, any chance of getting a way to remove 1 search term from the box, like the way Zoints Tags works (which looks similar) is that if you're an admin, there's an x next to each tag (or search term in this case) which will remove it. Also, it might be good to have a list of words that would be ignored, i've already got a swear word up on mine :)

Great work!

these two features will be added to the new version in the next few days..


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1187209)
I'm getting the following error on my forums after product upload....

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT MAX(`count`) AS m FROM vb_coder_searchstats;

MySQL Error : Table 'Redline.vb_coder_searchstats' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Tuesday, February 20th 2007 @ 09:54:06 PM
Script : http://www.mysite.org/forum/index.php
Referrer : http://www.mysite.org/forum/admincp/index.php?do=head
IP Address : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username : xxxxxxx
Classname : vb_database

I tried the fix above but it didn't work for me

You got this error because of the ENGINE parameter not acceptable by your MySQL engine...
anyway this problem solved.... please reinstall the product


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1187228)
Nevermind, I went in and manually edited the database. The problem is that your product is not creating the "TABLE_PREFIX" because its not in the product to include it. So you might want to fix that as well. Also, the "expand / collapse" doesn't work. It expands / collapses my "upcoming events"

EDIT: and that would be because you're USING the "upcoming events" module for it. As shown in your FORUMHOME template edit here:

HTML Code:

onclick="return toggle_collapse('forumhome_events')
So you should fix that as well

yep i didnt notice that as i got it copied from the original module "upcoming events" :)
fixed please reinstall...


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1187234)
[high]* Redlinemotorsports uninstalled until fixes are made[/high]

never mind .. problems fixed

thanx for ur feedback

Neal-UK 02-21-2007 06:09 AM

Any way just for admins only to see this?

coderphp 02-21-2007 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Neal-UK (Post 1187290)
Any way just for admins only to see this?

sure it could be added to the new version..

but why?

as the main page stats is helpful for your website in search engines

Neal-UK 02-21-2007 06:20 AM

Just thought someone could see what's being searched on a site, and then create posts on their own relating to what members are searching for.

Just a thought....

BigJimTheLug 02-21-2007 06:31 AM

Can this be set so that only mods, admins, and supermods see the display?

I don't want members to see it.

coderphp 02-21-2007 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by MARKETPROFITS (Post 1187299)
Can this be set so that only mods, admins, and supermods see the display?

I don't want members to see it.

ok as this is requested again it will be added to the new version coming up in the upcoming few days

dutchbb 02-21-2007 10:06 AM

Wow very good idea! definitely going to use this, installed + nominated :)

ps: too bad for us it adds 2 queries on forumhome :( Can you make it add the 2 queries only for admins when you add the feature mentioned above?


dutchbb 02-21-2007 10:25 AM

PS: is it possible to release the photoshop file for the search incon, I like to change the matte color to match the background :)

PS2: (this is just a suggestion if you ever feel the need to further improve your mod) it would be nice to make the keyword links redirect to a more detailed statistics page that shows the users for the searched keywords, how many times it is searched for etc...

coderphp 02-21-2007 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by dutchbb (Post 1187362)
Wow very good idea! definitely going to use this, installed + nominated :)

ps: too bad for us it adds 2 queries on forumhome :( Can you make it add the 2 queries only for admins when you add the feature mentioned above?


yes it could.. maybe ill add that in the next version...


Originally Posted by dutchbb (Post 1187373)
PS: is it possible to release the photoshop file for the search incon, I like to change the matte color to match the background :)

PS2: (this is just a suggestion if you ever feel the need to further improve your mod) it would be nice to make the keyword links redirect to a more detailed statistics page that shows the users for the searched keywords, how many times it is searched for etc...

attached the search icon large sized in png format, and another 2 alternative icons
and about ur suggestion it would be nice if i had time to add that .. thanx for ur feedback keep on messaging me :)

mcyates 02-21-2007 04:47 PM

I've had to disable it as people where spamming the search box with urls to other sites, also a lot of people were swearing and basically just abusing the box.

dutchbb 02-21-2007 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by mcyates (Post 1187620)
I've had to disable it as people where spamming the search box with urls to other sites, also a lot of people were swearing and basically just abusing the box.

In the forumhome template, paste this before the code: <if condition="$bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6">

and this after: </if>

So only admins can see it. It's good for finding keywords for your site, because if you know what users are searching for you can focus on those words to make articles, threads, tags, meta keywords, titles, etc.

Neal-UK 02-21-2007 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by mcyates (Post 1187620)
I've had to disable it as people where spamming the search box with urls to other sites, also a lot of people were swearing and basically just abusing the box.

Slightly off topic, but when I view your football forum as a guest, I get the fist page showing the image url in the poll pushing the forums out....

See attached:

coderphp 02-21-2007 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by dutchbb (Post 1187624)
In the forumhome template, paste this before the code: <if condition="$bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6">

and this after: </if>

right and you can also use:

<if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == 6">


Originally Posted by dutchbb (Post 1187624)
So only admins can see it. It's good for finding keywords for your site, because if you know what users are searching for you can focus on those words to make articles, threads, tags, meta keywords, titles, etc.

Agree with you 100% as this is the main reason - for me - for programming this hack..

Masiello 02-22-2007 08:09 AM

Hi, Ive my forum in a root and not in a /forum dir, I have install this mod but after the product is active the database error appear in a forum index, it don't find the table, any fix?

coderphp 02-22-2007 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Masiello (Post 1188158)
Hi, Ive my forum in a root and not in a /forum dir, I have install this mod but after the product is active the database error appear in a forum index, it don't find the table, any fix?

execute this query:

CREATE TABLE `coder_searchstats` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `query` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', `dateline` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `count` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )

ncweb 02-22-2007 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by coderphp (Post 1187042)
ok now it is clear for me

do the following:
1- reinstall the product.
2- execute this new query:

CREATE TABLE `coder_searchstats` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `query` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', `dateline` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `count` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )

Great mod, I also had to use this query with mysql 4.1.21-standard and dev box with 4.0.26. Is there something missing from installer?

/installed ;)

nikki712 02-22-2007 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by TheBlackPoet (Post 1185890)
great hack!! since i have a dark theme... i changed the graphic to something appropiate... and made the search result text smaller... but other than that.... this is great!! really nice..

i personally cant think of anything this hack needs to be any better

Can you please tell me how you made the text smaller?

Masiello 02-22-2007 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by coderphp (Post 1188183)
execute this query:

CREATE TABLE `coder_searchstats` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `query` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', `dateline` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `count` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )

Hello, the table that you have write already exist, this is the error with the product enabled:


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT MAX(`count`) AS m FROM vb_coder_searchstats;

MySQL Error : Table 'db.vb_coder_searchstats' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Thursday, February 22nd 2007 @ 08:34:40 PM
Script : http://www.mysite.com/index.php
Referrer : http://www.mysite.com/admincp/index.php?do=head
IP Address : xxx.xxx.xxx
Username : xxx
Classname : vb_database
I think have to create a table named vb_coder_searchstats and drop the table coder_searchstats.

HMBeaty 02-22-2007 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by nikki712 (Post 1188414)
Can you please tell me how you made the text smaller?

Hi Nikki, the easiest way I could do it was this...

Go into your admincp > plugins & products > plugin manager

and edit Forum Search Stats 1.0 at hook location forumhome_complete

Then change:
PHP Code:

$rat 5/$max

PHP Code:

$rat 2/$max

You can change 2 to whatever number you want. 2 is just what I have mine at

dutchbb 02-22-2007 06:44 PM

There seem to be something wrong... it shows a completely different list of keywords every F5, there is no ranking or words marked bigger because they are searched more? isn't that what statistics is about? Because this is pretty useless if you don't know what the top keywords are...

nikki712 02-22-2007 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1188454)
Hi Nikki, the easiest way I could do it was this...

Go into your admincp > plugins & products > plugin manager

and edit Forum Search Stats 1.0 at hook location forumhome_complete

Then change:
PHP Code:

$rat 5/$max

PHP Code:

$rat 2/$max

You can change 2 to whatever number you want. 2 is just what I have mine at

Thank you so much!

coderphp 02-22-2007 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by ncweb (Post 1188342)
Great mod, I also had to use this query with mysql 4.1.21-standard and dev box with 4.0.26. Is there something missing from installer?

/installed ;)

I dont know why this problem happens as it dodnt face me and the query seems standard to me..

anyway ill research the reason and let u know

coderphp 02-22-2007 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by dutchbb (Post 1188492)
There seem to be something wrong... it shows a completely different list of keywords every F5, there is no ranking or words marked bigger because they are searched more? isn't that what statistics is about? Because this is pretty useless if you don't know what the top keywords are...

go to admincp >> Search Stats >> Show stats

and tell me how many records are there??

blastup 02-22-2007 08:49 PM

i can't see the side bar .. on the admincp .. the search statistics.. can you tell me why?.. i did everthing right..https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2007/02/7.jpg

coderphp 02-22-2007 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by blastup (Post 1188613)
i can't see the side bar .. on the admincp .. the search statistics.. can you tell me why?.. i did everthing right..https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...7&d=1171886071

make sure to upload the file "includes/xml/cpnav_coder_searchstats.xml"

dutchbb 02-23-2007 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by coderphp (Post 1188605)
go to admincp >> Search Stats >> Show stats

and tell me how many records are there??

It's showing this error:


Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /home/tijl/domains/dutchbodybuilding.com/public_html/forum/admincp/search_stats.php on line 14
My forum is on a subdomain..not sure if that has something to do with it?

coderphp 02-23-2007 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by dutchbb (Post 1188934)
It's showing this error:


Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /home/tijl/domains/dutchbodybuilding.com/public_html/forum/admincp/search_stats.php on line 14
My forum is on a subdomain..not sure if that has something to do with it?

it seems that u installed the very first version of the hack which has this error and was fixed...

please redownload the product & reupload the file admincp/search_stats.php to solve the problem


dutchbb 02-23-2007 10:31 AM

Strange.. uploaded files and product again, same problem.

coderphp 02-23-2007 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by dutchbb (Post 1188963)
Strange.. uploaded files and product again, same problem.

ok fixed now..

please redownload the product

BozzaJos 02-23-2007 03:08 PM

Wow! This hack looks really good. Well done...

I was wondering if this hack also works for 3.5. Could you enlighten me coderphp? I really hope the answer is yes coz this hack would be a great addition to my site.

dutchbb 02-23-2007 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by coderphp (Post 1188965)
ok fixed now..

please redownload the product

Working now, thanks, I didn't even know about the admincp statistics page, this is even better :)

dutchbb 02-23-2007 07:30 PM

Another issue: top keyword shows blanc?

coderphp 02-23-2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by BozzaJos (Post 1189113)
Wow! This hack looks really good. Well done...

I was wondering if this hack also works for 3.5. Could you enlighten me coderphp? I really hope the answer is yes coz this hack would be a great addition to my site.

yes tomorrow ill release the 3.5 version.. keep in touch :)


Originally Posted by dutchbb (Post 1189244)
Working now, thanks, I didn't even know about the admincp statistics page, this is even better :)



Originally Posted by dutchbb (Post 1189288)
Another issue: top keyword shows blanc?

ill check that & let u know

lazytown 02-23-2007 11:33 PM

Great mod, will install when its settled down for a few days :). How long does this keep a record of searches? I, like others, would like the option to have this admin-only or for everyone. Any idea of the load this might add to a very large forum (number of queries added to a page is not that relevant -- if it creates its own small table it's not that big of a deal).


coderphp 02-24-2007 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 1189439)
Great mod, will install when its settled down for a few days :). How long does this keep a record of searches? I, like others, would like the option to have this admin-only or for everyone. Any idea of the load this might add to a very large forum (number of queries added to a page is not that relevant -- if it creates its own small table it's not that big of a deal).


for now you can clear search records whenever you want...

in the future versions ill consider adding a datastore field..

dutchbb 02-24-2007 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by coderphp (Post 1189430)

ill check that & let u know

Ok thanks

Question: is it normal that keywords on forumhome are all the same size? I first thought that higher ranking keywords would be showed in a bigger font like with the Zoints Tags but it's not doing that on my forum. They are also showed in a randomly way, every page renewal it's a different list.

SimplyBen 02-24-2007 05:21 PM

Here is an alternative favorite search icon. It is high quality 36x36 PSD. I can provide a bigger size of this upon request.

Here is the Icon put to use on a dark background...

(?look near bottom)

coderphp 02-24-2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by dutchbb (Post 1189706)
Ok thanks

Question: is it normal that keywords on forumhome are all the same size? I first thought that higher ranking keywords would be showed in a bigger font like with the Zoints Tags but it's not doing that on my forum. They are also showed in a randomly way, every page renewal it's a different list.

of course size is specified depending on the popularity of the keyword in ur forum

coderphp 02-24-2007 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by SimplyBen (Post 1189833)
Here is an alternative favorite search icon. It is high quality 36x36 PSD. I can provide a bigger size of this upon request.

Here is the Icon put to use on a dark background...

(?look near bottom)

thanx for the icon...

of course anyone can replace the default icon with urs :)

ncweb 02-25-2007 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by ncweb (Post 1188342)
Great mod, I also had to use this query with mysql 4.1.21-standard and dev box with 4.0.26. Is there something missing from installer?

/installed ;)


Originally Posted by coderphp (Post 1188600)
I dont know why this problem happens as it dodnt face me and the query seems standard to me..

anyway ill research the reason and let u know

Thanks Mahmoud, any chance of posting your mysql version? I'm a newb when it comes to mysql errors but still curious to know. I appreciate you work on this mod, I love being able to see what terms users are searching for. Also, I downloaded 2days ago.. what changes were made on 2/23/2007 and should I uninstall/upgrade? Thank you.

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